宝贝自己会用中文数数到20了。妈妈就用不上啦。也不再向妈妈提”mama, count to ten"的要求了。真是有得就有失啊。
宝贝自己也弄明白了数字中英文的对应关系。动不动就自己说“Five is 5, three is 3, ......".
家里有一个大头儿子学英语的碟子。里面中英文都教。宝贝一直很爱看。我们不太确信他是否看得明白。现在既然有一点点明白中英文的对应关系了,于是我问他,”Garden is" 宝贝说“花园”,我又问“baby is"? "tomato is ?"rice is? " "noodle is? .....宝贝很能回答一部份。
开始给宝宝训练上厕所了。比我想象的顺利。宝贝好像自己有些感觉了。如果自己没有尿意,我们想让他去,他就拒绝去。如果让他去,他还合作的话,一般都能尿一点出来。看来他有些明白自己是否需要上厕所。本来打算把上厕所问题继续下去,可惜下周宝贝就要去学校了。我们问学校里的意见,他们觉得刚开始对宝贝对大家都是一个新的适应过程。暂时让宝贝适应后,再考虑potty training的事情。看来只好继续用diaper了。
每天出门回来,让他自己把鞋子脱掉,放在某个特定的地方。他都还听话,会照办。其实,在生活中教孩子这些东西,让孩子听从这些实际指令,更有价值。我一直很推崇“Natural Environment Training (NET) ”。生活中实在有太多可以教孩子的地方。但是,我贯彻得不够好,一方面是孩子没有兴趣跟我学,另一方面我不够有耐心,图省事,自己一个人做了或者代办了。实在是需要好好改变一下自己,耐心再耐心。
Your home is a learning centre.and there is lots to learn!
In the kitchen let your child:
*sort boxes by size or shape
*measure with metric cups, spoons
*help mix, stir, open, put away
*find ingredients as you read a recipe
*sort utensils into a divided tray
*fold dish towels, water plants, wipe the table, put out place mats and set the table
*find containers with sweet or salty food, contents that are wet or dry
*name tools and appliances and their uses
In the bathroom let your child:
*use the mirror to name body parts
*fold and hang towels and wash cloths
*find shapes: circle, rectangle
*talk about textures: smooth, rough,hard, soft, fuzzy
*talk about opposites – hot/cold,full/empty, big/little, wet/dry,clean/dirty, scented/unscented, float/sink, warm/cool
*name sounds: flushing, dripping
In the living room let your child:
*talk about loud, quiet, high and low sounds
*develop motor skills by dusting
*find shapes in common objects (television, bookcase, rugs, pillows, magazines, blinds)
*name things in groups (furniture, decorations, soft things, things to read, entertainment)
*develop number skills playing card or board games
In the bedroom help your child:
*count knobs/doorknobs
*name clothing; match socks and shoes in pairs
*talk about front, back, right and wrong side of clothing
*talk about fasteners: zippers,buttons, laces, snaps, Velcro
*talk about clothes for hot or cold weather
*sort toys by groups: the ones with wheels, or faces, the ones with moving parts, batteries….
Outside the home let your child:
*count steps, stones, trees,
*feed the birds or a family pet
*find different colours, textures, smells
*find and name bugs, flowers, animals
*find common shapes on: wagon, car,playground equipment
*develop motor skills by: washing the car, raking leaves, watering plants
Experience trips away from your home
Take your child:
*on a walk around the neighbourhood
*on a “listening” trip and keep notes about what you hear
*on a scavenger hunt: first make a list of things to find (a yellow flower, a black pebble, a gray feather)
*to the grocery store, a farm,a laundromat, the public library,a beach, a park, a recreation centre
After the trip with your child
*talk about what you saw, heard, touched, and smelled
*make a booklet and have your child tell the story about the trip
* make a collage with things you found on the trip
*put remnants (labels, tickets) in a scrapbook or ask your child to draw pictures to go with the story
*take photos of the trip and help your child put them in the right order in an album
*play a game or sing songs that relate to your trip