看到有一位 家长问及 关于 PEP-R的问题。 我在网上找了一些资料给大家。 以下的资料是来自于Western Psychological Services.这家公司出版很多儿童心理学家,临床心理学家常用的一些评估工具,包括WISC (智力评估工具),以及一些关于自闭症的筛查和诊断量表。接下来, 我想对自闭症的筛查和诊断量表作一个区分。
医生用筛查量表来看某个孩子受否有可能是自闭症。这些量表的目的不是用来诊断自闭症。类似的量表包括CARS, M-Chat, SCQ.
公认的自闭症诊断工具是: Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised, and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-R).
以下是有关PEP-R 的信息。 这个量表有正常孩子的数据。 有位家长问“自闭症孩子有没有未经训练就基本达标的。如果某个孩子属于这种情况, 如何处理退缩,不主动的问题”。
自闭症是一个谱系。我有8个患有自闭症的学生,他们的IQ都在正常的范围. 如果您问这些孩子的家长,您最担心的是什么?这些家长很可能会回答孩子在学校没有朋友。对于对于这些孩子,最理想的干预地点可能是学校,公园里,而不在是在机构。原因很简单。在机构学到的东西很少能泛化。
Psychoeducational Profile: Third Edition (PEP-3)
by Eric Schopler, Ph.D., Margaret D. Lansing, Robert J. Reichler, M.D., and Lee M. Marcus
The third edition of this popular test allows you to assess the skills and behaviors of children with autism and communicative disabilities with a developmental age between 6 months and 7 years. The profile resulting from the PEP-3 gaphically charts uneven and idiosyncratic development, emerging skills, and autistic behavioral characteristics. Individually administered in 45 to 90 minutes the PEP-3 meets the need for an assessment tool to assist in the educational programming for young children (ages 3 through 5) with disabilities and is particularly useful in planning for older students' Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).
The function domains for the PEP-3 have been revised to reflect current research and clinical concerns, especially in the area of social and communication functions. The test yields 3 composite scores (Communication, Motor, and Maladaptive Behaviors) and features 10 Performance Subtests:[ul][li]Cognitive Verbal/Preverbal[/li][li]Expressive Language[/li][li]Receptive Language[/li][li]Fine Motor[/li][li]Gross Motor[/li][li]Visual-Motor Imitation[/li][li]Affective Expression[/li][li]Social Reciprocity[/li][li]Characteristic Motor Behaviors[/li][li]Characteristic Verbal Behaviors[/li][/ul]
The PEP-3 now includes a Caregiver Report that asks the parent or caregiver to estimate the child's developmental level compared with typical children. The report consists of three subtests: Problem Behaviors, Personal Self-Care, and Adaptive Behavior. This form has been shown to help orient teachers to a student's developmental inconsistencies and provides professionals with information needed for thorough and complete planning.
In addition, the PEP-3 is helpful in identifying special learning strengths and teachable skills. The Object Kit now includes all toys and materials needed to administer the test except for food, drink, and a light switch. Also, the latest edition features normative data both from a group of children in the autism spectrum as well as from a comparison group of children without autism. Normative data were collected from 2002 to 2003, with large national samples of children in the autism spectrum and of typical children ranging from 2 to 71/2 years of age. |  | 更多关于PEP-R的信息
http://portal.wpspublish.com/portal/page?_pageid=53,70083&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL |