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发表于 2002-11-19 13:31:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

下面是worksheet.  每一頁底下都有“如果這一頁對我很重要的話﹐我可以把頁數圈起來。”

Chapter 1: Introduction.  Page 1 第一頁﹕

Introducing Me 介紹我自己

My name is: 我的名字是__________________________________

My birthday is: 我的生日是______________________________

Today's date is:今天的日期是_____________________________

I will draw a picture (or tape a photo) of myself, here. 我在這裡畫一張自己的畫片(或貼一長照片)

 楼主| 发表于 2002-11-19 13:41:39 | 只看该作者


Page 2

Strengths and Talents

Everyone has strengths and talents.  My strengths and talents are things that I can do well and enjoy doing.

I will circle or highlight what is true for me.

My strengths or talents are:

reading *                        

writing stories or poetry

spelling *                        

photography *

alphabetical order *              

sports *

handwriting or calligraphy        

cooking or baking *

foregin languages  *              

cleaning *

drawing or painting               

straightening up

computers *                       

putting things in order

addition or subtraction *         


multiplication or division *      

mechanical things

matching  *                       

constructing things

dates  *                          

understanding animals

numberical orders                 

sewing, knitting, or weaving

playing a musical instrument *   


facts about ________              

singing on perfect pitch         

memory *

remembering how things look *

other: _____________

other: _____________


<font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - 瑞雪 重新编辑於 2002/11/19  13:43:33</font>

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 楼主| 发表于 2002-11-19 13:49:11 | 只看该作者


Page 3

Autism Is Another Thing About Me

Another thing about me is that I have autism.  Most children do not have autism, but some do.  I am one of the children who has autism.

There are children and adults all over the world who have autism.  I might not know any other people who have autism, but maybe somedya I will meet others.

People with autism are different from each other.  Some children with autism never talk. Some talk a little and some talk a lot!

I have a special kind of autism called high functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome.  Sometimes it is called PDD or PDDNOS.  It can be called an Autism Spectrum Disorder.  All of these terms are related to autism.

In this book, it is just called autism, but it can mean all these things:

High Functioning Autism

Asperger Syndrome (or Aspergers) *

PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder)

PDDNOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (or ASD)

Other: _____________________________

On the list above, my parent will circle or highlight the terms that have been used with me. (*)

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 楼主| 发表于 2002-11-19 13:53:38 | 只看该作者


Page 4

What is Autism?

Autism is invisible.  No one can see autism.  It is one of the things that make me who I am.  This book will explain what is special about autism.

Autism affects the way my brain works.  The brain is like a computer which is always on and keeps people living and learning.  Autism causes my brain to sometimes work differently than other people's brains.

Having a brain with autism is like having a computer with an Autism Operating System (AOS), while most other people have a Plain Operating System (POS).

Autism makes me experience the world in a certain way.  Sometimes it's the same as most people, but sometimes I experience the world differently.


<u>Autism is another way of thinking and being.</u>

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 楼主| 发表于 2002-11-19 13:59:24 | 只看该作者


Page 5

<b>Why Do I Have Autism?</b>

No one knows why I have autism.  Scientists are not sure what causes autism in particular people.  They are trying to find out why some children have autism and others do not.  Autism is still a mystery.  But they do know <i>some </i>things about it.

Scientists know that:

<ul><li>Autism is not a disease, and it does not mean that I am sick.  </li>

<li>It does not ean that I am bad or wrong, or that I am better than other children.  </li><li> It is nobody's fault that I have autism. </li>

<li> Autism is called neurological because it involves my brain</li>

<li> Sometimes it appears to be genetic.  Cousins, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, or other family members might also have autism</li></ul>

<b>It is not wrong or bad to have autism.  Autism is another way of thinking and being.</b>

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 楼主| 发表于 2002-11-19 14:05:18 | 只看该作者


Page 6

<b>Was I Born With Autism?</b>

My parent and I can fill in the spaces below.

When I was born, my parents and the doctor did not know that I had autism.  No one can tell if a baby has autism.  They did not expect me to have autism, because most babies do not have autism.

My parents first thought that there was something a little different about me when I was ___ years old, but they still did not know that I had autism.  They loved me very much and they did not understand why I ...




My parents found out that I had autism when I was ____ years old.  Then they understood more about me.  They kept on loving me very much.

Now, <b><i>I</i></b> know that I have autism.  I am ___ years old.  My parents gave me this book to help me understand myself better.  They want me to know that I am a special and wonderful person.

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发表于 2002-11-20 08:01:46 | 只看该作者


瑞 雪 :

你 好 ! 上 次 看 到 你 的 帖 子 讲 AARON 的情 绪 问 题 , 很 心 疼 你 和 孩 子 也 很 想 给 你 打 电 话 , 可 是 我 自 己 和 BILLY还 没 有 遇 到 这 样 的 问 题 , 没 有 什 么 经 验 , 怕 谈 得 不 到 位 ,就 没 有 与 你 联 络 。  AARON 现 在 的 情 况 如 何 了? 很 惦 念 。

孩 子 长 大 后 自 我 认 同 的 问 题 , 我 过 去 确 实 没 有 仔 细 想 过 , 也 可 能 是 BILLY 的 现 阶 段 使 我 没 有 机 会 去 想 , AARON遇 到 的 问 题 我 相 信 是 所 有 “ 高 功 能 ” 孩 子 都 会 遇 到 的 , 早 一 些 开 始 疏 导 孩 子 当 是 不 容 忽 略 的 。 听 说 在 我 们 这 里 的 小 学 里 , 老 师 向 孩 子 们 讲 解 自 闭 症 的 知 识 , 班 里 谁 是 “ 自 闭 症 ” 大 家 也 都 知 道 , 孩 子 们 都 能 够 了 解 他 们 的 特 点 和 与 他 们 相 处 的 方 式。 尽 管 班 里 的 小 孩 子 们 无 法 如 成 人 般 地 处 理 每 个 问 题 , 我 们 的 孩 子 还 是 有 很 多 状 况 需 要 疏 导 , 但 是 我 很 欣 赏 学 校 这 样 积 极 的 做 法 。不 知 道 AARON 的 学 校 是 如 何 做 的 , 我 的 一 位 住 在 科 罗 拉 多 州 的 朋 友 , 想 向 老 师 了 解 她 孩 子 班 里 几 位 有 “ 特 殊 需 要 ”孩 子 的 情 况  (她 的 孩 子 也 是 其 中 之 一 ), 却 被 告 知 是 他 们 的 隐 私 , 无 可 奉 告 ,更 不 用 说 告 诉 全 班 孩 子 们 了 ,  可 见 每 个 学 校 和 老 师 的 理 念 也 有 很 大 差 异, 当 然 , 也 可 能 是 家 长 的 要 求 。


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发表于 2002-11-20 08:48:22 | 只看该作者


瑞 雪 : 写 完 上 面 的 帖 子 , 才 看 到 你 在 另 一 个 主 题 里 讲 关 于 AARON 最 近 情 况 的 帖 子 , 很 欣 慰 , 这 么 短 时 间 就 找 到 KEY 了 , 让 人 兴 奋 。

我 正 好 也 有 一 个 困 扰 的 问 题  想 请 教 你 和 方 老 师 等 有 经 验 的 家 长 。 我 会 发 一 个 主 题 帖 在 “ 帮 我 一 把 ” 里 面 。



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 楼主| 发表于 2002-11-22 14:24:50 | 只看该作者


謝謝CE CE 的關心。


老師告訴我班上還有一位AS的小朋友﹐正好Aaron和這位小朋友一起上Sunday School. 我認識他。不過老師拒絕告訴我這位小朋友的具體情況﹐這就屬于隱私範疇了。

老師說已經和Aaron班上的小朋友講了有關自閉症和Aaron的事(事先征得家長同意的)。大約有一半的小朋友已經聽過了類似的一次﹐因為班上還有一個自閉症的小朋友﹐老師已經講過一次了 。老師說小朋友們的反應很好﹐問了很多問題﹕



“Is that why he's so smart? Does he study a lot?" (Aaron知道很多facts.就象一本百科全書﹐老師也經常給他露臉的機會﹐所以小朋友們都覺得他很聰明。其實Aaron 抽象思維和解決問題能力差得很。)

“Aaron讀書很快﹐記憶力很好。這是他的禮物(This is his gift.) We all have different gifts."

"Why does Aaron take breaks? "

"Because the noise of many people talking can sound very loud to Aaron and he gets overwhelmed.  The breaks help him to relax."


我們四面受敵,卻不被困住;心裡作難,卻不至失望;            --哥林多后书四章八节


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发表于 2002-11-28 03:34:22 | 只看该作者


你好! 谢谢你posted这么好的curriculum, 我很喜欢. 我准备就用这来告诉我的朋友和小朋友们, 让他们能认识我的儿子positively. 直到现在, 我还没有正确地告诉我的儿子有关他的问题. 你能否告诉我, 你在你儿子多大的时候才告诉他这个问题. 谢谢! 也希望你能继续post 这个curriculum.

Happy Thanksgiving!


使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-11-28 04:03:59 | 只看该作者


Snow: 你好! 谢谢你posted这么好的curriculum, 我很喜欢. 我准备就用这来告诉我的朋友和小朋友们, 让他们能认识我的儿子positively. 直到现在, 我还没有正确地告诉我的儿子有关他的问题. 你能否告诉我, 你在你儿子多大的时候才告诉他这个问题. 谢谢! 也希望你能继续post 这个curriculum.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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 楼主| 发表于 2002-12-3 02:51:17 | 只看该作者




Asperger's: What Does It Mean to Me?

by Catherine Faherty

Hardcover: 301 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.33 x 11.23 x 9.69

Publisher: Future Horizons; ISBN: 1885477597; Spiral edition (April 1, 2000)

Description: A workbook explaining self awareness and life lessons to the youth with

high functioning autism or Asperger's Syndrome.

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obido ... =books&n=507846

我是這個學期告訴Aaron 他的情況的。Aaron今年十一歲。

我們四面受敵,卻不被困住;心裡作難,卻不至失望;            --哥林多后书四章八节

<font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - 瑞雪 重新编辑於 2002/12/03  02:53:28</font>

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-19 14:21:20 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 2:  Ways of Thinking</b>

<b>Special Interests</b>

Everyone has interests, things they like.  <b>One of the important things about having autism is that it helps me be very focused on my interests. </b>  I usually feel good when I am focused on my special interests.  I might have just one special interest or I might have more than one.

My favorite special interests are:  (below is Aaron's answer)


<li>History  </li>

<li>Biography  </li>

<li>Reading  </li>


There are many ways to enjoy special interests.  I will mark the ways I like to enjoy my special interests.

I like to <b>think </b> about my special interests.

I like to <b>read</b> about my special interests.

I like to <b>talk</b> about my special interests.

I like to <b>draw</b> pictures about my special interests

I like to <b>write</b> about my special interests.

I like to <b>do something</b> about my special interests.

(Aaron likes to think, read, talk and write about his interests.)

Some children with autism have the same special interests for a long time.  Sometimes special interests change after a few months.  On the next page is a list of my special interests over the last few years.

These are my special interests over the past few years:  (below is Aaron's answer)


<li>Bible stories  </li>

<li>Science Fiction  </li>

<li>Stones  </li>


(Mommy would also add "inventors", "time travel", "U.S. revolutionary war history" etc. on the list for Aaron.  I was surprised that Aaron would count "stones" because he only collected rocks for a very short time. Now I know Aaron considered it a MAJOR interest.)

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-19 14:27:31 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 2: Ways of Thinking</b>


Sometimes people say that I have a <i>good memory</i>.

Many children with autism have good memories.  The kinds of things that children with autism notice and remember are called <b>details</b>.  <i>Details can be colors, letters, numbers, shapes, places, names, signs, smells, sounds, dates, times, phone numbers, and many other things.</i>  Some of the details I notice are things that other people don't think are improtant, so they might not notice or remember them.

I usually remember details that are interesting to me, or that are related to my special interests.  Some details that I notice and remember are: (below is Aaron's answer)


<li>Dates  </li>

<li>Events  </li>

<li>People's Names  </li></ul>

<center><b>Most Children with autism are good at noticing and remembering details that are important to them.</b></center>


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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-19 14:42:40 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 2: Ways of Thinking</b>

<b>Styles of Learning</b>

Everyone learns.  Sometimes learning is easy and sometimes learning is difficult.  Children learn in different ways.  Everyone has his or her own <b>style of learning</b>.  Autism affects my style of learning.

<b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me.</b>

I like it when:

<ul><li>I can watch what people are doing  </li>

<li>There are pictures I can see  </li>

<li>There are words I can read  </li>

]<li>Someone reads to me</li>

<li>It's my special interest</li>

<li>People talk a lot</li>



<center><b>I learn more easily when I read the words, rather than when I listen to someone talk.</b></center>

If above is true for me, then I will circle this statement.

If it is not true, then I will cross it out.

(妈妈的话:  由于很早就发现Aaron通过文字和画片可以更好地领会意图,老师每天都把一天的安排事先写在纸上,贴在课桌上作为提示。 Aaron 能够预先知道一天的安排,也会比较有安全感。另外,我在家里也给儿子贴上很多图文并茂的提事。曾经贴过:早晨程序,睡前程序,刷牙程序,装书包程序,等等)

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-19 14:55:28 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 2:  Ways of Thinking </b>


Many children with autism like things to be perfect.  This is why many children with autism are good workers, but sometimes it can cause problems.

I will circle or highlight what is true for me.

<ul><li>I want to be the first one finished with my work  </li>

<li>I want my work to look a certain way, so I keep correcting it over and over again.  </li>

<li>I earase my work many times. (Aaron) </li>

<li>I do not want to see any mistakes on my work. (Aaron) </li>

<li>If it doesn't look right, I give up and get anxious or angry. (Aaron sometimes.  He didn't mark this one himself) </li>

<li>Other: <u> If its not right, I take a break. (Aaron)</u> </li>


But everything cannot always be perfect.  I am not wrong or bad if other children are first, or if I make mistakes.  <i>Everyone</i> makes mistakes, even the smartest people in the world.  I can try to:

    <li>let it be OK if <b>someone else</b>finishes first.  I can finish second or third or later.</li>

    <li>correct the mistakes that I know how to correct.</li>

    <li><b>ask</b> someone for help with with mistakes I don't understand.(Aaron)</li>

    <li><b>continue</b> with the activity or assignment.(Aaron)</li>


    <center><b>I do not need to start over from the beginning, again and again.  I do not need to feel bad about my work.</b></center>

    (妈妈的话: Aaron 这个学期最大的进步之一是知道寻求帮助和在有挫折感的时候ask for a break. (vs explode)

    <font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - 瑞雪 重新编辑於 2003/02/19  14:58:24</font>

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-20 11:50:13 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 2: Ways of Thinking</b>

<b>Routines and Familiarity</b>

Children with autism like routines and familiarity.  A <b>routine </b>is when I do the same things in the same ways.  <b>Familiarity</b> means being used to something.

Routines make me feel good because I know what to expect.  I like to know what is going to happen and when it will happen.  I usually feel better when things are familiar to me.

I like these things to <i>stay the same:</i> (below is Aaron's answer)


<li>1.  Friends  </li>

<li>2.  Schedule </li>

<li>3.  Classes  </li></ul>

Sometimes things have to change.  Unexpected things happen in life.  Sometimes I know ahead of  time that things will be different.

<b>Sometimes I don't know that there is going to be a change until it happens.</b>

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-21 12:33:04 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 2: Ways of Thinking</b>


Sometimes I am focused on my special interest and I don't want to stop.  Or something may be familiar and I don't want it to <b>change</b>.

But someone might say that it is time to do something else, or that <b>things have changed.</b> Sometimes there is a <b>surprise</b>.

<center>Many children like surprises.  Surprises are

when things change unexpectedly, and <i>we do not know

exactly how they will change.</i>.  Many children think

that surprises are fun, but most children with autism

think it is more fun for things to stay the same </center>

When things change or are new or different, I might wonder if they will ever be the same again.

When things change, I might feel anxious, confused, sad, frustrated or angry.  <b>Changes might be difficult for children with autism.</b>

I can write down some of the changes that bother me on the next page.

(page 2)

<i>I do not have to write on all the lines.  I just have to write what is ture for me.</i>

Some changes that bother me are:





<font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - 瑞雪 重新编辑於 2003/02/21  12:34:48</font>

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-21 12:42:14 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 2: Ways of Thinking</b>

<b>A Schedule Can Help Me Be Flexible</b>

Everything cannot always stay the same.  <b>Being flexible</b> means that when things change, I will not get too upset.  Children who are flexible can have fun even when things change.  Following a <b>schedule</b> can help me be flexible.

A <b>schedule</b> is a list of what is going to happen today.  Using a schedule is fun.  When I look at the schedule,


<li>I <i>know</i> which things will be the <i>same</i> as usual today, and which things are going to be <i>different</i>  </li>

<li>I can <i>see</i> if a <i>surprise</i> is going to happen</li>  

<li>I can <i>see</i> what is going to happen <i>first</i> and what is going to happen <i>later</i>.</li>

<li>I know that <i>I will not be stuck doing something I don't like</i> because I can see that it will end and that something else will happen next.  </li>

<li>I can see when it is going to be time for my <i>special interests.</i> (for Aaron his teacher added <b>and breaks</b>)</li>

<li>I am <i>involved</i>.  When I check my schedule, I find out what is going to happen next.  I mark each thing as I do it.</li>


<font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - 瑞雪 重新编辑於 2003/02/21  12:43:24</font>

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-21 12:48:43 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 2: Ways of Thinking</b>

<b>Last-Minute Changes</b>

Sometimes things have to change unexpectedly.  It might change right away, or it might change soon.  An unexpected change is also called a <b>last-minute change.</b>

If there are <i>last-minute changes,</i> my parent or teacher can go to my schedule, and erase or cross out what was supposed to happen.  Then they can write the change on my schedule.

Even if something is going to change soon, it can still be written on my schedule, so I can see when something is going to be different.  <i>It is easier for me to understand and hadle changes when I can see what is going to happen.</i>

<center>If I do not have a schedule, then my parent or

teacher can help me cope with a last minute change by

writing a note and giving it to me.

The last minute-change might be easier to deal with,

if I read about it.  <i>Then I can keep the note with

me, and check again, whenever I want.</i></center>


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