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楼主: 瑞雪
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-21 12:58:07 | 只看该作者


第二章输入完毕。我个人认为这套材料<b>非常非常</b>有价值,它不仅帮助我们的孩子,也可以帮助我们自己和身边的人以一种积极的态度来看自闭症。 很多章节其实就是非常好的社交规则训练。盼望有人帮我把他翻译成中文。这些材料以孩子们的口吻写成,我有很多地方译起来很费力,怕失去了原文的准确含义。


应当一无挂虑、只要凡事借着祷告、祈求、和感谢、将你们所要的告诉 神。  神所赐出人意外的平安、必在基督耶稣里、保守你们的心怀意念。             --腓利比书四章六,七节


使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-2-25 18:45:35 | 只看该作者



花了近两个小时仔细读了上面的内容,真的很有启发。Curriculum 或者说Aaron的经验我觉得至少有两方面的帮助:

1、对一般自闭儿(相对Aspergers)父母加深理解“自闭症文化”(香港彭先生提法)。一般自闭儿能力表现更差、更不善表达,更不易得到我们的理解。在此也有个问题想问:一般自闭儿与Aspergers在Ways of Thinking(思维方式)等方面是否相似或一致?(很想得到有人帮助解答)







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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-6 12:48:51 | 只看该作者



你的第一个问题我答不出来,我只对儿子有经验. <img src="images/icon_smile.gif" border=0> 第二个论点我很有同感. AARON是非常经典的阿斯伯格症,六条诊断条例里对上五条半.所谓"高功能",只是指他有"正常"的智商.在这里看到很多家长谈到自己孩子的行为问题,我心里常常感叹:这个AARON也曾经有呀.比方说,他象欢欢一样,曾经每一分钟都要问时间,如果在说好的时间不做某件事,或不到某个地方,那就大发脾气.那一阵我每逢出门都神经夕夕的.他小些的时候,大概是四岁到六岁,基本上没有主动语言.后来有了主动语言,但经常是所答非所问.他一向晚上不易入睡,一定要人陪,且要开灯睡.这种情况一直到八岁.现在他一个人一屋,晚上整夜开一盏暗暗的走马灯.

很多问题花了很长时间来解决,很多当时看来不可能的事,现在变的可能了.现在回头看看, AARON真是有了长足的进步.尽管问题还很多,但是我很有信心. 等着听小满的进步消息.

我羡慕所有有爸爸关爱的孩子,有丈夫支持的妻子.这里寄语天下的好爸爸,好丈夫: Keep Up the Good Work.  (再接再历)  <img src="images/icon_smile.gif" border=0>


应当一无挂虑、只要凡事借着祷告、祈求、和感谢、将你们所要的告诉 神。  神所赐出人意外的平安、必在基督耶稣里、保守你们的心怀意念。             --腓利比书四章六,七节


使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-3-7 09:58:18 | 只看该作者








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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-20 12:07:56 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 3: The Sensory Experience</b>

The Five Senses[\b]

There are five senses.  They are: (with pictures)

hearing (picture of ear)

smelling (picture of nose)

tasting (picture of mouth)

touching (picture of hand/finger)

seeing (picture of eye)

Exeryone experiences the world through senses.  Many children with autism experience their sense differently than children who do not have autism.

Sometimes what I experience through my senses feels good.  Sometimes what I experience through my senses feels uncomfortable.  Sometimes what I experience through my senses feels painful, or overwhelming.  And sometimes I don't feel anything at all.

<i>In this chapter, I will read, mark, and write what is true for me about my senses.</i>

<font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - 瑞雪 重新编辑於 2003/03/20  12:09:24</font>

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-20 12:16:20 | 只看该作者


<b>Hearing Loud or Sudden Noises</b>

Hearing is how everyone is aware of sounds in the world.  Some loud or sudden noises that everyone hears are listed below.  Most children aren't bothered by these noises, but many children with autism do not like some of them.

I will circle or highlight the noises that bother me. (* is maked by Aaron)

<ul><li>vacuum cleaner *  </li>

<li>telephone ringing  </li>

<li>school intercom *  </li>

<li>lawn mower</li>

<li>people talking at the same time *</li>

<li>babies crying </li>

<li>car horns and sirens *{/*]

<li>machines or motors starting up </li>

<li>people coughing or laughing or yelling *</li>

  • other:_______________________________</li>


    There may be noises at home and at school and in other places that hurt my ears.  <i>If this happens, I might become anxious.</i> Some children with autism might get angry or scared when they are anxious.  They might yell or cry.  They might feel like covering their ears and running away from the noise.  <b>Sometimes loud or sudden noises make me want to </b>____________________________________(Aaron wrote "Cover my ears")
  • 回复

    使用道具 举报

     楼主| 发表于 2003-3-21 10:49:12 | 只看该作者


    <b>Chapter 3</b>


    Touching is what I feel when things are on my skin.  Soemtimes touch feels good and sometimes touch bothers me or hurts my skin.  Sometimes hugs are nice, but other times they feel uncomfortable.  Many children with autism are bothered by centain kinds of touch.  Or, they might want to feel a certain kind of touch a lot.

    I will cross out what <b>I do not like,</b> and I will circle what I do like. [/b} Some things might be crossed out <i>and</i> circles! (* means Aaron likes it, ( )means Aaron doesn't like it)


    <li>shirts and sleeves  </li>

    <li>seams or tags  </li>

    <li>zippers or (waistbands)  </li>

    <li>socks, seams at the toes  </li>

    <li>shorts and long pants  </li>

    <li>(underwear)  </li>

    <li>slips, dresses, skirts  </li>

    <li>hats, caps, stocking caps *  </li>

    <li>headbands, scarves, hoods  </li>

    <li>silk, denim, cotton, flannel *  </li>

    <li>velvet, wool, rayon, polyester  </li>

    <li>necklaces and other jewelry  </li>

    <li>someone kissing me *  </li>

    <li>taking a shower *  </li>

    <li>taking a bath * (Aaron LOVEs a bath)  </li>

    <li>swimming *  </li>

    <li>brushing my hair *  </li>

    <li>shampooing my hair *  </li>

    <li>(cutting my hair)  </li>

    <li>people hugging me *  </li>

    <li>people bumping me  </li>

    <li>being tapped on the shoulder * </li>

    <li>soft, light touch *  </li>

    <li>someone tickling me *  </li>

    <li>firm, deep touch, massage *  </li>

    <li>someone holding my hand *  </li>

    <li>(doctors or nurses touching me)  </li>

    <li>(unexpected touch)  </li>

    <li>other:________________________  </li>


    使用道具 举报

     楼主| 发表于 2003-3-21 10:56:18 | 只看该作者


    <b>Chapter 3</b>


    <b>Smelling</b> is how people are aware of the world through their noses.  Everything in the world has a smell.

    Once in a while, children notice strong smells like flowers, or the air after it rains, or a scented candle, or freshly baked bread.  Tehy say that these things smell good.  Once in a while they might notice other strong smells like rotten food or a poopy diaper.  They say that those things smell bad.  <i>Usually children aren't very interested in how things smell</i>

    Many chidren with autism pay attention to how things smell.  If I don't like how something smells, it might be difficult for me to concentrate on something else.

    I will circle or highlight what is true for me.


    <li>Sometimes a particular smell might attract my attention *  </li>

    <li>I notice how many things smell. *  </li>

    <li>I often pick things up to smell them  </li>

    <li>I might like to smell people's hair or their skin.  </li>

    <li>Other: ___________________________________________  </li>


    <b>I like the way these things smell:</b> ___________________________

    Aaron:bread, flowers, shampoo, lotion

    <b>I do not like the way these things smell:</b> ____________________________

    Aaron:  gas, bad air


    使用道具 举报

     楼主| 发表于 2003-3-21 11:03:37 | 只看该作者


    <b>Chapter 3</b>


    [bSeeing</b> is what people do with their eyes.  Many children with autism see things that other people don't notice.  Some children with autism <i>really like</i> to watch or look at certain things.

    I will circle or highlight what is true for me.

    I like:


    <li>Watching things that are spinning (like ceiling fans)  </li>

    <li>Looking at things that are stacked or lined up .*  </li>

    <li>Watching things that are flipping (like pages of a book)*  </li>

    <li>Looking at things from out of the corner of my eye.  </li>

    <li>Holding my fingers and hands in different positions *  </li>

    <li>Staring at my favorite things, for a long time. (reading)*  </li>

    <li>Looking at things that have a certain shape or color (blue)*  </li>

    <li>Looking at bright lights *  </li>

    <li>Other: _______________________________________________  </li>


    Some children with autism can get confused or anxious when there are <i>too many things </i> to see at the same time.

    <b>Places in my life where there are too many things to see at the same time are: ____________________________________

    Aaron's answer:  shopping (Aaron hates shopping with me)

    使用道具 举报

     楼主| 发表于 2003-3-22 13:45:41 | 只看该作者


    <b>Chapter 3</b>


    <b>Tasting</b> is what I do when I eat or drink something.  Everyone has favorite foods and foods that they don't like.  

    In addition to taste, some children with autism consider the color or feel of food to be very important.  Some children with autism would rather drink than eat.  Some children with autism like to taste things that aren't food.  They might put paper or toys or other things in their mouths.  Some children with autism want to eat the <i>same thing</i> for every meal, every day.  If that is true, parents might say that a child is a <i>picky eater</i>.

    <b>I will mark the things that are important to me about food </b>


    <li>The texture of food; how it feels in my mouth *  </li>

    <li>The flavor of food; how it tastes *  </li>

    <li>The color of the food  </li>

    <li>Wanting to eat the same food every day  </li>

    <li>Wanting to taste different foods, trying new things * (note from mommy:  Aaron circled this choice, but it isn't true.  He rarely tries anything new without throwing a fit.)</li>

    <li>other:  ______________________________  </li>


    * When my parent says <i>Just taste it:</i> or <i>"Just try it" </i> or <i>"Just take a little bite: </i>, it means that I just have <b>to take one bite and then chew and swallow it.</b>  When that swallow is finished, I do not have to take another bite of that food during that meal, unless I want to.

    <font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - 瑞雪 重新编辑於 2003/03/22  13:48:12</font>

    使用道具 举报

     楼主| 发表于 2003-3-22 13:55:00 | 只看该作者


    <b>Chapter 3</b>


    <b>Pain</b> is what people feel when they have been hurt.  Most people feel pain when they get injured.  Sometimes, people feel pain when they are sick.

    When most children feel pain, they automatically stop what they are doing and get help right away.  But some chidren with autism <b>might not feel </b>if they are sick or hurt.  They might not know when they need help.  They might be <b>so focused</b> on something that they do not realize when they have been injured.  Other children with autism feel <b>too much pain.</b>  Little things might hurt a lot.  <b>Examples of things that can cause pain are:</b>


    <li>Touching a hot burner on the stove  </li>

    <li>Falling down  </li>

    <li>Dropping something heavy on my foot  </li>

    <li>Eating food that is too hot  </li>

    <li>A door closing on my fingers  </li>

    <li>Getting cut and bleeding  </li>

    <li>Water that is too hot or too cold  </li>

    <li>A sore throat or a fever  </li>

    <li>A headache or a stomach ache  </li>

    <li>Bare hands in cold weather without mittens </li>


    <b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me. </b>


    <li>I rarely feel pain.  I might be injured and not notice.  </li>

    <li>I am very sensitive to pain.  Many things hurt me a lot. * (Aaron says "sometimes")  </li>


    使用道具 举报

     楼主| 发表于 2003-3-22 14:03:33 | 只看该作者


    <b>Chapter 3</b>


    Everyone moves.  Many children with autism move their bodies in particular ways.  <b>I will mark the kinds of movements that I sometimes do.</b>


    <li>Flapping my hands  </li>

    <li>Jumping up and down * (Aaron says "only in games")  </li>

    <li>Rocking back and forth  </li>

    <li>Spinning around  </li>

    <li>Pacing back and forth * (Aaron says "sometimes" but I have not noticed any pacing of him)  </li>

    <li>Wiggling fingers or holding my fingers in different positions * (Aaron says "sometimes" which is true)  </li>

    <li>Flicking my fingers and hands  </li>

    <li>Other:  ______________________________(Aaron says "touch things" which is true.  He likes to touch things that's new to him or interests him, which can be inappropriate in some shops or other people's home)  </li>


    Children who do not have autism might move in these ways, but not as often as I do.  <i>There are reasons for my movements. </i>.  I move in those ways when:


    <li>I am excited and feeling happy. *  </li>

    <li>I am excited from feeling anxious or confused. *  </li>

    <li>I am bored.  I don't have anything else to do *  </li>

    <li>I am anxious.  Moving helps me relax and feel better. *  </li>

    <li>I am just doing it out of habit - I have done it for a long time. </li>

    <li>Other:  __________________________________________  </li>


    使用道具 举报

     楼主| 发表于 2003-3-22 14:09:53 | 只看该作者


    <b>Chapter 3</b>

    <b>Times and Places for Movements</b>

    Most children my age do not move like I do.  They do not flap their hands or rock or spin around very often.  My <b>movements</b> might bother teachers and children and parents.  It might bother them because it makes me look different from the other children, and they worry that children will make fun of me.

    <ul><li>I can try to remember to do these movements when I am in a <b>room by myself.</b>  Maybe I can wait until I am home to move my body in those ways.  </li></ul>

    <i>If I feel like I have to do these things more often, </i> my parent or teacher or thearpist can help me know when and where:

    <ul><li>They can give me <b>time </b> for swinging or for using other therapy equipment.  </li>

    <li>They can teach me <b>other ways of moving</b> my body that I might like, too.  For example, I might like to rock in a rocking chair or jump on a pogo stick.  </li>

    <li>They can give me a regular time for these and other <b>exercises</b>  </li></ul>

    <center><b>When other children and adults learn about autism,

    it won't bother them so much to see my movements.  <i>If they

    had autism, they probably would move in these wyas too.</i></b></center>

    <font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - 瑞雪 重新编辑於 2003/03/22  14:11:05</font>

    使用道具 举报

     楼主| 发表于 2003-3-25 12:55:06 | 只看该作者


    <b>Chapter 4: Artistic Talent</b>

    <b>Drawing and Painting</b>

    <b>Drawing and painting</b> are talents that are admired by many people.  Drawings and paintings add to the beauty and enjoyment of life.

    Many children with autism are quite skilled at drawing and apinting.  <i>Maybe they are good artists because they see the details and remember what they see.</i> Maybe they are visual thinkers who automatically see pictures in their minds.  Maybe it is more natural for them to draw or paint, than to express themselves in words.

    <b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me </b>


    <li>I do not like to draw or paint or other artworrk.  If I marked this sentence, then I am finished with this page.  </li>

    <li>I like to <b>draw</b> or <b>paint</b> (Circle which)  (Aaron says "both")</li>

    <li>I like doing computer graphics</li>

    <li>I like ___________________________________(Type of artwork.)  </li>

    <li>It's OK if people want to see my artwork * (Aaron says "Sometimes")  </li>

    <li>I don't want people to see my artwork  </li>

    <li>I would like to go to art classes *  </li>

    <li>I would like to learn how to ________________________ (Aaron says "understand art")  </li>

    <li>I enjoy <b>looking</b> at art by other artists. My favorite artists are _______________________________________(Aaron is OBSSESSED with artists.  He listed his favorites here:  da vinci, van gogh, monet, and picasso.)    </li>


    使用道具 举报

     楼主| 发表于 2003-3-26 12:05:09 | 只看该作者


    <b>Chapter 4: Artistic Talent</b>


    Most people like to listen to <b>music</b>. Some people can express themselves more easily when they make music than when they use words.

    Most children with autism enjoy listening to music.  Some children with autism have perfect pitch and a natural ability to sing or play a musical instrument.

    <i>Maybe children with autism who are musically talented are children with very sensitive hearing. </i>

    <b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me. </b>


    <li>I do not like to sing or to play an instrument.  If I marked this, then I do not have to read any more on this page.  </li>

    <li>I like to sing.  *  </li>

    <li>I like to play a musical instrument (or many instrumentsl)  I play the __________(Aaron said "piano", but he doesn't really play it, he likes to tap the keys)  </li>

    <li>I like to make music or to sing when I am by myself. *  </li>

    <li>I like playing alone, but it is OK if others listen to me. * (Aaron said "partly")  </li>

    <li>I would like to play an instrument or sing with other people in a chorus, a band, or an orchestra. (circle which)  </li>

    <li>I would like to take music lessons or singing lessons. * (Aaron said "maybe") </li>

    <li>I would like to learn how to ___________________________  </li>

    <li>I enjoy listening to music.  I like (kinds of music) ___________________________________(Aaron said "almost all kinds of music")  </li>


    使用道具 举报

     楼主| 发表于 2003-3-26 12:14:35 | 只看该作者


    <b>Chapter 4: Artistic Talent</b>


    Literary art includes stories, essays, poetry, and letters.  <b>Writing</b> can help the writers and the people who read their writing, think clearly, appreciate beauty in the world, alugh, cry, dream , and imagine new things.

    Some children with high functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome enjoy words and have a larger vocabulary than most children their age. Some children with high functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome are talented writers.

    <b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me. </b>


    <li>I do not like to write.  If I marked this sentence, then I do not have to read any more on this page.  </li>

    <li>I like to write.  I like to write poetry, essays, stories, letters, or emal.  (circle which)  (Aaron circled poetry, essays, stories)  </li>

    <li>I prefer to keep my writing to myself.  I do not like others to read what I have written.  </li>

    <li>I like other people to read what I have written. * </li>

    <li>I like to read alound while other people listen to me. *  </li>

    <li>I would like to write about _____________________________ </li>

    <li>I like to read about _______________________________(Aaron said "history""biography")</li>



    使用道具 举报

     楼主| 发表于 2003-3-26 12:22:57 | 只看该作者


    <b>Chapter 4</b>


    <b>Drama</b> is an art form that many people enjoy.  Many people like to go to the movies, plays, and musicals.

    Actors must pretend that they are someone else.  Some children with high functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome enjoy acting.  <i>They might be skilled at ovserving and copying how people move and how they sound</i>.  They like to pretend that they are different characters.

    <b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me</b>


    <li>I am not interested in drama. If I marked this sentence, then I do not need to read any more on this page.  </li>

    <li>I like to imitate the way people move and talk. * (Aaron said "sometimes")  </li>

    <li>I like to pretend that I am someone else *  </li>

    <li>Memorizing and remembering my lines is fun *  </li>

    <li>I like to learn different ways to act. * (Aaron said "sometimes")  </li>

    <li>I like to dance.  </li>

    <li>I would like to learn more about _________________(Aaron said "plays")  </li>

    <li>I enjoy attending plays, musicals, and/or ballets.  My favorites are_______________________________(Aaron said "Shakspheare.  I would like to go", Mommy's note:  Aaron is OBSSESSED with Shakspheare.  He can remember numerious lines from his play.)  </li>


    使用道具 举报

     楼主| 发表于 2003-3-26 12:28:36 | 只看该作者


    <b>Chapter 4: Artistic Talent</b>

    <b>Mechanical Ability</b>

    Mechanical ability is usually not often thought of as an artistic talent, although many people who have <b>mechanical ability</b> are very creative and talented.

    Many children with autism have good mechanical ability.  <i>These children see how things fit together and they like to take things apart, assemble and construct things. They like discovering how things work. </i>

    <b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me </b>


    <li>I like taking things apart.  </li>

    <li>I like seeing how things fit together. *  </li>

    <li>I like figuring out how things work. *  </li>

    <li>I like building and constructing things.  </li>

    <li>I like planning and designing things to build  </li>

    <li>I am not interested in mechanical things </li>


    <b>I would like to learn more about: </b>(Circle)


    Trains *

    Heating systems



    Plumbing systems

    Electrical systems

    Electrical appliances



    使用道具 举报

     楼主| 发表于 2003-3-26 12:35:25 | 只看该作者


    <b>Chapter 4: Artistic Talent</b>


    Working with <b>computers</b> is usually not thought of as an artistic talent, although many people who are good with computers are very creative and talented.

    Many children with autism have excellent skills on computers. <i>Computers are literal, concrete, and predictable. A computer gprogram follow its rules, exactly.  </i> Using the computer might come naturally and easily to children with autism.  There are many different ways that children can enjoy using the computer.

    <b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me.</b>


    <li>I am not especially interested in computers.  If I checked this, then I do not have to read any more on this page.  </li>

    <li>I liek palying computer games. *  </li>

    <li>I like to use the computer to write. *  </li>

    <li>I liek to use the computer to send and receive emails. *  </li>

    <li>I like to visit different Web sites on the Internet. *  </li>

    <li>I like drawing and designing graphics on the computer.  </li>

    <li>I liek programming computers. (Programming is using the language of the computer to make it do things.)  </li>

    <li>I would like to learn how to ________________________  </li>

    <li>Other: ______________________________________  </li>


    使用道具 举报

     楼主| 发表于 2003-3-26 12:42:12 | 只看该作者


    <b>Chapter 4: Artistic Talent</b>

    <b>For Parents and Teachers</b>

    Dave Spicer, who is quoted several times in this book, is a talented poet and essayist, however his talent was not noticed or encouraged as a child.  He recalls that even though his highest SAT scores were in the verbal[/] sections, he was guided to study engineering in college.  Dave only became aware of his own creativity with words later;  one day, Dave syas, a poem just "jumped out" of him.

    I asked Dave to think about the questions listed below and to share his thoughts.  Many thanks to Dave for pondering this subject and writing this seciton for parents and teachers.

    <center><b>Ideas in This Chapter</b></center>


    <li>Why do you think artistic expression is improtant?  </li>

    <li>What are wyas that parents might encourage their child's talent?  </li>

    <li>Do you have any other insights about persons with autism and talent?  </li>

    <li>What is your personal experience of developing your talent?</li>


    <b>Why do you think that artistic expression is important?</b>

    Artistic expression can serve a number of purposes for an autistic person:  It can be physically pleasurable, due to the motor or sensory aspects of the activity.  These could include the feel or smell of the materials being used, their colors, the sounds made by using them, and so on.

    It can be intellectually pleasurable, as the aptterns, rhythm, and harmony being externally manifested bring a greater sense of order and balance to one's thoughts.

    It can offer practice at self-expression, at having one's thoughts and feelings take form in a way that affect the outside world.  This is useful since the very concept of being able to influence the otuside world may be foreign. Particularly with feelings, it can be way of "doing something" with them, and perhaps of "taming" them so they are less overwhelming to experience.

    It can be a means of communication.  The activity can serve as a kind of bridge connection one's internal state with the external world.  Some autistic people may not realize that it is even possible for this to happen, and so may never expect to be understood.  Others may expect everyone to know all their thoughts automattically, and so do not understand that thoughts have to be communicated at all.  Using artistic expression as a way to practice communication can help to find the middle ground between these extremes.

    It can be a way of interacting with society and contributing to it.  The viewpoints of those "outside the mainstream" can offer information and perspective which are not easily available from within it.  Systems function much better with feedback, and the impressions fo autistic folks, as expressed through art, can help provide this.  One result of this feedback can be a broader understanding of the term "society", so that those outside the mainstream are recognized as still being part of it.  This in turn brings greater richness through diversity.

    <b>What are ways that parents might encourage their child's talent?</b>

    A starting point can be the recognition of what is already taking place.  It has been suggested that one's very life can be viewed as a canvas upon which one "paints" by living it; with this as a guide, examples of creative expression are likely already present.  A child's special interests can offer situations for using artistic talent.  How many different ways can the object (or objects) of interest be represented?  What different situations can they be represented in?  Could there be stories or songs about them?  How about "documentaries" or advertising?

    <b>Do you have any otehr insights about persons with autism and talent?</b>

    The amount of enjoyment an autistic person gets from an activity may not be evident from his/her demeanor or behavior.  Intense absorption may look like dispassionate detachment, and strong feelings of pleasure may be tightly contained within oneself to keep them manageable.  Because of this, it may take considerable time to learn what a child is actually interested in and enjoys.  If a number of choices are made available, some might be ignored for a long time then suddenly taken up with great enthusiasm.  Conversely, a longtime favorite might be suddenly dropped without explanation.

    While a parent may very much want to learn why this happens, the child may well be unable to communicate or even understand the reasons.  It may be quite frustrating to have a child who acts and speaks very precisely, explaining some of his or her preferences and actions in detail, being unable to answer a direct question about others.

    The area of artistic expression does not appear to be entirely rational, which can cause difficulty to those who seek logical understanding of things.  Drawings, songs, poems, and the like can seem to appear "out of nowhere" for no apparent reason.  This may be disquieting to the person creating them, perhaps causing a blend of simultaneous enjoyment and apprehension.  On the other hand, if the creation is in response to stron gfeelings like frustration or anger, matters of inteelectual appreciation may be completely set aside as the process becomes almost a visceral one.

    <b>What is your personal experience of developing your talent?</b>

    My own experience with creative expression is that of pent-up energy seeking an outlet.  This energy is intensified by enjoying the creative expression of thers.  I do not feel this energy can be created, but rather that people can seek to become conduits for it.  My challenges in this area do not involve trying to "become more creative", but rather to remove the barriers which keep what I have inside me from being expressed more freely.

    I am grateful that I do not have to completely understand the process of "creative expression" to be able to use it.  As an autistic person, there are some aspects of life which, even though they escape my full understanding, I can still participate in and enjoy.

    <font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - 瑞雪 重新编辑於 2003/03/27  11:15:47</font>

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