re:周末, 我按照小Y现在的水平,给小Y挑了...
周末, 我按照小Y现在的水平,给小Y挑了 15个ABA 训练的program出来, 交给了他的三个ABA 老师. 她们马上就开始做这些program了. 这些老师都是ABA 出身, 但同时精通floor time的, 所有, 小Y和她们在一起可以轻松地上完两个小时的课而不觉得厌烦. 当然, 我是不提供任何强化物的, 零食是一点都不给的.
前三个program是开始加强 mama is eating apple 这个句型和问句的. 我真觉得英语有时很烦人, 有时态的问题.
然后是引进了"我的, 你的, 哪里, 谁, 谁的, 哪一个, 多少"的问句.这些, 我觉得小Y已经差不多都明白了, 但是需要强化训练测试过关.
还有表情和概念词语, 小Y知道了许多的反意词了: 长短, 大小, 快慢, 冷热, 第一和最后 (first, last),满的空的, 里面外面, 上下,前后, 干净和脏的......爸爸试图教小Y左右, 被我制止了. 快八岁的姐姐都还不懂左右呢,三岁的小孩去教干嘛呢.
最后的六个program就不容易了. 希望小Y能在十月份前都明白.
这些, 是对小Y接下来三个月在教学认知上的要求了. 就算都懂了, 离自己能主动表达出来, 并且有强烈的愿望表达出来还差得太远了.后者, 我没对ABA 抱任何希望. 只是希望小Y在生物治疗的帮助下能越来越好.这也是小Y前几个月走过来的路.
1. Verbal Imitation
“m” beginning like marbel
“u” beginning like web
2. Action Labels (Expressive)
With reference to instructor
Sd: what am I doing?
Waving jumping standing sitting clapping running sneezing kissing laughing walking sleeping opening drinking eating crying crawling etc
3. Action/Object Label (Expressive)
“drinking juice” “eating cookie”
In pictures (Sd: “what is she/he doing?”)
With reference to self (Sd: “ what are you doing?”)
With reference to instructor (Sd:”what am I doing?”)
4. Receptive “what is ----doing?
Use photographs of familiar people doing specific things (drinking juice), as well as picture cards.
** we can teach program 2, 3, 4 together
5. Giving/retrieving Two to Three objects
“Give me---and ---and ---.” Start at table. Then have him retrieve objects from around the room. Good for short term memory.
6. Identifying Emotional States (Receptive/Expressive)
** Yao knows Happy/Sad/Pain
7. “My/Your” (Receptive)
With shoe
Sd:”give me my shoe”/”Give me your shoe.”
** need to test if Yao knows my/your
8. Receptive “where?” Plus expressive in, on, under
Sd: “where’s the whistle?”
Model:”In the box/under the box/on the box.”
9. Receptive “who?”
Use photos to elicit mommy, dad, ….( other familiar peope)
** I think Yao understand a little bit where, who, whose, which one. Need to test first.
10. Attributes
Good/bad; first/last; Long/short; heavy/light;
Sd: “show my ‘heavy’.” Use educational picture cards specifically targeting these different attributes.
11. Pronous
Receptive my/your with shoe
Expressive he/she
Sd:”what is he doing? What is she doing? “ Model “ He is ---/She is ---, then fade.
12. Pronous
Receptive my/your with shoe
Expressive he/she
Sd: “what is he doing?/What is she doing?” Model” he is ----/She is---, then fade.
13. Subject/verb/Complement sentence
Describing action picture of people with fuller syntax: At first accept “ boy eating apple,” but gradually model fuller syntax: “ The boy is eating an apple.” After a while, begin to vary the Sd:”tell me about this picture./what’s happening here?/what’s the girl doing?” etc. maintain expressive preposioints “he” and”she”, attributes, action labeling, emotion labeling an expressive prepositions with this program.
14. Simple sentences
I see a -
It’s a –
(Construct an “I see” book. Paste pictures in notebook. One item per page for five pages; two items per page for five pages; three items per page for five pages; etc. prompt for longer sentences as mastered:” I see a --- and a ---and a ---.” Before increasing objects, make sure he says” I see a ball” instead of “ I see ball.”)
15. Simple social questions
Name Age Brother/sister
16. I don’t know
Use cards. Pictures of amiliar objects. Sd: what’s this?” ect. Intersperse a few pictures of unusual objects, such as a spark plug. Model “ I don’t know.” As soon as he has understood this concept, begin generalizing it with books, magazines, etc. When “ I don’t know” is mastered, prompt him to say “ I don’t know, what is it?”.