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发表于 2008-11-1 22:53:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
德国专科医生莫勒(Bernhard Moeller),两年前带同妻儿到澳洲行医,纾缓当地医生荒,但澳洲移民局以怨报德,前日(周四)否决了莫勒永久居留的申请,理由是他有一个患有唐氏综合症的儿子,给他居留权,只会浪费澳洲纳税人的金钱,引起澳洲朝野怒吼。


  移民局辩称决定不涉及歧视,只是考虑病人会成为国家负累,又指莫勒大可向移民部长埃文斯(Chris Evans)求助,但埃文斯只能在法庭裁决后才可介入。事件引起全国哄动,数千人在网上及电台投诉移民局做法,莫勒所属医院也称结果使病人失望,维省总理布伦比(John Brumby)支持莫勒上诉。

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-1 22:54:21 | 只看该作者

re:Chorus of demands to...

Chorus of demands to let doctor Bernhard Moeller stay


THE Rudd Government is under pressure from all fronts, even Labor colleagues, to overturn a decision denying German doctor Bernhard Moeller permanent residency in Australia because his son Lukas has Down syndrome.

The Immigration Department this week rejected Dr Moeller's application for permanent residency, saying the potential cost to the taxpayer of 13-year-old Lukas's condition was too great.

Politicians, disability groups and the small Victorian town of Horsham, where Dr Moeller is the only specialist physician, were outraged by the decision and have called on Immigration Minister Chris Evans to intervene on the family's behalf.

Victorian Premier John Brumby said the authorities should reverse the decision as soon as possible because DrMoeller was making a valuable contribution to the region, and because Lukas should be treated like any other child.

"In my view, a serious error has been made by the federal authorities," Mr Brumby said. "I think this is a case which needs reversing and overturning. The quicker we can get a review and a decision on this, the better."

Coalition disabilities spokesman Cory Bernardi said Lukas could make a positive contribution to society and that Senator Evans should use his discretion to approve the residency application for the Moeller family.

"It is sad that in this modern day we are still viewing people with a disability, such as Dr Moeller's son, as a burden," Senator Bernardi said. "They can and do make significant contributions to our society."

Health Minister Nicola Roxon said she would discuss the case with Senator Evans, citing the difficulty in attracting quality medical professionals to the regions.

"We understand the importance of having doctors working in our rural and regional communities and we support them in many ways," Ms Roxon said. "But for this particular case it's a matter I will raise with the Immigration Minister, but I understand ... court processes need to be undertaken first."

Dr Moeller is hoping to live permanently in Horsham, having served the community for more than two years both in private practice and at the Wimmera Base Hospital, which services 50,000 people. Local residents have begun a petition on his behalf.

He said he had been upset by his treatment and would appeal against the decision to the Migration Review Tribunal. "If they really think Lukas is going to be a big cost, I'm happy to deal with that, but they never asked me," Dr Moeller said. "We love it here. One of the reasons we came was we wanted to give Lukas the opportunity to go to a regular school, and the school has been fantastic."

Lukas played sport, and was coping well with the support of family, the school and friends, Dr Moeller said.

Senator Evans left the matter to his department yesterday. A department spokesman said a medical officer had assessed Lukas and found his "existing medical condition was likely to result in a significant and ongoing cost to the Australian community".

"It is longstanding government policy that high-cost medical conditions are a consideration in visa decisions," the spokesman said.

The Immigration Department is hamstrung by the current laws, which require it to evaluate the potential cost of an applicant's condition on the basis that the person uses all available services. It cannot take into account benefits such as Dr Moeller's role as a rural doctor.

Horsham business community wants the Moellers to stay. Business Horsham's Andrea Cross said: "We are desperate for doctors in the country ... The decision to reject residency is crazy."


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发表于 2008-11-2 05:09:15 | 只看该作者



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