昨天IEP,小火炉被正式的从ASD classroom 交接给 resource了。我以前不明白什么是resource,那里的老师是干什么的。昨天才知道,resource teacher就是看学生哪个方面弱,就给提供额外帮助的。
In the areas of social and communication skills, 小火炉 continues to require adult prompting and modeling to develop age-appropriate skills. He inconsistently responds when directly addressed and will often hide behind objects or people; particularly in new situations and with less familiar people. This behavior presents more as “shyness” rather than a specific speech and language impairment as there are other times in which 小火炉 will directly initiate and interact with others with no trace of anxiety or shyness. 小火炉 would also benefit from modeling and instruction in gaining the attention of an adult to make requests and comments in a socially appropriate way.
小火炉 is currently involved and progressing in the general education Kindergarten curriculum on a full-time basis. At this point, 小火炉’s social deficits and his ability to interact appropriately with his peers are his greatest challenge. In order for 小火炉 to engage with his same age peers, it is necessary for an adult to facilitate and initiate those interactions with other peers for 小火炉. Mrs. P,小火炉’s kindergarten teacher, reported that 小火炉 will make minimal comments and respond to questions in a small group setting, but has not yet demonstrated this behavior in a whole-group setting. 小火炉 engages in parallel play, but needs adult facilitation to interact with his peers. 小火炉 prefers to interact with adults. Social functioning should be addressed by creating social experiences, increasing social reciprocity, modeling, and teaching social skills.
Currently, 小火炉 is accessing the general education curriculum in his Kindergarten classroom. He is participating daily in group, centers, free choice, social activities, as well as specials with Mrs. P’s kindergarten class. He continues to make progress in the general education curriculum based on Kindergarten grade level content standards. His academic skills are developmentally appropriate for his age. His word recognition and oral reading skills are above grade level, but he does have some difficulty demonstrating reading comprehension. His math skills seem to be at and/or above grade level. 小火炉 expresses himself verbally with familiar adults and is able to consistently follow classroom routines and adult-prompted verbal directions.
以后的干预就是social worker, speech therapist and resource teacher 都往一个方向,就是社交,与小朋友交流以及主动性问题。一个星期可能总共能有两次,每次20-30分钟老师去教室帮助小火炉,要不就是再找另外一个孩子单提出来建个small group,来锻炼说话。小火炉的班主任也说她会每天都努力的。现在问小火炉喜欢哪个学校,是上午的幼儿园,还是kindergarten,小火炉毫不犹豫地说是K.
班主任老师提到,小火炉读书的理解力是不是有问题。读完后有时问他why,他不会回答,就会把问题再重复一遍。我想,这一方面是孩子的语言障碍,因为他对why的回答还是处于学习阶段,不是都能回答;另一方面,我也确实要注意这读书理解的问题,以后多问他。明年这学年结束前,会给小火炉做一轮新的评估,因为每3年做一次,看看是ASD还是什么别的问题。 |