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发表于 2003-9-6 22:04:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

下面是小雨的尿肽报告及有机酸的解释,我是自己翻的,供大家参考,如果有误,请指正.<img src="images/icon_smile_tongue.gif" border=0>Urinary peptides final report (尿肽最终报告)这项结果反映对含牛奶的酪蛋白及含麦类的谷蛋白是否过敏,如果过敏说明它们对孩子的大脑有伤害.

Peptides          Peptide        Creatinine (肌氨酸酐)        Ratio(比)     Normal ratio(正常比)                  ng/ml           mg/dl                     

Casomorphin (Milk)  10.25         23                         0.45         <0.95  Gliadorphin (Wheat)   13.32        23                         0.58          <0.95       

  * Normal results for the peptide creatinine ratios have a biphasic distribution, so the normal


ranges have been calculated as the median plus or minus one standard deviation. The new range should be more clinically useful, as the use of the ratios allows for the correction of different fluid intakes.

  If either of the peptide results is abnormal, a gluten-free and casein-free diet should be considered for the person who was tested. If both peptide results are normal, further testing with IgG food allergy tests should be done before adopting a diet containing gluten and/or casein. If both peptide and IgG food allergy tests are normal, then the person can probably tolerate gluten and casein but a one-month elimination diet trial without these foods might still be useful.

Children on gluten and/or casein free diets may have normal values of the peptides in urine. Children with high values may benefit from gluten/casein free diets and/or peptidase supplementation. Children with normal peptide values may still have wheat and/or milk allergies that can be detected by allergy tests.

  People on a diet containing soy proteins or are consuming soy “milk” may also have high peptides in their urine. Soy proteins are used as emulsifiers, extenders, binders and stabilizers in meat, poultry, snack foods, sausage, frozen spaghetti, and whipped toppings. Textured vegetable protein (TVP) is soy based and many meat substitutes are soy-based. We have found that individuals on soy may have high values for gliadorphin and/or casomorphin presumably because of peptides from soy that are similar or identical to those in gluten or casein (Zhang XZ, Wang HY, Fu XQ, Wu XX, Xu GL. Bioactive small peptides from soybean protein. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1998 Dec 13; 864: 640-5)

Individuals on peptidases such as Serenade of Enzymade may have high peptide values in the urine. This does not mean that these products are harmful in any way. We cannot rule out the possibility that one of the components of these products could be interfering in the tests for gliadorphin and/or casomorphin.

  This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by The Great Plains Laboratory. It has not been cleared or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

  The FDA has determined that such clearance or approval is not necessary. This laboratory is certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988(“CLIA”) as qualified to perform high-complexity clinical testing.


Elevated yeast/fungal metabolites indicating a yeast/fungal overgrowth of the gastrointestinal tract. (提及酵母菌/真菌的代谢物显示胃肠系统的酵母菌繁茂.

Elevated succinic may indicate a relative deficiency of riboflavin in and/or coenzyme Q-10 which are needed to supply cofactors for succinic dehydrogenase in the Krebs cycle and a trial of these supplements might be worthwhile. Suggest 50 mg per day of both vitamins as a supplement.


  Elevated 2-oxo-glutaric acid (also called alpha- ketoglutaric acid).Conversion of 2-oxo-glutaric to succinyl CoA requires coenzyme A  (derived from pantothenic acid), lipoic acid, FAD derived from riboflavin, and thiamine. Elevated values may be due to dietary deficiencies of any of the above or due to increased of alpha- ketoglutaric as a supplement. Increased conversion of glutamic acid to alpha-ketoglutarate is another possible explanation. Extremely high values may be due to genetic enzyme deficiencies.


  Increased citric. High citric acid may be due to increased intake of citric acid containing foods, Intestinal yeast which produce citric acid or perhaps inhibit the human citric acid cycle, or depletion of glutathione which is required for the enzyme aconitase that metabolizes both aconitic and citric acids, or to a combination of these factors. If pyroglutamic is also low, consider supplements of glutathione. n-acetylcysteine or lipoic acid.

  Elevated HVA , a dopamine metabolite, and/or VMA, a metabolite of epinephrine and norepinephrine, which is most commonly due to stress that increases catecholamine output from the adrenal gland. Other causes of this increase are administration of L-DOPA, dopamine , phenylalanine or tyrosine. If values are more than double the upper limit of normal the possibility of catecholamine-secreting tumors needs to be ruled out by further testing after consultation with your physician.

  Low ascorbic acid (vitamin C), indicating a dietary  deficiency and/or  increased utilization of antioxidants. Suggest supplement with 1000 mg per day ascorbic acid.

  Pantothenic acid is one of the essential B vitamins. High pantothenic acid indicates high recent  intake of pantothenic acid. Since some individuals may require very high doses of pantothenic acid, high values do not necessarily indicate the need to reduce pantothenic acid intake.

  Increased glutaric acid. This compound may be elevated in glutaric acidemias, fatty acid oxidation defects. riboflavin deficiency, ingestion of medium chain triglycerides about 10% of children with autism, metabolic effects of valproic acid (Depakene),and in celiac disease. Dysmorphic features, seizures, hyploglycemia, and developmental delay may be associated with glutaric academia type Ⅱ which also is called multiple acyl dehydrogenase deficiency in which there is a defect in one of the electron transport proteins. The genetic diseases are probably more likely when values exceed 25mmol/mol creatinine. Regardless of the cause ,a supplementation of riboflavin and coenzyme Q-10 (50 mg per day) for 30 days might be useful; suggest continuation if improvements noted.

The reference ranges for HVA and VMA have been updated to reflect specific age groups.

The reference ranges for arabinose and citric acid have been updated to reflect a normal group that is apple free.

尿的缩氨酸结局报告 (尿肽最终报告)

缩氨酸 ( 缩氨酸 creatinine(肌氨酸酐) 常态比 (正常比) ng/ 毫升毫克/ dl

Casomorphin(牛奶)10.25 23 0.45<0.95

Gliadorphin(小麦)13.32 23 0.58<0.95

正常结果为缩氨酸和肌氨酸酐比有 两阶段的分配(专业术语), 因此正常



如果其中任何一个缩氨酸结果是反常的, 那么被测试的人应被考虑采用无麸质或无干酪素的饮食


如果缩氨酸结果都是常态(正常的),那么 igG 食物过敏症测试的深入测试应在采用一种包含麸

质及[或] 干酪素的饮食之前就做(igG要在不吃包含麸质及[或] 干酪素的食品前就作)。

如果缩氨酸和 igG 食物过敏症测试都是常态(正常的), 那么患者也许可能可以摄入麸质和干酪素.


食用无麸质[或] 干酪素饮食的孩子(因为测试前没有吃这些东西)可能小便的缩氨酸的评估也是


有较高评估的孩子可能是因为无麸质/ 干酪素的饮食及[或]钛酶 的补充(如果结果是正常的,有可能

是没有吃这些东西或是钛酶 的补充)。

有正常的缩氨酸值的孩子可能仍然有小麦及[或] 奶乳过敏症并可能被过敏症测试(igG)发现

食用大豆蛋白质的食品或高浓的大豆 "牛奶"使得食用者小便中可能含有高缩氨酸

大豆蛋白质被当作肉,家禽,小吃食物,香肠 , 冷冻意大利面条的 乳化剂 , 混合剂 ,包装

和碳化物稳定剂使用, 而且置于这些食品的顶部。

粗纤维的蔬菜蛋白质 (TVP) 是以大豆为原基的,而且许多肉类替代品是以大豆为原料的。

我们已经发现在摄入大豆过多的个体可能有高缩氨酸的值的原因是来自与gliadorphin 及[或] casomorphin 检测上,食用大豆和食用麸质或干酪素食物患者的结果很类似(Zhang XZ ,王 香港 , Fu XQ , Wu XX ,许 GL)。

来自大豆蛋白质的对活质起作用的小缩氨酸安 N Y Acad Sci 1998 十二月 13 日;864:640-5)

Enzymade 的在 钛酶, 像是 Serenade 上的个体可能会有小便的高缩氨酸值。


我们不能够排除这些产品的成份之一为 gliadorphin 及[或] casomorphin 有可能干涉测试的可能性。




这一间实验室在临床的实验室进步改善之下被检定 1988("CLIA") 当做取得资格运行高复杂临床的测试。



提高的酵母/ 真菌的新陈代谢产物指出一种酵母/胃肠 广阔的表面真菌的繁茂。



余因子 和这些补充物的测试是值得的,建议两种维生素每天50个毫克作为补充物。

提及 琥珀酸 可以指出相关的核黄素缺乏在于辅酶 (热稳定的非蛋白化合物(如辅羧酶),


发表于 2003-9-21 00:28:00 | 只看该作者




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