1. 小火炉will participate in parallel play, but benefits from adult facilitation to interact with a peer. The social worker has observed him making attempts to interact with a peer in the classroom on 2 occasions, however the attempts both ended with 小火炉 taking the peer's toy. (小火炉能进行平行玩,但如果大人引导着,也能跟小朋友玩。曾主动跟小朋友互动2次,每次都是把人家的玩具抢走了。)
2. 小火炉plays turn taking games with an adult and will designate whose turn it is (my turn, your turn). He is not yet demonstrating an interest in a wide range of imaginary play or pretend play or games that include other children and benefits from adult facilitation, visual scripts and modeling to engage in these activities (80% of the time). 大概意思是说,小火炉能跟大人进行轮换游戏,不喜欢跟别的小朋友的大规模的假想游戏,就算参加,也必须要大人的鼓励或者作样板。
He is able to participate in structured gross motor activities but is limited by his ability to take turns. If turn taking is practiced priorto gross motor reciprocal activities being presented, 小火炉"s ability to perform is enhanced. He continues to struggle with drop/catch and bounce/catch.在轮换游戏的时候,大运动的活动会受限,但如果联系了一遍轮换,就好些了。我记得老师说,她唯一觉得小火炉需要提高的是球类的游戏,其他的不需要,这也是为什么没有了physical therapy的原因。
Fine motor(精细运动): 小火炉也是基本达标,但笔头的工作就不好。
1. 小火炉 is inconsistent with the placement of drawing utensils often holding the pencil higher on the shaft, but with redirection and replacement, he is able to maintain a tripod grasp. 拿笔老是拿高了,但纠正了,就好了。
2. He is able to reproduce a circle but will often have overlapping ends. He is not able to reproduce or trace the letters. 画圆总是尾端重叠,不能写或者描字母。------柴火补充:描字母应该是可以了,就是歪歪扭扭的,但肯定自己不能写。
3. He is unable to cut on a curved line, which requires turning of the paper and scissors together.不能剪曲线,主要是掌握不好转纸。
Communication (交流):
1. 小火炉 is able to request consistently in an unstructured environment. He will also spontaneously comment on actions he and others are performing. However, he has difficulty commenting on actions that happened in the past. 不会说过去时的动作。
2. He is able to consistently imitate and spontaneously produce subject+verbing utterances. His utterances are typically 1-6 words in length.Some of 小火炉's utterances consist of scripted or learned phrases (i.e: "I don't know" and "what comes next?"). He will typically say these scripted phrases at times when he is unsure or when he is not interested in a classroom activity. 大概就是小火炉能说1到6个字的句子,当他不肯定或者不感兴趣的时候,就说不知道或者问,下一步干什么?
3. He has difficulty consistently producing the "I" pronoun with a present tense verb when asked "What are you doing". He needs adult promptsto produce the full utterance. 就是小火炉不太会说我在怎么,怎么样。-----绝大多数,小火炉的主语都是小火炉,而不是代词。
4. He is able to follow 2 step directions during structured and unstructured activities. However, he has difficulty following directions placing objects in front, behind, and under. 这个主要怪我,没怎么特别教方位词,以前教过,后来好久又没提起过了。
主要就是让小火炉对同伴问好,并能对别人的问好作反应,follow a play script, 理解方位,加强pre-writing和剪刀的能力。 |