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发表于 2009-11-13 14:22:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
我正要坐下如廁時,聽到隔壁間的人突然開口說 "嘿,你好嗎?
"我不是那種習慣跟人家在廁所打交道的人。我不知道自己遇上什麼情況,我尷尬地回答 "還好啊!
" 然後隔壁間的人又接著問: "你在做什麼呢?"這是什麼問題啊? 當下我真的覺得太詭異了。於是我回答"嗯 ...跟你一樣坐在馬桶上啊"

:"聽著, 我等一下再打電話給你,因為隔壁間有個笨蛋一直回答我所有的問題 !!"
发表于 2009-11-13 14:58:31 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-11-13 15:07:42 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-14 16:28:00 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-11-14 20:34:29 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-11-21 16:26:03 | 只看该作者


On Christmas Day, all the joys of a close family relationship radiated throughout our parents' home. The smells of roasted

turkey, Southern?baked ham and homemade bread hung in the air. Tables and chairs were set up everywhere to accommodate

toddlers, teenagers, parents and grandparents. Every room was lavishly decorated. No family member had ever missed Christmas

Day with our mother and father.

Only this year, things were different. Our father had passed away November 26, and this was our first Christmas without him.

Mother was doing her best to be the gracious hostess, but I could tell this was especially hard for her. I felt a catch in

my throat, and again I wondered if I should give her my planned Christmas gift, or if it had become inappropriate in my

father's absence.
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A few months earlier I had been putting the finishing touches on portraits I had painted of each of my parents. I'd planned

to give them as Christmas gifts. This would be a surprise for everyone, as I had not studied art or tried serious painting.

There had been an undeniable urge within that pushed me relentlessly to do this. The portraits did look like them, but I was

still unsure of my painting techniques.

While painting one day, I was surprised by a doorbell ring. Quickly putting all my painting materials out of sight, I opened

the door. To my astonishment, my father ambled in alone, never before having visited me without my mother. Grinning, he

said, "I've missed our early morning talks. You know, the ones we had before you decided to leave me for another man!" I

hadn't been married long. Also, I was the only girl and the baby of the family.
Immediately I wanted to show him the paintings, but I was reluctant to ruin his Christmas surprise. Yet something urged me

to share this moment with him. After swearing him to secrecy, I insisted he keep his eyes closed until I had the portraits

set on easels. "Okay, Daddy. Now you can look!"
Wow gold,

He appeared dazed but said nothing. Getting up, he walked closer to inspect them. Then he withdrew to eye them at a

distance. I tried to control my stomach flip flops. Finally, with a tear esca
Thrilled with his response, I happily volunteered to drop them off the next day at the frame shop. Several weeks passed.

Then one night in November the phone rang, and a cold chill numbed my body. I picked up the receiver to hear my husband, a

doctor, say, "I'm in the emergency room. Your father has had a stroke. It's bad, but he is still alive."

Daddy lingered in a coma for several days. I went to see him in the hospital the day before he died. I slipped my hand in

his and asked, "Do you know who I am, Daddy?"
Sro Gold,

He surprised everyone when he whispered, "You're my darling daughter." He died the next day, and it seemed all joy was

drained from the lives of my mother and me.

I finally remembered to call about the portrait framing and thanked God my father had gotten a chance to see the pictures

before he died. I was surprised when the shopkeeper told me my father had visited the shop, paid for the framing and had

them gift?wrapped. In all our grief, I had no longer planned to give the portraits to my mother.
Aion kina,

Even though we had lost the patriarch of our family, everyone was assembled on Christmas Day-making an effort to be

cheerful. As I looked into my mother's sad eyes and unsmiling face, I decided to give her Daddy's and my gift. As she

stripped the paper from the box, I saw her heart wasn't in it. There was a small card inside attached to the pictures.

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After looking at the portraits and reading the card, her entire demeanor changed. She bounced out of her chair, handed the

card to me and commissioned my brothers to hang the paintings facing each other over the fireplace. She stepped back and

looked for a long while. With sparkling, tear-filled eyes and a wide smile, she quickly turned and said, "I knew Daddy would

be with us on Christmas Day!"

I glanced at the gift card scrawled in my father's handwriting. "Mother-Our daughter reminded me why I am so blessed. I'll

be looking at you always-Daddy."

使用道具 举报



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