re:从教育训练搬过来的, 这儿人多些,大家多...
从教育训练搬过来的, 这儿人多些,大家多给给建议。
家里有个拼图, 上面一大堆昆虫, 还有一个飞机。早上起来, 把飞机放在拼图旁, 嘴里念念有词:
”early in the morning, down by the station, here comes the ants, get on the airplane, puff, puff, choo, choo",
me: "are the ants boarding the airplane?"
cheng: "yes! "
me: "wow, they must be exicted! "
cheng: "yes. they are very happy! down by the station, early in the morning, here comes the bees, ..."
过了一会儿, 所有的昆虫都给他捉到飞机里去了,
cheng: "puff puff choo choo!"
me: "no you are silly! airplane does not say choo choo! airplane flies!"
cheng: fly the plane in the room.
me: "where is the airplane going?"
cheng: "I don't know"
me: "is it going to another city?"
cheng: "yes! to grapevine mall!"
me: "yeah! what are the insects going to do in the mall?"
cheng: "ride all vehichles! The ants ride spaceship, the bees ride fun bus, ...." (滔滔不绝若干分钟, 每样昆虫都分配了一个玩具车)
me: "wonderful! How do they feel when they ride the vehicles?"
cheng: "happy! very excited!"
me: 过了一会儿, “are they done with the riding?"
cheng: "yes! they are going to ride carousel!"
me: "what should they do before riding the carousel?"
cheng: "wait in line for the carousel to stop!" "buy ticket!" (with prompt)
剩下的几分钟滔滔不绝地说每个昆虫玩了什么,直到我打住。 然后回家, 蚂蚁爸爸要去法国餐馆吃饭, 小蚂蚁大哭, 又开始背书, 怎么耍赖, 怎么撒谎, 打断了N次, 还是把背完了。
反思中, 当小城沉迷于这种变相的刻板行为 (每个昆虫的座位, 把小蚂蚁的发火经过从头背到尾)的时候, 应该和他一起讨论, 为什么蚂蚁做这个车,这个车有什么特点, 小蚂蚁为什么装病, 小蚂蚁为什么不让爸爸去餐馆, 小蚂蚁为什么不喜欢和babysitter一起呆在家里, 等等。这才是真正的跟着他的思路走, 同时让他动脑子, 而不是单纯的记忆和刻板的背诵。
另外觉的小城有sequence problem, 比方说我问“how does daddy ant go to the restaurant?" 简单的一句“开车去“不就行了么,他非要仔仔细细地说“He gets the key, press the button, turn on the engine of the car", 不会从一系列的细小信息中摘取重要信息。 |