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Helping children with autism

发表于 2003-10-8 09:11:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

My son, who turned three in July 2003, was just diagnosed with mild autism. I have been enjoying reading this discussion forum for quite a while, and I am very impressed with what you have been doing for children with autism.

I have a M.A. degree in Special Education and a Ph.D. degree in Administration, Curriculum and Instruction (Instructional Technology), both from a mid-western university in US. My area of emphasis in Ph.D. program is the application of technology with special education. Ironically and probably beneficially, I can use my specialty to help my autistic son now. In addition to working with my son, I teach the M.A. in Education program at a University. All of my students are elementary, middle school, high school, and special education teachers.

I have been thinking of helping children with autism in China. I am going to introduce some newly developed program and information about autism in US to China. I may also put my son's ABA/VB programs occasionally on your website for other parents' and teachers' references. Additionally, I may serve as a consultant for parents and teachers if time allowed. I am sorry, but I can only type mostly in English for the sake of time.

Best regards,


发表于 2003-10-8 14:18:40 | 只看该作者

Re:Helping children with autism

Hi, JenJen,

    Thanks a lot!



使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-10-9 12:30:34 | 只看该作者

Re:Helping children with autism

Dear Jen,

Thanks for coming to this website.  I hope you can share some training methods for your son with all of us here.

I am in Beijing and hope can make friends with you.  

Take care!  Amy


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-9 13:13:49 | 只看该作者

Re:Helping children with autism


Education Program), 简称IEP。IEP 包括学生目前的学习,智力,语言,自理,社

交,行为等能力;年目标和具体教学目标以及评估方法 ;教育和配套服务地点和项




IEP 通常由学校制定。家长只是被动地参与IEP讨论和签署。但是 由於老师素质,


长的积极参与会有利于制定一份更为合理的IEP。由於autistic (自闭症)学生的教

育花费很大,学校,医疗保险公司,政府机构等都很难支持每周20-40 小时的应用





现附上我为我儿, Albert, 制定的IEP。这份IEP包括目前能力的评估,拟定的教

育目标, 对应用行为分析学理论及应用的总结(美国流行的结构强化行为疗法-DTT,

自然环境疗法-NET,和最新的言语行为疗法-Verbal Behavior (VB) ). 这份IEP得

到自闭症专家Dr. Allen 的高度评价。希望能对中国的自闭症孩子和家长以及海外




Messenger 的语音交流。-JenJen

JenJen, Ph.D.

Albert, Son



Instrument: The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (The ABLLS)- Dr. James Partington and Dr. Sundberg.

+ Curriculum-Based Assessment + Direct Observations.

Cooperation with Adults:

Albert has recently begun to follow instructions if given reinforcers, but if he does not want to do what adults want him to do he will scream, cry, and often fall to the floor. Albert will sit at a table and read one or two books (for about 5 minutes), and he will do language tasks for two or three trials (for about five seconds), but when he is ready to get up he will tantrum if he is not allowed to do so.

Request (Mand)

        Albert is able to request three items and activities with the reinforcer present if you ask, “ what do you want?”. He can request “juice”, “cookie”, and “Mom, hug”. If the reinforcer is not immediately delivered, he will often tantrum.

Motor Imitation

        Albert has recently learned to imitate the motor behavior of others, but often requires verbal prompting and the immediate delivery of reinforcement. He is able to imitatively clap his hands, kick a ball, and touch his body parts. He has difficulty with fine motor imitation such as pointing to items with only his index finger.

Vocal imitation (Echoic) and Articulation

        Albert’s echoic skills are quite strong, however, when repeating words on request, he sometimes adds a “le” sound to the end of words.


        Albert has recently learned to match pictures. When given a picture of an item and a display of four pictures, one of which is exactly identical to his pictures, Albert can place the pictures with the identical item. He can match approximately 48 pictures from an array of four pictures. He cannot match items and pictures to other items of pictures that are not exactly identical to his item.

Receptive Language

Albert has recently learned to follow instruction to do simple actions (clap your hands, touch parts of his own body, arch your back, kick your feet, turn your head, wave your arms, feed bear soup, kiss me, etc). Albert does not look at or come to a person when called by his name. He is unable to make choices between two items. For example, when you present juice and water, and ask him, “What do you want, juice or water?” He is not able to choose the one he wants.

Receptive by Function, Feature, and Class

        Albert is unable to point to any objects or pictures when given verbal information about them but not their specific name (e.g., Touch the one you ride”).

Labeling (Tacting)

        Albert can label approximately 10 common objects and hundreds of pictures. However, he cannot use pronouns, adjectives, or prepositions. He is unable to identify colors and ongoing actions.

Conversation (Intraverbal)

        Albert can fill-in a few missing words from some favorite songs and books, and can give his name and age upon request.  However, he is unable to answer many common “Wh” questions, or fill in any words from common phrases. He does not use any words to express his wants and needs. He does not call mommy, dad, or speak to us spontaneously. Albert engages in almost no conversation.

Letters and Numbers

        Albert can identify about 10 different numbers. He could rote count to 10 in Chinese.  Albert is not able to count objects. He was able to identify all letters.

Social Interaction

        Albert does not socially interact with other children. Albert does not initiate social interactions with others. He actively avoids eye contact.

Play/Leisure Skills

        Albert does explore some toys for a few seconds, however, he does not engage in any pretend play or extended interactions with toys.

Group Instruction

        Albert does not attend well to group instructions. He has recently learned to sit at circle, but he does not respond to the teacher’s instruction nor imitate her actions. He does not interact with peers nor learns from peer models. His level of attention and participation decreases considerably compared to one-on-one instruction.

Self-Help Skills

        Albert can remove his socks, and help with removing shoes. He is unable to put on and take off his clothing independently. Albert drinks from a cup. He cannot use spoon to eat without spilling. Albert is not able to independently wash and dry his hands and face. Albert depends on physical prompts and a schedule to use the toilet. He does not express his needs either verbally or nonverbally.

Gross Motor Skills

        Albert can walk forwards and can jump and hop on the bed. He cannot throw/catch a ball. He cannot ride tricycle.

Fine Motor Skills

        Albert can put puzzles together, stack blocks, and mark on paper with a crayon or pencil. He has difficulty with stringing beads, removing lids from jars, and cutting. He is unable to color within boundaries. He is unable to trace simple straight and curved lines. He is unable to copy any specific markings.


Some Suggested IEP Objectives

Visual Performance

1.        When given a model of a visual pattern, Albert will be able to make a block design that matches a model or a picture using up to 5 blocks when given more blocks than are necessary to complete the task.

2.        Albert will be able to put together a variety of eight-piece (or more) puzzles without frames.

Receptive Language Skills and Tacts (Labeling)

3.        Albert will be able to take objects to a specified person or location within a room

4.        Albert will be able to receptively identify and tack (label) a total of five prepositions (on, in, under, out, in front of).

5.        Albert will be able to receptively identify and tack (label) at least three pronouns (mine, my, I).

6.        Albert is able to receptively identify and tack (label) at least 10 adjectives (big, little, red, blue, yellow, green, cold, hot, wet, fast, slow).

Receptive by Function, Features, or Class and Tacts (Labeling)

7.        Albert will be able to receptively identify and tack (label) at least 10 items when told either its function, one of its features, or given its class. (e.g., “Touch the one you eat”, “Touch the one you ride”, “Touch the one that says woof.”)


8.        Albert will be able to imitate a sequence of motor activities without additional prompts (i.e., “Clap hands, then thighs, then touch toes”).


9.        Albert will be able to mand for (request) desired items at least 30 times per day.

10.        Albert will be able to request at least 10 different items and activities per day.

11.        Albert will be able to ask for information using “what”, “where” questions.

Tacts (Labeling)

12.        Albert will tact (label) 20 common actions (both ongoing and pictures).

13.        Albert will tack (label) 100 common objects and animals.


14.        Albert will correctly respond to 25 intraverbal fill-ins (e.g. “ It’s time to wash your_______,” “You ride in a ______,” “You cut paper with _____” A dog says ______” You write with a ____, The name of your school is _____,).

15.        Albert will be able to provide answers to 8 questions regarding personal information (name, age, address, phone number, school, teacher, parents).

Play and Leisure Skills

16.        Albert will play at least 10 toys as designed with occasional prompts for up to 10 minutes.

17.        Albert will participate in socio-dramatic play activities in which he pretends to be at least 5 different characters (e.g., cook, doctor, construction worker, animal, care-giver)

Social Interaction

18.        Albert will initiate and return greetings with adults without prompting. He will initiate and return greetings with peers with partial prompts.

19.        Albert will appropriately play with a peer for five minutes with prompts from adults. (e.g. Albert will roll/catch/throw a ball to another peer for at least 3 exchanges).

Group Instruction

20.        Albert will follow instructions that are known by him (e.g., touch known items, imitate an action, etc.) presented to a group of 12 students.

21.        Albert will appropriately take turns with three other students during small group instruction activities.

22.        Albert will complete his classroom routine (e.g., hang up his coat, put away backpack), with no more than 2 verbal prompts.

Self-Help Skills

23.        Albert will be able to pull up and down his pants and urinate in the toilet independently.

24.        Albert will request to use the toilet as needed in familiar settings (home and school).

Math Skills

25.        Albert will be able to count out objects given to him up to the amount of 10.

Writing Skills

26.        Albert will be able to color within lined areas.

27.        Albert will be able to trace and copy simple straight lines and shapes.

Fine Motor

28.        Albert will be able to cut out simple shapes staying within ¼ inch of the line.

Gross Motor

29.        Albert will be able to throw and catch an 8-inch ball four feet to a person.

30. Albert will be able to peddle a tricycle at least 20 feet.

Language and Basic Learning Skills Analysis and Recommendations

        The most important areas to focus on for Albert at this time are (1) his manding (requesting) skills, (2) his conversation skills, and (3) social and play skills. Albert could also benefit from additional training on labeling and receptive language skills. In addition, Albert could benefit from some regular contact with non-handicapped peers in order to facilitate social interaction. Albert has great potential for acquiring more effective language skills, but his rate of acquisition will be directly related to the frequency and type of training provided. Parents, teacher, and therapists must require a high rate of responding from Albert, especially manding and intraverbal responding.

        It is now well established that effective early intervention for young children with Autism centers on intensive behavior intervention. This intervention is characterized by high degree of engagement (usually one-on-one instruction), reinforcing, and errorless learning trials (Allen, K., 2003).  Early intensive behavioral interventions are based on ABA principles and typically include intensive (usually 25-40 hours per week), individually administered treatment interventions (Jensen, V., 2002). Research shows that many children will do best with 30 or more hours per week of intensive behavioral intervention (Leaf, R., & McEachin, J., 1999). Providing intensive early intervention is critical to maximizing outcomes for children with autism (Woods, J. & Wetherby, A., 2003).

        Though all guided by the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), there are some variations in treatments and techniques. Two common approaches have been identified as discrete trial training (Lovaas, 1987, McEachin, J., Smith, T. & Lovaas, O.,1993), and the natural environment training (Koegel, R., O’Dell, M., & Koegel, L. 1987).

The main aspect of discrete trial training (DTT) is that language intervention is conducted in a highly specified and structured manner. The instructor chooses and presents a specific stimulus related to a target skill, and when the student responds correctly (perhaps with prompting) the response is reinforced with strong reinforcers. Training on a specific skill are divided into a number of independent tasks, and mass trial training typically occurs in a designated situation (e.g., at a table). Discrete trial training can be very effective (Lovaas, 1987, McEachin, J., Smith, T. & Lovaas, O.,1993), especially when compared to the indirect type of language intervention (e.g., large group and activity-based instruction common to many special education classrooms) (Sundberg, M., & Partington, J., 1998).

The essential features of natural environment training (NET) involve focusing on the child’s immediate interests and activities as a guide for language instruction. NET is conducted in the child’s typical daily environment (e.g., his home, a playground, the community), rather than in a formal teaching arrangement. Natural environments are defined to “include the home and community settings in which children without disabilities participate,” (PL 105-17) and would not include settings designed for treatments or therapy such as clinics, hospitals, or segregated special education programs (Woods, J. & Wetherby, A., 2003). Stimulus and response variation is stressed, and the consequences for correct verbal responses are specific to the child’s interest or activities, rather than consequences that are irrelevant to the response (e.g., giving a child the ball for identifying a ball rather than giving him an M&M). (Sundberg, M., & Partington, J., 1998). NET approaches use systematic teaching trials that have the following common active ingredients: (a) initiated by the child and focused on the child’s interest, (b) interspersed and embedded in the natural environment, and (c) use of natural reinforcers that follow what the child is trying to communicate (Woods, J. & Wetherby, A., 2003). There are only a few studies, all using single-subject design, that have reported that NET approaches are more effective than discrete approaches at leading to generalization of language gains to natural contexts.

Both DTT and NET have been shown to be effective, and each offers specific advantages for teaching certain types of verbal behavior. The exclusive use of only one of these approaches may be less effective then the combination of the two, guided by Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior (Sundberg, M., & Partington, J., 1998).

Verbal Behavior approach is guided by the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and emphasize teaching Verbal Behavior to children with autism or other developmental disabilities. Analysis of verbal behavior using all of the information being published on discrete trial training plus Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior. Verbal Behavior (VB) approach includes teaching in all settings throughout the day across persons and circumstances. In addition, Verbal Behavior’s emphasis is on teaching the function of language. A full and rich language repertoire of a child includes nonverbal responses to what someone says (receptive), verbal responses to his/her motivation or EO (mands,) verbal response that match exactly what someone else just said (echoic), verbal responses to nonverbal stimuli in the environment (tacts), and verbal responses to what someone else just said that don't match what was just said (intraverbal). To develop this repertoire it will be essential to teach a child to respond this way in the natural environment as well as in formal intensive teaching (Sundberg, M., & Partington, J., 1998).

Albert’s curriculum should focus on the development of functional language skills as a priority (Allen, K., 2003). The VB curriculum is based on B.F. Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior (Skinner, B.F., 1957). The VB curriculum follows the manuals by Dr. Mark, Sundberg and Dr. James Partinton. Emphasis is on teaching the function of language. Teaching procedures focus on transferring the child’s ability to respond across all functional categories. VB program is featured with the following components: Intensive Teaching (DTT), Natural Environment Training (NET), and positive behavioral techniques to replace maladaptive behaviors (Peters, C., 2003). This intervention is characterized by high degree of engagement (usually one-on-one instruction), reinforcing, and errorless learning trials.

Some elements of a good VB program are as follows (Peters, C., 2003):

1.        Learner makes constant requests for desired items, actions, information

2.        Words are taught through all functional categories of language

3.        Constant conversational dialogue occurs between teacher and learner

4.        Situations contrived by teacher to create motivational conditions (EO’s) so the learner behaves in a desired way.

5.        Errorless learning

6.        Prompt fading 0-3 second delay

7.        A high rate of correct responses

8.        Skills generalized immediately

9.        Mixed and varied tasks

10.        Difficult tasks interspersed with easy tasks to keep level of reinforcement high

11.        Transfer procedures to make learning easier

In conclusion, I believe strongly that Albert has great potential to make substantial progress or even mainstream to the regular school given an early intensive behavior intervention with focus on his functional language. This program can be conducted at home as well as in the school by arranging for high levels of engagement and intensive instruction (usually one-on-one instruction) (Allen, K., 2003). The most effective ABA programs provide 30-40 hours of intensive treatment a week (Lovaas, 1987, Jensen, V., 2002, Leaf, R., & McEachin, J., 1999, Allen, K., 2003). In addition to the intensive behavior intervention with focus on the development of functional language skills, Albert could probably benefit from one-on-one speech therapy.  


Allen, K.D. (2003). Albert’s psychological evaluation/diagnosis report.

Lovaas. O. I. (1987). Behavioral treatment and normal educational and intellectual functioning in young autistic children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55 (1),  3-9.

McEachin,J., Lovaas, O., & Smith (1993). Long-term outcome for children with autism who received early intensive behavioral treatment. American Journal of Mental Retardation, 97, 359-72.

Sundberg, M., & Partington, J. (1998). Teaching language to children with autism or other developmental disabilities. Behavior Analysts, Inc. Pleasant Hill, CA.

Sundberg, M., & Partington, J. (1998). The assessment of basic language and learning skills (the ABLLS). Behavior Analysts, Inc. Pleasant Hill, CA.

Woods, J., & Wetherby, A. (2003). Early identification of and intervention for infants and toddlers who are at risk for autism spectrum disorder. Language, speech, and hearing services in schools, 34, 180-193.

Peters, C. (2003). Implementing a successful verbal behavior program. http://mariposaschool.org/programs/

Jensen, V. (2002). Treatment of autism in young children: behavioral intervention and applied behavior analysis. Inf Young Children, 14(4), 42-52.

Leaf, R. & McEachin, J. (1999). A work in progress: behavior management strategies and a curriculum for intensive behavioral treatment of autism. New York, DRL Books, L.L.C.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-10-9 20:55:10 | 只看该作者

Re:Helping children with autism

Thanks, JenJen

Your plan is a very good reference for me to develop my son's IEP.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-11 09:13:38 | 只看该作者

Re:Helping children with autism

Bonnie, I am glad that the IEP can be of any help to you. Amy, I would love to be your friend. Hopefully our sons (daughter?) will become friends too.  Weihong, thank you for your encouragement. I am going to put one of my son’s weekly lesson plans soon. RuiXue, thanks for your phone call. It’s nice to talk with you again. I just sent you a picture of my son. Actually I have been learning from Ms. Fang Jin and other parents here. I am glad that I can make some contribution now.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-12 22:28:57 | 只看该作者

Re:Helping children with autism


我收到了你的email. 谢谢你对中国和海外华人自闭症孩子和家长所做的一切。我会



God Bless our children with autism!


使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-10-14 22:04:39 | 只看该作者

Re:Helping children with autism

jen:你所提到的“美国流行的结构强化行为疗法-DTT”是否就是黄伟合《儿童自闭症及其他发展性彰碍的行为干预》中的“离散单元教法Discrete Trails Teaching”?


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-14 22:34:06 | 只看该作者

Re:Helping children with autism

YES, they are the same.

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="宋体" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote><b>此文由wangmaomi发表</b>。

jen:你所提到的“美国流行的结构强化行为疗法-DTT”是否就是黄伟合《儿童自闭症及其他发展性彰碍的行为干预》中的“离散单元教法Discrete Trails Teaching”?

<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></font id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote>


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-16 12:04:27 | 只看该作者

Re:Helping children with autism

制定了IEP 后,就要开始设计具体的教学课程。美国凡是使用ABA教育孩子的家庭一

般是聘请一位ABA Consultant (顾问)。这些顾问一般是获得心理学,特殊教育,或



教学等。但是这些顾问的要价都很高。 我们所在的城市ABA顾问是每小时125美元。






the function of language(功能性语言)为重点,及所谓的Verbal Behavior-VB (言

语行为)。功能性语言将语言分为接受性语言(receptive), 表达要求(mands), 重复

模仿语言(echoic), 命名(tacts), 会话(intraverbal). 我已经在IEP中谈到了VB。


Dr. Carbone 是目前美国最受欢迎的VB大师。他提供VB讲座培训。遗憾的是我目前


Sundberg, M., & Partington, J. (1998). Teaching language to children with

autism or other developmental disabilities. Behavior Analysts, Inc. Pleasant

Hill, CA.

Sundberg, M., & Partington, J. (1998). The assessment of basic language

and learning skills (the ABLLS). Behavior Analysts, Inc. Pleasant Hill,


这份课程(weekly lesson plan)仅供参考。欢迎方静和其它家长指导 --JenJen

10/06---10/12, 2003


Mastery Level


        N:  Not Ready

        L:  Learning

        M: Mastered

        G: Generalized

20 minutes interactive reading

Read to Albert, ask him questions “What’s this?” “Who is this?”  “What is he doing?” “What color is it?” Point to___, Touch the ___, Let’s count, Let him fill in some words or phrases, and act out the story, etc.

While reading a book:


Albert mands to: “open book” when he has an interest to look inside

“turn page” When he wants to see the next page


Albert labels all favorite characters in response to “Who is this?”

Albert labels common items in response to “What is this?”

Albert labels the body parts of the characters in the book, then you ask “What’s this?” as you point a body part on yourself

RECEPTIVE: Albert follows lots of receptive commands:

“Touch Barney”

“Touch the telephone” “Point to the book”

“Touch your eyes”


“What says woof, woof?” (as your reading an animal book)


First steps with colors

Who’s counting?

Can you guess?

Does a Kangaroo have a mother, too?

Barney goes to the zoo

Clap your hands

1, 2, 3 to the zoo



Animal Sounds

40 minutes: Basic Language and Learning Skills

Reinforcers:         Primary – food, drink

Secondary- praise and affection, tickle, toss Albert into air, etc.

1.        Social Interactions

Returns greetings from others: “Hi, Albert!’ -  “Hi, Mom/Dad/ Johnson /Stacey/!”

How are you today? – Fine, thank you.

2.        Receptive language  

A.        Flash Cards- Picture Pairs

Albert will be able to select a picture (out of three pictures) named by the instructor using two different instructions to select those items.

Give me___

Point to ___

3.        Requests (Mands)

This can be done with other drill activities when you offer the reinforcers.

Requesting with two reinforcers (one desired, one not desired) present and ask, “ “What do you want, water or juice?” (Banana Chip/Raison; Popcorn/Raison; “Cookie/Peanut, Peanut/Popcorn). Prompt him to make the correct choice.

4.        Labels (Tacts)

A. Flash Cards- Early Objects/Animals/Colors

Boots, sweater, coat, slide, swing, brush & comb, mirror; cats (a cat says…),

chicken, penguins, bear, ducks (a duck says), spider, birds, tiger, rabbit, giraffe,

camel, panda, squirrel, monkey, pig (a pig says…), mouse (a mouse says…),

cows (a cow says…); blue, yellow, orange, red, green, purple.

B. Labels common ongoing actions if the instructor demonstrates the actions, and asks “ What am I doing”, using flash cards (early actions) as visual prompting.

Kicking ball, talking (on the phone), banging the drum, reading, jumping,

walking, building blocks, washing face, put on socks (dressing), combing hair,  

brush teeth,  eating, cutting paper, drinking, singing, drawing, clapping (hands),

stomping (foot)

5.        Intraverbal (Conversation)

A. Social questions

Who is your teacher? – Sandy

Where do you go to school? – Wheeler

What do you like to drink? - Juice

B. Fill in the remaining word of a phrase describing an ongoing activity:

You read a – book

You wash your – hands

You wash with soap and – water

You dry your- hands

You drink from a -cup

You throw a –ball

You catch a – ball

You kick a – ball

You roll a - ball

30 minutes        Structured Play

1.        Drawing- Copy simple figures (Vertical line, Horizontal line, circle)

SD: “Do this.”

2.        Playdoh: make a cookie/ star / flower / hearts

3.        Wooden blocks in certain design: teach imitation skills and color naming (What color is it?)

Put blocks into a certain configuration, prompt Albert to imitate the pattern. Start with two blocks, work up to five.

4.        Stringing beads: teach fine motor skills and color naming (“What color?)

5.        Puzzles: three number puzzles (5, 6, 7)

6.        Ball: bounce, kick, roll, throw, and catch (Jen is available to assist at the beginning or towards the end of the teaching session).

7.        Rhythm and music activities

Fill in words from songs: while you are singing a song, let Albert fill in some words and phrases of songs. Prompt him to imitate the actions.

New Song – Wheels on the Bus

Songs and finger plays- Learning Numbers

        Hickory, dickory dock – Wee Sing Pg. 11

        Ten Little Fingers (Toes) – Wee Sing Pg. 31

        Five Little Monkeys

Favorite songs and finger plays

If You’re Happy – Wee Sing Pg. 42

Head and Shoulders – Wee Sing Pg.46

Where is thumbkin – Wee Sing p. 15

Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Please also sing other children’s songs and finger plays that you know. I want to learn from you!


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-23 13:16:59 | 只看该作者

Re:Helping children with autism


ALBERT 才上学两个月, 我就面临如何与老师沟通的问题。期间我去学校考察(Classroom

Observations)了三次。目的是观察ALBERT 在学校是否能学习,学校的教学方式是

否 适合他,老师的经验和素质。每次考察我都尽量躲藏到一个地方,避免影响ALBERT




另一个重要的沟通方式是书信交流。ALBERT 的学校为每个孩子准备了一本家长/学

校交流日记本(Home/School journals)。但老师任务繁忙,很少记录。我直截了当


是单方面的。我也常常给老师写写ALBERT 在家里的学习情况,并邀请老师到家里参









谢谢Shaer 从日本打来电话。很高兴与你交谈。 你对孩子的生物医学疗法和自然家

庭教学法让我很受启发。也谢谢CeCe 的 email 鼓励。我在autism (自闭症)这条路

上才刚刚开始起步。 非常欢迎大家的交流和指教。






Dear Sandy, Jessy, Peg, and Cheryl,

I want to thank Sandy and Cheryl for writing notes about Albert. The notes on his progress and inappropriate behavior are helpful for me to address his issues. From your notes of last week, I know that he has a hard time generalize his learned skills. To address this issue, we have begun to expand his learning conditions. We conduct his learning sessions in different rooms (his bedroom and our living room), with different therapists (one girl has a B.A. degree in psychology, one girl is a Ph.D. candidate in occupational therapy, my husband and I also work with Albert), and with a variety of cues (e.g., using both flash cards and real objects for learning common objects, using both flash cards and ongoing demonstration for learning action words).  In addition to the discrete trial teaching (DTT), we are trying natural environment training (NET) as well. For example, his dad focuses on teaching him play skills. Albert also learns from watching children’s videos and reading books, and he requests for foods during the mealtime. However, we still feel that he has a very difficult time generalizing his skills. We hope that you can help him to generalize skills at school. I am glad to know that Cheryl has some wonderful flash cards that can be used for teaching Albert receptive and expressive language. That is another stimulus for generalization because you are using different flash cards. Albert has recently been able to label many common objects (in English) in pictures and the following colors: yellow, purple, green, and orange. Can he label common objects and colors at school? He can answer the following questions without reinforcers at home: What’s your name? How old are you? Where do you live? Who is your teacher?  A dog says… A horse says…  A turkey says… A duck says… etc. We hope he can generalize these skills to the school.

According to your notes, another issue that needs to be addressed is his tantrum. It is a surprise that he had a tantrum for about 45 minutes at school last Friday. We ignored him when he had tantrum at home. We didn’t give him what he wanted, nor did we make eye contact with him. But as soon as he calmed down, we quickly turned to him and reinforced the calm behavior. Too often, people wait until Albert is completely calm before providing reinforcement. This may take too long. You may also need to use subtle redirection procedures. We tried redirecting his attention to his highly preferred activities, or taking Albert to another room or outside, he is more likely to behave. When Albert has tantrum, he also needs to go to the bathroom, otherwise, accident may occur.

Play and social skills, which come naturally to most children, need to be specifically taught to Albert. He needs modeling, prompting, reinforcing for his play and social skills. Since he has no sibling at home, we hope that you can help with his play and social skills at school.

You also mentioned his self-stimulatory behaviors such as spinning the ball in your notes. This is also a great challenge for me. I don’t know how to address this issue. Usually we stop the stimulatory behavior immediately, and teach him appropriate alternatives. For example, when he is spinning the ball, we stop this behavior immediately and physically prompt him rolling/kicking/throwing/catching the ball. This is a long and tedious process filled with frustrations. We are still working on it.

With you help, I believe we can make a difference to Albert’s future.




Dear Sandy, Jessy, Peg, and Cheryl,

Just notes to let you know how much we appreciate the special attention you have given to Albert. You have shown so many evidences of understanding and providing for Albert’s mental growth and emotional development. The notes that Sandy and Cheryl have been writing to me about Albert’s progress and behaviors, the short conversation that Jessy and Peg have with me about Albert’s good day and bad day when I pick up Albert at school, the special one-on-one teaching time with Albert by all of you, the art projects that Albert has made with your assistance, the home program visiting by Sandy and Karen, the picture cards that Sandy has made for our home program, and the cute Leaf Count book, etc. ----all these special activities require supplies and extra time for preparation, not to mention patience and consideration for Albert’s special needs. When I told Albert’s grandparents that Albert could request snacks, sit through the circle time, give Sandy green leaf on request, label pictures and objects while working with Cheryl at school, Albert’s grandparents were happy to tears. They are very concerned about Albert.

Thanks so much for all your extra efforts with Albert.

With gratefulness,


<img src="images/icon_smile.gif" border=0><img src="images/icon_smile.gif" border=0><img src="images/icon_smile_shy.gif" border=0><img src="images/icon_smile.gif" border=0><img src="images/icon_smile.gif" border=0>


使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-10-23 23:15:08 | 只看该作者

Re:Helping children with autism

<img src="images/icon_smile.gif" border=0>这些对我太有帮助了,特别是如何与老师沟通,可惜我的英语太差,只能借字典慢慢翻,我会努力的。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-10-24 02:54:51 | 只看该作者

Re:Helping children with autism




自打宁宁6月中上了一家美国的Montessori School以来,我们发现几乎不知道他在幼儿园学到了什么.

每次看他,只能看见他拿了个盘子端一样玩具独自玩.过去在一家普通幼儿园, 每天还有1-2张画的图, 或写的字由老师交给我们,至少让我们知道他做了什么, 而且一周至少有1-2次 notes 告诉我们孩子的情况(真不真实,另说).

上了蒙事班后, 一个月中才带回1-2 张字, 画回家.根本没有关于孩子的notes.



目前, 我已很怀疑'蒙事'教育,如果没有家长的干预, 恐怕是不适应我们的孩子的,那怕像宁宁只是在边缘,并无多的重复动作行为.但是他兴去窄,发展下去会更偏.


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发表于 2003-10-28 12:45:25 | 只看该作者

Re:Helping children with autism

聯絡本是個好主意。我在兒子上幼兒園起就準備了一個本子﹐頭一天上學前﹐把兒子的情況介紹給老師﹐包括他的愛好﹐不喜歡的東西﹐注意事項﹐他的長處短處﹐好用的招數﹐家裡的情況﹐等等。每一天﹐老師把兒子在學校的事情寫在本子上﹐我就可以和他找話說。我也把家裡發生的事情告訴老師﹐有時是有趣的事﹐有時是為難的事。有時給老師們寄去我們的照片。我總是懷著感謝的心給老師們寫信的。從幼兒園到現在﹐七年了﹐我還沒有碰上一個Aaron不喜歡的老師 (或是不喜歡Aaron的老師)。現在我已經存下好幾本聯絡本了。沒事翻翻﹐總是驚異孩子的巨大進步。






使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-15 12:34:52 | 只看该作者

Re:Helping children with autism







1。 培训老师难找。即使找到,父母要花时间培训,指导,维持现有的培训老师。
















2。老师和学生比例较高(一般为4 或6 比1),强调小组培训,一对一培训时间很少。






1。随时都有正常孩子的语言示范 和社交机会。



















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