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发表于 2005-8-9 20:21:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式







问题: 如果汞中毒由疫苗引起, 然而为什么不是所有的小孩都是汞中毒的?


检测汞毒性 & 第一步

问题: 我的医生说我的孩子没有汞中毒,因为他/她的血和小便汞层次是在正常的限度里面。 你怎么看呢?




问题: 好,我相信我的孩子已经汞中毒了。我现在能做什么?









问题:我已经开始给我的孩子服用螯合剂,现在我的孩子副作用。 我该怎么办?

问题:我听说谷胱甘肽,绿藻,香菜,胱胺酸,MSM,NAC,大蒜, 桑拿都是天然的螯合物,而且天然的方法比较好。这是真实的吗?




问题:谁是安迪 Culer?






在他们的概念中 "自闭症: 汞中毒的一种独特的类型" Bernard et. al, http://www.cureautismnow.o rg/sciwatch/invest.cfm 显示了自闭症和汞中毒的症状有惊人的相似。虽然这可能听起来很恐怖,它实际上是有自闭症孩子家庭的一道曙光。为什么? 因为汞毒害能被治疗。

问题: 汞有多危险?

非常危险。汞是地球上的第二个最有毒的元素,仅次于钚。在一个温度计中的汞的总量足够污染一个小的湖。 汞毒性与很多的疾病联接, 包括关节炎,多重硬化症,纤维肌痛,狼疮,慢性疲劳综合症,沮丧,机能紊乱,精神分裂症,学而无力和缺乏注意力过度活跃症。


许多父母相信主要的元凶是一种消毒液,一种在疫苗和其它的药物中用到的防腐剂。 这种消毒液含50%的汞。在1998年十月,食品药物管理局禁止了这种消毒液在药物治疗中使用。自从1999年七月以后,食品药物管理局"鼓励"生产厂商者在疫苗中取消使用这种消毒液。一些有执行,另一些没有执行。今天,正被生产的大多数的疫苗已经不包含这种消毒液,或者他们只包含"微量"。但是我们不知道多少旧的含这种消毒液的产品仍然是在架上。

每种疫苗包含这种消毒液超过环保署的(0.1mcg/公斤/天)的安全指导方针。既然很多疫苗时常在相同的日子被给予,被注射进入一个普通婴儿身体之内的汞的总量许多次是在 "保险" 界限之上的。在食品药物管理局禁令之前,汞的剂量已经被使用到隐形眼镜,鼻窦炎,避孕霜,润滑剂,汞红药水的乳胶体,过敏症注入,杀菌剂和硫柳汞。









汞出现在一个母亲的身体中是值得注意的,因为汞可以经过胎盘传给她的宝贝,然后,经过母奶。看:"羊奶和母奶中的来自母亲的"银"牙齿屑的汞。一个新发现的来源" Vimy, Hooper a n d King http://hera.algonet.se/~leif/yrvim97a.htm。


汞的出现在牙齿的汞合金中是一个非常争论的主题。 不管事实上牙齿的汞合金包含50%的汞,美国的牙齿协会(ADA)官方人员表示牙齿的汞合金是安全的,而且不造成健康危险。然而,很多的研究表明牙齿的汞合金是汞毒性的一个主要的源。在美国的牙齿协会(ADA)的立场上,如果他告诉你那个汞合金是危险的,你的牙科医生将面临失去执照的危险,无论他自己相信什么。

问题: 如果汞中毒是由疫苗引起, 那么为什么不是所有的小孩都汞中毒呢?

不同的人对汞的敏感度的范围是不同的, 就象每个人的自然解毒能力是不同的。一些孩子能迅速地排除汞毒素,然而另一些孩子汞会在其体内逗留很长时间,使汞有足够的时间在脑以及其他的部位中存留。


书 "Turning Lead Into Gold"描述了几个在引导下进行螯合作用之后,有自闭倾向的孩子取得引人注目的提高的例子。


检测汞毒性 & 第一步

问题: 我的医生说我的孩子没有汞中毒,因为他/她的血和小便汞层次是在正常的限度里面。 你怎么看呢?



艾米 Holmes博士在网站上列出许多有用的医学测试: http://www.healing-arts.o rg/children/holmes.htm。扫描轨迹矿物分析,或头发测试,是廉价的, 非侵入的和适度地决定身体的汞和其他的重金属的负载正确的测试。医生的数据(708/231-3649) 是获得这个测试的一个很好的来源。记住汞可能是很紧密与身体的器官结合导致它在头发测试中可能不会大剂量的出现。不是单独关注汞,看着所有的元素和应用 "计算规则"(在文件中解释)决定是否汞是合理的。


不,DMPS挑战测试和IV螯合作用包含DMPS可能是非常危险的,见www.dmpsbackfire.com。一个挑战测试是医生在一份单一剂量中给予大剂量的螯合物,然后测试小便中的金属含量。挑战测试大体上对诊断汞中毒不是有用的,因为每个人在他们身体里面都有一些汞,而且DMPS(或DMSA)将会激活它。如果要使用DMPS,应该每8小时进行口头诊断。而且如果他们有牙齿的汞合金屑, 就不能使用任何的螯合剂。

一些医生提议做使用一个大剂量的DMSA测试,或者提议采用稀少剂量的螯合治疗(每天或每隔一天)这也是危险的。螯合剂应该按一定的频率,小的剂量。(每3-4个小时为 DMSA,每8个小时为DMPS)





问题: 好,我相信我的孩子已经汞中毒了。我现在能做什么?

如果你的孩子有牙齿的汞合金,你将需要找一位能以一些其他的材料代替银的汞合金屑的无汞牙科医生。然后,你应该试着去找一位能帮助进行螯合的医生。注意大部分一般的对症疗法的医生对汞毒性是不熟悉的。 你不需要去找一般的医学专家。选择一些医生例如整骨疗法家,理疗家,同种疗法医师和脊椎指压治疗者,可能能够在治疗期间帮助你进行螯合助理而且监测在这个过程中你孩子的健康。你不一定需要一位医生来做螯合,当然这个一个好主意。






铅: 服用DMSA时, 假设汞存在的情况下按照规定做。连续数天每隔3-4个小时服用一次, 然后停止服用同样的天数。

砷: 如果你的孩子受汞毒害,那么首先使用DMSA。LA对砷非常有效。螯合使用汞协定.(每3小时一个循环周期)

锑: 相同的用法,根据小孩的体重,按每天每磅5mg的用量服用。或者你可以使用多种维生素:B-12(每磅100mcg)、叶酸(每磅10mcg)和TMG或复合维他命B(每磅 10-20 毫克)。这个一天的用量。最好每天早一点给孩子服用,这样可能使小孩更有活力。

铜: 每天四次服用25mg锌和250mg钼,铜的摄入量将大大减少,也将有利于抑制含铜量高的食物的摄取。坚果,器官肉,贝类食物,糖蜜和一些没洗过的食物含铜量很高。氨基乙酸, 牛奶和牛奶蓟精油有助于快速清除铜。

注意: 如果你的孩子的铜含量很高,那么不要给孩子服用LA,因为LA将会使铜含量更高。

铝: 限制饮食的摄入。不要使用铝器皿,不饮用铝罐子的苏打饮料。部分发酵粉、抗酸剂和止汗剂含有铝, 因此要注意检查标签。

镉: 锌也许有用。




螯合剂是由两或更多的结合成为一个分子的某些金属的化合物。汞的螯合剂有DMPS(2,3 dimercaptopropanesulfonate sodium)、DSMA(2,3 meso DiMercaptoSuccinic Acid. Generic name: Succimer. Trade name: Chemet)和ALA ALA (alpha lipoic acid)。








α硫辛酸(ALA或者LA)是已知的有效螯合汞的在健康食品商店中就能够购买得到的一种非处方药。与DMSA 和DMPS不同,LA能穿过血大脑障碍,将汞移出或者进入大脑。如果有新的汞出现(在3个月内),或者你的孩子含有较高的铜时,在LA降低铜排泄之前,LA不应该被使用。


时间的控制比剂量更为重要。如果你不记得关于这个FAQ 的其他东西,那么请记得:DMSA或者LA一定要少量多次的服用 (每3-4个小时,即使在夜里),多日子服用后有效。 少剂量恰好能激活汞并在身体里重新分配,使你的孩子更安全。

对于DMSA来说,建议根据孩子的体重每磅1毫克的剂量开始服用。 而LA,则每磅从1/8到1/2毫克开始。 逐量增加。

单独服用LAS时,每3个小时一次;DMSA则每4个小时一次。如果 DMSA和LA同时服用则应该每3个小时一次。 单独服用DMPS时,每8个小时一次。


问题: 我已经开始给我的孩子服用螯合剂,现在我的孩子有严重的副作用。 我该怎么做?

副作用包括小便增加、脸和手脚上有红斑、疱疹、心口闷热和腹泻。你的孩子也可能有自闭症状的增加。如果副作用严重或者难处理,停止服药休息一段时间,然后由更低的剂量开始下一个循环。在此之间, 你也可以尝试一个更短的螯合周期,带有一个更大的休息时期。

问题: 我听说谷胱甘肽,绿藻,香菜,胱胺酸,MSM,NAC,大蒜, 桑拿都是天然的螯合物,而且天然的方法比较好。这是真实的吗?

不要认为某些事情是"自然"的,它一定好。就像安迪已经提醒我们的,番木鳖碱和肉毒中毒是自然,但致命的。当然,一些自然的治疗法是极好的。LA在健康食品商店为天然供给品,并且它已经被证明是汞和砷的很好的螯合剂。你必须阅悉并且研究,因此才能清楚需要给你的孩子什么。 所有这些治疗法都已经被讨论,并且我们的一些成员对此非常信赖。建议你自己理解并作出自己的决定。 如下是安迪和埃米关于他们说的:


关于绿藻,安迪认为:当几乎没有关于绿藻有害的新闻时,有很多人们真实的观察材料和报告。你必须做的全部都是问周围的人。绿藻仅仅是另一个“硫食品”。 这对含硫高人们非常有害。

“Klinghardt 博士,是每隔一天推广DMPS注射和DMSA的人,最危险的两个汞处理提案。现在他发现绿藻也非常危险。我知道有几个服用绿藻的人,因此遭受永久性的神经病学上的损害的。”


艾米·霍姆斯的关于香菜的未经考验的话:“一些报告说香菜可以穿过血大脑障碍和汞发生螯合作用,但是没有数据证明。请记住没有人知道在香菜里的成分是可以和汞发生螯合作用。是否所有的香菜都是相同的?谁知道?当我们不知道成分是什么或者是否全部香菜都相同时,我不看出丝毫能保持血成分相对稳定的相关可能性。并且我不认为香菜是汞螯合物里的任何重要因素。 ”

而胱胺酸,并非螯合物,安迪建议:“在ALA螯合物期间,不要给孩子服用胱胺酸或者源自胱胺酸的东西,除非你非常确定孩子有低的等离子胱胺酸 (不是偏低,而是异常低)。







如果你的孩子感觉好,那么尽管继续。Bernie Windham曾经写过一篇文章,描述如何汞干扰需要谷蛋白和酪朊的酶。有些汞中毒的人们对含硫的食物过敏,而日常的食物中又经常含有硫。

关于酵母:汞对免疫系统有破坏力,弱免疫系统使酵母、细菌和其他各种微生物容易在体内增生扩散。酵母过多会造成“肠洞(leaky gut)”,也就是在肠壁上有一些小孔,使一些未消化的颗粒进入血流,产生过敏反应。个体汞中毒,经常是由于食物过敏。因此,CFCF的饮食(麸质和无酪蛋白)最好在螯合前或螯合期间。理论上,一旦汞被移除,免疫系统则会自动恢复,肠壁也会痊愈(这需要抗生素或抗菌),小孩也就又可以吃“普通”的食物了。


六个月到两年不等, 要视其中毒的程度和你螯合的速度。8岁以下的孩子比年长的孩子反应要更好。



安迪卡特尔是发现他自己患汞中毒并且想出怎样康复的一位哲学博士、化学家。他写了一本书名叫《汞合金病:诊断和处理》的书。它售价35美元,你可以直接从他的网站http://www.noamalgam.com/ 订购。安迪花费很多小时回答我们的目录上的问题, 并且他从不吹牛。


艾米·霍姆斯博士是一位医学博士,他与许多患孤独症儿童的父母一起帮助他们螯化汞和其他有毒的金属。艾米博士曾经是一位肿瘤学家。 她退休后抚养她年幼的儿子,却发现他患有孤独症。 现在她已经回到工作中,帮助她的儿子和另一个的孩子。埃米博士写了一篇关于医治的文章在http://www.healing-arts.o rg/children/holmes.htm网页上。她描述了汞问题和她的处理草案。执照条例禁止埃米医生和不是她的病人的人们商量。不过,你的医生可以拨打电话(225)767-7433与埃米博士商量或者收到她的协议的一个传真的副本。


贴足78美分邮资寄写明发信人(自己) 姓名地址的回信信封到#10:无毒牙科基地(或用FTFD)



选择牙医的时候要非常小心。与汞合金相比较,充满的混合物在安置过程中需要更多的技能,并且在汞合金替换期间汞暴露的危险是更大的。对于汞合金移动和替换来说,牙科医生应该根据类似于IOAMT <http://mall.turnpike.net/P/PDHA/mercury/iaomt.htm>协议的东西。



Mercury-Autism FAQ

Q: How is Mercury Poisoning related to Autism?

Q: How dangerous is mercury?

Q: How could my child have become mercury poisoned?

Q: What are some other sources of exposure to mercury?

Q: But my dentist told me that dental amalgam is perfectly safe

Q: If mercury poisoning is caused by vaccines, then why aren't all kids mercury toxic?

Q: Has anyone actually cured their autistic child by chelating them?

Q: My docto r says that my child is not mercury toxic because his/her blood a n d urine mercury levels are within no rmal limits. What do you think?

Q: How can I find out if my child has mercury poisoning?

Q: My alternative docto r wants to do a DMPS challenge test. Is this safe?

Q: I've made an appointment fo r a hair test a n d I'm trying to find a docto r to help me chelate. Is there anything I can do right now?

Q: OK, I'm convinced my child is mercury toxic. What do I do now?

Q: My child has only one amalgam filling, a n d I can't seem to find a dentist

who will agree to replace it. Can't I go ahead a n d chelate?

Q: I've gotten back the hair test results fo r my child, a n d it shows he has high

levels of other metals besides mercury. What should I do?


Q: What are chelating agents?

Q: What is DMPS?

Q: What is DMSA?

Q: What is ALA o r LA?

Q: What is the proper dosage a n d administration schedule fo r DMSA a n d LA?

Q: I've started chelating a n d my child is having bad side effects. What can I do?

Q: I've heard that glutathione, chlo rella, cilantro, cysteine, MSM, NAC, garlic,

a n d saunas will chelate naturally, a n d that the natural way is better. Is this true?

Q: My child is GFCF. Can I continue the diet?

Q: How long does it take to complete chelation?


Q: Who is A n dy Cutler?

Q: Who is Dr. Amy?

Q: How can I find a mercury-free dentist?



Q: How is Mercury Poisoning related to Autism?

In their paper "Autism: A Unique Type of Mercury Poisoning" Bernard et. al, http://www.cureautismnow.o rg/sciwatch/invest.cfm have revealed a startling similarity in the symptoms of Autism a n d Mercury Poisoning. While this may sound frightening, it actually shines a bright ray of hope into the lives of families living with an autistic child. Why? Because mercury poisoning can be cured.

Q: How dangerous is mercury?

Very. Mercury is the second most toxic element on earth, second only to plutonium. The amount of mercury found in one mercury thermometer is enough to pollute a small lake. Mercury toxicity has been linked to a large number of diseases, including arthritis, altzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, bipolar diso rder, schizophrenia, learning disabilities a n d ADHD.

Q: How could my child have become mercury poisoned?

Many parents believe the majo r culprit to be thimerosal, a preservative used in vaccines a n d other medications. Thimerosal is 50% mercury by weight. In October 1998, the FDA banned the use of thimerosal in over the counter medications. Since July, 1999, the FDA has "encouraged" manufacturers to remove thimerosal from vaccines. Some have done it; others have not. Today, most vaccines that are being manufactured do not contain thimerosal, o r they only contain a "trace." But we do not know how many of the old thimerosal products are still on the shelf.

Each vaccine containing thimerosal exceeds the EPA's safety guidelines of 0.1 mcg/kg/day. Since multiple vaccines are often given on the same day, the amount of mercury injected into a typical infant is many times over the "safe" limit. Befo re the FDA ban, mercury had been added to eye drops, contact lens preparations, nasal sprays, contraceptive creams, hemmho roid creams, lubricating gels, allergy injections, a n d antiseptics such as Mercurochrome&reg; a n d merthiolate.

Q: What are some other sources of exposure to mercury?

There are many other common sources fo r mercury exposure. Here's a sho rt list:

·        Dental amalgams

·        Released into the air by coal burning plants

·        Fish a n d shellfish, especially tuna, salmon a n d swo rdfish

·        Some paints

·        Thermometers a n d blood pressure gauges (especially if mercury from broken instruments was spilled on carpet)

·        Fluo rescent light bulbs

It is impo rtant to note that mercury present in a mother's body is passed to her baby through the placenta, a n d later, through breast milk. See: "Mercury from maternal "silver" tooth fillings in sheep a n d human breast milk. A source of neonatal exposure." By Vimy, Hooper a n d King: http://hera.algonet.se/~leif/yrvim97a.htm

Q: But my dentist told me that dental amalgam is perfectly safe.

The presence of mercury in dental amalgams is a very controversial subject. Despite the fact that dental amalgam contains 50% mercury, the American Dental Association's official position is that dental amalgam is safe, a n d that mercury does not pose a health risk. However, numerous research studies show that dental amalgams are a majo r source of mercury toxicity. Because of the ADA’s position, your dentist risks losing his license if he tells you that amalgam fillings are dangerous, no matter what he personally believes.

Q: If mercury poisoning is caused by vaccines, they why aren't all kids mercury toxic?

Sensitivity to mercury varies widely from person to person, as does the body's natural ability to detoxify. Some children can get rid of the mercury quickly, while in others, the toxin remains in the body longer, allowing it time to bind tightly in the brain a n d other o rgans.

Q: Has anyone actually "cured" their autistic child by chelating them?

The book "Turning Lead Into Gold" describes several cases of children with "autistic tendencies" who improved dramatically after chelation fo r lead.

As of this writing, no one on this list has completely cured their child from mercury poisoning. But its early yet. Dr. Amy is getting some wonderful results with the children in her practice, a n d numerous parents have repo rted improvements in their autistic children with each chelation cycle.


Q: My docto r says that my child is not mercury toxic because his/her blood a n d urine mercury levels are "within no rmal limits." What do you think?

Most MDs are mo re familiar with lead poisoning than mercury poisoning. Blood a n d urine tests are the sta n dard fo r measuring lead, but these tests are inadequate fo r mercury. This is because once mercury enters the body, it very quickly leaves the bloodstream a n d accumulates in the internal o rgans. Therefo re, urine a n d blood tests will only show mercury if the person has been exposed to a large amount of mercury very recently. Chronic long-term exposure (amalgams) o r old exposure (vaccines) will not show up with these tests. A better way to test fo r mercury is by using a hair elements test.

Q: How can I find out if my child has mercury poisoning?

Dr. Amy Holmes lists a number of useful medical tests on the website: http://www.healing-arts.o rg/children/holmes.htm. A trace minerals analysis, o r hair test, is an inexpensive, non-invasive a n d reasonably accurate test fo r determining the body's burden of mercury a n d other heavy metals. Docto r's Data (708/231-3649) is a great source fo r obtaining this test. Keep in mind that mercury may be so tightly bound in the body's o rgans that it doesn't show up in large amounts in the hair test. Instead of looking at mercury by itself, it is necessary to look at all of the elements a n d to apply the "counting rules" (posted in files) to determine if mercury is present.

Q: My alternative docto r wants to do a DMPS challenge test. Is this safe?

No. DMPS challenge tests a n d IV chelation with DMPS can be very dangerous—see www.dmpsbackfire.com. A challenge test is when a docto r administers a large amount of a chelato r in a single dose, a n d then tests the urine fo r metals. Challenge tests in general aren't useful fo r diagnosing mercury toxicity because everyone has some mercury in them, a n d DMPS (o r DMSA) will mobilize it. If DMPS is to be used, it should be administered o rally, every 8 hours. A n d no one should take a chelato r of any kind if they have dental amalgam fillings.

Some docto rs suggest doing the same so rt of challenge test using a large o ral dose of DMSA, o r will suggest treatment with infrequent doses of chelato r (once a day o r every other day). This is also dangerous. Chelato rs should always be given in frequent, small doses (every 3-4 hours fo r DMSA, every 8 hours fo r DMPS).

Q: I've made an appointment fo r a hair test a n d I'm trying to find a docto r to help me chelate. Is there anything I can do right now?

Yes—you can begin supplementation. There are many dietary supplements that can help your child to feel better now, a n d during the chelation process. Here are some impo rtant ones:

Take these 4 times a day: Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, a n d Milk Thistle extract

Take these often (frequency not as critical): Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin E, mixed carotenes a n d lypocene, flax seed oil.

Q: OK, I'm convinced my child is mercury toxic. What do I do now?

If your child has dental amalgams, you will need to find a mercury-free dentist who can replace the silver amalgam fillings with some other material. Next, you should try to find a docto r who can help with chelation. Keep in mind that most regular allopathic docto rs are not familiar with mercury toxicity. You don't have to go to a regular MD. "Alternative" docto rs such as osteopaths, naturopaths, homeopaths a n d chiropracto rs may be able to help you obtain chelating agents a n d monito r your child's health during the process. You don't have to have a docto r to chelate, but it is a very good idea.

Q: My child has only one amalgam filling, a n d I can't seem to find a dentist who will agree to replace it. Can't I go ahead a n d chelate?

Absolutely not. You cannot start chelation if there are any silver amalgam fillings present. The chelato r will remove mercury from the filling a n d deposit it in your child's body, making him even mo re toxic.

Q: I've gotten back the hair test results fo r my child, a n d it shows he has high levels of other metals besides mercury. What should I do?

Generally, you remove the other metals first. High levels of lead, copper, arsenic, antimony o r aluminum can cause symptoms similar to mercury poisoning. If your child has high levels of several metals, he is likely very sick. Test again in three months.

Recommendations fo r chelating other metals:

Lead: Use DMSA, but follow the protocol fo r mercury in case mercury is present as well. Administer every 3-4 hours fo r several days, then rest fo r the same number of days, etc.

Arsenic: Use DMSA first if your child is mercury toxic. LA wo rks very well fo r arsenic. Chelate using mercury protocol (every 3 hours, with on/off cycles).

Antimony: Use SAMe, 5 mg a day per pound of kid in divided doses. O r you can use the "poo r man's methylating mix" of B-12 (100 mcg per pound), folate (10 mcg per pound) a n d TMG o r choline (10-20 mg per pound). Spread these through the day. They may be energizing so you might want to give them in the earlier part of the day.

Copper: Copper abso rption can be greatly reduced by giving 25 mg zinc + 250 mcg

molybdenum 4 times a day, a n d also by excluding high copper foods from the

diet. Nuts, o rgan meats, shellfish, molasses a n d sometimes unwashed produce

are high. Glycine, taurine a n d milk thistle extract might help get rid of copper faster.

Note: You should not give LA if your child has high copper levels, as LA will drive copper levels higher.

Aluminum: Restrict dietary intake. Don't cook in aluminum pans, o r drink sodas from aluminum cans. Certain baking powders, antacids a n d antiperspirants contain aluminum, so be sure to check labels.

Cadmium: Zinc may help.

Antioxidant supplements help reduce the symptoms of all heavy metal problems.


Q: What are chelating agents?

Chelating agents are compounds with two o r mo re binding groups fo r certain

metals combined into one molecule. Chelating agents fo r mercury are DMPS (2,3 dimercaptopropanesulfonate sodium), DMSA (2,3 meso DiMercaptoSuccinic Acid. Generic name: Succimer. Trade name: Chemet) a n d ALA (alpha lipoic acid).

Q: What is DMPS?

DMPS has been approved fo r bulk distribution by compounding pharmacies a n d is excellent fo r removing mercury from the body (but not the brain) if it is used properly.

Unfo rtunately many physicians use it a n d other chelating agents improperly, a n d like any drug these can be extremely dangerous when not used right.

Q: What is DMSA?

DMSA is a prescription medication which has been approved by the FDA fo r lead poisoning in children. It also wo rks well fo r mercury. DMSA removes mercury from everywhere in the body except the brain, because it does not cross the blood-brain barrier.

Q: What is ALA o r LA?

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA o r LA) is an over-the-counter supplement which has been found to effectively chelate mercury. Unlike DMSA a n d DMPS, LA will cross the blood-brain barrier, a n d so it can move mercury out of o r into the brain. LA should not be used if there has been recent mercury exposure (within 3 months) o r if your child has high copper levels, since LA reduces copper excretion.

Q: What is the proper dosage a n d administration schedule fo r DMSA a n d LA?

The dosage is less impo rtant than the administration schedule. If you remember nothing else about this FAQ, remember this: DMSA o r LA must be given in small, frequent doses (every 3-4 hours, even at night) over several days to be effective. Infrequent dosage will just stir up the mercury a n d redistribute it in the body, making your child sicker.

Fo r DMSA alone, the guideline is 1 mg per pound of child to start. Fo r DMSA given with LA, start with 1/8 to &frac12; mg. per pound of child. Increase slowly as tolerated.

If giving LA by itself, give it every 3 hours. DMSA is given every 4 hours. DMSA + LA should be given every 3 hours.

DMPS alone should be given every 8 hours.

Chelation should be done in cycles of at 3 to 7 days on the chelato r, followed by at least as many days off as a rest period. Many parents find it convenient to chelate on weekends, starting when the child gets home from school a n d stopping on Monday mo rning, with weekdays as rest days. With the schedule, sleep is only interrupted on weekends a n d parents don't have to depend on school employees to give the medicine.

Q: I've started chelating a n d my child is having bad side effects. What can I do?

Some side effects that list members have repo rted include increased urination, redness of the face a n d extremities, rash, heartburn, a n d diarrhea. Your child may also show an increase in autistic symptoms (may become mo re "stimmy" o r show mo re oppositional behavio r). If the side effects are severe o r difficult to deal with, stop the cycle a n d allow a rest time, then start the next cycle with a lower dosage. You may also want to try a sho rter chelation cycle, with a larger rest period in between.

Q: I've heard that glutathione, chlo rella, cilantro, cysteine, MSM, NAC, garlic, a n d saunas will chelate naturally, a n d that the natural way is better. Is this true?

Don't assume that because something is "natural," that it is necessarily better. As A n dy has reminded us, strychnine a n d botulism are natural, a n d deadly. That said, some natural remedies are excellent. LA is a natural supplement available at health food sto res, a n d it has been found to be a good chelato r fo r mercury a n d arsenic. You have to read about a n d study each one so that you have some idea what you are giving your child. All of these remedies have been discussed on the list, a n d some of our list members swear by them. You are encouraged to info rm yourself a n d make up your own mind. But here's what A n dy a n d Amy say about them:

Glutathione – A n dy: "Glutathione is not a chelato r. Supplemental glutathione itself is of very little value since your gut should digest it. If your gut is not digesting it you will soon start taking other things to MAKE your gut digest it because letting undigested things like glutathione into your bloodstream will soon cause majo r allergy problems."

Chlo rella—A n dy: "While there is little in press that shows chlo rella to be harmful, there are multitudinous observations of real people which show that. All you have to do is ask

around. Chlo rella is simply another "sulfur food." It is very harmful to people who

are high in sulfur."

"Dr. Klinghardt, is the one that popularized DMPS injections a n d DMSA every other day, the first a n d second most dangerous mercury treatment protocols. Now he is on to chlo rella, which is also very dangerous. I know several people who took it per his protocol a n d suffered permanent neurological damage as a result."

Cilantro—A n dy: "There is some superstition that cilantro helps, a n d it really may, but it

isn't clear how to use it."

A n d this from Dr. Amy Holmes—"Cilantro. Untested. A few repo rts that it MAY cross the blood-brain barrier a n d chelate mercury, but no data. Please bear in mind that no one knows what the ingredient in cilantro is that MAY do this. Is every cilantro equal? Who knows? I don't see how one could possibly be even somewhat sure that you are keeping a relatively steady blood level of THE INGREDIENT when we don't know what THE INGREDIENT is o r if all cilantro has the same amount of it. A n d if anything in mercury chelation is mo re impo rtant, I can't think of it."

Cysteine—Not a chelato r. A n dy: "Don't give cysteine/cystine o r sources of it during ALA chelation unless you definitively know the child has low plasma levels of cysteine (not low-ish, definitively abno rmally low)."

Dr. Amy: "I think we are much better off leaving glutathione, MSM, cysteine, etc. supplements alone. They cause many mo re problems than they can fix in an untested person.

MSM—Not a chelato r. A n dy: "The mo re I hear about MSM the mo re I suggest people avoid it. I keep getting ra n dom negative repo rts." A n d "It is an exceptionally bad idea to use MSM, cysteine, NAC o r glutathione with LA since LA naturally increases your body's cysteine a n d glutathione levels."

NAC—This is a supplement which will cause the body to produce mo re glutathione. A n dy: "Neither NAC no r glutathione remove any mercury from the brain - but they do

make whatever mercury is there a lot mo re toxic if administered in excessive


Garlic—Not a chelato r, but posters say it's great fo r pinwo rms.

Saunas—A n dy: "Sauna has been used to detox mercury miners since time immemo rial - when they get too messed up, they go to the sauna during wo rk hours instead of into

the mine shaft." "Sweating does indeed increase mercury excretion. Probably an hour o r

two of sauna is the same as 50 mg of DMSA every 4 hours fo r a day." Note: Posters urged caution with saunas because mercury toxic people are often heat sensitive.

Q: My child is GFCF. Can I continue the diet?

If it makes your child feel better, then by all means continue. Bernie Windham has written a paper that describes how mercury interferes with the enzyme that is needed to digest gluten a n d casein. Many people who are mercury toxic are sensitive to food that are high in sulfur, which includes all dairy products.

Regarding yeast: Mercury causes damage to the immune system, a n d a weakened immune system allows yeast, bacteria a n d a n d all so rts of other nasties to proliferate in the body. Yeast overgrowth can cause "leaky gut"—a condition in which the lining of the intestine becomes somewhat po rous, allowing undigested particles to enter the bloodstream, causing allergic reactions. Mercury toxic individuals often suffer from food allergies. Therefo re, a GFCF (gluten a n d casein-free) diet is probably a good idea befo re a n d during chelation. Theo retically, once the mercury is removed, the immune system is resto red, a n d the gut is allowed to heal (this may require antibiotics a n d/o r anti-fungals), the child may be able eat "regular" foods again.

Q: How long does it take to complete chelation?

Six months to two years, depending on how toxic a person is a n d how quickly you chelate. Children younger than 8 seem to respond mo re quickly than older children.


Q: Who is A n dy Cutler?

A n dy Cutler is a Ph.D. chemist who found himself sick with mercury poisoning a n d figured out how to get well. He wrote a book called "Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis a n d treatment" It sells fo r $35 a n d you can o rder it directly from his web site: http://www.noamalgam.com. A n dy spends many hours answering questions on our list, a n d he always tells it like it is—no bull.

Q: Who is Dr. Amy?

Dr. Amy Holmes is an M.D. in Louisiana who is wo rking with parents of many autistic children to help them chelate mercury a n d other toxic metals from their children. Dr. Amy used to be an oncologist. She retired to raise her infant son, only to find out that he has autism. Now she has gone back to wo rk to help her son a n d others’ children. Dr. Amy has written an article on the healing arts website: http://www.healing-arts.o rg/children/holmes.htm that describes the mercury problem a n d her treatment protocol. Licensing laws prohibit Dr. Amy from consulting with people who are not her patients. However, your docto r may call Dr. Amy at (225)767-7433 to consult with her o r receive a faxed copy of her protocol.

Q: How can I find a mercury-free dentist?

Send a #10 SASE with 78 cents postage to:

Foundation Fo r Toxic-Free Dentistry (o r just use FTFD)

P.O. Box 608010

O rla n do, FL


Be very careful when selecting a dentist. Composite fillings require mo re skill in placement than amalgam, a n d the risk fo r further mercury exposure during amalgam replacement is great. The dentist should follow something similar to the IOAMT protocol: http://mall.turnpike.net/P/PDHA/mercury/iaomt.htm fo r amalgam removal a n d replacement.



 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-9 20:23:40 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-8-9 21:52:14 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-8-9 22:54:51 | 只看该作者


zhtj212辛苦了. 有两个翻译不准确的地方说不定可以改一改. 一个是荧光的球形物, 就是荧光灯泡. (应该也包括荧光灯管). 一个是"与汞合金相比较,充满的混合物在安置过程中需要更多的技能", 充满的混合物翻译成高分子或合成补牙材料.


使用道具 举报



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