re:niuniuma:Theory of m...
niuniuma:Theory of mind和joint attention是一路的,都是社会交往的基础,只不过是更高级一些。在孩子的能力达到一定程度以后,就可以教了。
Baron-Cohen这本书着重在三个方面:Emotion,Informational States and Play,主要解决以下的问题:
* how to interpret facial expressions
* how to recognise feelings of anger, sadness, fear and happiness
* how feelings are affected by what happens and what is expected to happen
* how to see things from another person's perspective
* how to understand another person's knowledge and beliefs
* Level 1 Recognition of facial expression from photographs
Example: Put four photos with happy/sad/angry/afraid persons
Say: Now we are going to look at some faces that shoe us how people feel
(Then)Ask: Can you point to the (happy)face?
这个练习包含了ABA初级阶段的receptive labels,receptive commands,discrimination learning等等。接着可以加上ABA初级阶段的matching:
Say: Let's put the four faces here. This is happy, sad, angry and afraid.I have some more faces for you to look at. Can you put these with the pictures that look the same?(起初可以只选一张配对)This one is happy. Where should we put the happy face?
Yes. That's right, that face is happy too! etc......
* Level 2 Recognition of emotion from schematic drawings
* Level 3 Identification of situation-based emotions
* Level 4 Desire-based emotions
* Level 5 Belief-based emotions
* Teaching needs to be broken down into small steps, so that complex skills are acquired gradually, as a sequence of separate components;
* Naturalistic teaching is usually more effective...;
* Behaviours that are systematically reinforced will be acquired more rapidly and will be more likely to be maintained...
* Problems of generalisation can be reduced if teaching focuses on the principles that underlie concepts... |