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发表于 2002-11-20 19:46:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



I can send the collection kit to you.  It comes with all the instructions for collection and shipping.  Then you send the sample back to us.

I also recommend performing the organic acid test.  This test is also a urine test so you can collect one sample and perform both tests.  The organic acid test measures for yeast/bacteria in the intestinal tract.  Many children with autism have this problem.  For more information, you can visit our website at www.greatplainslaboratory.com

If you indicate a credit card number we will charge $30 for the shipping charges to China.  When you send the sample back, you will have a credit on file.  For example;  We will charge $30 now then when you send the sample back for the peptide test, we will only charge another $69.  The total charges will be $99.

We started doing it this way because many times we send the kit and the patients don't send the samples back.  I hope you understand the process.  If not please let me know.

I will await your response.





You will need to send the urine sample through a delivery service like Federal Express or DHL or Airborne Express.  We recommend Federal Express, they usually get the urine to us within 2-3 days.  It can last up to 5-6 days in transit and still be in good condition.  We send you all the necessary shipping documents.

I will wait for the credit card number then send the kit.

Thank you




发表于 2002-11-22 13:36:44 | 只看该作者






使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-11-25 10:06:12 | 只看该作者


我也很想给杜蘅做一下测试。禁食以后孩子可吃的东西实在太少了,有时看到他喜欢却不能吃的东西时那种表情真是让人心酸。在幼儿园里的饮食也让我们很头痛。所以请孙老师有了进一步的操作方法后告诉我们,谢谢您了!<img src="images/icon_smile.gif" border=0><img src="images/icon_smile.gif" border=0>


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-12-1 21:36:12 | 只看该作者


我刚刚给孩子安排了GPL的测试, 愿与各位家长分享.

1.        我给GPL发电邮, 介绍孩子的情况, 询问测试项目.

2.        GPL回复说自闭症的孩子应先做以下四个测试:

·        有机酸测试(验尿, 费用USD200).

·        96种食物过敏性测试(验血清, 费用USD200)

·        广泛性大便测试(验大便, 费用USD275)

·        重金属头发测试(验头发, 费用USD125)

(家长可根据具体情况选择测试项目, 更多的测试内容可到GPL的中文网页上看.)

3.        我确认测试项目后, GPL免费给我寄来了样本收集器具.

4.        我根据GPL的说明书给孩子收集样本, 其中的血清样本要到医院去取.

5.        我在美国的亲戚给我开了一张美元个人支票, 我把支票和样本一起寄给GPL.

6.        我的样本于11月25日寄出, 11月27日收到GPL的回复说收到并正在测试.


1.        付款方式. 如果你有美元国际信用卡或有美国的亲戚朋友帮忙, 付款就容易一点. 否则支付美元


2.        寄运方式. 我在广州问过联邦快递, DHL和UPS, 他们都不接受这一类液体生物样本的寄运. 最后是托人带到香港去寄的. 各位家长最好先联系好寄运方式再决定测试.

等GPL的测试结果出来, 我再和大家交流经验. 以下是一些我和GPL的来往电邮, 供大家参考.


Subject: What type of test for autistic kid

To: gpl4u@aol.com

Dear GPL technicians,

My son is said to be autistic.  He'll be 2 years

old in October.  Some friends with autistic kids

suggest us treat him with DMG, Folic Acid, B12, B6 and

Magnesium.  We would like to give him a test before

giving these supplements.  As the testing experts, what

test do you think should be done to him given the kid

now is in Canton, China.  We'll do our best to provide

all information or material you need for the test.

Thank you.

Best regards,


I have listed the tests we recommend for comprehensive initial testing. We can send the collection kits directly to China if you like.  The collection kits come with complete instructions for collection  and shipping.

1) Organic Acid Test ($200)

2) Comprehensive Food Allergy ($200)

3) Comprehensive Stool Analysis ($275)

4) Metals Hair analysis ($125)

These are good tests to begin with in order of importance.  Consultation about results is included in the cost.  When you receive the results of the tests, you can call to discuss the results in detail.

Please indicate the mailing address and phone number if you would like the collection kits sent.

THank you




Dear GPL,

I am glad to note you that the specimens of my son were sent to you through Federal Express today (Nov 25, 12:30 PM Hong Kong time). The air way bill no. is 838049256483. Please check.

The specimens were collected and packed as per the instructure you provided. I have applied for the below four tests :

        1) Organic Acid Test ($200)

        2) Comprehensive Food Allergy ($200)

        3) Comprehensive Stool Analysis ($275)

        4) Metals Hair analysis ($125)

A check of USD800 was enclosed in the envelope of the Metal Hair Collection Kit. If you have any problem about the payment, please direct contact my cousin Christal Fang in USA.

I did meet problem in sending the specimens in Canton. I have contacted the Federal Express head office in South China. They still insists that they can't ship the liquid specimens like serum and urine. The answer from UPS and DHL is the same. Finally I had to take the specimens to Hong Kong and send through Hong Kong Federal Express.

Once you receive the package, please kindly let me know. If you have any question, please direct contact me immediately.

Best Regards with thanks!



We received your specimens today Nov. 26th.  We are performing all the tests you mentioned in your previous email.  I will let you know if there is any problem with billing, but I believe it should be OK.

If you indicate a fax number, I will fax the results when each is ready.

Thank you




使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-12-2 17:30:06 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-12-3 17:45:11 | 只看该作者



Dear sirs:

    I am a customer in  china ,and I want to do the organic acid test and gluten/casein peptide test for my four years old boy with autism. I have a brother in USA ,he promised to pay the money for the tests ,using his credit card ,so I wonder if it is ok that you charge $30 from his card and send me the collection kit.

    Another question is that my son has being on the  wheat/milk free diet for seven months ,then how can we collect his urine sample ,let him eat these foods again? and for how many days ? So please tell me the details about sample collection and delivery , and how long will I recieve the report,can I get some suggestions about the treatments after I get the results?

    Thank you



Yes, you can give your brother's credit card details and your mailing address to send the collection kit. We will charge $30 now. The total charge is $299, so when you send the samples back we will only charge $269 since you will have already paid $30.

Some people simply collect the urine without changing anything. This way you can see if the peptide levels are still elevated after months of being on the diet.

Others want to give the child milk and wheat before the test to be sure that the values will be elevated. This is alright but the child may regress and this may be very difficult especially if you have seen great improvements after being on the diet. Usually 2-3 days back on the foods is enough to show elevations on the test.

You will have to decide when you want to collect the sample. The results will be accurate either way. The results will tell you how many peptides were in the system at the time of collection.

It takes about 1 week to get the results. If you indicate a fax number on the TEst Request Form then we will fax them when ready and then put the originals in the mail to you. When you receive the results you can schedule a phone appointment with Pam. She is a biochemist at our lab that goes over results with patients. There is no additonal charge for this, you only have to call here at your scheduled time.

I hope I have answered your questions. I will wait for your mailing address and phone number and the credit card details.

THank you



    Thank you for your reply, I'll give you the infomation about my brother's card and my mail address,but I still want to ask you one more question about gluten\casein peptide test.In my opinion, if a kid is being on the wheat\mild free diet for a couple of days ,then his peptide level would be normal ,but why we still can see his peptide level elevated?   My boy has being on the wheat/milk free diet for seven months,but it is hard to say which way works to make the great improvements, the special diet, kirkman's supplements or just teaching program.so  should I let him eat these foods again? it is difficult to decide.

Thank you very much, wish your reply.


The values may still be elevated because of many different variables. If you want to be sure that they will be elevated then give the foods for 2-3 days before collection.

Thank you





使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-12-4 21:40:03 | 只看该作者


GPL即GreatPlainLaboratory, 前面孙老师有提供网址http://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/chinese


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-12-5 08:43:07 | 只看该作者


我试过了,可上不去呀!<img src="images/icon_smile_tongue.gif" border=0>


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-12-6 23:24:19 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-12-18 19:13:31 | 只看该作者





使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-12-18 20:36:00 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-12-20 01:12:19 | 只看该作者



<font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - 云驰妈妈 重新编辑於 2002/12/20  23:19:43</font>

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-12-21 22:45:13 | 只看该作者


大约一周左右有机酸的测试结果就传真到我了. 但上面的英文医学词汇看得我很辛苦, 连字典都查不到. 我想等其他的结果出来后一起找医生看看参考一下. 希望家长们继续保持联络, 互通信息.

To Barry : 我在香港是找联邦快递Federal Express寄的.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-1-5 14:12:43 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-1-9 22:27:55 | 只看该作者





使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-1-11 18:55:22 | 只看该作者





使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-1-11 23:36:46 | 只看该作者



    我小孩的测试前三项做完了,同GPL 专家就检测报告,进行了交流,现整理供大家参考。


孩子的报告影印件,有需要的家长,可以E-MAIL 告知。



GPL: This child has more food allergy issue (Food allergy-comprehensive

test and Peptides test) than intestinal yeast (organic acid test.) issue.

Her organic acid test result is close to normal. She may benefit from

reduced sugar intake. (He also mentioned a trial of coconut oil-I never

heard of, or Nystatin to help reducing the yeast, but he stressed over and

over the food allergy and peptides are more major than GI problem)

Baby genearch: Is the Kynurenic value 3.3 considered very abnormal?

GPL:  NO. I have seen some kids have 100 to 1000 times higher value (He

also meant some other values in this whole panel test, he mentioned this

relies on his experience). She may benefit from a high dose B6 trial. I

recommend she is on a diet with complete elimination of casein, gluten, and

soy for two months), then reintroduce gluten and soy, one at a time to

identify which one of these two causing problems (This process is called the

retest). This child is so severe allergic to milk, so don’t even think to

retest dairy product (yogurt included). When consider casein and gluten free

diet, the child should also be on soy free diet (Which translates to that

you should do casein, gluten, soy free diet. He specially stressed that all

3). This child has major trouble with dairy products. (He weighs more on the

food allergy test)

Baby genearch: What about other bean (legume products) flours? Do they have

incomplete digestion (produce gliadorphin) issue?

GPL: not to my knowledge.

Baby genearch: Can Kirkman Peptidase substitute for the diet?

GPL: It is controversial. ONLY a few people report success with

Peptidase only. I recommend diet plus the enzyme.

(Note: You know dairy product means milk, cheese, yogurt, and etc. Make sure

TT does not have any when she is on diet, not just milk.)

GPL: In the food allergy panel, any food’s test value is higher than 2,

people should consider to completely eliminate them, and don’t even retest

for a long time.

GPL: They should also consider heavy metal tests. (I told him you are

doing it) China is highly polluted. I prefer hair analysis; it is more


Baby genearch: Is that true if someone exposed to Hg (mercury) beyond two months, the

test result isn’t reliable?

GPL: I don’t believe that. I had someone at age 12 done Hg test. The

test still reveals he has mercury even though he had Vaccine long time ago.

Baby genearch: what do you think about oral spray type of chelating? Do you trust


GPL. You mean things like seaweeds. (He probably didn’t even aware

those crabby oral sprays). They may work, but they don’t have as much

documentation as DMSA. DAN protocol is more reliable, has more than 100


Baby genearch: What about DMSA toxicity?

GPL: DAN protocol is a low dose protocol, is pretty safe. PDR

(physician desk reference book) protocol for removing lead using DMSA uses

much higher dose.

Baby genearch: Cilantro, it can extract Hg from the body, it could also extract from

soil during the growing. I would like to suggest a test if all possible that

your lab tests the Hg level in the commercial cilantro extract?

GPL: No. We are very busy. I don’t have the capacity to do a research

project like that. Cilantro is a biomaterial; the dosage is hard to control

from one batch to another. (He implies this to both cilantro, and cilantro

extract). If people couldn’t afford DMSA, or if it is not available to them,

people could try cilantro, or seaweeds.

Baby genearch: Thank you very much! Have a good day!

I added my comments in the parenthesis (括号) within his talk portions

The incomplete digestion of casein, gluten and soy resulting in casomorphin

and gliadorphin is different from food allergy.

Please look through this website www.food-allergy.org. It gives basic

understanding of IgE, and IgG-mediated allergy responses.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-1-15 18:10:37 | 只看该作者


To Miranda,



使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-1-21 22:11:30 | 只看该作者


孩子的测试结果于12月底就出来了, GPL给我传真了一份, 正本用平邮寄过来, 至今还没收到. 传真件有点模糊, 没敢扫描成电子文件, 等正本收到再说. 大致测试内容和大家讨论一下.

有机酸测试 :

我给孩子做这个测试的目的是看他是否需补充B6, 据GPL的顾问的意见, 我孩子应不需补充B6.

92种食物过敏测试 :

测试共92种食物的IgG值. 测试结果表明我孩子对牛奶(0.908)和蛋(0.559)的 IgG值很高. 我于两周前给孩子禁了牛奶和蛋, 两个星期过去了, 不觉得有什么效果, 副作用倒不少. 以前孩子睡前喝一瓶牛奶能整晚安睡, 禁食后晚上总是哭叫. 估计是饿的. 现在睡前给他加一餐, 晚上哭闹少了. 咨询GPL顾问的意见, 说牛奶有安眠作用, 禁食牛奶所引起的睡眠障碍应该是暂时的. 问题是我不知道 IgG值是什么东西, 跟我们所关心的酪蛋白肽和谷蛋白肽有什么联系. 应该怎样判定孩子的禁食效果.

重金属头发测试 :

测试结果表明我孩子的铅(7.9)和砷严重超标, 这是我最担心的. 我打算在国内再测一次微量元素, 再给孩子排毒.

以下是我和GPL的来往电邮, 供大家参考.


(Mr. or Mrs.) Ying:

Your son's kynurenic acid is normal, so he does not show deficiency of

B6/magnesium. However, the child may still improve with that therapy and you

can try it.

Sam is not going to be deficient in protein if he is eating meat. However,

he is much less allergic to egg yolks, so he could have an occasional yolk

in a baked food or pudding.

Milk has the opiates and withdrawal from opiates can cause your son's

restlessness at night. I hope it will be temporary.

Please read the mercury detox protocol on the Autism Research Institute

site, as well as the Yahoo! groups

"Autism-mercury" and "Chelating Kids". It is a lot of reading, but will give

you information about what parents around the world are doing.

We will try and help you find direction -- I realize there is not much help

in China.

Pamela Gilford

Nutrition Advisor



> Dear Missey,


> I have not got the original test reports yet. But anyway, I have got the

> information from the faxed copies. Please can you pass my questions to your

> biochemist?


> Question 1 :


> What's your suggestion according to the organic acid test result? Is my son

> necessary to take the extra Vit B6?


> Question 2 :


> According to the food test report, my son Sam has a very high score on the

> milk and egg. So Sam is off all the milk and egg two weeks ago. But I can't

> see any improvement from him. He used to have 500ml of milk each day. 250ml

> at the breadfast and 250ml before sleeping. He likes milk very much and

> always enjoy a good whole night sleeping after the milk. After the off milk

> diet, he always cried at night maybe because of hunger. I let him have one

> more meal before sleeping this week, he cried less at night. Without milk

> and egg, he's getting slim in these two weeks. I am afraid he's leak of

> protein though he has meat (pork, chicken, beef, fish, etc).


> What's your suggestion here? Am I necessary to do further peptidases test?


> Question 3 :


> According to the hair test report, Sam has a very high score of the metal

> lead, which makes me very worry. I can't see any lead source among him

> except the air pollution of China. What should I do? There are also some

> other metal score on the high side. Please guide me how to deal with it.


> I might have further questions after I receive the original test report. I

> have no other choice but ask for help from you because the doctors here

> know little about the autism.


> Your prompt feed back will be the most appreciated!


> Best Regards,


> Yours,




> Hi,


> I have faxed all the results now.  Did you receive all the test results?

> You will also receive them by mail shortly.  The urine and stool tests were

> sent separately than the hair and blood, so you will receive the urine and

> stool reports first.   The blood and hair reports were sent just yesterday.


> Please let me know if you have any questions and concerns.  Don't forget,

> we have a biochemist on staff that goes over results with patients by phone

> appointment.


> Thank you

> Missey




使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-1-21 22:18:41 | 只看该作者


To : y08321

我问过广州的联邦快递, 也是不肯接. 最后我是把样品带到香港, 通过香港联邦快递寄出去的. 国内寄运可能只能用孙老师的办法, 虚报样品名蒙混过关.


使用道具 举报



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