Wen's Expressive Word List (June 20, 2008)
( Notes: There are total approximately 200 words Wen can expressively label. That is, when presenting Wen a picture card for the following words, he can pronounce what it is. However, his pronunciation for most of these words is still not clear and hard to understand. Still need to work on articulation parts of these words. Also need to work on their functional use.)
Numbers: 1, 2, 3,…….100 and beyond, 1000 and beyond.
Letters: A—Z
Shapes: cross, circle, diamond, heart oval, pentagon, rectangle, star, square, triangle
Colors: blue, black, brown, green, purple, orange, red, white, yellow
Food (eating related): apple, banana, orange, grape, watermelon, bread, Cherrios, noodle, rice, snack, cracker, fish (golden-fish), raisins, water, milk, bottle, cup, spoon, fork, chicken, meat, egg, eat, drink, carrot, tomato,
Clothes: shoes, socks, pants, bib, hat, shirt, Boots, diaper, coat
Body parts: head, eyes, nose, mouth, ear, hair, hand, foot, tooth, leg, arm, finger, tongue
Playground: slide, swing, swimming pool,
Household: home, house, garage, door, kitchen, TV, deck, yard, gate, upstairs, bed, computer, chair, table, Bathtub, brush, toothbrush, key, potty, window, broom, soap, stove,
Transportation: car, bus, School bus, train, airplane, boat, wagon, truck, firetruck
Outside: park, tree, flower, grass, star, moon, sun
Animals(related) and insects: cat, dog, cow, sheep, horse, bird, duck, fish, elephant, zebra, pig, rabbit, bunny, parrot, chicken, lion, tiger, panda, frog, butterfly, snake, turtle, bee, spider, squirrel, farm, barn
Toys: bubbles, ball, phone, bike, doll, stroller, teddy bear, video, marker, crayon, puzzle, drum, book, stickers, music, block, baby, balloon, Scissors, shovel, blocks,
Time related: Clock, Calendar, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Action words: Brush, drink, eat, sleep, coloring, throw, read, talk, sit, stand, jump, swim, ride, paint, walk, run, shake, dig, stop, climb, cut, cry, laugh, go, help, play, kick, cook, measuring, wash,
Statements and expressions: All done, help, open door (gate), buckle off, unlock phone, more water, light on (off), open computer, I want …,
Answer basic questions: what is your name? How old are you? What is your birthday?
What is your mama(mom)[baba(dad), didi(brother’s)] name? What is your home phone number? Some Yes/No questions (do you want …? Is this ….?)
Miscellaneous words: Excellent, wonderful, big, plus, equal, school, Boy, girl, more, yes, no,super