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楼主: 小城故事
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发表于 2011-6-7 20:08:06 | 只看该作者





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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-7 20:08:26 | 只看该作者

re:谢谢俊俊妈妈, 越越妈妈, 阿力妈妈和火...

谢谢俊俊妈妈, 越越妈妈, 阿力妈妈和火炉妈妈的关注! 这段时间太忙了, 没功夫上以琳了, 以后多来!

关于羊奶酸奶,是SCD的食品, 把羊奶发酵24小时, 不好吸收的大分子被分解了, 一般的酸奶只是发酵3,4个小时, 理论上是这样的, 就是不知道实践如何, 我要好好观察一下小城的反应, 谢阿力妈的提醒。

老师给了个教学网站,需要交费,内容不错, 我还在试用。


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发表于 2011-6-7 22:47:17 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2011-6-8 00:33:52 | 只看该作者



有段时间没上来了, 太忙, 和学校沟通, 做社交辅助, 给北美的妈妈们推荐ABILL吧。

Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills-Rev...

我们学校一直就用ABLLS 给孩子做评估和决定program的.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-9 00:02:15 | 只看该作者

re:谢K妈, Y妈! 鲜羊奶是肯定不敢给他吃...

谢K妈, Y妈! 鲜羊奶是肯定不敢给他吃的, 酸奶也要试, 看看效果如何吧。 ABILL挺好的, VBMAPP也不错, 两个有重叠, 也有互补。

今天试着给小城用艾灸, 放在他的中脘穴上, 不知道能不能代替按摩, 小城的肠胃因为吃消炎药太多, 功能很差, 我现在就想尽力把他的肠胃调理好, 要不然身体好不了。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-22 02:08:37 | 只看该作者

re:适用艾灸的效果不错, 就是容易上火, 我...

适用艾灸的效果不错, 就是容易上火, 我平时只给他灸10几分钟, 家里烟雾缭绕的。

昨天开始用threelac, 有人说杀酵母菌的作用甚至好于大扶康, 今天第二天, 明显由于前段时间在学校瞎吃造成的自言自语, 傻笑减少了不少, 我每天只给了他半包。 昨天夜里睡眠不好, 滚来滚去, 不知是不是用药造成的。

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发表于 2011-6-22 02:32:54 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-22 03:44:48 | 只看该作者

re:谢阿力妈妈! 的确足三里是个好穴位, 我...

谢阿力妈妈! 的确足三里是个好穴位, 我一般是给他按摩, 还有三阴交, 足底反射区按摩起来特别有效, 下次试试给这些地方灸一下。

这几天小城爸爸帮他收养了5只小鸟, 都是前几天刮大风时从窝里掉出来的。 小城承担起了喂养小鸟的重任, 喂面包喂水, 干得挺带劲的, 一边w喂一边还说“don't worry, bird. I will take care of you." 今天中午和我说, “mommy, we have a take-care-chain. You take care of me. I take care of the little birds." 他还挺会活学活用的, 把刚学会的food chain改头换面了一下。

家里本来养了一只鱼, 这下就有六个宠物了。 小城向我提议还要买一只猫, 我没同意, 告诉他猫和鱼, 鸟是对头,猫来了, 鱼和鸟就要被吃掉了。 他眼珠一转, 跟我说“how about we give the fish to other people and when the little birds get well , we put them back to
their home. then we can have a cat." 感觉最近他的思维又上去了不少。


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发表于 2011-6-22 12:55:47 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-23 00:15:52 | 只看该作者

re:没什么计划, 再把禁食重新开起来, 在学...

没什么计划, 再把禁食重新开起来, 在学校吃乱了, 另外加一些添加剂, 希望能把他的酵母菌控制好。

小城曾经也是这样, 我们特别小心, 冬天出门都要左右思量, 另外要增加总体免疫力, 去年他的嗓子老是吭吭的, 后来暑假养了几个月, 加了锌和牛初乳, 再禁食, 就一下子好了。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-23 00:37:00 | 只看该作者

re:羊奶酸奶吃到第3,4天, 开始有high...

羊奶酸奶吃到第3,4天, 开始有high pitched squeak了, 就是憋着嗓子尖叫, 我陡然想起来, 他小时候是吃formula的, 一天到晚尖叫, 有时还打人, 不就是对奶分子不耐受的症状么!这也是酵母菌泛滥的症状之一:

What Does Yeast Overgrowth Look Like? (酵母菌泛滥是什么样子?)

Yeast overgrowth manifests itself in two forms – behavior and physical.
Behavioral signs (行为标志)

    Headaches (头疼)
    Inappropriate laughter (不合宜的大笑)
    Sleep disturbances 睡眠干扰
    Unexplained intermittent crying episodes 莫名其妙的间断性的哭泣
    Belly aches 肚子疼
    Constipation 便秘
    Bed wetting 尿床
    Gas pains
    Fatigue 疲倦
    Depression 抑郁
    Inattention 注意力缺乏
    Hyperactivity 过度兴奋
    Anger, aggression 愤怒, 攻击行为
    Increased self-stimulatory behavior 自我刺激加大
    High-pitched squealing 高声尖叫
    Increased sensory defensiveness 感统问题
    Climbing/jumping off things 爬跳
    Sugar cravings 渴望甜食
    Confusion 迷惑
    Lethargy 懒洋洋的状态

Physical Signs

    in the mouth, in the form of thrush
    on the skin such as diaper rash or eczema
    red ring around the anus
    rash or cracking between the toes or joints

在这一系列的症状当中, 小城占了很多条, 去年禁食后好了很多, 前段时间又老毛病回来了, 现在禁了后又在慢慢好转。吃了益生菌threelac后, 明显好了不少。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-23 03:56:58 | 只看该作者

re:如何控制酵母菌? 1. 不吃过敏...


1. 不吃过敏食物
2. 适当吃益生菌
3. 不能吃太多。 老话说“要想小儿安, 三分饥和寒”, 小城只要舌苔一发白, 酵母菌就起来。
4. 压力不能过大, 不要过度劳累。
5. 整体免疫力要上去。


1. 按摩
2. 艾灸
3. 适当的益生菌
4. 尽量少吃消炎药!!!!!这是小城肠胃酵母菌泛滥的罪魁祸首!
5. 少吃多餐, 定时限量。
6. 尽量少吃生冷寒凉之物。

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发表于 2011-6-23 10:23:56 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2011-6-23 19:20:17 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-23 21:02:29 | 只看该作者

re:谢俊妈关心! 阿力妈妈, 我是在...


阿力妈妈, 我是在这儿买的:

这个和妈咪爱成分挺像的。还有个fivelac, 我得研究研究。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 00:14:57 | 只看该作者

re:好久没上来了。 最近在给小城听Frank...

好久没上来了。 最近在给小城听Franklin的故事, 练听力和理解能力, 还有口语。 我把很多对白记下来了,给学英语的小朋友看。

Franklin rides a bike

Franklin could swim under water and pump himself up high on the swing. Franklin also knew how to ride a bike, with training wheels of course.

“Bear, that’s the fourth time today.”
“Sorry Franklin, I keep missing the ball.”
“What’d happen if we had a bat catcher?’
“I can’t rabbit. I am busy building my castle.”
“Again and again.”
“That is how you get better at something, Franklin, just like me, on the bars. This time I’ll make it. “
“Maybe next time.”
“That’s it. With you two around my castle building days are over.“
“Don’t give up, Franklin. Just build it somewhere no one can fall on it.”
“maybe tomorrow.”
“It’s almost supper time.”

“Yeah I won I won!”
“Well first is the worst and second is the best. Besides, my leg hurts and I fell..”
“Oh never mind.”

“Remember Bear, right elbow out, eye on the ball.”
“I am good at every other sports, soccer, hockey, football, why can’t I hit baseball?”
“Hey Bear, you are doing a lot better.”
“Rabbit’s right. Yesterday was one ball out of 20. Today you are hitting twice as many. “
“I am getting better.”

“Noticed anything?”
“Ready for another race, Franklin?”
“I think I will help my mother with something. Bye!”
“If you change your mind.”

“mom, they are all riding without training wheels.”

“what about further along the river?”

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 00:15:24 | 只看该作者

re:Franklin is Messy...

Franklin is Messy

Franklin could count forwards and backwords. He could count by 2s and tie his shoes. But Franklin was so messy that he could hardly ever find his things, even special things.

“Sir Franklin, do you really have to wear that at the table?”
“Sir Bear is going to be here any minute mom. There he is!”
“Lady Beaver is leading the knights in the blue box and quest for enchanted cookies.”

“Find it and meet us at the big rock behind Beaver’s.”
“Where are they? Im going to miss everything. I know what to do. They don’t match my helmet but who cares.”

“There’s still a few enchanted crumbs left.”

“Hi guys. Here I am. We can start the quest for the enchanted cookies now.”

“Start? We’ve already found the enchanted cookies.”
“Tell Franklin all about it. Sir Greedy.”

“I know. Let’s pretend our castle is under attack.”

“come on. Let’s go. Charge!”

“Let’s start. The moat is deep enough. Come on, goose, we are the queens of the castle you are the dirty rascals.”

“Come on. Draw our sword. Let’s show them

“I forgot my sword. I need a stick.”
“No sticks Franklin. You know what my mom always say ‘you poke someone’s eye out.”

“Go get your sword Franklin. Hurry!”

“I’ll be right back.”

“I haven’t seen it. Look in your closet.”

“Are you sure you haven’t seen it mom? It’s about this long. I made it out of cardboard too. “

“I know what you’ve used. I found six feet of gift wrap crumbled in the cupboard. “

“Can I use another one?”

“There isn’t another one. You’ll have to use something else. But not a sharp stick.”

“Mom, can I have a carrot?”

“Yes. But you can also help tidy this mess.”

“There is a sword sticking through you. Hurry up and fall already.”

“Ok, move over some more.”

“That was fun.”

“Now I am the king of the castle.”

“My sword and shield are going to get soggy. I’ve got to go.”

“I didn’t get to play your anything. Wait, don’t go. We can play in my room.”

“Yeah. Your mom can make us a snack.”

“So what are we going to play?”

“A game. Hold this. “

“Is there enough room to play in here?”

“What are we playing?”

“Some game with Franklin’s fish I guess.”

“What are the buttons for?”

“I lost a little bit plastic guys.”

“I am not surprised.”

“Let’s roll the dice to see who goes first.”

“Hey that’s one of missing pieces from my puzzle. I thought you said you did not have them.”

“Well what I meant was I couldn’t find them.”

“There is another piece here somewhere. Help me find it. You should find my puzzle piece first Franklin.’’

“I might as well look to. I think I found something.”
“It used to be an apple. “
“Im not looking anymore. I want to wash my hands’’
Hey, it stopped raining.’’
“To the backyard, royal knights, charge!”
“You have to find my other puzzle piece first.”
“Because it’s mine and you lost it!”
“It isn’t fair. I’ll find her puzzle piece. Found it!”
“I am surprised you can find anything in here. I think it’s time you did something about it.”
“Come on, just one more. Whhh, where can I put this thing? Here is a good spot. “
“Ready for an inspection? That’s much better. Now I’m glad you did not. There’s still time to play before supper. Hang along.”

“Behold, brave knights. The fire-breathing dragon is coming out of its flare. “
”pursue! How shall we trap the beast?”
“What we need is a dragon bait.”
“What do dragons like to eat Sir Bear?”
“Hey guys. Neat dragon. What do I have to be dragon bait?”
“Because WE have the swards and YOU have the carrot.”
“That’s it. I am going to find my sward, once and for all. I’m a brave knight. I’m not dragon bait. “
“So that’s how you clean your room so quickly. And I found this under your rug.”
“It wouldn’t fit in the bookshelf.”
“Or the closet I’ll bet.”
“Maybe we need more places to put things.”
“But there’s so much stuff.”
“you know, If we work together, maybe we can solve that problem.”
“Now that’s how you tidy up a room.”
“And it only took us an hour an a half.”
“But it was time well spent, wasn’t it, Franklin?”
“I found lots of things I lost a long time ago and enough stuff to make my new sward too.”
“As king of turtle castle, I dubbed the Sir Franklin the neat and tidy.”
“Long only ??? pick up after himself.”
“Oh I will. I want my room to look like this all the time.”
“Hey Sir Franklin, are you coming out?”
“As soon as I find my armor. And from now on, that’s not going to be a problem.”

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发表于 2011-9-10 00:26:50 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 00:35:44 | 只看该作者

re:谢谢柴火, 我这段时间太忙了, 现在在给...

谢谢柴火, 我这段时间太忙了, 现在在给他做homeschooling, 我让他重上一年K, 语言社交身体都和别人差太大了, 慢慢补吧。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-10 06:06:19 | 只看该作者

re:下午和小城看Fanklin goes t...

下午和小城看Fanklin goes to day camp, Franklin是个幽默的家伙, 经常说些funny的东西, 象“Did you ever see a Beaver with a fever?”“Did you ever see a Bear with his tail in the air?” 小城临场发挥, 说了一些妙语:

Did you ever see a snake stealing a cake?
Did you ever see a dog throwing a log?
Did you ever see a bear eating a pear?
Did you ever see a frog hopping inside the fog?

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