re:RDI 笔记我们的RDI 我不是很满...
RDI 笔记
我们的RDI 我不是很满意,主要是她不是每一次都有准备而来,有的时候来了就和Ean玩一玩,那些我已经知道并会做的东西,有点像OT,这么久终于又有了一次较有准备的。以下是笔记。
Learning to analyze your child's gaze:
*anticipatory gazing
*study gazing
*uncertainty referencing
*monitoring state of coordination
*fearful gazing
*experience-sharing gazing
*observe for appraisal
*observing for approval
*Proud gazing
slowing down waiting for him to shift his gaze
make sure your voice emphasizes the action of the word(squeeeeeeze!!..)
wait for him to do somthing together (I need your help, we did it)
simple roles: in a simple game, let him know his role of keep game going...
a game example: trading places: both seating on a chair facing each other,holding hands, count to three then yell "Trade..." and then trade the seat