SpecialEducation 继续还是停下?
Lovass的团队果然要求我把Ean的特教课停下来,理由是,他们要达到36个小时每星期。并认为Ean 现在还没有Social Skill,不应该放学
1-8-09 notes: Ean had no tea when he come off the bus. he initiate he had to go potty and he went to the toliet.........he did very well following directions and singing with everyone in group.
1-13-09 notes: attending of group activites: Participated, labeled pictures, sat for majoority of group,stood up twice
respond to direction: he did ok responding/following direction on the first prompt, but needed sereral prompts most of morning
responding to question: did more identifying of an object, but not on a consistent basis with answering
ninitation: needed direct, verbal, model
1-20-09 attending of group activites: during more structured times he attended very well, but during art and gym group activity needed many more prompts
respond to direction: again responded more quickly and with less prompts during more structured times
responding to question: 3
ninitation: initiated potty "go potty, poopy poopy" otherwise initiated verbal ????. he responds very well to picture cues
1-22-09 attending of group activites: he participated in singing and sat the whole time(10)
respond to direction: he responded to one question "is this a bear or cat?" he said "bear" during circle time
responding to question: need sereral prompts ea. direction (5-7)
initation: he initiated to go to the bathroom twice, and initiated play with other child: put a stethascope(听诊器) to the child's heart and put
on his ears
1早上他看见爸爸在穿衣,他说“byebye,爸爸,爸爸go to work”
3中午,拿了一个机器人,给妈妈,说,"look! robot"
5妈妈在他吃零食的时候问他,“how does it taste?” Ean:“Yummy”
6要求下地下室,我不让去,于是说,“Iwant new shoes”
7手里拿这一个电话,指着另一个,说 :“that phone”
8晚上吃米粉时,自言自语 “Ilike noodle”
9晚上,到厕所时间,我叫他去Potty他不原意,因为正在玩Puzeel,于是妈妈说:“First Potty, then Puzeel”,他于是去了,还重复说“First Potty, then Puzeel”
10晚上在床上玩的时候,他突然指着爸爸的鼻子说“who am I?”应该是who are you
1/26/09 和25日分别有一次自创的用法:
Ean 玩的时候夹在床板里了,他大叫:“妈妈 rescure Ean!”
Ean 喝奶洒地上了,他自语说:“what a mess! clean!" 然后看着妈妈
这俩句不知哪里学来,这个月能灌进去鱼油和SuperNu-Thera, 不知是不是这个作用。一月就在试验这俩种。