是啊,我们的第一阶段也不是模仿。训练好几个月了,正式的大动作模仿还没开始呢 :-)非但没开始,根据嘟嘟的特点还要稍推迟一些。现在仍是物体模仿。
嘟嘟妈妈:模仿包括动作模仿(imitation action)和物体模仿(imitation with objects)。有的孩子的确更容易掌握物体模仿,教学中可以用他/她已经掌握的物体模仿促进动作模仿。这就是Lovaas老先生说的得用孩子能学的方法去教。摘了一段武林秘籍中的问题与解答:
Question: A student encounters major difficulties acquiring the instruction "Touch head".However,the student has learned to imitate the teacher's use of objects (e.g. placing a block in a bucket, moving a toy car back and forth).
Answer: Teach the student to touch his head when requested to do so by first having him imitate placing a beanbag on his head following the instruction "Touch head"....Gradually fade the beanbag and bring the correct response under the control of the SD "Touch head".
In short, use an object or your modeling (visual cue) to facilitate mastery of receptive instruction (auditory cue). |