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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-12 22:04:27 | 只看该作者





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发表于 2009-11-12 22:09:07 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-13 18:04:22 | 只看该作者





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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-17 12:01:44 | 只看该作者


看到好多家长问怎么教孩子认谱(简谱加五线谱),可以试一下这个软件,http://mozart.zw78.com/index.asp?id=6, 但只有试用版免费,还挺好玩的。

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-20 11:06:52 | 只看该作者



Re: 家有自闭儿


Re: 家有自闭儿  
我原来以为天才孩子就该是这种形象, 有天赋, 不和群.

  Re: 家有自闭儿  

他现在有兴趣和人家玩. 问题是玩儿什么.
We do play board games at home.
The improvement is that sometimes, he will hang around other kids, without joining in their play, but laugh and jump with them.

It is soooo hard to teach the someone the most basic stuff. Can you imagine how to teach a kid to say NO? (it took the school and us more than 4 months). But it only took him 2 weeks from the day he started piano lesson to write his first piece of music!


四维 写道:






朋友有个孩子十几岁,非常有礼貌,懂事。 他父母说这些都是教出来的, 他原来也有个什么病(不是自闭),特殊教育了好些年,现基本正常了。

Re: 家有自闭儿  
We took him travel with us quite a bit. The line between a genius and a fool is very thin. I do not know what he will be.....


Re: 家有自闭儿  

Re: 家有自闭儿  
What did his music teacher think about his music talent? He seems to be so gifted.

岩雨 写道:
It only took him 2 weeks from the day he started piano lesson to write his first piece of music!


Re: 家有自闭儿  
I think you know more about autism than 95% of us already.

Just keep your patience and try your best. I don't think kids just grow out of autism by themselves, but they can improve greatly. You have a very bright child.

There is a 4 year old autistic boy in my son's preschool. I have seen him improve so much. His mom is always in the classroom helping him follow the class routines. She quit her job after the little boy was diagnosed with autism at age of 2.

Re: 家有自闭儿  
She is totally amazed by it. She changed his piano books three weeks in a row, from basic kiddy book to "real" sheet music, and by the end of second month, she told me that she can't teach him composing.
My son can easily point out the typos in the music (missing # or b, notes on the wrong position, etc.) He also like to re-arrange the music and the teacher will let him play both to see which arrangement sounds better. He can sign read almost any music by now (he has been taking lessions for about 9 months, Jan to now minus 3 month in the summer) and play songs with complicated rhythms. Right now, his book arranges from level 5-7, and he composes several piece a week (if he feels like it. Sometime, he will not write anything for a few weeks).
He amazes me since he was one year old----on both front....smart end and slow end....


Re: 家有自闭儿  
I debate a lot whether should I quite my job....
I was home around 3pm (when he finishes school) most of this year. Right now, I found him a sitter who is a special ed teacher in his school(since my company will not let me leave 3:00 pm every day anymore. My son was with me in my office for more than 2 months until I found the sitter).

His school will not let me involved in the classroom. I can't even go observe, except open school days.

My son has improve a lot as well, from can't even answer an yes/no question to have sort of a real conversation with us. But as a parent, you know how parents feel, I still worried that he is be hand.

Yes, we will be patience. The lucky part is that he is a very easy going kid, always cheerful and happy and with a good sense of humor (can you imagine someone who can't really talk being humorous? )




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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-21 11:27:29 | 只看该作者

美国的中国妈妈谈自闭 二

Please let us to use this thread as a discussion forum for children with developmental issues.

The first goal is to offer each other support. It is hard for parents to deal with many things when their kids have developmental issues. It takes a lot of extra time and effort to get the kids the help they need, and a lot of extra patience too. It is especially hard when a parent first suspects the problem and first receives the diagnosis. We have all felt some panic at these times.

A second goal is to share information. There is a lot of information on the Web, in books and in people's experiences.

Each school district and each state has its own laws. Information posted here may apply to some schools/states but not others.

Let's use this forum to help each other.

Thanks to all.






----------Here is the original thread-------------(下为原帖)

我七岁的儿子是个(高功能)自闭儿(High functioning autistic child).
从三岁起,他上了三年的特别学校,去年上了Kindergarten, 现在上一年级。他的功课没问题,(reading and math at 2nd or 3rd grade level), 但是没有任何同龄的朋友。
他现在一半时间在普通班(one teacher, 20 kids),一半时间在特别班(one teacher, two aid, 6 kids)。 学校还给他配了个personal aid,走到哪跟到哪。
他不喜欢体育,喜欢音乐,也喜欢画画。他原不能容忍听故事,一定要自己念(he can read before he was two, before he can talk)。 近来有所改进,可以和我轮流读。 他画得不错,音乐也写的不错, 可他的故事写的惨不忍睹----没头没尾,上一句和下一句互不相干。
看着他成长真使我感到生命是多么得奇妙。对他来说,凡是学校需要教的东东都容易(reading, math)。凡是别人不用教的东东都特难  (ask for food, water, how to talk with others)。


Please check out his music site if you are interested.

Here is the site:

Re: 家有自闭儿  
Dear 岩雨:
Your son is a very special kid, definitely a genius in music, maybe more areas. As to the daily functioning side, it will just take him longer to learn. If you think about it, regular people like us, even if the daily functioning side comes to us easy, we may never even dream of achieving the kind of gift(s) your son has displayed, no matter how hard we try. In that sense, your son got a good deal from God.   
On the other hand, it does mean a lot of extra love, effort, and patience from you and your husband. Well, I believe God must think you have enough of all that to handle a genius son.
The fact that your son has a happy nature is a true bonus. My heart just melts everytime I see my son's smile with his two dimples. I bet you are the same.
I look forward to hearing great music written by your son played by the best orchestra someday, and I am sure I will hear your heart singing along with the music.
My best wishes to you and your family!  
Please just stay cheerful and thankful to all the progresses you son makes, big or small, just like every other parent.
Your son is very intelligent and gifted. And I too find extremly smart kids often appear to be socially outsiders, however, it's more like a personality trait in non-autistic children.
With such a gifted child, frankly I think you can set your goal so that he can have a normal or near normal conversation in his adult life, at the same time, like others said, encourage him to fully develop his potential and talent. He could be a great musician or writer or both later in his life.

Re: 家有自闭儿  

I am not sure if people on this forum can offer much real help other than encouragement. There are some institutions which specialize those kind of education. They offer social group playing by showing them what to say during the play time. Also, there are a lot of web sites which can give some ideas as what to do.


Re: 家有自闭儿  
My 11-year-old nephew has the same thing (High functioning autistic child). He can read by himself at 3, and loved boring cookbooks at 4. He would sit there read an inch thick cookbook for hours. When he was 6, the test shows his reading, vocabulary was at 10th grade level. But he has problem interacting with other kids, manage his daily life, has all these symptoms you mentioned here. All he wants to do is sit there, read.
It was said that HFAC kids are more common among two-engineer family. Silicon Valley has high concentration of HFAC kids. I know two engineer families have 3 HFACs in total 5 children.
However, for some reason it is not common among Chinese. Maybe our Chinese are too practical to be a HFAC?
My sister in-law spent a lot time/energy/love with her oldest son, because he's a HFAC. He is getting better and better after all these years' effort. So your son will be better too. Just keep your loving care and utilize all the resources you can get. This society is the best for every young genius or fools. If your son is in China, he'll have extremely difficult time.我11岁的侄子同样是高功能自闭症儿童(HFAC)。他3岁时可以自己阅读,4岁时爱上了沉闷食谱。他会坐上几个小时读食谱,摞起来足有一英寸厚。当他6岁时,测试表明他的阅读,词汇是在10年级的水平。但他的问题在于和其他孩子互动,生活自理,还有所有你在这里提到的症状。他想做的是坐在那里,阅读。

Thanks all for the encouraging. Certainly need some from time to time, so I can look beyond just now.
Right now, every night, the best time is sit there and listen to him playing the piano, classical pieces, his own pieces or improvises.
Wish someday he can get to know more about his surroundings.
Yes, I do join the local parents group for this.


Re: 家有自闭儿  
I posted here hope to find someone with similar experience. I will write more tonight, as I have to leave now.

Thank you for telling us about your son. My youngest son has similar problem. He is now three and half and barely talks. He enjoys watching kids' show on TV. He can call out names of a few dozen characters in many different shows. He can read numerical numbers by himself. But he doesn't call "Mom", "Dad" or other simple words. His doctor first said he had Autism but half an hour later said he didn't have Autism, she couldn't give us any diagnosis even after a few office visits. So please don't be too worry about the name HFAC. These late talkers are just special and different from other kids. Keep encourage him on doing what he is good at and give him more time for him to develop his communication skills in his own pace. I found this approach seemed to work for my son, and makes myself feel a lot less stressfull. I did quit my job after realizing he had severe speech delay. He still goes to full day preschool and has good time there. He plays with siblings at home too. He loves lots of hugs and cuddling from me. We gives him as much love as we could. I think as long as he is happy. Some day he would start to talk like other kids. By the way, I don't rely/trust much on speech therapists. All they were doing was trying to teach him sign language.
One thing you may try is to let your son learn to sing, since he is so talented in music. He should enjoy it. This might be the best way to make him "saying" words. I saw a lot of progress after encouraging my little boy to sing along his favorite kids songs on TV.
Let's encourage each other. Have a nice holiday season!




ksom 写道:
I agree. I think as parents here, we need to be careful of what school and others think as 'normal'. I think sometimes school push too hard to make kids 'normal'. They are probably afraid some kids would become outcasts and end up shotting others, so they want to everyone to be 'normal'.

I think it is more important to make sure your son is confident in himself and feel comfortable with his actions. If he does not care to talk to others, why force him? If he wants to talk but don't know how, then he has the motivation and it would not be too hard to teach him. Don't expect him to like the other kids. I think the focus should not be help him talk or interact like other. The focus should be help him to accomplish what he wants to do.



Re: 家有自闭儿  



From what you are saying, your son seem has speach delay. Have you checked his ears? Many of the speach delay is caursed by hearing problems. Fixed the hearing problem, the speach just takes off.


My son love to sing and he can speak----actually, he "talks" a lot, but not in the real sense of talking, like a conversation. He can read very early on (also say nursery rhythms, sing kids songs), so there is no problem with him making sound. The problem is communication.
He did make a lot progress in the last year or so, so now he can tell me something----like the zipper on his pants hurt him, or he wants to have a sleep over in his piano teacher's house on the third floor. However, as much as I understand him, I do not think other kids can. Even other adults will have trouble at the begining. People know him for a while understand him better. He repeats questions and statement, like to talk the topic he enjoy. Also, sentance jump from one topic to another, or incomplete sentances. Many times, he just do not know how to say something or how to answer a question.
He doesn't like to watch TV, except singing/dancing shows. I guess that he doesn't follow the story line as fast. He probably is hyperlexia---means that when he hears something, he will write the sentance in his mind and read the sentance to understand it---so it takes time. When we talk with him, we wait. But other people, expecial kids, will not.
Yes, you are right, as long as he is happy...
Yes, let's encourage each other.


除了唱歌/舞蹈表演他不喜欢看电视,。我估计他是追不上故事的迅速发展,大概是hyperlexia ---意味着,当他听了语言后,要将语言在脑子里写下来,再读出来才能够理解---所以他需要较长的时间来明白一句话的意思。当我们跟他谈话时,我们可以等待,但其他人特别是孩子,是不会等他的。



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-21 20:53:01 | 只看该作者


Thanks. Yes, 他快乐就挺好。 

But he is still young and I am still trying to help him as much as I can. Do not even imagine that he will be completely "normal", but hope that he can make a living in this world.
We do not push him much, that's school's job. We just give him a lot of love and patience. Home is the place he can just relax.
I have a few questions, if you do not mind. Since your nephew is older than my son, and he progress well, I'd like to learn what kind of therapy has he been on and if they are effective. My son has speech, OT, PT at school and I put him in a social play group therapy for a while too. The social play group doesn't help much, so I stopped it. I still wonder if something out there can help him more.
I do think that music has helped him in some ways that I can't explain. Like after he went to the park to play, came home could not tell me what he played, but wrote a piece "At the Park". After the "Nut Craker" show, couldn't tell me that he enjoy the show, but wrote a piece "Scarf Dance", since there was a real good dance--two women with huge scarfs.
You mentioned use all the resource---besides school, where else can I get more help? If your sister-in-law can give me some idea, I will be very thankful.

如果你不介意,我问几个问题。由于您的侄子年纪比我儿子大,且进步很大,我想了解他接受过什么样的治疗?疗效如何?我的儿子在学校作讲话/OT?/ PT治疗,我还带他参加了一段时间的社会群体治疗,但感觉没有多大作用,所以我就停了。我真不知道除了学校还有哪里可以帮助他。

Suggest you try to social with families with kids at your son's age more, organize some activities with other families such as camping, going to the museum, fishing, swimming, skiing, traveling etc. Good Luck with your son!!   


  Re: 家有自闭儿  
I will try that. He likes swimming and we do travel a lot. But I haven't try fishing and hiking yet. Will try these when the weather getting warm.
我会尽力一试的。他喜欢游泳, 我们也经常旅游。但是我还没钓鱼及远足。等天气暖和了再说。

Re: 家有自闭儿  
Asked my sister-in-law, my nephew didn't have any therapy, just the mom did a lot work. She quitted her job since he was 1. Then they had 2 more children (8 yrs girl and 5 yrs boy).
When my nephew was young he was the darling of the family because he hardly ever cries, an easy and happy boy. He was very cute. Imaging a 3-year-old boy read book aloud by himself. My family has different opinions about how to bring him up. My other sister-in-law 2 and my mother-in-law think SIL 1 made too much fuss about the boy. The more you remind him he is different from other kids the more he would act differently. My SIL 1 disagrees. Now she takes him to whatever classes he's interested in even though it's an adult class such as cooking courses. He also takes drama and singing courses. In school he is in gifted program. Academically, he is way ahead of other kids in his age.
I used to be his favorite aunt. So every time I call the family, I would talk to him for a few minutes. I can talk to him just about anything including international politics. Some times I even had to prepare a bit before I pick up the phone.
Some scientists say autism is genetics, other say it's caused by trauma at birth. I believe more on the genetic side. My own son was very slow to talk. He had speech therapy. But he is very good with math.


Thank you very much for your detailed explanations. My little boy's hearing is normal. He actually acts very much like what you described about your son (both fronts). The early intervention program specialist recommended Speech, Occupational and Physicscal therapies too. Further uation elimilated OT and PT. Later, the school district provided him with Speech and OT. They prefer the kids in the IEPs to receive as many kinds of services as they could provide and get fund for. I rarely heard anyone who took their kids for uations not qualified for an IEP.
After reading your newest posts and that of ChangShan's, I'm wondering what were the criteriers doctors used to diagnose your son or ChangShan's nephew with HFAC. I only can see that your son has weakness in interpersonal communications while he is very strong in music, math and reading. But he is only seven. He would catch up in that area when he is ready. I agree with a few friends in this thread that parents don't make too big of deals about their child's weakness. He needs confidence in socializing with other kids. In your examples, he could say like "my zipper" or "want sleepover", that would be sort of acceptable for his age factoring in a couple years of delay. My goal is to encourge my little boy to say short phases like that. Once he can master that, I think it is just a matter of time that he will catch up in this area. I do think it is up to us to simplify their "talking" tasks so that they gain their confidence in communicating.


By the way, don't quit your job unless you also have other kids need to take care at home. Can you sign him up for the regular after-school kids program? That might be good for him. The reason that I put my little one in regular preschool (paying full tuition) instead of IEP preschool was that I think/hope the classroom enviroment would benefit him.
Thanks for information on "hyperlexia". There is another one called "dyslexia". They are in the same category, right? I'll do some research on this and get back with you later.

顺便说一下,不要放弃自己的工作,除非你还需要在家照顾其他的孩子。你能否让他参加“课后儿童计划” ?这也许对他有益。我之所以把我小孩放在普通学前班(支付全额学费)而不是特殊IEP班,是由于我认为并希望(普通)教学环境更有利于他的发展。

Re: 家有自闭儿  
don’t worry about your son. My friend, now a very social and intelligent gay, told me that he began to speak at about 5 years old. Before 5 he did not speak one word. He got Ph.D. and works at a university now.

His son`s IQ score is surprisingly high( I can not remember the number), but there is problem for his son to play with other children. At school his son (9years old) can not behavior normally, e.g. does not sit in the classroom quietly, instead, he would go around; in a large conference, his son went to the lecturer and took up the microphone to speak sth.
His wife also quit her job.


Thanks for your info. Your nephew is really a smart boy.
When my nephew was young he was the darling of the family because he hardly ever cries, an easy and happy boy. He was very cute. Imaging a 3-year-old boy read book aloud by himself.
My son is the same way, hardly ever cry, easy going and happy.
In school he is in gifted program. Academically, he is way ahead of other kids in his age.
That's great. How does he deal with others? Does he have friends in his own age group?
My own son was very slow to talk. He had speech therapy. But he is very good with math.
How old is your son? I know a few adult who had speesh therapy when they were young and now they are very good with languange (also very smart).



If your son's hearing is normal, the speech will catch up evtually. Some boys talks later than others. It is good that you kept engaging him in short phases. Also, he is still very young.
My son can speak sentances, and is getting to the point that he can answer something concreate. For example, he told me "I don't want that pants", I ask "why? You wear it last time." He said: "it hurts me." I ask "what hurts you? Where does it hurts you?" He will say: "The zipper." I will ask "where, which zipper?" (his pants has many zippers). He pointed at the leg (not the pants) said "right here, right here." I checked the pants, along the zipper there is a shape piece. (His pants can be converted to shorts). I was so happy that day, since this is the first time he can tell me something bothers him.
He will say things like: "mommy, come away!" really, he wants me to go away, since he doesn't want people look over his shoulder when he is on the computer.
I always try to reason with him, but for a long time, I do not know if he gets the reasoning. But now, I know that he gets it since he started asking questions and argue with us, like "why ALL the human have to sleep, not just SOME of the human?", or "I really do not want to go to bed, do I have to?"
Since he doesn't watch TV and doesn't play games, doesn't play any sports, he doesn't know how to play with other kids. He can't even play rough or wrestling with other kids, since he is tall and big. Sometime, other kids try to play wrestling with him and they always end up on the floor. So most of the time, my son just hold his own hand in front of himself and let others push him around (if he push back just a little, the other kids will be falling down easily. [he is at least a head taller than his classmates. He has been sent to the principle's office for that, and he can't defend himself.)
我的儿子能讲整句,重要的一点是他能回答实际的问题。例如,他告诉我:“我不想穿那条裤子”,我问:“为什么?上次你还穿来着。”他说:“它弄伤我了。”我问:“什么东东伤你了?伤在哪里?”他会说:“拉链”。我会问:“在哪里?哪条拉链?” (他的裤子有许多拉链)。他指着腿(不是短裤)说:“就在这里,就在这里。”我检查裤子拉链,发现一条拉链上有一处很尖锐。(他的裤子可以转换为短裤)。那一天我非常高兴,因为这是他第一次说出了他的困扰。


As long as your little boy's hearing is normal, he is just delayed in his expressive language development. He will catch up later, may take couple of years.
Expressive language delay is far more common in boys than in girls, from what I observed.
My older boy, who is 5 now, had mild language delay when he was 2 (I even started a thread here back then). So he qualified for the state IEP and later attended language enriched preschool program. He actually caught up right after 3, don't know if it's because of all those programs or just his time came, maybe both.
Once he began to talk in sentences, he has been non-stop. And his talks are all very intelligent with great logic, all his teachers say he is a very smart little boy. He now tells you whatever happens at school, ..."my teacher is going to graduate with a master degree, so she will be a better teacher".....very adult like conversations. Pretty soon, his English will be better than mine. Our concern now is he doesn't speak Chinese back to us.
So in my mind, a language delay is just a delay, if the child don't have other underlining medical problems. They will eventually catch up and I don't think their ultimate communication skills are affected.
我的大孩子,现在5岁了, 2岁时出现轻度语言迟缓(我在坛子里另开了一主题)。所以他符合国家教育计划(IEP)并随后参加了语言丰富化的学前教育计划。3岁时他赶了上来,不知道这是因为所参加的这些训练或只是他的“时机”到了,也许两者都有。


Very much agree with you on this.
My son doesn't really have language delay, since he started speaking right on time. But his communication is lag way behind.
I have two little boys, just imagine how busy we are.  The younger one always follows his older borther in every way, they fight yet the older one is always committed to "take care of" his brother.
They have very distinct personalities, the older one has all those deep thoughts that always surprise us and the younger one is so social, he knows all the parents in his preschool class!
We learn so much from them, especially how to appreciate their uniqueness in every unique way. I believe you feel the same for your boy.
I would like to keep you and your boy in my prayers if you are ok with it.


Re: 家有自闭儿  
About half a year ago, I mentioned that my son still couldn't talk and 岩雨 gave me a lot of good advice. I had him uated by a speech therapist in summer, but didn’t take any therapy lessons. He is now 4, he is definitely starting to talk. So I guess he is what they call "natural late talker".
So don't worry, it all will come in due time.
Bluewave, There are some criteria to diagnose the High Function Autism and Asperger Syndrome. You should read books about it. From your description, your son's doctor seems to be very ignorant about this. If your son shares a lot in common with 岩雨's son, then there is no way for a doctor to have a diagnose or rule out a diagnose within half an hour. So go see another doctor. Also, it is possible that your son might just have some language delay, but it might be something more serious. HFA or Asperger kids don’t have language problem, but have communication problem. Basically they are less mature than other kids while they have the same or even higher IQ. The worse is classical autism. It has all the problem of HFA plus language.

bluewave 写道:
After reading your newest posts and that of ChangShan's, I'm wondering what were the criteria doctors used to diagnose your son or ChangShan's nephew with HFAC.

I agree with everything 四维 said on this thread. It seems to me that some parents here are a little bit too optimistic for their kids' "symptoms". As parents, we know our kids the best so we should trust our gut feeling regarding our kids' development. Early intervention is the key and it does work! Some parents refuse to accept that their kids are not "normal". I'm not sure if that's the best for their kids. I would much rather hoping for the best but prepare for the worst.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-22 21:47:50 | 只看该作者


看了秋实的帖子,更觉得孩子有一件自己热爱的事情可以做很重要,也许此事与日后的生存和独立生活无关, 但绝对与生命的质量有关.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-22 22:15:44 | 只看该作者


因为晴宝宝对所谓大曲子的学习都是靠听MP4"玩儿"出来的, 所以她左手相比右手弱很多,右手的主旋律记忆很好,但左手的伴奏几乎没有,左手仅仅是右手的补充,乐曲听起来就相对单调.H老师开始时计划从她最喜欢的几首曲子(土耳其进行曲,梦中的婚礼等)入手,一点点把左手加上,每次哪怕就扣一小节.但实行起来,晴宝宝完全不吃这套.我们的孩子是强迫不来的.而且一节节的来弹奏乐曲就失掉了它的整体的旋律性了。但可爱的H老师非常能动脑筋,她又想了个新办法,每次女儿弹琴时老师就用左手给她伴奏,让孩子自己体会加伴奏之后乐曲的美妙之处,果然女儿配合得很好,这样过了3次课, 晴晴开始自己给曲子加伴奏了,虽然还不连贯,而且影响了右手的熟练程度,但女儿从中体会到了乐趣,相信再过几次课,晴宝宝的左手一定会有质的改变。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-25 12:31:40 | 只看该作者


技巧永远是为要表达的内容服务的, 甚至是为表达的形式服务的。如果练琴是以技巧作为目的话就本末倒置了。


孩子经历过4位老师,大家对手型各有说法,最多的是握鸡蛋,还有嫌鸡蛋小的提议握膝盖,握的东东不同,但宗旨相同,都得握点儿什么。带孩子学过琴的或自己学过的人一定都听过类似的指导。目前的H老师,最独特,她认为什么都不用握,只要放松就好; 她示范了一下台步----就像我们在散步时,手自然的下垂甩动和微屈的样子就是最好的手型。实践后感觉她说的最有道理。因为我和孩子一起学,虽然琴的弹奏没法和孩子比,但理论上是可以理解的;H老师的话我最初毫无体会,但弹了一段时间真正放松后手指也不支棱也不抖了,手很自然变好看了,觉得的确是这么回事。





使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-11-25 14:31:15 | 只看该作者





使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-26 09:41:11 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-11-27 19:12:09 | 只看该作者






使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-1 10:06:18 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-1 13:44:05 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-3 13:12:51 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-14 15:35:24 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-19 00:40:26 | 只看该作者


转自 http://www.sina.com.cn   扬子晚报










使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-19 00:42:15 | 只看该作者




不好意思, 目前没有这方面的信息, 祝尽早找到合适的老师

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-22 16:17:52 | 只看该作者





使用道具 举报



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