re:[QUOTE]小K 妈,IEP上应该...
小K 妈,IEP上应该是只写目标不写实施方法的。我之所以跟学校学区提实施方法,是因为上面一年甜瓜的特教老师工作不利,很多IEP目标服务流于形式,没有认真实施。这就是我说的没有计划,老师心里都不清楚要做什么,怎么做。为了避免下一年再出现类似问题(虽然我已经要求换老师了),我就丑话说在前面,要求他们把大致的目标和手段跟我交流一下。
甜瓜下一年的社交目标主要是 --
小K的GOAL分为几部分:语言,OT(感统),PT,行为,社交交流。另外还有总的教育模式部分我们加入了很多内容。如下是其中的我有电子文档的部分(部份来自社交交流(not complete here),部分来自教育模式(not complete here))。语言老师和班主任管社交交流部分。其实语言老师管得最多,她主要带领小K跟小朋友玩耍,每天30分钟。其实IEP都是一些条条框框,很多都没有认真执行。但是如果不写IEP,老师有可能放水。当然写进IEP,也可能流于形式。但是当他们IEP没有很好执行时,家长提出来一些问题和解决方案,他们容易接受,给家长一些回旋余地和跟学校“斗”的资本。当然一般还是“和谐共处”,但是有时候太不像话时,只有IEP有法律效应。
1. ABA consultant had other ABA goals. And her goal benchmarks has 10 goals need to be under social-communication goals instead of under behavior goal. So I pull out those 10 goals and listed below:
(1)He will develop an understanding of relationship between his verbalizations and action/effects on others as measured across 3 consecutive sessions in two school context and one home context with 80% accuracy.
(2)He will engage in appropriate cooperative social play interactions initiated by others as measured across 3 consecutive play sessions in two school context and one home context with 80% accuracy.
(3)He will engage in cooperative social play interactions by allowing others to make changes or alter the play routine as measured across 3 consecutive play sessions in two school context and one home context with 80% accuracy.
(4)He will engage in appropriate turn-taking skills by attending to a peer's turn and waiting for his turn as measured across 3 consecutive play sessions in two school context and one home context with 80% accuracy.
(5)He will appropriately acknowledge and interaction initiated by peers/adults during play by giving an appropriate response either verbally, or nonverbally as measured across 3 consecutive sessions in two school context and one home context with 80% accuracy.
(6)He will increase safety awareness by stating the effect of various situations as measured across 3 learning sessions in two school context and one home context with 80% accuracy.
(7)He will identify various emotional states in others as measured across 3 consecutive learning sessions in two school context and one home context with 80% accuracy.
(8)He will state why a person might be feeling a particular emotion as measured across 3 consecutive learning sessions in two school context and one home context with 80% accuracy.
(9)He will identify simple emotional states in self as measured across 3 consecutive learning sessions in two school context and one home context with 80% accuracy.
(10)He will state why he might be feeling a particular emotion as measured across 3 consecutive learning sessions in two school context and one home context with 80% accuracy.
2. Summary we talked in the IEP meeting about his placement setup in the new IEP.
(1)He needs not only a sensory diet but a social emotional diet throughout the day.
(2) Give He special jobs or enriched work (this makes him feel good) in Kindergarten so he doesn’t get bored.
Special jobs- for sensory and a sensory or emotional break- carrying a ream of paper to the office and the office gives him a ream of paper to carry back to the classroom.
Special jobs: If He knows the topic that is going to be discussed, maybe the teacher can think of a way he can assist her from time to time. Or he can help the other kids if they need help.
Enriched work means that teacher will give him more advanced materials and work, such as more advanced math, etc…
(3) Because he has language comprehensive difficulty, we want to make sure the lengthy info is presented before hands and broken down. This is important.
This is why he will need PRE-TEACHING, in an affect based manner. To capture his interest in the subject but keep some parts to learn in classroom when with the other kids.
(4) Prepare him for new things that are going to happen in class including new curriculum (he will understand the Kindergarten curriculum intellectually, but I want him to be exposed before in an affect based and enriched way so that he has interest when the teacher begins to teach it). He should be active in class. If the class will be doing something new, He should know before hand so that he doesn’t slowly become over aroused.
(5) We might suggest that if any of those children happen to be going to Kindergarten that he they are placed with in the same class so that He has that small level of comfort and perhaps a friendship that can continue to blossom.