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发表于 2002-11-23 06:33:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
近来参加了政府有关部门组织的关于自闭症的讲座, 收益不小. 我这里整理了一部分想与大家分享. 希望能给予大家帮助.

1. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological Disorder. This developmental disability may cause severe problems in:

·        Learning

·        Social interactions

·        Verbal and nonverbal communications,

·        And behavior

2. Social Skill difficulties typically found with children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder

·        Difficulty making friends

·        Difficulty starting social interactions

·        Difficulty understanding another person point of view

·        Difficulty predicting the behavior or emotional state of others

·        Difficulty understanding the perspectives of others

·        Lack of understanding how behavior impacts how other think and feel

·        Difficulty understanding the social purposes of events, actions and routines

·        Does not recognize or understand facial expressions and body language

·        Problem inferring the intentions of others

i.        The meaning of games,

ii.        Going to an assembly,

iii.        Working in a group,

iv.        Being nice to the new baby,

v.        Going to the going to the dentist

     Can be stressful if not understood

3. Two very effective ways to provide individuals with an understanding of events and reduce STRESS are:

a. Comic Strip Conversations

b.Social Stories

They provide a visual method of giving accurate information about situations.


 楼主| 发表于 2002-11-26 05:24:18 | 只看该作者




A Comic Strip Conversation is a conversation between two or more people who incorporates the use of simple drawings. These drawings serve to illustrate an ongoing communication, providing additional support to individuals who struggle to comprehend the quick exchange of information, which occurs in a conversation. Experience with Comic Strip Conversations indicates it may be an effective tool for parents and professional working with students with autism and other developmental disabilities, although no objective data regarding the effectiveness of this approach is currently available.

While Comic Strip Conversations are as versatile as any other conversation, reporting the past, describing the present, or planning for the future, other characteristics of this approach are unique. Comic Strip Conversations systematically identify what people say and do, and emphasize what people may be thinking. In addition, color may be incorporated to represent the emotional content of statements, thoughts, and question. Some Comic Strip Conversations provide insights into a student’s perspective of a situation, and serve as an excellent prerequisite activity to the development of a social story. Comic Strip Conversations are also used to visually “work through” a problem situation and identify solutions.


Comic Strip Conversation are based on the belief that visualization and visual supports, found useful in structuring the learning of students with autism, may also improve their understanding and comprehension of conversation. In addition, the uses of a basic set of symbols are used in Comic Strip Conversations to illustrate social skills which are abstract and difficult for students with autism to understanding.


Green:                 good ideas, happy, friendly

Red:                bad ideas, teasing, anger, unfriendly

Blue:                sad, uncomfortable

Brown:        comfortable, cozy

Purple                proud

Yellow:        frightened

Black:                facts, things we know

Orange:        questions

Combinations of colors: confused


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