kwenma2:孩子的服从问题当然很重要,这也是通过训练可以改善的。不过,千万不要被我引述的话吓着,我想那是指没经过训练的一般孩子而言,而他的话的原意是说hihg-functioning不是一个好的指标。在原来的Lovaas program中,通过训练让孩子说话是一个很重要的目标,而语言提高了也代表认知和思维能力的提高。
象你儿子和melon这样,已经可以通过theory of mind,social story等方法的训练,逐渐明白,而且随着年龄的增长,自控能力也会提高。
"I've been doing this for over 30 years, and I still can't pick which child will do well and which child will not. I can't tell you how often a professional has come to me with a child and said:'This child is going to do great, all he needs is some help with compliance'. And then that child turns out to be one of those who does not progress. No one can tell"。
"About 30% of any random sample of children with autism will be called 'high-functioning”. And yet only about 2% of all children with autism grow up to live independently. What happened to all of those other high-functioning little children. Obviously they did not make the progress people expect"。