谢谢所有回帖的同志们。作者: sjj0418 时间: 2006-4-19 19:20 标题: re:建议还是先做完过敏测试再说,否则的话孩子... 建议还是先做完过敏测试再说,否则的话孩子缺营养不说,真会耽搁孩子的。记得当初别的家长给我的建议就是先禁豆类,其余奶类和麦类在过敏测试未做之前,可先减量。等测试做完知道结果再完全禁。我孩子挑食厉害,过去他的营养摄入主要还是靠配方奶粉,现在每天奶粉就晚上睡觉前喝一顿,也是水的兑量是标准的1.5~2倍,为以后的禁食先做准备,孩子也需要一个适应过程。
我目前除了补Vc和小施尔康全面维生素,而且量远不是帖子上的那么大,就是药瓶上的量,等看过医生再说。瞎弄会使孩子受苦,孩子已经够痛苦了,别再伤害他们作者: jingyu 时间: 2006-4-19 19:52 标题: re:国产的维生素中用的辅料不大适合我们的孩子... 国产的维生素中用的辅料不大适合我们的孩子,我儿子用的是从美国买的纯Vc.好象只有一个厂家生产.我家已连续服用两年多,从没有腹泻现象. 作者: kaikai2003 时间: 2006-4-19 23:19
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: 加加爸爸 时间: 2006-4-19 23:34 标题: re:Vitamin C: The vitam... Vitamin C: The vitamin C is known to help support adrenal function and is best taken with bioflavanoids which help recycle the vitamin C thus prolonging its functional life. If you are taking Basic Cell Energy™ you may take plain vitamin C formula, because Basic Cell Energy™ already contains citrus bioflavanoids. You may take 1-3 grams of vitamin C daily in divided doses. Bowel tolerance is a term used to describe the maximum dose an individual can tolerate before getting bowel symptoms such as gas, cramps, or diarrhea. Some people find a beneficial to take vitamin C to bowel tolerance when rebuilding the adrenals. It is best taken in divided doses throughout the day. Many people with chronic adrenal fatigue have a low bowel tolerance and may tolerate only a total of 500 mg (½
gram) daily. This level may increase with time. Some people, on the other hand, can tolerate 10 grams or more daily.
以上是关于自闭症孩子每日需补充物中关于Vc的描述,可见你即使每日给他800MG也是安全的,建议购买KIRKMAN的Vc吧。作者: tina6873 时间: 2006-4-20 10:24 标题: re:下午孩子在家里对阿姨大发脾气。我都怀疑是... 下午孩子在家里对阿姨大发脾气。我都怀疑是不是所谓的“死亡反应”,但没听说吃