For students whose needs cannot be met entirely in the regular classroom, a range of placement options is available. These options include:
A regular class with indirect support where the student is placed in a regular class for the entire day, and the teacher receives specialized consultative services.
A regular class with resource assistance where the student is placed in a regular class for most or all of the day and receives specialized instruction, individually or in a small group, within the regular classroom from a qualified special education teacher.
A regular class with withdrawal assistance where the student is placed in a regular class and receives instruction outside the classroom, for less than 50 per cent of the school day, from a qualified special education teacher.
A special education class with partial integration where the student is placed by the IPRC in a special education class in which the student-teacher ratio conforms to Regulation 298, section 31, for at least 50 per cent of the school day, but is integrated with a regular class for at least one instructional period daily.
A full-time special education class where the student-teacher ratio conforms to Regulation 298, section 31, for the entire school day.
另,不知道你家孩子程度如何?那种高密度的ibi都只针对程度比较严重的孩子,且排队时间漫长,基本都得等三、四年,不过过来之后,找到社区的儿童早期干预中心,就可以立即得到一些语训课程,时间不会太长,一般都是一星期一节课,主要是教家长如何在家干预,给家长制定短期目标,还有社工会上门干预,也是一星期一次,也是主要指导家长的。多伦多估计是人多,很多福利都表面上看着光鲜,实际进去之后,才发现全都是杯水车薪,我家孩子四岁了,在公立幼儿园,学校有配备slp ot 啥的,但是都除非孩子程度非常差,不然也是不管的,也许每个学校可能不同,我家遇到的学校就这样的,比较好的是这边的学校不会拒绝孩子,每个区都有学校配备特殊班,并且孩子上普通班还是特殊班,决定权是在家长手上,不管孩子有多严重,如果家长坚持,孩子就能在普通班和正常孩子一起学习,学校会配助教跟着孩子,这可以申请到一对一的,取决于孩子程度。