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发表于 2002-11-19 13:31:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

下面是worksheet.  每一頁底下都有“如果這一頁對我很重要的話﹐我可以把頁數圈起來。”

Chapter 1: Introduction.  Page 1 第一頁﹕

Introducing Me 介紹我自己

My name is: 我的名字是__________________________________

My birthday is: 我的生日是______________________________

Today's date is:今天的日期是_____________________________

I will draw a picture (or tape a photo) of myself, here. 我在這裡畫一張自己的畫片(或貼一長照片)

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-28 13:01:05 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 6:  Understanding</b>

<b>Eye Contact</b>

<b>Eye contact</b> means looking directly at someone's eyes.  Many children can listen and understand better when they look directly into the eyes of the person who is talking.  <i>Most children make eye contact when they are paying attention.</i>  That is why people think that if I am looking directly at their eyes, I will understand them better.  When I look away, they think that I am not paying attention.  That is true for many children, <i>but it is not true for most children who have autism</i>.

<b>I will circle of highlight what is true for me</b>


<li>I can make eye contact or I can listen, but it is hard to do both at the same time.  </li>

<li>It is difficult to understand what the person is saying when I have to look at their eyes.  </li>

<li>It is easier for me to understand what people are saying when I look somewhere else.  </li>

<li>I do not like eye contact because it is uncomfortable.  </li>

<li>Sometimes it is easy to make eye contact and listen at the same time.  </li>

<li>Other:  _________________________________________________  </li>


If someone says "<b>Look at me</b>" when they want to get my attention, and if I have difficulty with this, I can say:

<center>I AM paying attention.

Right now, I can listen better when I look away.</center>

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-16 11:36:25 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 5: People</b>

<b>Teach a routine for getting help in public</b>

Create a special ID card with information on both sides.  One side of the card can contain the typical identification information.  The other side can be a "cue card" for your child to use in an emergency.  It might contain reminders like how to use a pay phone or how to ask a store mangager to use the phone.  The written reminders would augment your teaching her how to make a phone call in public.  If the information needed cannot fit on the back of card, make a special small folded card that can fit into a wallet, purse, or a pocket.

Prectice using public pay phones.  Write and laminate the directions, listing the steps to follow in sequence.  As your child becomes familiar with the routine, list the steps on a small card, or the back of her ID card.

Depending on your child and her ability to function independently in this kind of situation, you may want to teach er to give the cue card to a store manager for help.  It may be easier for her to hand a card to a salesperson when she is feeling anxious, than to try to talk.  The message on the card might read <i>"I need help.  Can you help me call home?"</i>  Teach er a routine of going into a store, asking for the namager, and asking to use the phone (or handing the cue card).  Practice frequently, first at home, and then in different public locations, like the mall, etc.  You might feel more comfortable initially setting these up in a familiar store where you are know.

Keep in mind that even though your child may be very verbal, when under stress she may not be able to use her verbal skills effectively.  By providing her with an alternate communication system (<i>a written cue to read or to hand to someone)</i>, she may be more able to function in an emergency when under stree.

Remember to include practice sessions and list them on her schedule.  If she resists your teaching her, <i>or if you want help with this, </i> ask another significant adult -- a teacher, friend, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or older cousin -- to read these suggestions and help set it up.

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-16 11:25:36 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 5:  People</b>

<b>Write a schedule of events when waiting for visitors</b>

Prepare fro visitors coming to your home by making a checklist of the things your child will do during the visit.  List some activities which all her to play by herself.  List some activities which include the visitor, if apporpriate.

Your child will probably be more successful in her social interactions with the visitor if the activities involve her interests, and if the activities have a clear beginning and end.  Examples of the types of social activities that can be structured are: card games or lotto games, Bingo, naming the people and places in a family photo album, and "taking orders" from the visitors for refreshments from a list you have written on a note pad.

<b>Overnight visitors</b>

For overnight visitors, mark the calendar by highlighting the days to show how long the visitor(s) will stay.  On the calendar, write something significant that your child will do after the visit is over on that day, so she can see what will happen next.

Remember to include information about the visit on her daily schedule, as well.  Next to the appropriate enntries, add information that may be significant for her, such as who will sit around the table at dinner time, who will sleep where, and which TV programs might be watched.

<b>Parents out of town</b>

Mark the calendar to show the days when you or your spouse will be out of town.  mark when you will return.  On the appropriate calendar square, write where the absent parent will be each day or something concrete that he or she is doing:  <i>Daddy drives to Atlanta, Mommy's at work in the Flat Iron Building, or Daddy visits Aunt Suzie, Daddy comes home.</i>

Write short letters to be given to your child each day you are out of town.  help her understand that you haven't just disappeared, but that you are somewhere, doing something, and that you will return on a specific date.  Date the letters as if you are writing it each day.

Remember to include significant information on her schedule, like when it is time to say goodbye, and which people are going to be involved with her on which days, and what they will do.  Help the changes be more predictable.  Don't assume that she knows and understands all of the relevant details.

If you have already been using a calendar and a schedule on a regular basis, then the whole process will be more familiar to her and she will handle the changes more easily.

<b>Changes in the family structure</b>

If there are changes or additions to the family because of separation, divorce or remarriage, draw a diagram or a family tree so she can see how she and the people are connected and to give a sense of order to the changes.  Record births and deaaths of improtant people and pets on the calendar.  Write social stories to give more information about these confusing changes.

Allow her to have ample "alone time" or "quiet time" at school and at home.

<b>Substitute teachers</b>

To prepare for school days with substitute teachers, create a file of photographs and/or name cards of substitute teachers.  Attach the appropriate photo or name card to the classroom calendar or the student's calendar to show when the substitute is coming.


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 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-20 08:34:34 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 5: People</b>

<b>For Parents and Teachers</b>

<i>"People bothered me.  I didn't know what they were for or what they would do to me.  They were not always the same and I had no security with them at all.  Even a person who was always nice to me might be different sometimes.  Things didn't fit together for me with people.  Even when I saw them a lot, they were still in pieces, and I couldn't connect them to anything."</i>

--Sean Barron, from <i>There's A Boy In Here</i> by Sean and Judy Barron

Consider using visually structured strategies to prepare your child for social events and to clarify relationships with the people in her life.  Although these ideas may not magically or instantly change the underlying mystery regarding "people," structured strategies may help to ease someof the confusion by adding predictability, familiarity, and a sense of order.

<b>Ideas in This Chapter</b>


<li>List new people on the schedule  </li>

<li>Use a calendar  </li>

<li>Write a schedule of events when waiting for visitors  </li>

<li>Overnight visitors  </li>

<li>Parents out of town  </li>

<li>Changes in the family structure  </li>

<li>Substitute teachers  </li>

<li>Social stories  </li>

<li>Teach a routine for getting help in public  </li>


<b>List new people on the schedule</b>

When there will be a change from the usual people at home or at school, you can write it on your child's daily schedule.  Write the new person's name alongside the appropraite entry, even if your child doesn't yet know who the person is.  By routinely seeing new people indicated on her schedule, your child will come to handle such changes with less anxiety.  Developing a routine of seeing new people on the schedule not only clarifies the change, but gives it added meaning.  Remember that to a child who relies on routines, the rountine itself becomes meaningful.

A short written explanation at the top of the schedule might also be reassuring.  For example, a note to prepare a child for a new sitter might read,

<center>Debbie is sick.  She has to stay at her house on Coleman Street</center>

<center>today.  Ms. Hunter will babysit from 4:00-7:00.</center>

<b>Use a Calendar</b>

Give your child her own calendar.  Write what will be coming up on the appropriate day's square and point it out to her ahead of time.  Attach the new person's photograph to the calendar for more specific visual information.

Use the calendar to prepare your child for physical changes on familiar people, such as new glasses, contacts, haircuts, and vacation tans.  Mark the calendar when you or a significant person will come home with a new or changed appearance.

A few children become overly focused on an upcoming event when they see it indicated on the calendar.  For some, seeing the event listed on the calendar can be anxiety-provoking.  Difficulty understanding the passage of time can make this problem worse.  They may think that the event is going to happen immediately.  You will need to notice how much preparation time works best for  your child. It may be that one day's notice is better than a week's notice.  As your child gains more experience with the calendar, using it may prove to be more helpful in the long run, even if it causes problems at first.

In order to help her learn and understand the concept of the calendar, have your childmark off each day ont he calendar before bed, and circle the square for "today" each morning.  This routine may help her learn more about the passage of time from day to day.

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-18 14:04:53 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 5:  People</b>

<b>Being Safe</b>

Most people in the world are good people.  Good people are usually kind and helpful.  I am <b>safe </b> with them.

But there are some people who are not good.  There are a few children and adults who might try to hurt others or make them do things that are wrong.  Someone might act kind, but he or she might not be a good person.

It can be difficult for many children to know if someone is a safe person or not.  But it is especially hard for children with autism to know if someone is safe.  <i>Some children with autism try to do what someone tells them to do, even if they don't understand why.</i> Or, they might be very fearful and think that everyone wants to hurt them, even if someone is really a good and safe person.

<b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me.</b>


<li>Everyone is my friend.  </li>

<li>I always try to do what someone tells me to do, even if I do not understand why.  </li>

<li>I am afraid of people I do not know  </li>

<li>Even when my parent says that it's OK, I am <i>still</i> afraid of new people  </li>

<li>I wonder if ______________________(name) is a safe person?  </li>

<li>There are children at school who tell me to do things, and I do not understand why.  Sometimes I might feel afraid or confused.  The children tell me to ___________________________________________________________________  </li>


Most children at aschool are nice.  But there are a few children who are not nice.  There might be a child at school or in my neighborhood who acts like a <i>bully</i>.

A child who acts like a bully tells me to do things that are wrong or bad or scary.  Sometimes he or she tries to scare or hurt other children.  He or she might hit or beat up someone.  A child who acts like a bully might pretend to be nice, but then does something mean.  It is hard to understand why tese children do what they do.

<i>If there is a child who does things taht scare me or does things that I do not understand, I must tell an adult.  I must tell my teacher or my parent or another adult what the child does.</i>


<li>I can keep myself safe by telling my parent or teacher or other adult when there is something that I do not understand.  </li>

<li>The adults will only be able to help me if I tell them what has happened.  If I do not tell them, then they will not know what has happened, and they will not be able to help me  </li>

<li>It is good to tell my parent or teachers when I do not understand something about a child.  I do not understand why _______________________________________________  </li>


My parent or teacher can make a list of some of the special people in my life who can help me.  Some are adults and some are children.  These are the people who I will tell when I need help or when I do not understand something.  <b>Here is a list of the children and adults who can help me:</b>

1.________________________ 2.________________________

3. _______________________ 4. _______________________

My parent and I can do these things to help me learn how to be safe:


<li>My parent or teacher can make me an <b>ID card</b> with my phone number and address to keep with me.  Other important names and phone numbers might be on the card too.  </li>

<li>I can <i>practice</i> using different types of telephones, including pay phones  </li>

<li>My parent can write on the back of the <b>ID card</b>, what I need to say, so I can read the words to say if I ever need to call for help.  </li>

<li>I can <i>practice</i> calling the phone numbers and talking to the people on my <b>ID card</b>  </li>


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 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-18 13:49:55 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 5:  People</b>

<b>Paying Attention to More Than One Person</b>

Most children who have two parents have a relationship with both of their parents, and maybe relationships with other adults, like grandparents or aunts and uncles.  In school, most students listen to and pay attention to more than one teacher.

<b>Children with autism sometimes get confused when they are supposed to pay attention to more than one person.</b>  Often, it is easier and more natural for a child with autism to repy on just one person.  <i>That is why some children with autism might listen to one parent and ignore the other parent.  </i> Sometimes the other parent fells left out.

<b>I will mark what is true for me.</b>


<li>I usually pay attention to my mother <i>and</i> my father.  I talk and listen to <b>both</b> of them  </li>

<li>I usually just pay attention to <b>only one</b> of my parents.  I mostly listen to my _____________________  </li>

<li>I live iwth one parent, or just one parent at a time  </li>

<li>I pay attention to <b>all</b> of my teachers.  There are ____(number?)  </li>

<li>I usually pay attention to <b>only one</b> of my teachers at school  I mostly listen to __________________________________(name)  </li>

<li>There are mnay adults who care about me, and I would like to have relationships with <b>more</b> of them.  I would like to become more familiar with ______________________(Name)  </li>

<li>There are many adults who care about me, but right now, I would rather have a relationship with <b>only one</b> adult at school, and <b>one</b> adult at home.  </li>


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 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-18 13:34:52 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 5: People</b>

<b>Other Important People</b>

There are <b>other important people</b> in my life.  At school, the important adults are the ones I talk to every day.  They might be teachers, assistants, therapists, the principal, office workers, cooks, and custodians.  The names of the <b>important adults for me at school </b>are:

1. ______________________  2._____________________ 3._____________________

4._______________________  5. ____________________ 6._____________________

There are <i>children </i>who are important to me at school.  They might be <b>friends and helpers.</b> Their names are:

1. ______________________  2._____________________ 3._____________________

4._______________________  5. ____________________ 6._____________________

There might be other important people in my life, too.  They might be friends of my family, people at church or temple, at my parents' work, and at other places.  Other important people in my life are:

1. ______________________  2._____________________ 3._____________________

4._______________________  5. ____________________ 6._____________________

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-18 13:29:16 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 5: People</b>

<b>New or Different People at School</b>

Sometimes <b>new or different people</b> come into my classroom.  Many children are happy to have new teachers and new students in the class.  They think it is fun.  But children with autism might become anxious, worried, scared, or angry when there are changes with people at school.  It is unfamiliar and different.

It may take more time for me to get used to new people at school.  <b>I will mark what bothers me at school:</b>


<li>Substitue teachers  </li>

<li>Student teacher  </li>

<li>New teacher or assistant  </li>

<li>Therapists coming to the classroom  </li>

<li>When the teacher moves my desk  </li>

<li>When other children's desks are moved  </li>

<li>My parents coming to my classroom  </li>

<li>Special visitors to the classrooom  </li>

<li>Different children standing next to me in line  </li>

<li>Different children sitting next to me at lunch  </li>

<li>Different children playing on the playground  </li>

<li>A new student in my class  </li>

<li>Me going to a new class  </li>

<li>Other: _______________________________________  </li>

<li>Other: _______________________________________  </li>


<font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - 瑞雪 重新编辑於 2003/05/18  13:40:38</font>

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-18 13:17:36 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 5: People</b>

<b>My Family Tree</b>

A <b>family tree</b> is a diagram of a family.  It is called a family <i>tree</i> because it shows how the people are connected to each other, like branches and stems of a tree growing out from the trunk.  My <i>family tree</i> shows how I am connected to my family.

My parent and I can fill it out the family tree on the next page by folloing these directions.  We will check each box as we do what it says.


<li>1.  Start at the bottom by writing my name on the line.  </li>

<li>2.  Write in the names of my mother and father.  If I have stepparents, I will write their names in, too  </li>

<li>3.  Write in the names of my brothers and sisters on the dotted lines going down.  </li>

<li>4.  Write the names of my grandparents at the top.  </li>

<li>5.  Write the name of my aunts and uncles on the lines going down from my grandparents.  </li>

<li>6.  If I want to include my cousins, then I need to draw lines coming out forom their parents (my aunts and uncles).  </li>

<li>7.  When finished, I can show it to someone in my family  </li>


(family tree graph omitted.  I cannot get it display right)

<font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - 瑞雪 重新编辑於 2003/05/18  13:20:03</font>

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-18 13:00:31 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 5</b>

<b>New or Different People at Home</b>

Sometimes <b>people</b> come to my home for a visit.  Some visits are short, but others might last a few days, or weeks.  Special new people might move in and live with us.

It might take time for me to get used to changes at home.  <b>I will mark the events that have happened at home</b>.

Having company or visitors

Holidays when grandparents, aunts, uncles or cousins visit

Family parties, birthday parties

Friends of brothers or sisters coming to play

My friends coming to play

Men or women coming to repair, build, or paint something

One or both parents going out of town


A new baby

Moving to a new neighborhood

Parents who live in different houses

Parents that are divorced

My divorced parents getting married to someone else

A new step-parent

New step-sisters or step-brothers

Other: _____________________________

Other: _____________________________

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-18 12:52:00 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 5: People</b>

<b>The People in My Family</b>

Most children live with their families.  Some children live with one parent.  Some children live with two parents.  Some children have step-parents.  My <b>parents'</b> names are:

1.___________________________________  2._____________________________

Some children have brothers and sisters.  I might have brothers and sisters.  If I do, the names of my <b>brothers and sisters </b>are:

1.___________________________________  2._____________________________

3.___________________________________  4._____________________________

Sometimes, grandparents or aunts or uncles or cousins or friends live together in the same house.  If <b>other people</b> live with me, their names are:

1.___________________________________  2._____________________________

3.___________________________________  4._____________________________

Some children have two families.  This happens when their parents are separated or divorced.  Or, a child might have two or even three families if he or she lives with a foster family.

I will circle or highlight what is true for me.

I have one family.  We all live together in one home.

I have two families, in two different homes.

I have three families, in three different homes.

My parents live together.

My parents live in separate homes.

My parents are divorced.  They live in different homes.

One of my parents has remarried*.

Both of my parents have remarried.

I have a step-mother.  She is my father's wife.

I have a step-father.  He is my mother's husband.

I have half-brothers or half-sisters**.

I have step-brothers or step-sisters***.


* <b>Remarried</b> means that my parent is now married to a new person.  This new person is my step-parent (step-mother or step-father).

**<b>Half-brothers and half-sisters</b> are siblings whose parents are my parents and my step-parent.

***<b>Step-brothers and step-sisters</b> are siblings who were born when my step-parent was married to someone else, before.

<font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - 瑞雪 重新编辑於 2003/05/18  13:06:50</font>

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-18 12:47:05 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 5:  People</b>


<b>People</b> are a part of life.  There are people at home and people at school.  There are children, teenagers, adults and elderly people.  There are people in stores, in cars, and people walking.  Sometimes they are alone and sometimes thay are in groups.

People are different from <b>objects.</b>. <i>objects</i> are things like furniture, toys, and rocks.  <i>Objects</i> stay the same unless you do something to them.  <b>Some objects in my life are: [/b}





People change.</b>  It is hard to know what will happen with people.  Sometimes they talk loud.  Sometimes they talk softly.  Sometimes they laugh.  Sometimes they are quiet.  Sometimes they look at me and sometimes they look away.  The same person can look different from before.  <i>Voices change, faces and hair change, clothes change, and movements changes.</i>

I never know when a person will be different than before.  People can be unpredictable and puzzling.  Sometimes I like being with people and sometimes I prefer being alone.  

I get confused when people ___________________________________________________________.

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-26 12:42:12 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 4: Artistic Talent</b>

<b>For Parents and Teachers</b>

Dave Spicer, who is quoted several times in this book, is a talented poet and essayist, however his talent was not noticed or encouraged as a child.  He recalls that even though his highest SAT scores were in the verbal[/] sections, he was guided to study engineering in college.  Dave only became aware of his own creativity with words later;  one day, Dave syas, a poem just "jumped out" of him.

I asked Dave to think about the questions listed below and to share his thoughts.  Many thanks to Dave for pondering this subject and writing this seciton for parents and teachers.

<center><b>Ideas in This Chapter</b></center>


<li>Why do you think artistic expression is improtant?  </li>

<li>What are wyas that parents might encourage their child's talent?  </li>

<li>Do you have any other insights about persons with autism and talent?  </li>

<li>What is your personal experience of developing your talent?</li>


<b>Why do you think that artistic expression is important?</b>

Artistic expression can serve a number of purposes for an autistic person:  It can be physically pleasurable, due to the motor or sensory aspects of the activity.  These could include the feel or smell of the materials being used, their colors, the sounds made by using them, and so on.

It can be intellectually pleasurable, as the aptterns, rhythm, and harmony being externally manifested bring a greater sense of order and balance to one's thoughts.

It can offer practice at self-expression, at having one's thoughts and feelings take form in a way that affect the outside world.  This is useful since the very concept of being able to influence the otuside world may be foreign. Particularly with feelings, it can be way of "doing something" with them, and perhaps of "taming" them so they are less overwhelming to experience.

It can be a means of communication.  The activity can serve as a kind of bridge connection one's internal state with the external world.  Some autistic people may not realize that it is even possible for this to happen, and so may never expect to be understood.  Others may expect everyone to know all their thoughts automattically, and so do not understand that thoughts have to be communicated at all.  Using artistic expression as a way to practice communication can help to find the middle ground between these extremes.

It can be a way of interacting with society and contributing to it.  The viewpoints of those "outside the mainstream" can offer information and perspective which are not easily available from within it.  Systems function much better with feedback, and the impressions fo autistic folks, as expressed through art, can help provide this.  One result of this feedback can be a broader understanding of the term "society", so that those outside the mainstream are recognized as still being part of it.  This in turn brings greater richness through diversity.

<b>What are ways that parents might encourage their child's talent?</b>

A starting point can be the recognition of what is already taking place.  It has been suggested that one's very life can be viewed as a canvas upon which one "paints" by living it; with this as a guide, examples of creative expression are likely already present.  A child's special interests can offer situations for using artistic talent.  How many different ways can the object (or objects) of interest be represented?  What different situations can they be represented in?  Could there be stories or songs about them?  How about "documentaries" or advertising?

<b>Do you have any otehr insights about persons with autism and talent?</b>

The amount of enjoyment an autistic person gets from an activity may not be evident from his/her demeanor or behavior.  Intense absorption may look like dispassionate detachment, and strong feelings of pleasure may be tightly contained within oneself to keep them manageable.  Because of this, it may take considerable time to learn what a child is actually interested in and enjoys.  If a number of choices are made available, some might be ignored for a long time then suddenly taken up with great enthusiasm.  Conversely, a longtime favorite might be suddenly dropped without explanation.

While a parent may very much want to learn why this happens, the child may well be unable to communicate or even understand the reasons.  It may be quite frustrating to have a child who acts and speaks very precisely, explaining some of his or her preferences and actions in detail, being unable to answer a direct question about others.

The area of artistic expression does not appear to be entirely rational, which can cause difficulty to those who seek logical understanding of things.  Drawings, songs, poems, and the like can seem to appear "out of nowhere" for no apparent reason.  This may be disquieting to the person creating them, perhaps causing a blend of simultaneous enjoyment and apprehension.  On the other hand, if the creation is in response to stron gfeelings like frustration or anger, matters of inteelectual appreciation may be completely set aside as the process becomes almost a visceral one.

<b>What is your personal experience of developing your talent?</b>

My own experience with creative expression is that of pent-up energy seeking an outlet.  This energy is intensified by enjoying the creative expression of thers.  I do not feel this energy can be created, but rather that people can seek to become conduits for it.  My challenges in this area do not involve trying to "become more creative", but rather to remove the barriers which keep what I have inside me from being expressed more freely.

I am grateful that I do not have to completely understand the process of "creative expression" to be able to use it.  As an autistic person, there are some aspects of life which, even though they escape my full understanding, I can still participate in and enjoy.

<font size="1" color="darkblue">Edited by - 瑞雪 重新编辑於 2003/03/27  11:15:47</font>

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-26 12:35:25 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 4: Artistic Talent</b>


Working with <b>computers</b> is usually not thought of as an artistic talent, although many people who are good with computers are very creative and talented.

Many children with autism have excellent skills on computers. <i>Computers are literal, concrete, and predictable. A computer gprogram follow its rules, exactly.  </i> Using the computer might come naturally and easily to children with autism.  There are many different ways that children can enjoy using the computer.

<b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me.</b>


<li>I am not especially interested in computers.  If I checked this, then I do not have to read any more on this page.  </li>

<li>I liek palying computer games. *  </li>

<li>I like to use the computer to write. *  </li>

<li>I liek to use the computer to send and receive emails. *  </li>

<li>I like to visit different Web sites on the Internet. *  </li>

<li>I like drawing and designing graphics on the computer.  </li>

<li>I liek programming computers. (Programming is using the language of the computer to make it do things.)  </li>

<li>I would like to learn how to ________________________  </li>

<li>Other: ______________________________________  </li>


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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-26 12:28:36 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 4: Artistic Talent</b>

<b>Mechanical Ability</b>

Mechanical ability is usually not often thought of as an artistic talent, although many people who have <b>mechanical ability</b> are very creative and talented.

Many children with autism have good mechanical ability.  <i>These children see how things fit together and they like to take things apart, assemble and construct things. They like discovering how things work. </i>

<b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me </b>


<li>I like taking things apart.  </li>

<li>I like seeing how things fit together. *  </li>

<li>I like figuring out how things work. *  </li>

<li>I like building and constructing things.  </li>

<li>I like planning and designing things to build  </li>

<li>I am not interested in mechanical things </li>


<b>I would like to learn more about: </b>(Circle)


Trains *

Heating systems



Plumbing systems

Electrical systems

Electrical appliances



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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-26 12:22:57 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 4</b>


<b>Drama</b> is an art form that many people enjoy.  Many people like to go to the movies, plays, and musicals.

Actors must pretend that they are someone else.  Some children with high functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome enjoy acting.  <i>They might be skilled at ovserving and copying how people move and how they sound</i>.  They like to pretend that they are different characters.

<b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me</b>


<li>I am not interested in drama. If I marked this sentence, then I do not need to read any more on this page.  </li>

<li>I like to imitate the way people move and talk. * (Aaron said "sometimes")  </li>

<li>I like to pretend that I am someone else *  </li>

<li>Memorizing and remembering my lines is fun *  </li>

<li>I like to learn different ways to act. * (Aaron said "sometimes")  </li>

<li>I like to dance.  </li>

<li>I would like to learn more about _________________(Aaron said "plays")  </li>

<li>I enjoy attending plays, musicals, and/or ballets.  My favorites are_______________________________(Aaron said "Shakspheare.  I would like to go", Mommy's note:  Aaron is OBSSESSED with Shakspheare.  He can remember numerious lines from his play.)  </li>


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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-26 12:14:35 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 4: Artistic Talent</b>


Literary art includes stories, essays, poetry, and letters.  <b>Writing</b> can help the writers and the people who read their writing, think clearly, appreciate beauty in the world, alugh, cry, dream , and imagine new things.

Some children with high functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome enjoy words and have a larger vocabulary than most children their age. Some children with high functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome are talented writers.

<b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me. </b>


<li>I do not like to write.  If I marked this sentence, then I do not have to read any more on this page.  </li>

<li>I like to write.  I like to write poetry, essays, stories, letters, or emal.  (circle which)  (Aaron circled poetry, essays, stories)  </li>

<li>I prefer to keep my writing to myself.  I do not like others to read what I have written.  </li>

<li>I like other people to read what I have written. * </li>

<li>I like to read alound while other people listen to me. *  </li>

<li>I would like to write about _____________________________ </li>

<li>I like to read about _______________________________(Aaron said "history""biography")</li>



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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-26 12:05:09 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 4: Artistic Talent</b>


Most people like to listen to <b>music</b>. Some people can express themselves more easily when they make music than when they use words.

Most children with autism enjoy listening to music.  Some children with autism have perfect pitch and a natural ability to sing or play a musical instrument.

<i>Maybe children with autism who are musically talented are children with very sensitive hearing. </i>

<b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me. </b>


<li>I do not like to sing or to play an instrument.  If I marked this, then I do not have to read any more on this page.  </li>

<li>I like to sing.  *  </li>

<li>I like to play a musical instrument (or many instrumentsl)  I play the __________(Aaron said "piano", but he doesn't really play it, he likes to tap the keys)  </li>

<li>I like to make music or to sing when I am by myself. *  </li>

<li>I like playing alone, but it is OK if others listen to me. * (Aaron said "partly")  </li>

<li>I would like to play an instrument or sing with other people in a chorus, a band, or an orchestra. (circle which)  </li>

<li>I would like to take music lessons or singing lessons. * (Aaron said "maybe") </li>

<li>I would like to learn how to ___________________________  </li>

<li>I enjoy listening to music.  I like (kinds of music) ___________________________________(Aaron said "almost all kinds of music")  </li>


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-25 12:55:06 | 只看该作者


<b>Chapter 4: Artistic Talent</b>

<b>Drawing and Painting</b>

<b>Drawing and painting</b> are talents that are admired by many people.  Drawings and paintings add to the beauty and enjoyment of life.

Many children with autism are quite skilled at drawing and apinting.  <i>Maybe they are good artists because they see the details and remember what they see.</i> Maybe they are visual thinkers who automatically see pictures in their minds.  Maybe it is more natural for them to draw or paint, than to express themselves in words.

<b>I will circle or highlight what is true for me </b>


<li>I do not like to draw or paint or other artworrk.  If I marked this sentence, then I am finished with this page.  </li>

<li>I like to <b>draw</b> or <b>paint</b> (Circle which)  (Aaron says "both")</li>

<li>I like doing computer graphics</li>

<li>I like ___________________________________(Type of artwork.)  </li>

<li>It's OK if people want to see my artwork * (Aaron says "Sometimes")  </li>

<li>I don't want people to see my artwork  </li>

<li>I would like to go to art classes *  </li>

<li>I would like to learn how to ________________________ (Aaron says "understand art")  </li>

<li>I enjoy <b>looking</b> at art by other artists. My favorite artists are _______________________________________(Aaron is OBSSESSED with artists.  He listed his favorites here:  da vinci, van gogh, monet, and picasso.)    </li>


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