摘自making a difference (2001) by Taylor and Jasper。
Beginning programs
1. looks at peer when instructed by adult
2. establishes eye contact when name is called by peer
3. reciprocates greetings
4. initiates greetings
5. imitates peer’s actions
6. imitates peer’s actions when instructed by adult
7. imitates peer’s verbalizaitons
8. follows instructions presented by peer
9. follows instructions to play with peer
10. takes turn with toy or activity
11. answers social questions presented by peer
12. reciprocates social questions
13. initiates social questions
14. follows play initiations stated by peer
15. reciprocates comments about objects
16. reciprocates social information (beginning,intermediate, and advanded )
17. makes play initiation statements
18. shows toy items to peer
19. requests preferred items
20. gives items requested by peer
21. attends to items when requested by peer
22. plays games with peer
intermediate programs
1. responds to and initiates parting statements
2. directs play task
3. follows play-related directions
4. asks question following reciprocation statement
5. initiates comments about objects
6. asks to join play activity
7. learns new responses by observing peer (verbal)
8. learns new repsones by ovsering peer (nonverbal)
9. responds to and reciprocates compliments
10. responds affirmatively to peer’s requests
11. requests assistance from peer
12. offers assistance to peer
13. pretends to be teacher or student
14. plays pretend games
15. initiates pretend play with peer
16. uses assertive language
17. relates experiences to peer
18. offer personal information
19. invites peer to join play activity
20. delivers messages stated by peer
21. comments about play activities
Advanced programs
1. asks questions to gain information
2. comments about play behavior of peer
3. asks permission of peer to play with peer’s toys
4. responds to refusals
5. responds to peer’s gestures
6. differentiates when to ask question and when to reciprocate information
7. initiates topic for conversation
8. demonstrates appropriate nonverbal behavior when listening or speaking to peer
9. responds to peer’s comments about personal states
10. expresses empathy
11. offers alternative play activity
12. acknowledges similarities or differences between self and peer
13. make subtle comments to peer’s statements
14. plays guessing game
15. defends peer
16. joins conversation
17. responds to changes in cnversational topic
18. responds to nonverbal cues of listener”。
所谓自闭训练,是机构,专家研究的事情。 很少专家像家长一样,会去关心孩子的综合成长和心理健康。
社交技能ABA,在中国,就很有可能发展为某种吃钱的机构。 不能说这种训练没用,就是因为这种训练太有用了,ABA一上,打招呼,回应,再见,全都会了,家长高兴,机构高兴,孩子其实重要的东西没学到。