6,如果孩子一天有6个小时的训练,要争取把困难的任务安排在上午,例如仿说训练(verbal limitation),因为一般地说,上午的效率会比下午好。下午的日程可以安排一些时间做玩耍活动,艺术类活动,还有生活自理训练。下午的时间也可用于复习已经掌握的技能,可以在不同的场合尝试泛化训练。
Where and when to teach
* In the early stages of learning, teach the student in one room and at one table.Once a particular task is mastered, the skill may be transferred to other settings.
* Be aware that generalisation training occurs when new people join the teaching team.When a teacher must leave, provide at least a 2-week interval in which the experienced and new teachers work together side by side in an apprenticeship fashion and then take turns teaching.
* DO not assume that a student, without extensive preparation, will learn new behaviours by being placed in a mainstreamed class. We are not familiar with any data indicating that merely exposing a student with autism to typical peers helps the student's development.
* Be aware that data show that placing a student with mild developmental delays in the company of individuals with severe developmental delays may cause the student to regress.
* Do not expect the student to make optimal progress with less than 40 hours treatment per week.
* If the student is taught 6 hours per day on a daily basis, reserve most of the difficult tasks, such as verbal imitation, for the morning sessions than in the afternoon. |