
楼主 |
发表于 2006-11-16 12:03:51
re:顶级科学期刊《自然》子刊 Nature...
顶级科学期刊《自然》子刊 Nature Neuroscience 今年10月也出了期“儿童发育障碍”专刊,相关文章如下,都属于专业领域的,没有需要,就不上传了。
1. Fragile X syndrome and autism at the intersection of genetic and neural networks
Matthew K Belmonte, Thomas Bourgeron
Nature Neuroscience 9, 1221 - 1225 (01 Oct 2006) Perspective
2. Time to give up on a single explanation for autism
Francesca Happé, Angelica Ronald, Robert Plomin
Nature Neuroscience 9, 1218 - 1220 (01 Oct 2006) Perspective
3. Autism at the crossroads: determining the phenotype matters for neuroscience
Tony Charman
Nature Neuroscience 9, 1197 - 1197 (01 Oct 2006)
4. Childhood developmental disorders
Charvy Narain
Nature Neuroscience 9, 1209 - 1209 (01 Oct 2006) Introduction
5. What developmental disorders can tell us about the nature and origins of language
Gary Marcus, Hugh Rabagliati
Nature Neuroscience 9, 1226 - 1229 (01 Oct 2006) Perspective
6. A genetics pioneer focused on child health challenges
Michael Katz
Nature Neuroscience 9, 1211 - 1211 (01 Oct 2006)
7. NGL family PSD-95–interacting adhesion molecules regulate excitatory synapse formation
Seho Kim, Alain Burette, Hye Sun Chung, Seok-Kyu Kwon, Jooyeon Woo, Hyun Woo Lee, Karam Kim, Hyun Kim, Richard J Weinberg, Eunjoon Kim
Nature Neuroscience 9, 1294 - 1301 (01 Oct 2006) Article
12. Differently wired
Simon Baron-Cohen
Nature Neuroscience 9, 5 - 5 (01 Jan 2006)