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发表于 2006-10-7 22:32:53 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-8 12:46:38 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-8 22:52:51 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-8 23:42:18 | 只看该作者

re:我记得你用的是3天ON, 11天OFF方...

我记得你用的是3天ON, 11天OFF方案。我认为太保守,7天OFF已足够,还有人5天OFF。我们是在与时间赛跑啊!

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-9 07:20:10 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-9 08:40:30 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-9 10:29:51 | 只看该作者






使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-9 11:27:39 | 只看该作者


我查了EDTA它起作用的是-COOH,DMSA起作用的是 -SH,EDTA不会引起YEAST的问题,但它会螯合出很多微量元素,对肾也有影响,DMSA的-SH也是YEAST的营养物质,所以会引起YEAST的问题.我服用DMSA用了2ROUND偏头痛的问题完全消失,我服药的感觉是发热,没有难受的感觉,有点发困,没有加重的感觉,有YEAST的问题,服药其间严重如:脚气加重,腹股沟与腋窝处发痒,其它方面越来越好.我儿子,他的肠漏问题很严重,没服药前也有YEAST的问题,我用抗病毒与YEAST的会药明显好转,我怀疑他有麻疹病毒的问题,我最近加了维生素A,感觉不错,我今天遇到一个老外,她儿子3岁开始用EDTA拴剂,用了一年,语言能力增加,有100个单词量,但对视还是不行,但一切都在好转,没有谈多久,她便离开了.她与我是同一个排毒医生,下次我预约医生时我可能会尝试一下EDTA.我儿子用的是栓剂,有时DMSA弄到我的手上,对皮肤的刺激很强烈,如果涂在皮肤上,肯定不好受.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-11 11:33:10 | 只看该作者


我儿子的肠漏问题一直存在,表现在他的异常行为上,肠漏的形行成是有菌落的YEAST分泌的磷脂酶与蛋白酶分解肠壁形成空洞.我儿子的主食里有很多碳水化合物,它又是YEAST很好的养料,他对蛋白质很不耐受.我唯有用抗YEAST的药来杀YEAST,一方面给养料,一面杀它.我最近加了GLUTEN FREE的面食物,看看怎么样.他现在很廋,我想让他多吃点,看看是否过敏.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-11 11:43:08 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-11 12:06:33 | 只看该作者


不知道你是否听说过PCA-RX,是美国一个小公司研制的新药,机理,成分都比较神秘。但现在开始流行,不少人用过反映效果好,尤其对孩子的语言功能恢复。在ssl.maxamlab.com 的网站有许多奇迹一般的见证。你几乎没有理由怀疑这些见证。这里贴一点英文见证在这里。
Beamer's Progress - 11/23/2004

Hi Julie

It has now been just over 2 months since Beamer started taking AF-X and PCA-Rx.

I have to say when the spray first arrived, and I read I had to spray it under his tongue and have him hold it in his mouth for 2 minutes, I almost cried. To be so close to something that I believed might help him and not be able to give it to him, was beyond belief. I quickly called your 1-800 number and pleaded for help. How was I going to get an autistic child who was not even 2 yet to co-operate with this method of administration. I was very relieved to be assured that this was not a worry. As long as I could get the spray in his mouth, that was all I had to do.

Everything I believed would happen has happened. Beamer is a completely different little boy. Before the spray he had no words at all. I had taught him sign language to try and ease his frustration. This was working well, but speech was our goal. He no longer grits his teeth and grunts. He actually talks, and I mean understandable words. He is not just mirroring our actions, he knows what the words mean, and uses them appropriately. After about 2 weeks of using the spray the words started. I awoke one morning hearing him call mama over his monitor. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was Beamer calling me. How my heart soared, he knew who I was and he called me. I had a name.

From this point on more and more words followed. I had been using Baby Bumblebee video's with him, and now he lets us know that he has learned everything on them. He knows his whole alphabet, and can say each letter. He knows his colors, he knows his numbers to 12.

Speech was our big goal, but we have seen so many improvements, since starting with the AF-X and PCA-Rx. He plays pretend now. We love to watch him playing with his little plastic Pooh, Tigger and the whole gang and giving Pooh rides on Eyore's back. He plays with all his little farm animals and makes all the sounds they make. Now when he watches his video's, you see the understanding in his smile's and laughs at the appropriate times I might add.

He no longer only eats round, brown, foods. He is willing to try more and different foods. He even tried celery.

Every day he says many new words. This morning he was playing with his Pooh figurines, and ask for Poohs house. It came so easy to him, he just looked up and said house please. He was playing with Playdough this morning and he and Papa made some balls. He dropped one and couldn't find it, he kept looking and then shouted there it is as plain as could be. He takes directions now. You can tell him to look behind and he does. If you say it is under the chair he will look for it. If you ask him to get something from another room, he runs off and gets what you have asked for. The other day after watching Beauty and the Beast, he initiated a game of the Beast chasing him. He ran through the house with his little Hot Wheels suitcase of cars, dragging behind him yelling beast, beast, and laughing.

He comes for hugs, for no reason at all. He will be playing and walk over and give us a hug around the legs, just to let us know he cares. I could go on and on, about the changes, but I think I have told you enough to get the message across that he is doing wonderful. The other night when I tucked him in to bed, as I was leaving I said love you, as I always do, only this time he responded with a love you. I think that says it all. He knows who we are, he knows who he is, he feels emotions, not just anger, and frustration, but happiness and love.

To any one that has doubts if these products work, I say try them you have nothing to lose and a whole new world for your child to gain. I don't know how long he will have to keep using these sprays, but it really doesn't matter. Time is on our side now. We are winning. By the way Beamer is 2 now, and I don't think you could pick him out in a group of children as the one who has a problem.

Thanks for all your help

Heather W


Wonderful Update To 'Beamer's Progress - 2/15/2005

I just wanted to give you an update on Beamers progress.

He continues to take his AF-X and his PCA-Rx, and he keeps progressing in leaps and bounds.

We had testing done on him by a speech therapist, the test results were amazing. He is now in the 94th percentile group. Translated that means that only 6% of children his age have a larger vocabulary. 50% is the average range. So his vocabulary is larger by 46% than most normal children. Not bad, considering he was completely non verbal in Sept., that is only 41/2 short months ago, unbelievable. That is his spoken level, his comprehension level is much higher. He is putting 2 and 3 words together at a time. Not only can we understand him, but so can perfect strangers. Sometimes this leads to a few embarrassing moments, such as when he saw a man in the store with a white beard and he insisted it was Santa. Strangers often comment on just how chatty he is, we just smile and say yes he is, and we love it. His speech therapist,( who he only saw 3 times) feels there is nothing she can offer him, because he is progressing at such a rapid rate.

We have seen great improvements in other areas also. I can't remember when he had his last temper tantrum. We have just returned from a long trip to Florida. His first time since he was 6 months old in an airport and through security (which can be trying to the best of us)and a long flight. We were prepared for some transition problems, but were very surprised when there were none. We encountered no problems in going from one hotel to another, he settled in with no adjustment problems at all. We had been very apprehensive about this trip, and were just blown away at how easy it was. It was like traveling with a seasoned traveler. He has come a long way from that little boy; it sometimes took us upwards of a half hour to get out of his room.

Since we have been home, we have looked at videos taken of him last summer. I don't think we realized how silent he was. It is quite heart wrenching to watch those videos and know that without the AF-X and the PCA-Rx; he would still be that silent lost little boy. It is with great joy that we move on to the recent video's and listen to him chatter, and watch him play and run from one animal to the next, at Disney's petting zoo, saying gentle, gentle, as he pets the animals. He loves to watch himself on the videos, and comes and asks for Beamer, and then tells you which he wants to see. We have many for him to pick from, all filled with his laughter, and chatty little voice.

The only sad note to all this progress is that we wish that there was some way of getting this information out to more people. It is upsetting to think that there are so many children out there suffering needlessly, because their parents don't know about these wonderful products. We will continue to tell everyone we meet about them. Because we know without them where Beamer would be, sitting silent, emotionless, and sad. How we celebrate every noisy, fun filled day we have with him now.

Thank you again
Heather W


Beamer's 3rd Report - 7/7/2006

Hi Julie

Nice to hear from you. How is Beamer doing ???   Where do I begin? He is just the most amazing 3 year old little boy. He is very high on life and sings and plays all day. He is never quiet; he has a great deal to say.

We are always happy to contribute in any way we can, to help get the information out there, to let others know that there is help, and that your products really work. I am attaching a couple pictures of Beamer. They show him as he is, a happy, content, normal little boy.

He has been going to a junior kindergarten program at a university preparatory private school, since last February. He has done amazingly well. I will share the remarks from his report card with you.

"Beamer shows such obvious curiosity and competence in so many areas of development that I felt compelled to assess his development from ages 3-6 years of age. He is a pleasure to have in class. Beamer displays cognitive ability well above normal expectations. His social/emotional development is also noteworthy. Every day spent with Beamer reinforces how privileged I feel to be a part of this formative time in his life. I look forward to spending another year with Beamer and guiding his learning."

This is a story his teacher shared with me on this report card. She entitled it, "A Precious Moment."

I sat on the lawn watching the children at play. Beamer stood next to me. His body stood straight. His head was level with mind. "Miss Vicki, will you be my queen?" he asked. "Of course," I replied. "But couldn't I be the princess?" "No" was the answer. "E -- is the princess. I want you to be my queen. I am a knight. A very nice knight and this is my sword." He made a fencing motion with an iris leaf. "I will protect you, Miss Vicki."

His head mistress added this comment. "This lovely story is surely indicative of the creative and compassionate character of Beamer."

Thanks to his PCA-Rx and AF-X, he is developing to his full potential. Without everyone at Maxam Labs, this story could never have happened. We will be forever grateful, as will he, when is older and fully understands.

Everyday is a new experience with him. Right now, his big love is the Cars movie. We have been to see the movie twice and he is collecting every car. The other day he bought a Cars watch. He was on his way to his sand box and he looked down and said "My watch will get dirty. We better take it off." He amazes me with the way he thinks ahead and realizes the consequences of his actions. He also bought the Cars sunglasses and they are magic. When he wears them, he is able to tolerate loud noises that would normally bother him. His imagination is unbelievable. We are all named different cars these days. He, of course, is Lightning McQueen, faster than fast, quicker than quick, he is Lightning, and he has all the lines memorized. I am Sally, his girl friend, and Papa is Tow Mater, his best friend. He watches the movie trailers on his computer, which of course he operates completely on his own. He can do things on the computer that I don't know how to do.

My husband and I are going to start taking NG-Rx to try and keep up mentally with Beamer. He is already very quick to correct us when we make a mistake in naming dinosaurs, or in re-telling a story not quite the way he knows it should be. It is quite scary to be corrected by a 3 year old, especially when he is right!! It is also wonderful to know that he is so quick and so bright.

Thanks again for all your help with Beamer and now with Ethan. We are looking forward to getting him started.

Heather W


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-12 15:17:09 | 只看该作者



你好!不知道你说的PCA-RX是不是《自闭症生物疗法》里提到的PCA-peptidyl clathrating agent?如果是这种药主要成分是硫辛酸。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-13 03:02:17 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-13 19:07:10 | 只看该作者





使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-17 23:33:32 | 只看该作者



我儿子没排毒,所以以前也很少关注这方面的贴子. 今天偶然看到你的贴子,你提到悦林小鸡鸡及肛门经常有疹子. 我儿子小鸡鸡也常常出现红疹子,时间有一年多了.因为他这个问题是从去年夏令营游泳后出现的, 所以我还一直以为是细菌感染. 之后带他看过几次医生, 给的药膏都不太管用. 直到一个月前换了个医生, 开了"HydroVal--Hydrocortisone-17-Valerate Cream usp0.2%", 这个药到是很管用,但一停药就老反复. 因为我对生物疗法所知很少,不知道会不会是"Yeast"的问题 ? 请问悦林的疹子有没有痒?


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-18 12:35:15 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-18 20:35:03 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-19 11:09:58 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-31 12:15:02 | 只看该作者


我们全家人都在排毒,DMSA引起的YEAST的副作用很多,皮肤发痒,手心发痒,胃肠有烧灼难受的感觉,所说的烧心的问题,脚气家重,口腔溃疡严重,因为DMSA里的-SH是YEAST的营养物质造成白色念球菌过度繁殖的原因.现在我改用EDTA,开始停用所有的抗病毒与YEAST的药,他的怪异行为少了很多,已经用了7天,效果不错,因为他现在只有铅的问题,是23,我用10 ON/10 OFF,眼睛接触越来越好,语言也在进步.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-31 12:15:47 | 只看该作者


我们全家人都在排毒,DMSA引起的YEAST的副作用很多,皮肤发痒,手心发痒,胃肠有烧灼难受的感觉,所说的烧心的问题,脚气家重,口腔溃疡严重,因为DMSA里的-SH是YEAST的营养物质造成白色念球菌过度繁殖的原因.现在我改用EDTA,开始停用所有的抗病毒与YEAST的药,他的怪异行为少了很多,已经用了7天,效果不错,因为他现在只有铅的问题,是23,我用10 ON/10 OFF,眼睛接触越来越好,语言也在进步.

使用道具 举报



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