Spoken Language - Comprehension(Understanding):
The Auditory Comprehension subtest of the PL4 was administered to assess XXX's understanding of Language.Scores werre not derived as many items are not applicable
in Mandarin. However, based on XXX's responses, his understanding of language appeared to be at the borderline /age-appropriate of his age at this time. He demonstrated comprehension(either in English or in Mandarin) of most of the items in the 42-47 months and 48-53 months age ranges. For example, he understood expanded sentences(e.g."Point to the kitten that is sleeping"), qualitative concepts(e.g. tall, short, shapes), and picture analogies(e.g. You sleep in a bed. You sit on a ___). During the session, he also responded appropriately when he was talked to.
Spoken Language - Production(Talking):
XXX's expression language skills were informally assessed by observation and using some questions from the PLS-4. At free play, he mainly used 2- to 3- word utterances in Mandarin to express himself. He asked question "how to open it?" He was able to tell how an object is used(e.g. a spoon is for "eating"),
answer questions logically(e.g. what would you do if you feel sick?), answer "how many" and "where" questions. He had difficulty in answering "how old are you" and "what do you put on pizza", completing analogies(e.g. ice cream is cold, fire is ____), and using possessives. He did not understand or use prepositions(e.g.under, behind, etc.) although his parents had worked on those concepts with him.
Based on the above information, XXX's expressive language skills were subjectively judge to be mildly / moderately delayed for his age at this time.
Pragmatics(Social Use of Language):
This is an arean that his parents have been working on with XXX. During today's session, XXX did not demonstrate significant difficulty in interacting with his mother or this clinician. He requested(e.g. "I want house"), asked question(e.g. "how to open it"), made comment(e.g. "the hamburger becomes an egg"), described pictures(e.g."he is sleeping"), answered questions, etc. He was also noted to initiate a conversation and stayed on the topic for 3 to 4 turns. Eye contact was also adequate.
Overall XXX was intelligible to a stranger although occasional articulation errors of later developing sounds(e.g. /s/)were heard.
Although overall XXX was fluent, there were a few instances he repeated the initial word of an utterance(for one instance in the middle of a phrase). He also tended to use a slow speech rate when he talked. His skills in this area should be monitored.
Overall, based on today's session XXX's receptive language skills appeared to be at the borderline/age appropriate level. His expressive language skills were subjectively judged to be mildly / moderately delayed. However, the results should be interpreted with caution as English is not XXX's first language. His social communication skills appeared to be adequate while his fluency would require monitoring.
The following recommendations were discussed and agreed to by his mother:
1. Continue to enhance XXX's language skills(activity sheets were provided to parent)by providing different experience for him as well as expanding his use of language.
2. Given reported background information and his diagnosis, XXX's overall communication skills will be monitored and observed at day care(i.e.a different setting). Therapy plan will determined accordingly.
3.XXX will be in a language group when a space is available. Due to his age, he will only receive on block of therapy from TPSLS.
Handout given:
Talking During Dressing; Talking and Television; Talking During Bathtime; Talking During Mealtime; Vacation Activities for Language Development.