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发表于 2006-3-24 11:33:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
来自chelatingkids2, 我看了感觉非常有帮助,不知道谁能帮忙翻译一下好帮助更多的人。


Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless

Jaquelyn McCandless received her Doctorate in Medicine

at the University of Illinois College of Medicine and

is certified as a Diplomate of the American Board of

Psychiatry and Neurology. She has been in private

practice in Southern California since 1966. Since the

early 1990抯, Doctor McCandless?interest in women抯

issues and sexuality led to an alternative medicine

practice with a focus on brain nutrition, anti-aging,

and natural hormone therapy. She and her husband,

mathematician and educator Jack Zimmerman, PhD have

conducted relationship workshops for years, publishing

> a book on their exploration of the spiritual dimension

> of intimacy in 1998, Flesh and Spirit: The Mystery of

> Intimate Relationship (Bramble Books). They have been

> married 27 years and have between them eight children

> and thirteen grandchildren.


> In 1996 after their grandchild was diagnosed with

> autism, Jaquelyn returned back intensely to basic

> medicine in response to the complexity of Chelsey抯

> disorder and began working with the biomedical aspects

> of developmentally delayed children. Jack turned his

> visionary educational interests even more toward the

> council process in schools and the exploration with

> other innovative educators of inclusion programs in

> response to the overwhelming increase in the numbers

> of special needs children entering our school systems

> now.


> Jaquelyn now utilizes the knowledge she gained

> exploring and using treatments for her grandchild to

> help other ASD children, including writing the book

> she so desperately needed when this aspect of her

> current life-journey started five years ago.


> Q:  Dr. McCandless, thank you so much for your

> generosity.  I know all of the parents greatly

> appreciate your work.  My son is 5yo, Aspergers, and

> VERY high functioning - Doing bio med for 2 years.

> What treatments do you use in your practice to

> increase eye contact and attention?  Also, Can you

> comment on your preference for chelation (TD DMPS v TD

> DMSA) and the TD DMPS, TD DMSA alternating protocol?

> Do you give minerals every day or every other day?  I

> know different Doctors use different schedules for

> supplementing.  Thank you so much!


> A: I don抰 use td-dmps, I had a few kids that had

> severe enuresis that didn抰 stop even after they

> stopped td-dmps. I抦 finding td-dmsa very successful.

> For td-dmps I give minerals every day. In terms of eye

> contact, the diet needs to be strict, we need to

> chelate the heavy metals out, and get the right

> nutrients in these kids to heal.


> Q: Thanks for being here tonight. I have a two part

> question

> (1) What does developing severe dandruff and white

> scaling skin on eyelids indicate?

> My son developed this after regular EDTA baths and a

> supplement with malic acid and Vit D.

> What can it be possibly due to? I have stopped EDTA

> baths and the supplement

> but the symptoms persist.

> (2)What you would suggest to decrease the high mercury

> and lead metal load in an HFA adult

> with 2 fillings and no amalgams, who has no access to

> removing the fillings

> (lives in a country where no such facilities are

> available).


> A: 1) I have no idea what that indicates, I haven抰

> seen that before in my kids. Maybe try stopping the

> baths and see if the symptoms persist. Take the child

> to a dermatologist. 2) I would use natural chelators,

> not dmps or dmsa, if you have mercury amalgams.

> Cilantro, clay baths, high selenium are some natural

> alternatives.


> Q:  I started my child on Valtrex today. Should I see

> positive or negative results right away? What kind of

> results am I looking for?  Does his dose sound

> correct- he is 8 years old and 55 pounds and is on 250

> mg 3 times a day.  Is there a better dosage that you

> prefer?


> A: With Valtrex for that size child, 500 mg 2x a day.

> Go on to 1500 after a couple weeks. I usually test a

> child first ?Immunosciences viral test. We can never

> kill off the viruses, we can suppress them.


> Q:  Hello Dr. McCandless - I have a 3 year old

> daughter who is mod/severely autistic.  My DAN has

> prescribed oral EDTA capsules (125mg) for chelation,

> and has advised to take one capsule a day.  He does

> not want to add any other chelators.  He just wants to

> use hair analysis to measure toxic metal output.  Is

> EDTA sufficient on its own to chelate (I am hoping for

> recovery), and is hair analysis sufficient to measure

> toxic metal output?  Thanks!


> A: I would have to hear what was on her testing. If

> she showed a lot of lead, edta capsules are

> appropriate. Lead hides mercury, and it makes sense to

> get lead out first. Hair analysis is not the best

> measure  - urinary from Doctor抯 Data is the best.


> Q: Will oral EDTA cause yeast problems?


> A: Not usually. A lot of kids have yeast problems

> anyway, and you may think it抯 the EDTA, but EDTA is

> not famous for causing yeast problems.


> Q:  Hi Dr. McCandless, thanks for joining us tonight.

> A question for lauricidin: We tried lauricidin last

> month and my son appeared more spacey, more wild

> giggling/meaningless babbling/visual stims, complained

> tummy hurt and woke up in the mid of night, is that

> some side effects you have ever observed? We also

> doing TD-DMPS so is it OK to give Lauricidin while is

> on TD-DMPS?


> A: I have not seen this time of reaction with

> lauricidin. Some kids need to start with just a couple

> pellets twice a day. The giggling and babbling almost

> always is yeast. Try an organic acid test to see if he

> has yeast, then start lauricidin and work up slowly.

> It can be given with anything, and given continuously.


> Q:  Dr McCandless,  Do you feel it is necessary to

> have yeast "under control" before beginning TD-DMSA or

> is it generally okay to begin while yeast is still an

> issue?  I feel like if we wait for the yeast to be

> under control, we'll never chelate.  FWIW, we are

> GFCFSF and are transitioning to SCD.    Also, what

> dose of glutamine would you recommend for a 20 lb "gut

> kid"?  Thank you so much for your time and dedication

> to our children.


> A: We should have yeast somewhat under control. If

> your child has diarrhea/constipation, don抰 start

> chelation. Especially if constipated. The toxins in

> the gut with dysbiosis means the child is not

> absorbing what is needed. So it is important to get

> yeast under control, although not completely

> eradicated.


> Q:  My 5-yr old daughter got respiratory infection

> recently. She got a few IV antibiotics and oral

> steroids in hospital. She is fully recovered now. What

> interesting is that her attention is much better than

> before, so I am not sure whether that related to the

> IV antibiotics. I heard about some Dan doctors put

> oral antibiotics in their protocol to kill the virus.

> Is there any test we could run to find out whether

> regular IV antibiotics will help the child?  What

> would be the possible side effect?


> A: Probably the antibiotics cleared out a lot of bugs

> in her system. Kids will sometimes get better for a

> while. Make sure to give lots of high-potency

> probiotics, stay away from sugar, so she doesn抰 get

> the bugs back. Steroids cut down the inflammation.

> They also injure the immune system. They should only

> be used for emergency.


> Q: From amino acid results it showed that toxic

> ammonia levels is suspected.  How does one get toxic

> ammonia levels?  Do you use Alpha-ketoglutaric acid

> and what's your experience with this?


> A: When amino acid tests show ammonia is high, that is

> from gut bugs, the by-product of gut bugs. Alpha

> ketoglutaric acid, two capsules a day, will get the

> ammonia down. Cut out the sugar, heal gut with natural

> or drug (diflucan, flagyl).


> Q:  Dr JM-for a kiddo who has "almost" recovered

> except for speech delay and some anger issues (Dr

> Green suspects viral~PANDAS~or other) what would your

> preference be for treatment? Valtrex? Acyclovyr, or

> other?


> A: If Dr Green suspects pandas, he should do a strep

> or viral panel, before doing things. Dr Green is an

> excellent doctor. Ask him to get some panels, to see

> what抯 bothering your child. Pandas and viral panel

> are pretty easy to do. I would use Valtrex if you do

> treat, Acyclovyr is only 1/6th as strong.


> Q:  My son is 3 1/2, non verbal ASD. SO far not

> responding to bio med after 1 yr.  We have been

> fighting yeast and have used nystatin and diflucan,

> also gf/cf/sf and have tried SCD. We still have yeast

> issues. I don't want to use another prescription, what

> supplements are best to fight yeast and also won't

> interfere with chelation? Do you have experience with

> the Low oxalate diet? How is it for kids with yeast?

> Better than SCD? My son has food sensitivities, so it

> seems impossible to combine the 2.


> A: Most yeast outsmarts nystatin. If diflucan is not

> working, do a stool test. The best supplements to

> fight yeast, huge amounts of high potency probiotics.

> Remove all sugar, including fruit, from diet. Low

> oxalate diet does help a certain subset of kids

> marvelously. If your kid has yeast problems over and

> over, I would suggest the low oxalate diet. There are

> so many diets ?keep trying until you find what works

> for your child. Try combining the diets, even with

> sensitivities there are enough diets that you can find

> a combination that works.


> Q:  Have you seen any differences in patients

> reactions to TD-DMSA from Coastal and the TD-DMSA from

> Lee Silsby - are there differences in terms of how

> well they are responding and bad reactions like

> diarrhea? Thank you so much.


> A: Lee Silsby was first to make td-dmsa, I used that,

> it was really good, but expensive and proprietary.

> When I heard that Coastal was making it, I starting

> transferring my patients. Tyrus at Coastal is

> wonderful. Coastal is not proprietary. A lot of kids

> are responding very well. The transdermals don抰 cause

> the yeast issues that oral chelators do.


> Q:  Do you have kids who are overweight?  Could all

> the supplements we give our children make them

> overweight?  (His thyroid is OK.)


> A: The two that were overweight had low thyroid, I put

> them on low doses of armor thyroid, and they got more

> active and slimmed up. Take temperature every morning

> before he urinates or eats ?if below 97.6 3 out of 4

> mornings, thyroid is low. Make sure the kids get lots

> of exercise, don抰 let them be couch potatoes.


> Q:  My son has a few small areas of broken capillaries

> high on his cheeks which appeared a year or two after

> starting autism biomedical interventions.  Have you

> found  any special significance to these broken facial

> capillaries in children with autism?


> A: One other parent told me her child had that, but I

> don抰 know what causes it. If I find out any special

> significance, I will certainly put it on the list.


> Q:  I loved your book and what is hard for me is

> sorting through all possible causes for my son's

> difficulties. I just feel overwhelmed & don't know

> where to start. The most pressing issues have been

> aggression/behavioral stuff.  One clue may be in the

> blood work, which showed odd patterns over a 2-year

> period (hasn't been tested in the last year, but I

> have no reason to believe these numbers have "cleared

> up"):

> WBCs have been running 4.4-4.6 w/ a reference range of

> 5.5-13.5

> segs 23-33 reference range 50-75

> seg # 1.0-1.9 with reference range 2.0-7.3

>   lymphs 55-66 reference range 20-45

> Does this speak "virus" to you, or something else?

> What step would you advise first? Already doing better

> with diet/ supplements, but feel there's still

> something "underlying".


> A: As we chelate the white blood cells start

> normalizing. I would test first and see what抯 going

> on. If you suspect viruses, get a viral panel. In the

> meantime, give lauricidin, a natural anti-viral. Start

> low, just a few pellets. For 50 lb child, 2 scoops a

> day, but start slowly with just a few pellets a day.

> Get your child on a restricted diet; then proper

> nutrients; then MB-12 and LDN; then chelate; then look

> at viruses.


> Q:  Hi Dr. JM. My 4 year old Asperger son has

> excessive mucus. Frequently spits slimy/sticky mucus

> that before gf/cf was maroon color, now clear. Also

> excessive mucus in stools, and mucus in urine.  Seems

> to get worse in cycles, not food related. No one can

> say what it is; DAN says probably leaky membranes.

> Have you ever seen this? Biomed has decreased it, but

> still a problem. Thanks!


> A: Some kids do have excessive mucus, I don抰 know

> why. I would guess the secretory igA is very high, the

> body is trying to coat the gut with mucus so the

> pathogen doesn抰 get in. So cut out sugar; give proper

> nutrients; treat gut bugs. That抯 more or less a

> speculation, because I don抰 know why there is

> excessive mucus.


> Q: Hi Dr. JM could you please comment on long term

> antibiotic treatment for an autistic child now

> diagnosed with lyme. My child was just diagnosed with

> lyme He is 5 years old gf/cf/sf/eggfree 2 1/2 years

> mb12, glutathione  myriad of supplements chelating

> with td-dmsa and using ldn with beautiful social

> results. This week he was on antibiotics for a chest

> infection and he was so connected like a different

> child Thank you!


> A: The temporary wonderful effects from antibiotics is

> because the bug pathogen infestation is relieved for a

> while. But the effects don抰 last too long. I can抰

> comment on long-term antibiotic treatment, except that

> it kills off the good bugs along with the bad.


> Q:  Thank you so much for your work and book Dr.

> McCandless.  My daughter has been on LDN since mid

> August, we are seeing good socialization, we were

> hoping to see improvement in gut, but we are still

> seeing lots of loose stool.  Her mercury levels and

> aluminum levels are extremely high, lead is also high.

> Do you think the LDN will help with gut healing in

> this situation, should we begin chelation or work on

> gut healing before starting chelation? Her stool was

> not as bad on raw goat milk kefir, but we stopped all

> dairy at this time.  We are doing probiotics, enzymes,

>   vit. and minerals.  Thanks for your comments.


> A: I don抰 think you should wait. Malic acid will get

> aluminum down, or ALA. But if you have high mercury,

> you don抰 want to give ALA yet. You should begin gut

> healing, then chelation. LDN doesn抰 interfere with

> anything else ?it抯 designed to help the immune

> function better. It will not help gut healing, it will

> not chelate. So get the gut in shape, then use td-dmsa

> to get lead and mercury. For those that use td-dmps,

> they have to use edta for the lead because td-dmps

> pulls mercury.


> Q: First, Thank you so much for taking the time to

> talk to us, your expertise is so much appreciated.  Q:

>   My 3 yr old son is on a long list of supplements and

> I'm able to get most in by hiding it in his food.  The

> one I'm having the most trouble getting in him is

> SuperNuThera, he took it no problem for the first 6

> months and now refuses to drink it in liquid form

> (even at ?dose mixed with flavors).  I can't get him

> to swallow any pills (other than a mild tasting

> chewable).   I'm afraid to start chelating him (I have

> the prescription for the TD-DMSA) without getting the

> SuperNuThera in him.  Any suggestions on techniques

> for getting a 3 yr old to swallow pills OR

> alternatives for a strong multivitamin as a

> replacement for SuperNuThera?


> A: You have to get vitamins and minerals in him before

> you start chelating. Try Brainchild, that抯 excellent.

> Some kids take that when they don抰 take supernuthera.

> I use tough love ?I get the vitamins/minerals in

> whether they like it or not. Let him know you love

> him, then give him vitamins/minerals firmly and

> lovingly. But do try a different brand first. There is

> a cup you can buy, you put a pill in it and they

> swallow it. Age 3 is a little young to swallow pills.


> Q:  Hi Dr. I have a 3 yr old who has been on td-dmps

> since August, we showed moderate levels of mercury on

> challenge, we did not use double dose for challenge.

> Since switching to Lee Silsby formula we are seeing

> pretty impressive improvements in receptive language

> and motor skills. Would you advice discontinuing?

> Could you elaborate on what you've seen with td-dmps?

> Also, my son has a bad reaction to vit. A at any dose,

> any idea why this could happen? Thanks.


> A: No, not if you抮e seeing good results. My patients

> switched to dmsa because they had some side effects

> from dmps. If you抮e doing well on dmps, no don抰

> switch. In terms of bad reaction to vit A, I don抰

> know what form you抮e using. I use Klaire Micelized A,

> and haven抰 had any kids with bad effects from that.

> You might try a different form of vitamin A then what

> you抮e using now.


> Q:  Hi Dr. McCandless, my son is taking armour thyroid

> 15mg 2x/day, we see in 20-30 mins after the

> administration he shows cranky and bad temper,

> crying/kicking for no reason,  It however won't last

> long. We thought it could be the td-dmps but now we

> isolate that it's the armour. We stopped it for a few

> days and after the TDDMPS he had no problem. We added

> in today and that crankiness came back, just in 20

> minutes. Any thought? (my son has high TSH, he's

> 42inches but 38 lbs only)


> A: I would be concerned if he抯 having a bad reaction

> to armour, he might not need it. You can have it

> compounded into smaller doses. 30 mg a day might be

> too much for your child. Given his weight, the 30

> might not be too much per day, but try giving smaller

> doses, like 7 mg 4x/day.


> Q:  My daughter is 7 yrs old. She will not eat any

> fruit or veggies. Must hide in her pancakes, meatloaf,

> etc. She is GFCF. What is your suggestion for

> constipation that began toward the end of the first 6

> weeks of administering MB12?


> A: I don抰 believe the constipation is due to mb-12.

> It抯 almost always related to yeast, and not getting

> enough fiber in diet. Since she抯 not eating

> fruit/veggies, you need to find creative ways to get

> her to eat that. Give her high doses of high potency

> probiotics to treat the yeast.


> Q: Our 50 pound son was recently started on LDN at

> 1.5mg nightly.  Is this enough or should we increase

> the dose?  Do you generally start this at a low dose

> and then move up?  We're seeing a nice jump in

> language and he is waking up in a better mood too!!

> Also, do you think acyclovir is as good as valtrex?


> A: When I started my study, I started everyone on 3

> mg. Most did well; but some needed to go to much

> smaller doses. Now I have people start with 1.5mg. If

> your child is not showing any reaction, go up a little

> at a time until you get to 3 mg. If they have a

> reaction, go down in dosage. If you see a nice jump in

> language, probably a good dose. Valtrex is 6 times

> stronger then acyclovir. If you have insurance, go for

> Valtrex. Acyclovir is just not strong enough.


> Q: I tried MSM with my son and he began stimming (

> constant arm movements) which he NEVER had prior.

> This also happened when he decided to try scrambled

> eggs (constant finger flicking) and ate several over a

> two week period.  The stimming disappeared a week or

> two after stopping MSM/eggs.  What does this mean???

> Allergy or yeast???


> A: Most of our kids need sulfur, but some can抰 handle

> it. Eggs have sulfur too. Your child might be

> intolerant to sulfur. I think you need to cut out eggs

> and sulfur products. Usually they get over this. He

> might just be overdosed on it right now.  He might

> also have a bad reaction to Epsom salt baths.


> Q: Hi Dr. McCandless. Is there any benefit to going

> above 3 mg of LDN daily as our doctor had suggested?

> We saw some good results with the LDN at 3 mg.  (My

> son is 52 pounds.)


> A: I don抰 think you need to go over 3 mg at 52

> pounds. More might not be better. I suspect you抮e at

> a proper dose. This is a drug you can experiment with

> ?it抯 non-toxic. So if you want to try slightly

> higher, you can.


> Q: are there any tests that would indicate that TTFD

> or authia cream would be warranted?  what about metal

> free or NDF?  with respect to Vitamin A-- what is the

> right level for kids (per pound?) Are there other ways

> to get it beyond Cod liver oil?    What about

> Pantontheric acid for eye symptoms?


> A: There aren抰 any except to test thiamine. 30% of

> kids have a thiamine deficiency, and they respond

> wonderfully to authia. Helps get out cadmium, arsenic,

> aluminum. TTFD/authia is harmless. I抳e had several

> kids mainstreamed off just diet and TTFD. I don抰

> recommend metal free or ndf, don抰 have enough data on

> it. Vitamin A ?cod liver oil and Klaire micelized A.

> I don抰 know anything about pantothenic acid for eyes.

> We need pantothene for metabolic function.


> Q: I have tourette syndrome and undiagnosed sensory

> processing disorder.  I'm on MB12 shots and currently

> chelating via TDDMPS and noticing great benefits with

> sensory issues.  Have you seen any results with

> chelation and tics?  For ones with multiply foods,

> dust/molds, and pollen allergies do you see chelation

> eliminating those allergies at all?  Do you see

> vitamin deficiencies normalize while chelating also?


> A: Yes I抳e seen tics go down with chelation; and with

> treatment of pandas with antibiotics. Many allergies

> are related to a poorly functioning immune system. Do

> everything you can do to boost immune. Monolaurin,

> lauricidin, grapefruit seed extract, uva ursi,

> Echinacea  will all help. Getting metals out will help

> immune. Eliminating viruses will help immune. Test and

> see if you need treatment for viruses, or pandas.

> Vitamins need to be given as you chelate. Vitamin

> deficiencies do get better as you get the heavy metals

> out.


> Q: We are thinking of having our 2.5 yr old asd son

> scoped  by Dr Krigsman, but we have heard that he

> doesn't believe in urine organic acids testing only

> stool analysis, my son has extremely high clostridia

> and yeast on oat but NONE shows up on his stool test.

> I believe he does have yeast and bacteria. Should we

> go ahead and treat the clostridia and yeast according

> to the OAT test before seeing Dr Krigsman next year?

> He does have distention and has had blood in his stool

> on two tests. What does it mean if his face turns red

> after an epsom salt bath?


> A: He does do urine organic acid ?I sent him a child

> that he did that test for. I recommend this test, I

> think he will if he抯 asked. Treat the yeast and

> bacteria now. Particularly the clostridia, that is

> very toxic to the brain.  If his face turns red he may

> be sensitive to sulfur, so skip the bath for now. Or

> the red face might be just being in warm water. Does

> sound like he needs scoping, but treat clostridia and

> yeast first of all.


> Q:  Any suggestions on how to get a 3yo (non-verbal

> and delayed cognitively) to eat something other than

> french fries?


> A: If he抯 living on French fries he抣l stay nonverbal

> for a long time, although they抮e healthier if you抮e

> making them at home in coconut oil. If that抯 the only

> thing he抯 eating, you need to get creative. French

> fries is not an adequate diet.


> Q: Thank you so much for your time & love of our kids!

>    My2 and 1/2 year old just did one round of TD-DMSA

> and coincidently had an IV of glutathione immediately

> following. We saw great gains. Went from totally

> nonverbal to making sounds, simple words, started

> eating off a fork, drinking a variety fluids...it was

> as if his mouth "woke up" !    Could this WOW be from

> the combo of chelator and IV of glutathione?  Is there

> any benefit to giving an IV of glutathione immediately

> following a round of chelation to help the body

> excrete the metals that were moved around?


> A: I think glutathione is marvelous, essential to help

> chelate the metals out, so it抯 good to give after the

> td-dmsa. How often ?the  doctors doing the iv

> glutathione do it once a week.


> Q: Dr. M - it sounds like everybody knows so much

> about their child's biology, and we're just getting

> started with biomed again at age 9  for our PDD-NOS

> son.  I'm almost depressed that it sounds like you

> have to watch your child every waking moment and be a

> biologist besides because I don't know that I can work

> that hard.  Would a good DAN Dr. like Dr. N. be able

> to take us through this?  Or is a lot of it intuitive

> hit or miss?


> A: These parents do have to work hard and become

> educated, but the alternative is you can抰 help your

> child, so it抯 worth it. Dr Neubrander will be able to

> take you through it. I抦 glad you抮e getting started.


> Q:  My 4 y.o. son has been on td dmps for approx. 6

> months, with very little side effects/regressions

> (except intermittent enuresis) and has made steady

> progress. In the past if he had gut issues--- it was

> always diarrhea (never constipation). He has been on 1

> packet of Threelac (~5 months) and 1 capsule of

> Therabiotic Complete (~1 year) for yeast control.

> Now,  for the last two weeks he has been constipated.

> Is it reasonable to give something like Benefiber (or

> is there something else you would suggest?) to make

> sure he has daily BM's during chelation?? Also, is it

> okay to use Authia cream while on td dmps? Thanks so

> much for your time and help!!


> A: Constipation is the worst thing, you need to stop

> chelation until the constipation is healed, otherwise

> the poisons will be absorbed back into your system.

> Benefiber will work. You can use authia while on

> td-dmps. Email me, there is another powder that is

> very good at solving constipation.


> Q: What is your opinion of IV-DMPS?  I have an 8yo son

> we've done oral DMSA with for over a year with little

> improvement.  We've just completed 10 HBOT dives and

> he is currently getting TD-LDN and TD-GSH, as well as

> supplements.  Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to

> respond much to the various therapies.  We haven't

> tried MB-12 shots yet.  Also, if high strep titers

> don't respond to antibiotics, what would you suggest

> for treatment?


> A: Dr Bradstreet uses iv-dmps, feels it抯 very

> effective. I抳e never used it. Oral dmsa is

> old-fashioned, oral usually causes gut problems,

> dysbiosis. I would change to td-dmsa. I would start

> the mb-12 ?about 90% of kids are responding

> positively to that. All our kids have methylation

> defects. You might need more antibiotics, or go to



> Q: Hi Dr. McCandless, for the 90 food IgG test, can it

> tell 1) if the child is sensitive to any food of the

> list, or 2) if the child still has the exposure to any

> food of them? If one food comes back negative (say

> wheat), is that OK to re-introduce that food?


> A: If you do the 90 food igG it will give markers for

> foods that your child is sensitive to. If your child

> is not eating gluten or casein, it won抰 show up as a

> sensitivity, but that doesn抰 mean that your child

> should start eating those.  Anything over 3 should be

> eliminated temporarily. The gut likes variety, if you

> keep eating the same thing over and over it becomes

> inflamed. Stay off gluten, casein, soy.


> Q: can you spell out the kind of vitamin A that you

> use (was it Klaire Micelized) . I have a 35 lb son on

> 1/2 tsp cod liver oil and 15,000 IU of beta carotene.

> I recently took my son off of acyclovar and he

> developed blisters under his mouth, on hands, in mouth

> and a rash on arms and legs. The doctor said this was

> due to hand foot and mouth, but I believe it had

> something to do with taking him off the acyclovar.

> Does this mean he needs the antiviral or was it a bad

> idea to put him on it? Also (thank you in advance) is

> LDN for longterm use or is it the hope it will

> regulate the system and we can take kids off of it? My

> son had a bad reaction to lipoceutical glutathione.

> Very agitated for several days after trying...should I

> try a different form? Not sure if I can get to an

> office for IV...


> A: The type of vitamin A ?5000 nordic natural cod

> liver oil plus Klaire抯 micelized A (866-216-6127 will

> get you a 20% discount if you tell them you are my

> patient.) I also use their therbiotics, and alpha

> ketoglutaric from Klaire, and reduced oral

> glutathione. The blisters do sound like your child has

> a high viral load, herpes, so he would be a good

> candidate for anti-viral therapy. Use lauracidin, it抯

> the best natural antiviral. ?scoop every day for his

> weight. LDN seems to be for long term use. It抯

> optimal after 5-6 months. Since it抯 harmless,

> inexpensive, non-addicting, there is no reason to get

> off it. With ACTOS, they抮e showing remylenation in

> the brain. I would stay on LDN and Actos for at least

> 9 months. If you give a drop of glutathione, then the

> next day 2 drops, eventually he might get adjusted to

> it. Try td-glutathione. Coastal and Kirkmans both sell

> that. Lipoceutical is good too. The more glutathione,

> the better.


> Q: Is IV glutathione a natural chelator along with

> Methyl B12? This is what Dr Hicks RX for my 6 yr old.

> He says he is chelating on this as shown on fecal

> metals tests? Thank You


> A: Yes it抯 a natural chelator. MB-12 is not a

> chelator, but helps the chelation process. If your

> child is getting better and putting out some metals, I

> would go along with what Dr Hicks says卋ut I would be

> tempted to add td-dmsa too to get the heavy metals out

> faster.


> Q: My son does not eat any green vegetables.  Someone

> told me it is because he can't handle folic acid,

> which occur in veggies.  So he is protecting himself.

> I don't know whether to believe it or not.


> A: Our autistic children have a secret pact among them

> that nothing green will pass their lips. I don抰 think

> they can抰 handle folic acid. I just think kids don抰

> like vegetables. We put veggies on the table, plus a

> dessert like blueberries that Chelsea likes. Chelsea

> doesn抰 get dessert until she eats her veggies.


> Q: my son is severely apraxic. he currently takes 500

> mg of DHA and 500 mg EPA via cod liver oil.  I have

> heard that high dosages of essential fatty acids can

> help apraxia. Do you recommend a certain ratio between

> DHA and EPA?  My son is 6o lbs how much would you

> recommend?  Thanks so much!


> A: Those are not high doses. I would go up to 1200 on

> EPA and 1000 on DHA. Most of the DHA turns into EPA.


> Q: When would a child be a good candidate to take

> Valtrex? Do you always need to do a viral panel? Also,

> what do you think of the new Coastal MB12 nasal spray

> (as opposed to the shots)?


> A: The viral panel is one of the things I do in my

> evaluation. Chelation helps kids handle the viral

> load. Get diet in shape, get gut healed, then chelate.

> Then tackle the virals. If you can get the metals

> down, the immunosupression usually takes place

> naturally. Viruses and mercury have an alliance. If

> you don抰 get the metals out, you will be taking

> valtrex forever. So chelate first. So a good candidate

> for valtrex would be someone not responding to

> chelation.

> On the nasal spray, there is not enough evidence to

> say yet if it抯 just as good as the shots.


> Q: Dr. M we have been chelating wonderfully for 2

> years now with DMPS-td no problems with kidneys. In

> September we tried our first DMPS-td got good Hg pull

> and wonderful gains but for the first time ELEVATED

> LEAD! Will not be able to get back to Florida til Feb

> for EDTA infusion. Will TTFD help lead? Do not want to

> stop our Hg effort as he is getting so much better.


> A: TTFD will not help lead. Lead sometimes hides

> mercury, so add oral edta. Wonder Labs makes edta.

> Doctors Data says to give at night when they go to

> bed, it won抰 do any good during the day while they抮e

> eating.


> Q: I've heard several times that most ASD kids test

> low for sulfur. The hair analysis for our son showed

> he is above the normal reference range for sulfur. Is

> this significant? Also, what is your feeling on

> vaccinating kids with ASD? If a child has not had mmr,

> do you recommend not getting it?


> A: If sulfur is low on hair analysis test, I wouldn抰

> pay attention. Give MSM, Epsom salt baths, eggs. I

> wouldn抰 vaccinate any child on the spectrum, or their

> sibling, until they are at least 2 years old. If the

> child has not had MMR, no, I wouldn抰 recommend it.

> Give high doses vit A, they will only get very light

> case.


> Q: My son is on  chelation td-dmps,ldn,mb12,ndf plus

> all supplements and has very restrict diet and no

> speech he is 7 years old no improvements compare to

> others and has high aluminum what is the best

> chelation .he has a lot of sensory issue he is 75lb.I

> do not if he has gut issue or yeast


> A: I use malic acid from NS Formulas (Integrative

> Neutraceuticals). ALA also chelates aluminum, so TTFD

> will help get it down. I would certainly do an OAT

> test (organic acid test) to see if there are gut bugs,

> yeast. Don抰 cook on aluminum pots pans, don抰 use

> aluminum foils, don抰 eat or drink out of metal cans.

> Some paper cups also have lining that抯 aluminum. Use

> TTFD and malic acid.


> Q: Hi Dr. McCandless - My 3 yo daughter was diagnosed

> mild/moderate PDD a year ago (still no language -

> likely apraxic- gut and urinary tract issues -

> abnormal head growth at a young age - but great eater

> and very social) - and we began bio-med almost

> immediately - first gf/cf/sf - then SCD (have to stay

> very strict) - also has responded well to introduction

> of LOD - (decrease in belly aches), supplements (great

> responder to zinc supplementation), nystatin,

> probiotics,  MB-12 and began LDN in July (3mg) - she

> has one of those super immune systems - hurts herself

> and you can almost watch her heal on the spot - have

> seen a marked decrease in food sensitivities since LDN

> (used to have new ones every few weeks - now haven't

> seen the problem in months) - and great changes in

> mood,  cooperation and receptive language - are there

> other things that you would expect to see as time goes

> on to show that her immune system has started to

> modulate? - Also - I am now interested in starting

> chelation - but she is extremely sensitive (has had

> trouble tolerating NDF+ and most herbal remedies) -

> she is high in mercury and thallium - but most other

> metals were present but lower - what would be your

> recommendation?  - Thanks so much


> A: I can抰 speak to NDF. A lot of herbal remedies are

> very strong, bitter. My recommendation is td-dmsa,

> especially if high in mercury.

发表于 2006-3-27 17:39:06 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-3-29 23:34:38 | 只看该作者


问:如  何  提高   眼睛  对 视  ?请问  你  对 TD DMPS和  TD

> DMSA的  评价   ? TD DMSA 的 可供选择   的  方  案  ?

答:我 不 用 TD DMPS。我 发 现  td-dmsa很 成 功  !

对于  眼睛  对 视  这个问题 ,禁食 要  彻底  。我们 需 要 排  重金属  ,

让孩子 获 得  正常  的 营养  来 治 疗。

问:我有    3 岁 女 儿,我 的 DAN  医生  给 他 开 口 服  EDTA (125MG) ,要求 1天1颗 .

   这位  医生 不 想 再 增加  其他  的   药  ,并   这位  医生  只用 头 发   

测试   一项  来看重金属  的含量。是否  排毒 只用 EDTA一项  就   够了?

是否  只用头 发   测试   一项  就 可以  知道  身体 重金属  的 含量  ?

答:我不知道      你 女儿 的 测试   情况,如果     她 含有很   高  的  铅  ,EDTA是  对 的。

铅  隐  在 汞  里,把  铅  先  排  出来  是  对   的 。  头 发   

测试   不是 最 好  的   测试   。要 从小便   里  测  。

问:口服  EDTA  能  增加   酵 母  菌   吗  ?

答:不一定  。

问:我们   用十二烷酸二羟丙基酯         后 产生 了 副 作 用  ,并且 是 与 TD_DMPS一起  用  ,他们 是否  可以一起  用?

答:做一个     有机酸   测试  看他有   没有  酵母 菌  问题  ,然后 才 开始  用  十二烷酸二羟丙基酯       ,量慢慢上去,它应该           可   以  与其他  东西一起  用 得。

问:你是否     认为   需要  在   酵母 菌  被  控制  后,才 开始  用 TD-DMSA?还是没    有被控制,就        可 以 开始  。

如果  我 等 待  酵母 菌   被控制 后,再开始  。

也许  我  永远  没法  开 始 排 毒。我们现在是  ,禁面,禁牛奶      制品,还    禁  糖 了。并且  正在  转 向  SCD。

并且 你可以  推荐  glutamine的  剂量  吗  ?对一个    20 磅 的  孩子?

答:我认为    应 该  在  酵母 菌   有所  控制  的  情况 下  开 始。如果  你  的  孩子  有  痢疾  /便秘  ,不要 开始  排毒  。特别  是便秘  ,

在 肠 里 有 毒素,这个孩子不会        吸收   需要   吸收  的 东西  。把  酵母 菌    控制住是非常     重要  的。尽管   还不能彻底根除      。

问:因为生病  ,我  5岁的女儿通       用了  静脉输液    抗生素  以及  口服  抗生素   ,惊喜  的是  :她 的 注意力   获 得 了提高  。

我听说一些     DAN医生把  口服 抗生素   放在他们  的  治疗方案  中,是否   使用    静脉输液    抗生素   可以帮助孩子?他们  有  副作用  吗  ?

答:也许  抗生素    杀死了她  体  内  的  很  多病  菌,有些  孩子  能  获  得  临时  的 好转  。需要 给  与 高效  probiotics,远离  糖  。

那么  她  就不会  把病  菌再 带 回来  。抗生素   是杀 伤  免疫  系统   的  ,他们  应该 在  紧急  情况  下  才  使用  。





使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-3-29 23:38:31 | 只看该作者


由于我打字 很 慢 , 我把前面生平介绍部分及一些不常见的问题去掉 不翻译了 。后面 有 一 部分 还没有翻 。哪位有空可接下去翻译 ,或我有空时再翻译 。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-3-30 10:00:18 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-2 23:50:45 | 只看该作者




问:你认为Coastal和 Lee Silsby 生产的TD-DMSA有区别吗?

答:Lee Silsby 最先生产TD-DMSA,很好,但很贵,因为有专利。Coastal 生产的TD-DMSA也不错,因为无专利,就便宜。我现在的病人开始服用Coastal 生产的TD-DMSA,反应很好。与口服的DMSA一样,TD-DMSA也有酵母菌问题,但轻些。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-3 00:04:20 | 只看该作者


问:你认为Coastal和 Lee Silsby 生产的TD-DMSA有区别吗?

答:Lee Silsby 最先生产TD-DMSA,很好,但很贵,因为有专利。Coastal 生产的TD-DMSA也不错,因为无专利,就便宜。我现在的病人开始服用Coastal 生产的TD-DMSA,反应很好。与口服的DMSA相比,TD-DMSA引起的酵母菌问题会轻很多。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-3 10:21:52 | 只看该作者


问:我的女儿从去年开始服用LDN(注:LDN为低剂量纳曲酮。在高剂量时50mg用于戒毒治疗,但在低剂量时 3-5mg,发现是很好的免疫增强剂。) 社交能力好象有改善,但肠道仍不好,体内的汞,铅和铝都很高。LDN能改善肠道吗?我们应该马上排毒,还是先改善肠道然后再排毒?



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-3 12:54:12 | 只看该作者


问:我50磅的儿子开始服用LDN每晚1.5mg。你认为剂量够吗?你是否从低剂量开始,然后逐渐增加?我看到孩子在语言上有很大进步,醒后的情绪也改善。另外,你认为Acylovir和  Valtrex同样好吗?

答:在我的研究中,通常从3mg开始,大部份反应很好,但少数需要更小的剂量。现在我的一些病人服用1.5mg,如果效果不明显,逐渐增加剂量到3mg。如果增加剂量出现不好的效果,就降低一点剂量。如果你看到在语言方面出现很大进步,通常表明剂量合适。Acylovir比  Valtrex强6倍。所以,用LDN最好选Acylovir。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-3 13:09:19 | 只看该作者


问:如果把LDN的剂量增加到3mg以上会有好处吗?我52磅的儿子服用3mg LDN已出现好的效果。



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-3 13:38:43 | 只看该作者





使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-4 20:58:44 | 只看该作者


谢谢pengxc 的大量工作。我本来想再翻译几段重要的,但有时上不了网,有时自己又忙。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-4 21:17:35 | 只看该作者



Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless认为:经皮肤进入(吸收)的排毒 不会引起酵母菌问题但口服排毒药会引起酵母菌问题。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-4 21:56:33 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-5 09:41:54 | 只看该作者





使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-5 12:21:16 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-4 13:07:03 | 只看该作者




问:如 何 提高 眼睛 对 视 ?请问 你 对 TD-DMPS和 TD-DMSA的 评价 ? TD DMSA 的 可供选择 的 方 案 ?

答:我 不 用 TD-DMPS。我发现几个孩子用了TD-DMPS后出现严重的遗尿症,停药后也不停止。我 发 现用 TD-DMSA很 成 功 !对于 眼睛 对 视 这个问题 ,禁食 要 彻底 。我们 需 要 排 重金属 ,补充矿物质,让孩子 获 得 正常 的 营养 来 治 疗。

问:我有 3 岁 女 儿,我 的 DAN 医生 给 他 开 口 服 EDTA (125MG) ,要求 1天1颗 .这位 医生 不 想 再 增加 其他 的 药 ,并 这位 医生 只用 头 发 测试 一项 来看重金属 的含量。是否 排毒 只用 EDTA一项 就 够了?是否 只用头 发 测试 一项 就 可以 知道 身体 重金属 的 含量 ?

答:我不知道 你 女儿 的 测试 情况,如果 她 含有很 高 的 铅 ,EDTA是 对 的。铅 隐 在 汞 里,把 铅 先 排 出来 是 对 的 。 头 发 测试 不是 最 好 的方法 。要 从小便 里 测 。

问:口服 EDTA 能 增加 酵 母 菌 吗 ?

答:不一定 。

问:我们 用十二烷酸二羟丙基酯 后 产生 了 副 作 用 ,并且 是 与 TD_DMPS一起 用 ,他们 是否 可以一起 用?

答:做一个 有机酸 测试 看他有 没有 酵母 菌 问题 ,然后 才 开始 用 十二烷酸二羟丙基酯 ,量慢慢上去,它应该 可 以 与其他 东西一起 用 。

问:你是否 认为 需要 在 酵母 菌 被 控制 后,才 开始 用 TD-DMSA?还是没 有被控制,就 可 以 开始 。如果 我 等 待 酵母 菌 被控制 后,再开始 。也许 我 永远 没法 开 始 排 毒。我们现在是 ,禁面,禁牛奶 制品,还 禁 糖 了。并且 正在 转 向 SCD。并且 你可以 推荐 glutamine的 剂量 吗 ?对一个 20 磅 的 孩子?

答:我认为排毒应 该 在 酵母 菌 有所 控制 的 情况 下 开 始。如果 你 的 孩子 有 痢疾 /便秘 ,不要马上开始 排毒 。特别 是便秘 ,肠 里 有 毒素,孩子不会 吸收 需要 吸收 的 东西 。把 酵母 菌 控制住是非常 重要 的。尽管 还不能彻底根除 。

问:因为生病 ,我 5岁的女儿通 用了 静脉输液 抗生素 以及 口服激素 ,惊喜 的是 :她 的 注意力 获 得 了提高 。我听说一些 DAN医生把 口服 抗生素 放在他们 的 治疗方案 中,是否 使用 静脉输液 抗生素 可以帮助孩子?他们 有 副作用 吗 ?

答:也许 抗生素 杀死了她 体 内 的 很 多病 菌,有些 孩子 能 获 得 临时 的 好转 。需要 给 与 高效 probiotics,远离 糖 。那么 她 就不会 把病 菌再 带 回来 。激素会减轻炎症,但也会杀 伤 免疫 系统 的,应该只 在 紧急 情况 下才使用。



问:你认为Coastal和 Lee Silsby 生产的TD-DMSA有区别吗?

答:Lee Silsby 最先生产TD-DMSA,很好,但很贵,因为有专利费。Coastal 生产的TD-DMSA也不错,因为无专利,就便宜。我现在的病人开始服用Coastal 生产的TD-DMSA,反应很好。与口服的DMSA相比,TD-DMSA引起的酵母菌问题会轻很多。

问:我的女儿从去年开始服用LDN(注:LDN为低剂量纳曲酮。在高剂量时50mg用于戒毒治疗,但在低剂量时 3-5mg,发现是很好的免疫增强剂。) 社交能力好象有改善,但肠道仍不好,体内的汞,铅和铝都很高。LDN能改善肠道吗?我们应该马上排毒,还是先改善肠道然后再排毒?


问:我50磅的儿子开始服用LDN每晚1.5mg。你认为剂量够吗?你是否从低剂量开始,然后逐渐增加?我看到孩子在语言上有很大进步,醒后的情绪也改善。另外,你认为Acylovir和  Valtrex同样好吗?

答:在我的研究中,通常从3mg开始,大部份反应很好,但少数需要更小的剂量。现在我的一些病人服用1.5mg,如果效果不明显,逐渐增加剂量到3mg。如果增加剂量出现不好的效果,就降低一点剂量。如果你看到在语言方面出现很大进步,通常表明剂量合适。Acylovir比  Valtrex强6倍。所以,最好选用Acylovir。(注:Acylovir, Valtrex 为抗病毒药,主要抗疱疹病毒等。现在的理论认为自闭症可能与神经系统的病毒感染有关,可以试用抗病毒疗法。)

问:如果把LDN的剂量增加到3mg以上会有好处吗?我52磅的儿子服用3mg LDN已出现好的效果。




问:我今天开始给孩子用Acylovir。我将看到什么样的结果?我儿子8岁,55磅,用Acylovir 250mg, 一天3次对吗?

答:象你那样的孩子,我用500mg, 一天2次。几周后渐加到1500mg. 我通常在用药前会先做病毒免疫学检查。但药物只能抑制病毒,并无法清除病毒。

问:我的孩子恢复的差不多,但仍有说话慢,和易怒等问题。医生怀疑他有神经系统的病毒感染。你推荐何种抗病毒疗法药物?Acylovir?  Valtrex?或其他?


问:什么样的孩子需用Valtrex ?是否用药总要做病毒学的检查?



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-5 17:40:18 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-6 11:24:08 | 只看该作者


我解释一下,LDN 的英文全名是low dose naltrexone,即低剂量纳曲酮。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-10 14:34:08 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报



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