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发表于 2006-6-10 12:59:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2006-6-10 16:17:15 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-17 11:58:53 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2006-6-17 12:28:36 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-18 06:00:54 | 只看该作者


我在加拿大,我的DAN医生是在加拿大.他是药剂师,也是药店的老板,与他合作的有一位医生,,我第一次见他,付了100加元咨询费,后来没有交任何咨询费.检测费第一次验血与尿800加元,检测90种食物过敏与氨基酸与脂肪酸代谢,测出我儿子.YEAST的问题很严重.他给我们开的是,制霉菌素(抗生素)2周,TAKIRKMAN的SUPER NU-THERA复合维生素与矿物质,活菌,P5P与镁的合剂,EPA/NHA,氨基酸.药物排毒前测试付200元,(服DMSA后收集尿).

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-18 06:24:13 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-22 12:43:07 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2006-6-22 13:01:31 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-22 19:47:50 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-24 13:08:38 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2006-6-28 12:01:53 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-2 12:09:59 | 只看该作者


我的排毒医生的电话是5144842222 --27 传真是5144842205,他的电话不好打,要留言他的小姐才回过来,下周我问一下他的邮箱,他的地址是5025 SHERBROOKE  WEST 102 SUPPLEMENTS WESTMOUNT MONTREAL  QUEBEC CANADA 邮编是H4A 1S9 CANADA 他的名字是MEL ALTER,他不是医生,但他有一位与他合作的女医生开处方药,他的药店卖所有我想买的排毒药,他有很多雇员给他做药.[em05]

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-2 12:40:08 | 只看该作者


我儿子YEAST的问题一直没有完全解决,依旧有古怪的行为,有人认为汞中毒是根源,解决了汞的问题,肠漏的问题便解决了,但有人认为解决了肠漏的问题,排毒才能进行的更好,我在YAHOO网站上看到有一位用 GARLIC(大蒜)与UVA URSI解决YEAST的问题,用LAURICIDIN解决病毒的问题,我马上去买来,但我买错了LAURICIDIN,买成了LAURISINE(脂肪酸),我 用GARLIC与UVA URSI 还有OLIVE LEAF (橄榄叶的提取物,也抗病毒),用了三天,真神奇,古怪的行为很少发生了.现在我儿子理解能力好了一些,依旧不能说,昨天发现食物范围又扩大了,绿色蔬菜可以吃了,(原来土豆是主菜)现在我可以减少土豆的量,土豆含有水杨酸,吃多了对自闭症孩子不好.明天悦林进入第三轮排毒.[em03]

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发表于 2006-7-2 12:57:52 | 只看该作者

re:请问GARLIC与UVA URSI 还有...

请问GARLIC与UVA URSI 还有OLIVE LEAF 怎样购买?我儿子的古怪动作也挺多。谢谢!

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-2 13:09:06 | 只看该作者

re:Home Recovery Parent...

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Yeast and Bacteria

The healthy gut contains both yeast and good bacteria, in balance with each other. In many AS, however, one or the other can be out of balance. For example, yeast can overgrow and be too prevalent. Bacteria can overgrow, or there can be a complete lack of bacteria. Also, bad bacteria can develop, rather than good bacteria.

You can read Dr. Shaw's book [Great Plains Lab] online here -- Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD.

Symptoms of yeast and bacteria imbalance

For my son, yeast causes symptoms similar to phenol symptoms -- hyper and giggling, and sleep problems. Sometimes he would spin himself around in circles. For other children, it can cause red ring around the anus, "spaciness", anger and aggression, headache, head banging, sound sensitivity [holding the hands over the ears] and other similar issues. Also, my son's bms went from being firm and solid, to looking "airy and fluffy", similar to sponge cake. Also, it looked like it had strings of melted cheese in it. But sometimes my son's bms did not look any different than normal.

For bacteria overgrowth or "bad" bacteria, parents report their child had poor eye contact, tantrums, hand flapping and stimming, frequent [5-10 per day] and nasty bowel movements ranging from real soft to liquid. For my son, his bacteria bms looked like diluted cottage cheese.

There are several different types of yeast, including candida, which appears to be the most common variety. There are also several different types of "bad" bacteria, including clostridia and Citrabacter F.

My son never had a yeast or bacteria issue so far as I know, until I began chelating with ALA, when he did develop his first yeast issue. Because ALA excretes metals thru the gut, it does tend to increase the possibility of a yeast issue in yeast-sensitive children. Some people also report an increase in yeast issues when using DMSA for chelation.

There is also an increased tendency to develop a yeast issue if your child has to use antibiotics for ear infections or other issues. So if you choose to give your child antibiotics for something, be sure to use one of the OTC remedies indicated below, or ask your child's doctor for a prescription for an anti-fungal medication to use along with the antibiotics.

Lauricidin and other anti-virals can also cause yeast. With chelation [removal of heavy metals], my son's tendency toward yeast was entirely eliminated for about a year, until I started anti-virals. When I started Lauricidin with my son, his viral issues significantly reduced, but his yeast significantly increased. More information on this below.

Yeast can be in other places besides in the gut. Yeast can be in the mouth [thrush], or on the skin [diaper rash area or feet/toes or other skin area]. See ideas under OTC methods for addressing these yeast issues.


Testing for these issues can be performed at any competent laboratory, altho many parents report that "standard" laboratories did not detect their child's yeast and/or bacteria issues. Here are two laboratories with sites on the internet for your information.

The Great Plains Laboratory -- Testing

Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory

Dietary treatment options

During the "die-off" phase, when the excess yeast and/or bacteria is dying off, toxins released by the dying organisms can [altho not necessarily so] cause very severe negative reactions, so it is best to progress slowly, to minimize this die-off effect. Giving activated charcoal about 45 minutes after any yeast treatment can help absorb the toxins of die off.

The first thing to do is eliminate or at least drastically reduce the consumption of yeast, sugars, and carbohydrates. This includes using yeast-free breads and other baked goods. Sugars include cane sugar, fructose, honey, molasses, fruits, maple syrup, high fructose corn syrup, and other sources of sugars. Check supplements, especially chewables. A "little" sugar is okay, but you need to be aware of, and monitor, the total sugar intake.

For reduced carbohydrates, consider your child's consumption of wheat, rice, potatoes, corn, and other grains. There is a specialized diet called the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, which removes from the diet the carbohydrates which feed the yeast, allowing the body to rid itself of yeast on its own. For information on SCD diet specifically for autism, click here.

Some kids need removal of these carbohydrates AND removal or at least reduction of sugars as indicated above.

Over the counter treatment options

After considering dietary interventions, it is best to first try supplementing with probiotics, which is good bacteria and "food" for the good bacteria. This will not only help the good bacteria, but it also helps yeast issues because these bacteria will then kill the yeast themselves. Unfortunately, my son does not tolerate any probiotics that I have tried, even with enzymes. So you should choose a probiotic product and then start slowly, watching for effects. It may be that the probiotic is tolerated, but is causing die-off effect, so it is difficult to know if any negative effect is intolerance to the probiotic, or die-off. With my son, I started probiotics when he did NOT have a yeast issue, so I know it was intolerance and not die-off effect.

Here is a very comprehensive description of what are probiotics, and a list of the different types of probiotics and what they do.

Probiotics short course and strains

Probiotics are cultured in some sort of "medium", including milk and apples and possibly other things. If you are trying to stay gfcf, be sure you select a probiotic which does not contain milk and is not cultured in milk.

You can find many probiotics at any local health food store. You can also purchase probiotics and yeast control at Kirkman Labs, Vitamin Research Products, and Culturelle.

Other over the counter [OTC] remedies you can find at most health food stores, that you can try, are GSE [I use this for yeast] and olive leaf extract and colloidal silver [for bacteria]. Other yeast remedies you can consider, are garlic, oil of oregano, uva ursi, and biocidin.

I use GSE [grapefruit seed extract] for my son's yeast issues. It works GREAT! Eliminated his yeast issue in 2-3 days. I use the concentrated drops from Nutribiotic, which I buy at my local health food store. There is available a capsule form of GSE, but I have never used that so I do not know if it is equally as effective. There are a few potential negatives to GSE that I know of, one is that it does have phenol effect, so start with 1-2 drops in the morning, then watch to see any phenol-type reactions. Also, if your child is using SSRI medication, then you should not use GSE, because it slows down liver metabolism and affects levels of medications like SSRIs. And in individuals with liver metabolism which is already slow, they would want to avoid GSE, or if for some reason GSE is required, it is recommended to avoid strong-flavored foods and spices, and that will help.

Some parents have found similar dramatic results for their child's bacteria issues by using colloidal silver. There is some information that it should not be given long term, but over a period of 10 days, along with Culturelle, and then continuing with Culturelle alone, produced dramatic positive results for several people. There is a possibility of argyria, which is silver deposits under the skin causing discoloration, so do consider potential negatives as well as positives, and do not use it long term. My son's bacteria issue was not as bad as some kids, so he did well with olive leaf extract, which is an anti-bacterial and an anti-viral.

Yeast can be in other places besides in the gut. For yeast in the mouth [thrush], using GSE or other method can help. For yeast on the skin [diaper rash area or feet/toes or other skin area], you can put a diluted GSE on the skin, or go to your larger grocery store and purchase Lotrimin cream.

There are enzyme products now available, that will digest the yeast cell-wall and allow either the body's own system [along with probiotics] to eliminate the yeast, or if given along with GSE or other anti-fungal, the enzymes will cause the anti-fungal to be much more effective. These enzyme products are No-Fenol from HNI, Candidase from Enzymedica, and Candex [don't know the manufacturer for this one].

Prescription treatment options

There are several medications available for yeast and bacteria issues. One benefit of these options is that you and your doctor can choose a medication which targets the specific type of yeast or bacteria which is at issue. Medications for yeast include Nystatin and Diflucan. Medications for certain bacteria issues include Bactrim, Vancomycin, and neomycin [specially compounded oral suspension].

Lauricidin and Yeast

Lauricidin is an anti-viral over-the-counter supplement. I am using it for my son's viral issues. However, even tho it is not *supposed* to, it does cause yeast for my son, even tho he had not had a yeast issue since about round 50 of ALA chelation [chelation of heavy metals generally also helps resolve the underlying cause of yeast issues for many kids]. Because Lauricidin is *supposed* to be effective for yeast issues, my theory is that it is the viral die off which is triggering the yeast issue, and the yeast it causes is different than the traditional "gut-yeast" of many kids. My son's yeast from use of Lauricidin is not "gut-yeast", because it does not manifest in the bms at all, only in his behaviors.

I used GSE for yeast before chelation removed the yeast problem, but GSE did basically nothing for my son's yeast issue which was caused by the use of Lauricidin. I tried oil of oregano, which appeared to work better on this yeast, but not as well as I would like.

Then someone I know, whose child also developed yeast with Lauricidin, had her child tested and she sent me his test results. The results indicated that her child had two strains of yeast [albicans and parapsilosis] and those strains were susceptible to the OTC yeast killers uva ursi and garlic. So I tried those instead of GSE and oil of oregano, and my son is much better now.


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-2 13:25:40 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-4 02:54:37 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-4 03:44:13 | 只看该作者


我把我儿子的过敏实验的结果写下来beef牛肉+5,casein+5,chicken鸡肉+3,egg鸡蛋+5,lamb羊肉+5,milk牛奶+5,pork猪肉+5,godfish金鱼+2,flounder+2,halibut+3,oyster+3,trout+2,salmon沙丁鱼+2,shrimp+4,tuna+3,banana+4,grapefruit柚子+2,rice大米+3,lima bean+2bean,string+3,malt麦芽糖+4,cashew腰果+2,sesame籽麻+2,papper,green绿青椒+3,clam+1,granberry+1,orange+1,barley+1 ,rye+1,peanut+1,soybean+1,chocolate+1,vanilla+1,yeast,brewes+1,almond+1,pistachio+1,sunflower+1,broccoli+1,mustard green+1,potato+1以上可以看出 我儿子过敏是非常严重的,+1是过敏但不严重+2+3+4是严重过敏+5是非常严重过敏,大于+2严格不能吃 ,如果属于过敏食物的家族食物一样不能吃.例如对鸡肉过敏,家禽就不能吃. 对某种鱼与虾过敏,所有的鱼与虾便不能吃,从3月26日以来,我们给他停了所有的肉类与鱼虾.米与面.与黄豆玉米,常易引起过敏食物我们全禁了.我儿子瘦了,但一切进展顺利,我们禁食物第一个月,医生给他开的所有营养药全拒绝吃,第二个月才开始接受营养药物.

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发表于 2006-7-4 13:24:19 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-4 21:14:38 | 只看该作者


我儿子禁食物以前,睡眠每天3小时,禁食3天后睡眠8小时,一周后有4天睡眠减少,后来正常,现在白天可以睡1个多小时.晚上睡觉8小时以上 ,一切正常.刚排毒时,用肠道抗生素,4天后我儿子不吃不喝只是躺着,我想可能是感冒吧,我老公拿来了米饭,谁都拦不住,他说,认可让儿子病死也不让饿死,我妈又给他喂了国内拿来的抗生素,我儿子有精神了,一个月后我读了<<饥饿大脑的孩子们>>,<<生物疗法>>等几本书才知道是YEAST死亡反应,抗生素加剧坏YEAST的繁殖与抗药性,但一切都晚了,依旧有YEAST的问题,医生推迟用DMSA10天.在排毒以前系统的读书,里面有一切你想要的东西,在看你的孩子属于哪一种病因,用哪一种药,找排毒医生,但父母是最关键.只有我们最了解我们的孩子.多看别人的经验.

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