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发表于 2002-12-3 17:45:11 | 显示全部楼层



Dear sirs:

    I am a customer in  china ,and I want to do the organic acid test and gluten/casein peptide test for my four years old boy with autism. I have a brother in USA ,he promised to pay the money for the tests ,using his credit card ,so I wonder if it is ok that you charge $30 from his card and send me the collection kit.

    Another question is that my son has being on the  wheat/milk free diet for seven months ,then how can we collect his urine sample ,let him eat these foods again? and for how many days ? So please tell me the details about sample collection and delivery , and how long will I recieve the report,can I get some suggestions about the treatments after I get the results?

    Thank you



Yes, you can give your brother's credit card details and your mailing address to send the collection kit. We will charge $30 now. The total charge is $299, so when you send the samples back we will only charge $269 since you will have already paid $30.

Some people simply collect the urine without changing anything. This way you can see if the peptide levels are still elevated after months of being on the diet.

Others want to give the child milk and wheat before the test to be sure that the values will be elevated. This is alright but the child may regress and this may be very difficult especially if you have seen great improvements after being on the diet. Usually 2-3 days back on the foods is enough to show elevations on the test.

You will have to decide when you want to collect the sample. The results will be accurate either way. The results will tell you how many peptides were in the system at the time of collection.

It takes about 1 week to get the results. If you indicate a fax number on the TEst Request Form then we will fax them when ready and then put the originals in the mail to you. When you receive the results you can schedule a phone appointment with Pam. She is a biochemist at our lab that goes over results with patients. There is no additonal charge for this, you only have to call here at your scheduled time.

I hope I have answered your questions. I will wait for your mailing address and phone number and the credit card details.

THank you



    Thank you for your reply, I'll give you the infomation about my brother's card and my mail address,but I still want to ask you one more question about gluten\casein peptide test.In my opinion, if a kid is being on the wheat\mild free diet for a couple of days ,then his peptide level would be normal ,but why we still can see his peptide level elevated?   My boy has being on the wheat/milk free diet for seven months,but it is hard to say which way works to make the great improvements, the special diet, kirkman's supplements or just teaching program.so  should I let him eat these foods again? it is difficult to decide.

Thank you very much, wish your reply.


The values may still be elevated because of many different variables. If you want to be sure that they will be elevated then give the foods for 2-3 days before collection.

Thank you





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