正好有个自闭症杂志介绍了这个所谓"儿童发育验光师"的网站,里面原来有专门针对自闭症儿童的综合检查.我不知道中国国内有没有" Optometrists in Vision Development "的专科,有的话建议去看看那里有没有这样的检查.
在美国的朋友们可以去这个:http://www.covd.org, 寻找你家附近的儿童发育验光师,但不是每个儿童发育验光师都能做自闭症检查的,我也正一个个撒网搜索,以后有具体进展再及时通报.
这里是关于视觉治疗自闭症的事例: http://www.visionstories.org/vision_autism.html
Autism & Vision
What is Autism?
Autism is a neurobiological disorder. People with autism have difficulty processing and responding to information from their senses. They also have difficulties with communication and social interaction. Symptoms of autism can include lack of reciprocal social interaction, delays in development, and inappropriate response to sensory information.
Visual Problems and Autism
Visual problems are very common in individuals with autism. Visual symptoms of autism can include lack of eye contact, staring at spinning objects or light, fleeting peripheral glances, side viewing, and difficulty attending visually.
Autistic people often use visual information inefficiently. They have problems coordinating their central and peripheral vision. For example, when asked to follow an object with their eyes, they usually do not look directly at the object. Instead, they will scan or look off to the side of the object. Autistic individuals might also have difficulty maintaining visual attention. Eye movement disorders and crossed eyes are common in the autistic spectrum.
Poor Integration of Central and Peripheral Vision
Autistic individuals can also ignore peripheral vision and remain fixated on a central point of focus for excessive periods of time. Poor integration of central and peripheral vision can lead to difficulties in processing and integrating visual information in autistic individuals. Motor, cognitive, speech, and perceptual abilities can also be affected when visual processing is interrupted.
Hypersensitive Touch and Vision
Many people with autism are tactually or visually defensive. Tactually defensive people are easily over-stimulated by input through touch. They are always moving and wiggling. They avoid contact with specific textures. Visually defensive persons avoid contact with specific visual input and might have hypersensitive vision. They have difficulty with visually "holding still" and frequently rely on a constant scanning of visual information in an attempt to gain meaning.
Vision Exams for Autistic Patients
Methods for evaluating the vision of people with autism will vary depending on individual levels of emotional and physical development. Testing is often done while the patient is asked to perform specific activities while wearing special lenses. For example, observations of the patient's postural adaptations and compensations will be made as he or she sits, walks, stands, catches and throws a ball, etc. Such tests help to determine how the autistic person is seeing and how he or she can be helped.
Treatment of Visual Problems Associated with Autism
Depending on the results of testing, lenses to compensate for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism (with or without prism) may be prescribed. Vision Therapy activities can be used to stimulate general visual arousal, eye movements, and the central visual system. The goals of treatment may be to help the autistic patient
organize visual space and gain peripheral stability so that he or she can better attend to and appreciate central vision and gain more efficient eye coordination and visual information processing.
Many COVD doctors are experienced in examining and treating autistic people as well as other developmentally delayed or non-verbal individuals. Locate a Doctor today.
Kwenma:我们是一年前去过医生(专门给ZB小孩检查配眼镜)那里,配了PRISM, 就是如同上述文章所说的问题。结果我们觉得他戴眼镜麻烦,就没有很好执行。结果上周又去,被医生“狠批”了一顿,现在开始坚持戴。然后可能结合VISION THERAPY做。如果将来你眼睛方面的问题变好了,这个眼镜其实可以随时取,没有任何依赖性(就是你戴了2-3个月不戴了,也没有副作用和依赖性,只是可能你的眼睛的功能还不好。)建议F版带闻森去看看。一般你可以问问周围的家长他们推荐COVD网上你家附近的那个医生? |