I moved questions here.
Question: Also can you give me some ideas about what lunch do you bring for K's lunch,
Kwenma: Lunch is just as same as in home. they have microwave, so can heat for him.
Question: and what marinade do you use for BBQ. Did you make it yourself? Recipe? Thanks a lot.
Kwenma: I did not use marinade. For BBQ, now K can eat gluten-free sausage (you can buy in grocery store or wholefood) and also BBQ shrimp.
Question: 食物控制了(oxalate和phenol的问题),Do you completely remove phenol and oxalate heavy foods or give no phenol with phenol foods?
Kwenma: I give him phenol-assistant always. but only remove the most phenol food. But now he can eat watermelon, blueberry, melon etc.. with phenol assistant. For oxalate, since I have vsl#3, biotion and selenium in place, the oxalate sounds not the problem for him now.
Question: Also how do you judge 肠胃道基本控制了? no behaviors or sleep issues? or some test?
Kwenma: from behavior, sleep, his poo-poo, his belly, etc.. also tests. But for daily life, just gauge from the symptoms.