[U]美[/U]国总统选举的共和党的[U]女[/U]帮手,sarah palin,给人第一印象很好,太像 tina fey(下右) 了。 第一次演讲后,她的4个孩子一溜排开壮阵助威。她抱起了最小的一个,抱法很古怪,从背后抱的那种,为的是让孩子面向镜头。听解说才知道,她最小的孩子是唐氏综合症。
McCain passed up a chance to say his own running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, was qualified to sit in the Oval Office, though he praised her performance as governor and noted her work on behalf of special needs children. The Palins have a son born earlier this year with Down Syndrome.
Obama sidestepped when asked about Palin's qualifications to serve as president, and he, too, praised her advocacy for special needs children. But he quickly sought to turn the issue to his advantage by noting McCain favors a spending freeze on government programs.
"I do want to just point out that autism, for example, or other special needs will require some additional funding if we're going to get serious in terms of research. ... And if we have an across-the-board spending freeze, we're not going to be able to do it," he said.