re:她们的邮件如下。Dear Pro...
Dear Professor,
we have been seeing your patient here in our uveitis clinic. At the first visit on mai 31st it wasnt easy to examine Victor as he was a little afraid and tired, but at the last visit on june 21st he was very cooperative. I couldnt see iritis on either visit and the scars in the periphery on the left eye also seemed inactive. His vision was aproximately 0,32 and 0,2 with LEA on his right and left eye respectively.
As the eyes were so nicely quiet I recommended to reduce the treatment with fluormetolon to 2x on the left eye as well. I think Victor will soon be ready to be examined by applanatory measurement so pressure on the left eye can be checked as palpatory it seemed a little higher than the right eye. Otherwise he would need another exam under general anesthesia but I would think as he is so reasonable and cooperative it can be avoided.
Regarding the etiology I think that intrauterine CMV infection seems a reasonable explanation. In the case of another flare up one could consider aqueous tap and PCR diagnostics to confirm this.
Now the parents would like us to comunicate regarding further follow-up. I am happy to see him here, the only problem is that the french insurance may not pay for it or only partially. The parents are checking this. I would think that Victor would benefit from contact lenses instead of the aphacic glases, as I d rather wait with secondary IOL implants for at least another year or two until we can be sure that no more inflammatory activity occurred. What do you think?
best regards,
Dear Doctor ,
I totally agree with you and I'm very happy you will follow that very kind child.I'm a bit surprised but enjoyed that no inflammation is found.That's a very good news.
If you have any question , you always can write to me by mail.
Best regards
Sehr geehrte Frau C,
unten stehend meine email Korrespondenz mit Prof.S. Wenn es von Ihrer Seite gewünscht/möglich ist, bzw. die Kostenübernahme geklärt ist können wir gerne einen weiteren Termin zur Kontaktlinsenanpassung und erneuten Untersuchung ausmachen.
mit freundlichen Grüssen,