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发表于 2011-1-25 19:39:45 | 只看该作者

re:布拉格街头的交通灯,这个太有创意。 ...



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发表于 2011-1-26 06:33:39 | 只看该作者



Driving and Asperger Syndrome
Part 1
Tips and tactics for people with Asperger Syndrome who want to learn to drive or
improve their driving skills
In a society where a driving licence is considered to be a “right” there is an expectation
that one will be able to drive. Someone with Aspergers has to realise that this is one of
several ways in which the syndrome can prove to be debilitating and that they may not
be able to succeed in passing the driving test. This leaflet aims to help alleviate some of
the problems that people with Aspergers experience when learning to drive and
hopefully maximise their chances of getting through the test. It will also be helpful to
an Asperger who can already drive in understanding how their condition may impact on
driving. It will enable them to drive better and possibly take an advanced driving test
Though Asperger Syndrome is a disability, it can also in many ways be an asset. One
advantage is determination. Aspergers are people who are reluctant to give up a cause.
Thus, if an Asperger really wants to drive, though it may prove to be hard graft because
of the problems referred to in this leaflet, they will usually succeed in the end. Like
most people with Asperger Syndrome, once you have learned something you do not
forget it.
Difficulties likely to arise and tips to help overcome them:-
Dispraxia - Driving uses many physical skills such as coordinating hands and feet to
move at the same time when changing gear. You may find complex movements such as
this difficult or even impossible to carry out. As a result, it may take you a long time to
learn to drive or you may find you cannot manage it at all.
Tip: It may help to learn to drive in an automatic car from the outset or to
switch to an automatic if after a few driving lessons handling a manual gear change is
proving too difficult.
Multi-Tasking – An issue related to dyspraxia is that Aspergers frequently have difficulty multitasking
which, of course, driving often involves. Aspergers tend to work best when they have one task
to concentrate on. You may have difficulty with driving as it frequently involves doing
several things at once, e.g. steering, changing gear, looking ahead, anticipating possible
hazards, etc. Such multi-tasking is not easy, especially as you have to try and develop all
these skills at once when learning.
Tip: To prepare yourself before learning to drive it pays to try and pick up skills
of observing traffic, judging speed and distance, looking for hazards, etc while travelling
with others or on public transport, even when walking along a street. Watch the drivers;
look at the situations where they make observations requiring a judgement, such as
whether there is a big enough gap to pull out of a side turning or whether there is
sufficient time to overtake. With young teenagers parents can develop these skills by
discussing such situations when driving in the family car. Learning to cope with cycling in
traffic will also help as would Cycle Proficiency Training.
Tip: Watching videos on the basics of driving skills before starting driving
lessons can assist you in developing observation and judgement skills as well as
highlighting where, how and what to observe, so you will have some expertise in these
respects already.
Tip: Parents of very young children with Aspergers could ensure their child is
given toy cars with steering mechanisms which simulate the real thing as closely as
possible as there is no harm in starting very young.
Estimating – You may have difficulty estimating speed and distance, again an important
skill in driving. As already indicated, this aspect of driving can be worked on before you
take to the road by observing traffic and also by watching videos. Even if you have
passed your test and had quite a bit of experience, estimating speed and distance can
still be something of a problem.
Tip: Be cautions in situations like emerging from side turnings or overtaking - if
in doubt hold back.
Tip: Learn simple cues. For example, when stopping behind another car in a line
of traffic or similar situation remember to leave enough room between the two vehicles
so you can see its wheels in front of your bonnet, so if it breaks down you will have room
to pull round it. A way to help remember this is to say “Tyres on Tarmac” or “ToT”.
Similarly when driving on the open road you should leave sufficient gap between your
vehicle and the one in front, so if the vehicle ahead has to do an emergency stop you
have time to stop too – this should be a gap of two seconds and you can measure this by
noting when the vehicle in front passes a feature such as a mark on the carriageway or a
roadsign and you should have time to say ‘Only a fool breaks the 2 second rule’ before
your vehicle reaches that feature. The highlighted phrases are examples of cues which
will help you remember these principles and you may be able to think of others to help
you with driving processes.
Rule Application – You may find learning new skills easier when there is a clear set of
guidelines and rules. Motoring is quite rule-orientated with the Highway Code and “the
System [1]”. This element of driving would seem to be straightforward, but life is not
that simple. You as a driver with Aspergers will keep to the rules (as any good driver
should, of course!). The problem is however that other drivers do not always keep to the
rules e.g. getting in the wrong lane and changing at the last minute to get an advantage in
traffic, coming out of a side turning directly in front of you etc. You may find other
drivers breaking the rules very frustrating. Driving is a bit like football. There is a set
of rules to comply with but there is also interaction between the players and it may be
more difficult for you to get the finer points of this interaction (and also to continue
the analogy have the necessary coordination to be able to handle the ball/car).
Tip: A large element of good driving is being aware that others sometimes break
the rules, and being prepared for this, e.g. looking out for it and allowing room in case
the other motorist should make a sudden unexpected manoeuvre contrary to the
principles of the Highway Code, etc.
Tip: There are very occasionally situations when it is appropriate to break rules,
e.g. going the wrong side of a “keep left” bollard when your own carriageway is blocked
by an accident or driving onto the pavement when otherwise you would impede the
progress of an emergency vehicle. It must be emphasised, however, that such situations
are very much the exception and before carrying out such an action you must be sure it
is entirely safe to do so. .
Coping with Road Rage - All drivers make mistakes, but sadly we are in a world where
drivers are frequently intolerant of others’ mistakes. There is an apocryphal story that
there is an empty display case in the Institute of Advanced Motorists’ headquarters
with the label, “When we find the perfect driver we will have them stuffed and put in
here”! People with Asperger Syndrome often have difficulty when criticised. Thus, you
may easily get upset in this sort of situation and not know how to respond to it. If you
make a mistake whilst driving, you are often likely to get verbal abuse, rude gestures or
similar and coping with this can be difficult for any one.
Tip: Remember that all drivers make mistakes and somebody who overreacts to
one has as much of a problem as someone who has difficulty handling criticism.
Tip: If you do make a mistake, whether it is criticised by another or not, it is
not the end of the world. Try and learn from it and improve you driving. Also, if
appropriate acknowledge your mistake by giving an apologetic wave or saying sorry if car
windows are open so you can be heard.
Tip: If someone criticises your driving, pause for a short time, e.g. count slowly
to ten, before reacting to it. If you are really upset about something, it might be an idea
to park and have a break for a few minutes before driving on.
Body Language - In many situations people communicate with other drivers or
pedestrians (or driving instructors) by facial expression and gesture, for example if a
driver wants to know if another one is going to let them out of a side turning into a
queue of traffic or if a pedestrian wants to know if a driver is going to let them cross
the road. This may be one of the obvious difficulties you experience and you may need to
be constantly trying to improve your awareness of facial expression, and related issues
such as body language.
Tip: Be aware that this may be a potential problem and allow for it. Where
appropriate, make sure your own intentions are clear, e.g. by using indicators and
positioning your car correctly for the situation.
Concentration - All drivers have to try and focus on what they are doing all the time, but
no human being is capable of providing 100% concentration. You, however, may have a
particular ability to concentrate very well, especially when it is a task you enjoy. Thus
you should be able to focus on your driving at least as well and possibly better than
others. Sometimes, however, people with Aspergers have difficulty in concentrating for
extended periods; if this is the case, it is advisable to take frequent breaks when
Coping with particular distractions may however be a problem for you; sudden, loud or
irritating noises, intermittent noise from windscreen wipers, passengers starting to talk
loudly or behaving boisterously etc. This may be a big problem whilst driving.
Tip: Make sure you are familiar with all the ‘noises’ made by the car you are
driving, then when you hear the noise you will find it easier to put it into the back of you
mind and not become distracted.
Tip: If noise from passengers is likely to be a problem it is wise to advise them
of this issue at the start of the journey and trust they respect your needs.
Tip: You may need to cease conversation with passengers in order to
concentrate on a potentially hazardous situation on the road ahead. If as a driver you
tend do this, advise your passengers this may happen at the start of the journey as
otherwise they might find this disconcerting.
Tip: If a noise problem occurs which cannot be resolved immediately, e.g. if you
are being distracted by a baby in the car crying inconsolably, you should pull over and
stop when it is safe to do so until the situation is dealt with.
Tip: Another possible distraction is the car radio. You will need to decide
whether to use a car radio whilst driving, though this is of course a decision for all
drivers, not just those with Aspergers.
Tip: A related issue is that even a reasonably experienced driver with
Aspergers may concentrate on one hazard developing ahead and ignore another beyond
that because of difficulties multi-tasking, e.g. you may concentrate on a car about to
come out of a side turning and miss seeing a pedestrian about to cross the road beyond
this. It is important to try and be aware of this possibility and do your best to avoid it
by looking ahead throughout the whole field of vision and being prepared to take action
in relation to any hazards developing.
Glare – Whilst glare from the sun or headlights can be a problem for all drivers, it can
particularly be so for those with Aspergers as they have difficulty in adapting to sudden
changes in lighting.
Tip: Try and anticipate situations where you might be faced with sudden glare,
e.g. when coming out of a tunnel or from under trees into bright sunlight or at night
when you can see a car approaching with its headlights on full beam. If you are having
difficulty direct your eyes towards the kerb or side of the road well in front whilst
using your peripheral vision to focus directly on what is happening in front of you until
the glare has passed. Otherwise, slow down or stop.
Learning to Drive
Some people learn to drive more easily than others. Ability to learn to drive is not a
measure of intelligence or other abilities, so if you find that you need a lot of lessons,
you should not compare yourself unfavourably with others just because you have
Asperger Syndrome and take a while to pass your test.
Choosing an Instructor - It is important for any learner driver to have an instructor
who suits their temperament and with whom they can develop a positive relationship.
This is particularly so for you as a person with Aspergers. We all have difficulty learning
when we are stressed, but this may be particularly so for you. The instructor should be
made aware of the issues relating to Asperger Syndrome and driving – the easiest way
to do this is, of course, to give them a copy of this leaflet and one or two general
leaflets on Asperger Syndrome.
Part 2
Tips for Driving Instructors
First of all it may be very helpful for you as a driving instructor about to start teaching
someone who has Asperger Syndrome to find out about them personally and their
condition from someone close – parent or partner. They may be able to give you some
insights into their way of learning and reacting. It may also be helpful for you, the
instructor, to read the previous section of this leaflet, Tips and information for people
with Aspergers, as well as this other information about Aspergers.
Below we have detailed some of the effects of Asperger Syndrome that will
have implications for the learning process, how they can be recognised in the learner and
how you may be able to deal with the situation should the need arise. All of the
following conditions can give rise to a higher state of anxiety for the AS learner; it is
far more difficult to learn anything in this state so easing anxiety at all times is the key
to you affectively teaching new skills.
Language - Aspergers tend to take everything quite literally and do not understand
colloquial expressions, irony and certain types of jokes. Thus, for example, saying “Put
your foot to the floor” might be interpreted as take your foot off the accelerator or
even accelerate to the maximum! Saying ‘that was really good’ in an ironic tone of voice
(meaning it was bad) may be understood as praise!!
Most learners with Aspergers will not be able to take hints that they are doing
something wrong. Instruction needs to be clear and direct and positive, though not to
the point of being too blunt in view of the difficulty many Aspergers have handling
criticism. They will always be trying their best.
Dispraxia – This is a difficulty in coordination movements especially when it involves
using hands and feet at the same time – it is noticeable as a natural clumsiness. If this
is a big problem for the learner driver it may be best for them to use an automatic car
thus allowing them to concentrate on other aspects
Multi-Tasking - an issue closely related to dispraxia in that Aspergers frequently have
difficulty doing more than one thing at a time, such as looking in the mirror, signalling
and controlling the car in a manoeuvre. Therefore the instructions given need to be
explained in advance and then given slowly in sequence at the time, just giving the
learner time to comply before moving on to the next movement. After a very short
while the sequence will be remembered as one whole action – especially if given the same
verbal cue e.g. MSM (mirror signal manoeuvre).
Estimating - Aspergers often have difficulty estimating speed and distance, again an
important skill in driving. The cue to wait longer rather than rush when pulling out of
junctions therefore may need to be reinforced and visual cues such as being able to see
the tyres of the car in front when in slow traffic and the two-second rule (Only a fool
breaks the 2 second rule.) for steady driving will need to be taught.
Generalisation - Instructors need to be aware that the Asperger might not apply
knowledge acquired in one area to another. Thus they need to ensure that skills and
rules applied to one situation are generalised and used in all situations. For example, a
driver will be told to use the horn to draw attention to their presence when a pedestrian
is possibly about to step into the vehicle’s path, and also when another motorist is
possibly about to drive into it.
It is important for the instructor to provide the Asperger pupil with as wide a
range of driving situations as possible, e.g. different traffic and weather conditions,
different times of day, urban/rural, different routes to aid generalisation of learning
skills. As an example, one young man known to us became a proficient driver, but did not
realise until somebody told him three years later that he could use main beam headlights
on open unlit roads!
Success for the Aspergers pupil will be highly likely if the instructor approaches
driving in a systematic manner, teaching all aspects in a structured way including what
might otherwise be considered to be the glaringly obvious.
Implications of signs - The Asperger pupil may be able to learn the theory aspect of
driving very well but problems could arise in understanding the implication of this theory
when driving. The instructor needs to ensure theoretical knowledge is applied to reallife
situations. For example, as well as learning to recognise the school sign in the
Highway Code, the pupil will need to know this means at certain times of day they need
to watch out for children entering and leaving the school, therefore taking even more
care than usual.
Rule Application - People with Asperger Syndrome work best when there is a framework
of rules. Motoring is quite rule-orientated with the Highway Code and “the System” (as
in the Police Driving Manual, “Roadcraft”). This would suggest this element of driving
would not be a problem to them, but life is not that simple. A driver with Aspergers will
always keep to the rules (as any good driver should, of course!). The problem arises when
they need to recognise that other road users may not always do the same. Other drivers
not keeping the rules can be very frustrating to the Asperger; e.g. when they get into
the wrong lane and change at the last minute to get an advantage in traffic, The
Asperger pupil will need to learn to take the positive action of being prepared for
others’ mistakes by allowing adequate time and space for any necessary action.
Body Language - In some situations one communicates with other drivers, pedestrians,
etc by facial expression, for example if a driver wants to know if another one is going to
let them out of a side turning into a queue of traffic or if a pedestrian wants to know if
a driver is going to let them cross the road. Obviously this may be difficult for someone
with Asperger Syndrome. They will therefore need to be taught other positive actions
to indicate that they have seen/been seen by another and clearly indicate this by their
actions e.g.’ stopping to give way – using their indicators or flashing lights to symbolise ‘I
am here’ etc.
Coping with Road Rage -an Asperger pupil may have difficulty coping with others’ anger
– or in some cases their own show of frustration or reaction to criticism. Therefore they
will need to be given or reminded of calming strategies, e.g. deep breathing and counting
to 10.
Learning to Drive - the Process
• Some people learn to drive more easily than others. Obviously those with
Aspergers are generally likely to be in the category of slower learners but (like
the tortoise) may well succeed brilliantly in the end.
• Knowledge others acquire naturally in everyday situations may need to be
specifically taught to an Asperger pupil - it pays to take nothing for granted.
• Some learners may have been preparing for driving lessons – picking up various
skills over several years, e.g. Observing road conditions, roadsigns etc. as a
• It is still advisable to break down the tasks into separate clear instructions
given in sequence until they are becoming automatic.
Getting to know the Aspergers pupil - It is important for any learner driver to have an
instructor who suits their temperament and with whom they can develop a positive
relationship. This is particularly so for Aspergers. In the first few sessions developing
communication, trust and confidence with the pupil will make the whole process much
easier. We all have difficulty learning when we are stressed, but this is particularly so
for the Asperger. You may feel that taking on a pupil with Aspergers is too much like
hard work but once well taught the Asperger will always remember and apply their
learning and therefore can prove to be a very good and competent driver even going on
to advance their skills. It is also worth bearing in mind it might be possible to develop a
niche market teaching Asperger pupils. Many people with Aspergers know others through
attending groups for those with the syndrome, so success can mean you are
recommended to others.
Having read this and the accompanying leaflet should, we hope give you the instructor a
head start in what can become a very rewarding process for you and your pupil. Good
Part 3
Practical Licensing Issues
The UK Forum of Mobility Centres has 17 centres where those with disabilities, including
Asperger Syndrome, can have a preliminary off-road assessment to see if they are likely
to be able to learn to drive successfully and those with more severe Aspergers may wish
to avail themselves of this facility.
All drivers have to take the theory as well as the practical driving test. The element of
the test with questions about the Highway Code, etc should usually be relatively easy for
the Asperger as they have good memories and are often good at quizzes. Sometimes,
however, people with Aspergers Syndrome also have problems of dyslexia. If this is the
case they are entitled to ask for extra time to take the theory test or other
appropriate special provision.
Passing the hazard perception test might be more difficult. You will need a clear idea of
what this involves. A hazard is a situation on the road which may cause you to have to
slow down or change your direction. The hazard perception test is concerned with
testing your ability to recognise what is classed as a developing hazard. A car parked by
the side of the road may mean you have to slow down or change your direction to drive
past it, but this would not be classed as a developing hazard in terms of the perception
test. It would be classed as one if the driver started signalling to move away or if a
vehicle was coming in the opposite direction and there might not be enough room for
both to get by. Most videos on driving will explain what hazards are but the Driving
Standards Agency video and accompanying booklet, “What if?” is particularly
recommended as it not only explains what a hazard is, but it also shows how the hazard
perception test and also the theory test are conducted. If after watching this potential
you are still having difficulty recognising what a hazard is, you should seek further
advice from your instructor. It is important to be aware that in the hazard perception
test one only has one shot at going through it as one cannot go back and review answers
unlike in the rest of the theory test, but this is, of course, how driving is in reality on
the road!
Legal requirements
When applying for a driver’s licence you should notify DVLA that you have the syndrome.
This is on the basis that it is a condition which may affect the ability to drive safely. It
is, of course, important to be aware that one might be prevented from having a licence
which could be very disappointing. When someone with Asperger Syndrome is added to a
car insurance policy, the insurance company should similarly be notified that they have
Aspergers. Failure to do so may result in a claim being refused if the condition then
comes to light and possibly also prosecution for driving without insurance.
Being members of the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), the authors of this
leaflet strongly believe that driving skills are something to be developed after passing
the Department for Transport test. Obviously passing an advanced test such as the IAM
or RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) ones are a way of measuring
such development. Whilst some people go on to take an advanced test within a few weeks
or months of passing their DOT test, they are the exception. Most people need some
years’ experience before taking a further test. For the person who has had difficulty
learning to drive, whether as a result of Aspergers or otherwise, getting to this higher
stage may take a while and of course they may not be able to achieve it. Whether one
actually passes a test to demonstrate them, it is certainly worth working on your driving
skills. This leaflet is intended to help a person with Aspergers to do this and also, for
example, an IAM observer with such a candidate.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-1-27 08:25:50 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-28 17:48:14 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-1-29 04:00:00 | 只看该作者







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发表于 2011-1-29 09:51:19 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-11 09:53:00 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-11 21:33:31 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-11 22:51:53 | 只看该作者




使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-22 16:13:54 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-22 17:02:48 | 只看该作者

re:日系车油耗少, 铁皮薄。 GM的车发动机...

日系车油耗少, 铁皮薄。 GM的车发动机一直不够好, 再加上一向“油老虎”的恶名。 还是欧系车好,推荐大众系列,性价比最高的是桑车,可惜不好看。  

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-22 17:22:08 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2011-2-22 17:30:44 | 只看该作者





























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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-23 09:38:36 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-2-23 14:11:44 | 只看该作者



使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-27 21:59:33 | 只看该作者



转贴  BG老中撞车史


BG: 美国一地名
老中: 中国到美国的留学生及其家属
撞车: 汽车车祸
史: 记录、历史 (真实的历史记录)


A)老A 是很早就到美国的留学生,很早是对于我来说很早,人家85年就来了。老A对买车有自己的哲学:什么省油费油,什么德国日本,车越大越结实越舒服越好!我认识老A的时候大约在冬季。老A买了一辆八缸皮顶子的凯迪拉克,那个巨大呀真令人羡慕开起来和开船似的。一天早晨老A开着他的大凯迪车去机场接他老婆,拐弯的时候没小心把院子拐角儿的消防栓给挂了。老A车大只觉得有点不对劲但是没有什么特殊的感觉就直接去了机场。等下午回来一看整个康铺赖课斯厚厚的一层冰成了一个巨大的冰场。当天晚上老A到我宿舍:“阿牛,那个消防栓好像是我给撞断的,我那车后面的黄漆和消防栓上的一模一样!”


B)B 妹妹是BG的大美女,一直没有固定的男朋友。那天上学看见她愁眉苦脸地在路边蹲着呈大便状,脑子一热我就去英雄救美。“牛哥,我又撞树了,警察要罚我款了。。。。。5555,怎么办呀?”我这时候才注意到旁边一个警察帅哥和一辆警车,人家帅哥警察正在报告总部:“licence plates: BG 12345, I can not believe that the same car, driving by the same girl, hit the same tree twice in one week, at the exact same time, hahahaha.”


C)老C是数学系的我们住的近平时大家关系都挺好,突然接到消息说老C住院了。赶紧去看看吧:“老 C呀,怎么回事儿呀?”人家老C躺在病床上身上插了不少管子但是神智尚清楚:“我给人家送Pizza,好像还没有送完,我就到了这里了。” “啊?怎么回事儿呀?”大家都关心地问。”“我也不知道,好像我最后看到的是眼前有一棵大树,然后的事情就忘了。。。。。然后就看见你们了。”




E)老E是陕西人,人很好就是眼神儿不好。赵本山走路的姿势绝对就是和老E学的。老E到美国后买了辆灰色的本田雅阁。上课的时候就停在学生停车场。一天老E从图书馆出来开车回家但是忘了停在哪里了。也没记得车牌号就一辆一辆的灰色车子试着开。正好有辆警车经过看见老E在鬼鬼祟祟地开车门还开了一辆又一辆。警车就悄悄地跟在老E后面看看老E是不是犯罪分子。良久,老E终于在昏暗中找到自己的车了,开车进门准备回家。这时候警车悄悄地停在老E的车后面一边观察一边向总部报告。老E打着了车看也没看就倒车,咣当一下子就撞在警车的门上了。那小警察一边呼叫总部一边从另外一个门爬出来用枪指着老E:“Freeze, Freeze!”人家老E只听梆的一声知道撞车了,赶紧从车里出来:“啥?啥?Freeze, 额不冷呀?啊,额不Freeze。”一看警察用枪比划着人家真的急了老E立刻改口:“额Freeze, 额马上就Freeze!额立刻就Freeze”




G)老G很神,是学计算机的。从来不吃菜,只吃猪肘子!买车学车都是自己干。有一天开车出去玩,开到人家PRIVATE DRIVE上玩倒车,把人家的小桥给压塌了。被人家的几条大狗给围着吼,一直到主人下班回来才敢出来。老G人和车愣在水里泡了三个多钟头。

H)老中H最牛属于超爱学习的那种人,天天对着镜子练习英文:F,F,F,Fu, Fu, Fu, Fuc, Fuc.....”老中H最羡慕名车,一天,他撞了这个城市里唯一的一辆法拉利!拦腰撞的!车毁人未亡!人家依然牛:“你看你们撞的是什么车呀?本田、丰田、尼桑,看我,我撞的是法拉利!

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