但是我感觉 DTT 的使用不能刻板。DTT可以是显性的,也可以是隐性的。如果孩子对一个项目很反感,这个项目可以暂时搁置,或用其他的项目带进来,不要一遍又一遍,把孩子搞得很烦。...
ABA实际操作起来是很灵活的,而那个老师也显然没有掌握ABA的精髓。在这边与一些junior therapist打交道时常想,很多反对ABA的人说那会把孩子训练成机器人,这倒不一定,但有些训练师掌握不好自己倒有可能成机器人:-)
正在看Lovaas的两个博士Ron Leaf和John McEachin的A Work in Progress一书,随便摘两句吧。
* 假如孩子完成某项任务有困难,可以重新安排一下任务的顺序,把难的任务放在两个容易的任务中间 (这就是“三明治”的方法)。
[If the student is having difficulty on certain tasks,arrange tasks order so that difficult tasks occur between easier tasks (i.e."sanwich" the more difficult task-the "meat"-between the easier tasks).]
* 尽管在训练中,需要我们控制局面,但如果发生你无法控制的情况,要及时加入合适的指令,以使孩子变得服从和配合。例如,假如你让孩子搭积木,而他却要往地上扔,你不要再坚持让他搭积木,而是说:“把积木扔到地上”。
[If a response is about to happen that you cannot control, insert an appopriate instruction, so that the student is actually being compliant (e.g. when the student is in the process of moving a block off the table, say "put the block on the floor".)]
大家看一看,这不是百分之百的follow the child lead吗。
* 训练中,要把握好玩耍在整个项目中的平衡(大约50%吧)。玩可以让孩子有建设性的自由时间,而不是继续他们自己的一些刻板行为。玩对于开发社会性交往的技能和语言发展都是至关重要的。
[Incorporate a good balance of play into the overall program.Play is critical in order for the student to have productive free time. Play is also essential to help develop social skills. Most important, language is often facilitated through play skills.]
* 训练中一定要灵活和耐心。牢记学习是一个逐渐的过程,你不可能今天会解决所有问题。[Be flexible and patient.You cannot solve every problem today!!!Learning is a process.]
* 要根据孩子的行为和表现及时调整训练的内容和进度。一定要努力做到寓教于乐。尽管ABA教育要求结构化,但并不必然是僵化和一成不变的。训练一定要努力做到尽可能地自然,以便增加孩子的动力和参与,促进泛化。
[Adjust training based upon the student's behaviours and performance. Make teaching natural and fun!While teaching needs to be systematic, it is not necessary to be overly regimented. Teaching should be as natural as possible to increase the students's motivation and participation and facilitate generalization.]
* 如果可能的话,尽量安排通过观察学习,示范学习和小组学习等方法。请记住:一对一的指导也是早晚需要消退的辅助。
[Use observational learning, modeling and group instructions whenever possible. ONE-ON-ONE instruction should be considered as a prompt that needs to be faded!!!]