华盛顿大学医学院的研究人员Nico Dosenbach和Bradley Schlaggar,让238位年龄7到30岁的志愿者在十分放松的情况下接受核磁共振成像(MRI)五分钟时间的扫描,记录下大脑不同区域的血液流动模式,创建出大脑成熟曲线。他们的结果显示,大脑中的长距离神经元连接通常会随年龄的增长而增加,而短距离连接则会随着时间的推进而变得脆弱。研究人员发现,右前额叶皮层和楔前叶的神经连接可用于预测大脑整体成熟度。(Connections involving two particular regions — the right anterior prefrontal cortex and the precuneus — were the best predictors for overall brain maturity, the team found. Neither region was a complete surprise: The prefrontal cortex is important for sophisticated cognitive control, including regulating behavior, adapting to new tasks and planning for the future. The precuneus is known to be a major hub for relationships between separate brain regions.)