上周克莱数学研究所宣布,首个千禧年数学大奖授予了俄罗斯数学家格里戈里·佩雷尔曼,以表彰他在证明庞加莱猜想过程中的决定性贡献。四年前拒绝了菲尔茨奖的佩雷尔曼博士再次拒绝了克莱数学研究所的百万美元奖金。 ...
最近比较想不开,找了一本一堆牛人写的书在翻:The Princeton Companion to Mathematics,挺好玩的。是世界顶尖数学家们写的。伽利略说,数学是上帝书写宇宙的语言,数学家们可是在上帝后面紧赶慢赶。链接:http://press.princeton.edu/titles/8350.html
还有一本在看的书是 Daniel Goleman 的 Social Intelligence.他还写了另一本比较老的书:Emotional Intelligence.也很有名,等我看完了前面一本再看。
New York Times science writer Goleman argues that our emotions play a much greater role in thought, decision making and individual success than is commonly acknowledged. He defines "emotional intelligence"?a trait not measured by IQ tests?as a set of skills, including control of one's impulses, self-motivation, empathy and social competence in interpersonal relationships. Although his highly accessible survey of research into cognitive and emotional development may not convince readers that this grab bag of faculties comprise a clearly recognizable, well-defined aptitude, his report is nevertheless an intriguing and practical guide to emotional mastery. In marriage, emotional intelligence means listening well and being able to calm down. In the workplace, it manifests when bosses give subordinates constructive feedback regarding their performance. Goleman also looks at pilot programs in schools from New York City to Oakland, Calif., where kids are taught conflict resolution, impulse control and social skills.