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发表于 2004-10-10 20:27:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



发表于 2004-10-11 08:38:12 | 只看该作者



  Phone:Outside Oregon        1 (800) 245-8282

Oregon        1 (503) 694-1600

Fax        1 (503) 682-0838

Office hours: 8:00am to 4:00pm (PST) Monday thru Friday E-mail:Salesmailto:sales@kirkmanlabs.com - Questions about product information? Shippingmailto:shipping@kirkmanlabs.com - Questions about your Order? Questions on shipping availability? Contact our shipping department.Productsmailto:support@kirkmanlabs.com - Having trouble administering our products? Have a question about product formulation? We have a staff of trained experts who can help you with any problem you are having.Technical Support mailto:support@kirkmanlabs.com - If you have any problem while on our site, don't hesitate to e-mail our Web AdminWebmastermailto:webmaster@kirkmanlabs.com - If you run into any broken links or have comments about our Website.  Mail:6400 SW Rosewood StreetLake OswegoOregon 97035 To contact our European Distributor write Savio at savio@nutricentre.com        To contact our distributor in Chinawrite May Wu at:wuhuamei@netvigator.com      

For our Indonesian distributor of Kirkman Products contact bagina@cbn.net.id


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发表于 2004-10-11 08:39:33 | 只看该作者


          Phone:Outside Oregon        1 (800) 245-8282

Oregon        1 (503) 694-1600

Fax        1 (503) 682-0838

Office hours: 8:00am to 4:00pm (PST) Monday thru Friday E-mail:Salesmailto:sales@kirkmanlabs.com - Questions about product information? Shippingmailto:shipping@kirkmanlabs.com - Questions about your Order? Questions on shipping availability? Contact our shipping department.Productsmailto:support@kirkmanlabs.com - Having trouble administering our products? Have a question about product formulation? We have a staff of trained experts who can help you with any problem you are having.Technical Support mailto:support@kirkmanlabs.com - If you have any problem while on our site, don't hesitate to e-mail our Web AdminWebmastermailto:webmaster@kirkmanlabs.com - If you run into any broken links or have comments about our Website.  Mail:6400 SW Rosewood StreetLake OswegoOregon 97035 To contact our European Distributor write Savio at savio@nutricentre.com        To contact our distributor in Chinawrite May Wu at:wuhuamei@netvigator.com      

        For our Indonesian distributor of Kirkman Products contact bagina@cbn.net.id

Kirkman's Hypoallergenic Nu-Thera®with 50 mg. P5P Capsules                  


                 Form: CapsulesProduct Class: Multi-VitaminsPrimary Use: HypoAllergenic form of high B-6 and magnesium multiple vitamin and mineral supplement

Product         Form        Size        Price        Articles       


HypoAllergenic Nu-Thera® with P5P        Capsules        300 ct.        $49.00        articles           


HypoAllergenic Nu-Thera® with P5P        Capsules        Trial        $3.00                  


DescriptionNu-Thera® Hypoallergenic Formula is a condensed version of Super Nu-Thera® which contains no fillers, sweeteners, flavorings or known allergens. This product is formulated for those individuals who are sensitive or have allergies to ingredients commonly used in the dietary supplement industry. Individuals who are unable to use other Super Nu-Thera® products due to sensitivities or reactions to certain ingredients will now have a suitable product to use to get the nutritional benefits without the fear of a reaction to ingredients. Nu-Thera® Hypoallergenic capsules have the following features:·        Capsule shell is made from plant cellulose, not animal gelatin like other products·        No fillers are used·        No flavorings are used·        No sweeteners are used·        No preservatives are added·        No colorings are present·        Easy to swallow small number 3 capsules·        Only vegetable grade magnesium stearate is used as a lubricant This product contains 50 mg. of Pyridoxyl 5 Phosphate (P5P) and 100 mg. of Magnesium from a glycinate-oxide blend. In addition it contains condensed potencies of all of the other nutrients present in other Nu-Thera® products. The condensation of some of the potencies was required so as to fit all the nutrients in the small easy to swallow capsule. Ingredients: Capsule size: Number 3Recommended Usage:As a dietary supplement use 2 capsules per day or as recommended by a physician or health care professional. Individual needs may vary based on testing or variable absorption characteristics. For this reason, some doctors and practitioners may recommend higher dosages. *Also available without vitamins A and D for those individuals obtaining their vitamins A and D from Cod Liver Oil products.

Selenium 100 Mcg. Hypoallergenic Capsules                  


                 Form: CapsulesPackage Size: 100 ct.Product Class: mineralPrimary Use: Supports the Immune System

Product         Form        Size        Price        Articles       


Selenium 100 Mcg. Hypoallergenic Capsules         Capsules        100 ct.        $10.00        articles          


DescriptionSelenium is an essential trace mineral which functions primarily as an anti-oxidant in the body. It works synergistically with vitamin E in reducing free radical damage to cell membranes. Selenium is also associated with supporting a healthy immune system. Selenium is antagonistic to heavy metals including lead, mercury, aluminum and cadmium and may offer protection from environmental traces of these contaminants.Kirkman's selenium capsules utilize L-Selenomethionine as the selenium source. This is a biologically active form which is very effectively absorbed in clinical studies conducted by the Nutrition 21 Corporation. This product is hypoallergenic in that it contains no casein, gluten, wheat, corn, dairy products, artificial flavors/colors or soy.Ingredients:  Capsule Size: Number 1Recommended Usage:As a dietary supplement one to two capsules daily or as directed by a physician.

Kirkman’s Hypoallergenic Zinc Capsules (Bio-Max Series)                 


                 Form: CapsulesProduct Class: Minerals

Product         Form        Size        Price        Articles          


Kirkman’s Hypoallergenic Zinc Capsules (Bio-Max Series)        Capsules        100 ct.        $7.00        articles          


Kirkman’s Hypoallergenic Zinc Capsules (Bio-Max Series)        Capsules        250 ct.        $14.00        articles          


Kirkman’s Hypoallergenic Zinc Capsules (Bio-Max Series)        Capsules        Trial        $3.00        articles          


DescriptionKirkman’s Hypoallergenic Zinc Capsules (Bio-Max Series)Zinc is present in every cell in the body and is also a component in over 200 enzymes as well. Actually, zinc is involved in more enzymatic reactions than any other mineral constituent in mammals. Zinc is essential for normal skin, vision, smell, taste, reproduction and for protein synthesis and wound healing. It is also one of the most important factors in a healthy immune system, as well as being essential to normal brain development. A study published in 1997 in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition reported that Chinese children receiving 20 mg. of zinc supplementation daily scored 10-15% higher on educational tests than unsupplemented children. Zinc and the Immune SystemZinc is involved in just about every aspect of immunity and helps support a healthy immune system, including the immune enhancing "T" cells which are necessary for immune response. WHY MIGHT MY INDIVIDUALS BE DEFICIENT IN ZINC?The best sources of zinc are shellfish, fish, and red meats with oysters being by far the richest source. Substantial amounts are also found in certain plant foods such as whole grains, legumes, nuts, mushrooms and some herbs. The zinc from plant sources is not absorbed well, because it binds to a fiber compound in plant seeds called phytic acid to form an insoluble zinc-phytate complex which can not be assimilated. Zinc levels in the body may be lowered by the following conditions:1. Diarrhea2. Fiber consumption which causes zinc excretion through the intestinal tract3. Perspiration4. High calcium and iron consumption5. Copper ingestion 6. Liver or kidney disease and diabetesHOW MUCH AND WHEN SHOULD I SUPPLEMENT WITH ZINC?Children and adults need between 10 mg. and 50 mg. daily. Though the recommended daily value is 15 mg., it is generally recognized that 30 to 50% of ingested zinc is not absorbed due to the complexing with phytic acid, perspiration loss, fiber transport through the intestine, or because of the competition for absorption with copper, iron and calcium. Kirkman Laboratories includes 10 mg. of zinc in all Super Nu-Thera® products. Because of the absorption issues noted above, many physicians also recommend additional zinc supplementation some time after the evening meal or at bedtime. By taking it at that time there will be no fiber, calcium, iron or copper going through the system to interfere with its utilization. This should insure enough zinc gets absorbed so as to avoid a deficiency. Kirkman offers the following zinc supplements:Zinc liquid. 20 mg. per teaspoonZINC HYPOALLERGENIC CAPSULES (BIO-MAX Series)Kirkman's hypoallergenic zinc capsules contain 20 mg. elemental zinc from a 50/50 citrate-amino acid chelate blend. These forms of zinc are used by Kirkman because the citrate is the form of zinc utilized by the human Kreb cycle and amino acid chelates have studies behind them which show support for very good absorption. Kirkman believes this combination of sources is unsurpassed and therefore this product carries the Bio-Max logo. Kirkman's hypoallergenic zinc capsules are encapsulated in a plant cellulose shell and contain only vegetable grade magnesium stearate as a lubricant. No other fillers or potential allergens are present.Ingredients: Recommended Usage:As a dietary supplement, take the following dosages daily at bedtime.According to age        Capsules

Younger Children        1 capsule daily

Older Children        2 capsules daily

Adults        2 capsules daily

irkman's Buffered Vitamin C Unflavored                  


                 Form: PowderPackage Size: 7 oz.Product Class: VitaminsPrimary Use: An unflavored vitamin C supplement which is easy on the digestive tract due to buffering agents  

Product         Form        Size        Price        Articles       


Kirkman's Buffered Vitamin C Unflavored         Powder        7 oz.        $12.50        articles          


DescriptionKIRKMAN BUFFERED VITAMIN C POWDERMany physicians are recommending very high doses of vitamin C supplementation. Up to now Kirkman has offered two forms of vitamin C, chewable tablets and hypoallergenic capsules both of them dosed at 250 mg. With doctors now suggesting from one to three grams daily, the 250 mg. dosage forms may not be convenient or practical for some individuals.Kirkman has therefore developed a buffered vitamin C powder which is very easy to administer and is great tasting. Our Buffered Vitamin C is formulated with sodium, potassium and magnesium ascorbates to produce a buffered, acid balanced product which is very gentle on the stomach because the normal high acidity of ascorbic acid is counteracted by the ascorbates. A small amount of sucralose and natural passion fruit is added to make the product taste great when dissolved in water or juice. One quarter of a teaspoon supplies 1100 mg. of vitamin C. This product is part of Kirkman's Bio-Max™ series, insuring a form of vitamin C which is formulated to be extremely high in absorption qualities.Vitamin C is the most popular vitamin supplement in the United States. The human body does not manufacture its own vitamin C, therefore dietary sources and supplementation must be relied on to prevent deficiency. The list of health conditions where vitamin C has shown promise is very long and need not be summarized here. Its value in the good health of children is extremely important for the following reasons:1. Vitamin C supports the immune system2. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and possesses free radical activity3. Collagen is the main protein substance in the human body. It literally holds our body together in the form of tissue, tendons cartilage etc. Vitamin C is essential in the production of collagen.Vitamin C's role in immune system support is one of the key elements which make it very critical for supplementation in children. Vitamin C assists white blood cell function, including antibody levels and responses. It is imperative that growing, active children not be deficient in this nutrient.Ingredients: Recommended Usage:As a dietary supplement use 1/4 to 3/4 teaspoon full daily:Directions for use: Dissolve powder in water or the beverage of your choice. Powder dissolves quickly and completely.

Kirkman’s Hypoallergenic Vitamin C Capsules                  


                 Form: CapsulesProduct Class: VitaminsPrimary Use: Vitamin C for boosting the immune system

Product         Form        Size        Price        Articles       


Kirkman’s Hypoallergenic Vitamin C Capsules         Capsules        100 ct.        $6.00        articles          


Kirkman’s Hypoallergenic Vitamin C Capsules         Capsules        250 ct.        $12.00        articles          


Kirkman’s Hypoallergenic Vitamin C Capsules         Capsules        Trial        $3.00        articles          


DescriptionKIRKMAN'S VITAMIN C HYPOALLERGENIC CAPSULESKirkman's Vitamin C Hypoallergenic Capsules have a plant cellulose shell with vegetable grade magnesium stearate as a lubricant. No fillers, flavors or other potential allergens are present. The vitamin C in this product is derived from ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate. By using this combination, the extreme acidity of pure ascorbic acid is neutralized by the sodium ascorbate; this produces a buffering effect which is easier on the digestive tract than straight ascorbic acid. The list of health conditions where vitamin C has shown promise is very long and need not be summarized here. Its value in the good health of children is extremely important for the following reasons:1. Vitamin C supports the immune system2. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and possesses free radical activity3. Collagen is the main protein substance in the human body. It literally holds our body together in the form of tissue, tendons cartilage etc. Vitamin C is essential in the production of collagen.Vitamin C's role in immune system support is one of the key elements which make it very critical for supplementation in children. Vitamin C assists white blood cell function, including antibody levels and responses. It is imperative that growing, active children not be deficient in this nutrient.Ingredients: Capsule size: Number 1.Recommended Usage:As a dietary supplement take the following amounts daily:According to Weight        Capsules

30 Pounds or Less        1 Capsule

Larger Children and Adults        2 Capsules

Kirkman’s Hypoallergenic Folic Acid with Vitamin B12 Capsules                     


                 Form: CapsulesProduct Class: VitaminsPrimary Use: Vital nutrients for a healthy nervous system  Now Shipping

Product         Form        Size        Price        Articles       


Kirkman’s Hypoallergenic Folic Acid  with Vitamin B12 Capsules        Capsules        200 ct.        $10.00        articles          


Kirkman’s Hypoallergenic Folic Acid  with Vitamin B12 Capsules Trial        Capsules        Trial        $3.00        articles          


DescriptionKirkman's Hypoallergenic Folic Acid with Vitamin B12 CapsulesFolic acid is a vital nutrient for all individuals and is recognized by U. S. Public Health Service and the Food and Drug Administration to be necessary for all women of childbearing age. The FDA actually requires all cereal grain products and all flours to be fortified with folic acid. Biochemically in the body, folic acid supports cellular perception and response, methylation processes and many enzymatic reactions. It is also linked to maintaining healthy homocysteine levels which in turn support cardiovascular health. Because folic acid can sometimes mask a vitamin B-12 deficiency, this product contains vitamin B-12 . as well. It is also believed that vitamin B-12 works synergistically with folic acid. The product contains only plant cellulose as an additive and is hypoallergenic, and casein and gluten free.Ingredients: Capsule size: # 3Recommended Usage:As a dietary supplement use the following daily:According to age        Capsules

Younger Children        1 capsule

Older Children        1 capsule

Adults        1 capsule

Or as directed by a physician

Pro-DHA Omega-3 Supplement Capsules                  


                 Form: CapsulesPackage Size: 90 ct.Product Class: Essential Fatty AcidsPrimary Use: A fish oil Omega-3 supplement with very high DHA content important in brain development

Product         Form        Size        Price        Articles       


Pro-DHA Omega-3 Supplement Capsules         Capsules        90 ct.        $19.50        articles          


DescriptionESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS (OMEGA 3 AND OMEGA 6 COMPOUNDS) The word "essential" in describing these means that the body cannot produce them so they must be consumed in our diet. Essential fatty acids are either Omega-3 oils or Omega-6 oils. Sources of Omega-3 are cod liver oil, fish oils, flax oil, flaxseed or leafy green vegetables. Some nuts also contain Omega-3's (walnuts). Omega-6 sources are corn oil, wheat germ oil, soy oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, blackcurrent oil plus many of the other grocery store bought cooking oils. Almost all processed foods are very high in Omega-6's. Essential fatty acids play critical roles in body structure and function, in fact life cannot be sustained without them. Some are transformed to regulating compounds called prostaglandins in the body and these prostaglandins along with essential fatty acids are responsible for supporting the critical body functions listed below:·        Nerve transmission·        Pressure regulation in the eye, joints and blood vessels·        Division of cells (growth and healing processes)·        Response to pain, swelling and inflammation·        Muscle reflexes·        Transporting of oxygen from cells to tissues·        Maintaining health of cell membranes·        Supporting immune response·        Providing energy to the heart muscleEssential fatty acids are often called by their chemical names. Omega-3 compounds are:·        EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)·        DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)·        alpha-linolenic acid·        alpha-linoleic acidOmega-6 compounds are:·        linoleic acid·        gamma-linoleic acid·        gamma-linolenic acid·        arachidonic acidTHE BALANCE OF OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDSThe latest scientific research has supported the view that essential fatty acids need to be in equillibrium in our diet. Omega-3 and Omega-6 consumption should be balanced. It is generally recommended that Omega-6 consumption should be about 4 times as much as Omega-3. In addition, it is recommended by the medical community that saturated fat consumption should be limited. Saturated fats are found in butter, margarine and lard. All Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids are polyunsaturated. Unfortunately, our normal diets do not achieve those recommended balances. Most North American and Western diets are very low in Omega-3 and extremely high in Omega-6. Too many saturated fats are consumed and the ratio of ingested EFA's averages more like 20:1 Omega-6's to Omega-3's instead of the recommended 4:1. This is due to the fact that poor quality cooking oils and most processed foods contain Omega-6 oils. In addition, the overall consumption of Omega-3 rich foods is often very low. Omega-3 containing foods are fish, fish oils, flax, flax-fed chicken eggs, wheat germ, soybeans, green leafy vegetables and certain nuts (walnuts and butternuts). Getting compliance with fish oil Omega-3 type products is extremely difficult especially in children. In some individuals, Omega-3 consumption is totally lacking.Kirkman offers many different choices for essential fatty acid supplementation, from stabilized flaxseed to a variety of fish oil products. Cod Liver Oil is also a souce of Omega 3's, so also see that section in this catalog as well. A description of Kirkman's essential fatty acid supplements follows.PRO-DHA OMEGA-3 SUPPLEMENT CAPSULESKirkman Laboratories is now an official distributor for ProDHA, an Omega-3 Dietary supplement manufactured by Nordic Naturals™. ProDHA is a revolutionary product in that it uses only the highest quality fish oil available in the world. This oil is produced using flash distillation and molecular distillation ensuring the highest quality Omega 3 oils while eliminating PCBs and heavy metal contaminants. The oil is then deodorized which also improves the taste dramatically. ProDHA is an advanced essential fatty acid formula that delivers 740 mg. of Omega-3's including 500 mg. DHA and 150 mg. EPA. Providing 500 mg. of DHA makes it the ideal Omega 3 supplement for eye development and brain and nervous system support. DHA has been shown clinically to be necessary for proper eye development and for brain development. Infant formulas are now supplemented with DHA for that reason. Pro-DHA is a relatively small soft gelatin capsule containing a natural strawberry essence which helps cover up the smell and helps avoid "fishy burps". Ingredients  



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