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发表于 2010-5-16 21:52:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

1.世界需要不同的思考(中文)  http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/NibwSeSzbxQ/

2. Temple Grandin - Focus on Autism and Asperger's Syndrome


To understand animals, autism and art requires getting away from verbal language
I think in pictures. I don’t think in language.
Autistic guys focus on details.
Focus on specific images, not generic images.
Visual thinking helps designing livestock facilities.
I see movies in my imagination and this helped me understand animals.
I  can test run a piece of equipment in her mind.
She has a huge brain trunk line for graphics.
Autistic mind tend to be a specialist mind. Good at one thing, bad at sth else.

Visual thinkers
Pattern thinking
Verbal mind

Sensory issues: touching, light, sound,
Think with Sensory information, details.
Bottom-up thinking.

Show kids interesting stuff. Get the kids turned on.

Language covers up the visual thinking we share with animals.

To have work experiences, social skills, like table manners.

Use the fixation to motivate kids.   

Visual thinkers: graphic/industrial design, photography,

Mentors are important. Lighting the spark. Get the kid turned on. To learn new stuff.

Instructions should be specific.
If by some magic, autism has been eradicated from the face of the earth, then men would still be socializing in front of a woodfire at the entrance to a cave. (autistic guys are creative!)
U need at least 20 hour a week one to one teaching. (if child is about 3)
U need a good teacher.

Learn social interaction through shared interest.
Satisfaction from real change in real world

Early intervention is super important.

Turn taking games are important.
Avoid sensory overload. Sound or smell

Auditory problems
Visual problems

Develop strength
Focus on interest

How to form concept
By sorting pics into categories.
Making categories is the beginning of concept formation.
Sensory-based categorization

Language covers up visual thinking, musical thinking, the more detailed sensory-based thinking.

Make teaching maths concrete.

Method to look up for info

Objects are more interesting than faces.

Focus on details, not the whole pic

Refuge from teasing: some clubs, to learn  rules

Expose kids to interesting things

Working on construction is wonderful social interaction.

Clear cut values of right and wrong   

Teach positive religious values in a concrete simple manner to prevent obsessions on negative ideas.

Be a good person.

Exercises have benefits for brains, calming effect.

Rule system
  Really bad things
  Courtesy rules
  Illegal but not bad
  Sins of the system (forbidden things)  

Preparing for employment.

Educational resources:
Community colleges
Technical schools
Online learning
University courses

Jobs for visual thinkers:
Computer network specialist
Graphic arts
Auto mechanic
Computer repair
Equipment design
Computer troubleshooter
Animal trainer

Work-training experiences are important.

Bad jobs for autistic people:
Jobs that require lots of short term working memory and fast processing information

Every case is different.
A medication or educational method that is effective for one individual could be useless or possibly harmful to another.

Causes of severe behavior problems:
  Get attention.
  Escape from a task.

low dose principle

Try one thing at a time

A medication should have an obvious beneficial effect.

Withdraw a medication slowly if a person has been on it for a long time.

Be careful switching brands.

Don’t expect 100% control of a symptom.

If not working in three months, it is no use.

发表于 2010-5-17 20:07:44 | 只看该作者



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