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发表于 2005-7-13 03:16:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Table of Contents


Volume 8, Issue 4, 2004

   1.  Editorial 社论

Jordan, Rita; Howlin, Patricia

Pages 347-348

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  2.  A perspective on the research literature related to early intensive behavioral intervention (Lovaas) for young children with autism 对有关自闭症儿童早期强化行为干预相关研究文献的一些看法

Shea, Victoria

Pages 349-367

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  3.  Social skills assessment of children with autism in free-play situations 在自由玩耍情况下评估自闭症儿童的社交技巧

&erson, Angelika; Moore, Dennis W.; Godfrey, Rebecca; Fletcher-flinn, Claire M.

Pages 369-385

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  4.  A survey of parents’ reactions to the diagnosis of an autistic spectrum disorder by a local service: Access to information & use of services 通过当地服务机构对听到自闭症诊断的父母进行的调查:信息的获得和服务的使用

Mansell, Warren; Morris, Kathleen

Pages 387-407

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  5.  Mothers supporting children with autistic spectrum disorders: Social support, mental health status & satisfaction with services支撑自闭症儿童的母亲们:社会支持、心理健康状况和对服务的满意度

Bromley, Jo; Hare, Dougal Julian; Davison, Kerry; Emerson, Eric

Pages 409-423

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  6.  The health & social care needs of family carers supporting adults with autistic spectrum disorders 支撑成年人自闭症家庭的健康和社会关爱需求

Hare, Dougal Julian; Pratt, Catherine; Burton, Mark; Bromley, Jo; Emerson, Eric

Pages 425-444

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  7.  Letter to the editors 致编辑的一封信

Cohen, Brett I.

Pages 445-447

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  8.  Book review: The Curious Incident of the Dog In the Night Time 书籍综述:关于狗在夜晚里的一些古怪的事情

Baron-cohen, Simon

Pages 449-450

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Volume 8, Issue 3, 2004

   1.  Editorial 社论

Jordan, Rita; Howlin, Patricia

Pages 227-228

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  2.  Superior Visual Search in Adults with Autism 成年自闭症的超级视觉搜索

O’riordan, Michelle A.

Pages 229-248

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  3.  Advanced Mind-Reading in Adults with Asperger Syndrome 成年阿斯博格征的高级心灵感应现象

Ponnet, Koen S.; Roeyers, Herbert; Buysse, Ann; De Clercq, Arm&; Van Der Heyden, Eva

Pages 249-266

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  4.  Weak Central Coherence: A Cross-Domain Phenomenon Specific to Autism? 脆弱的中央一致性:自闭症的一个特殊交叉区域现象?

Hoy, James A.; Hatton, Chris; Hare, Dougal

Pages 267-281

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  5.  Performance of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder on Advanced Theory of Mind Tasks 自闭症儿童对于高级智力任务推测的表现

Brent, Ella; Rios, Patricia; Happé Francesca; Charman, Tony

Pages 283-299

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  6.  Parent Management Training & Asperger Syndrome: A R&omized Controlled Trial to Evaluate a Parent Based Intervention 父母管理训练和阿斯博格综合征:用随机对照方法来推测基于父母的干预

Sofronoff, Kate; Leslie, Anthony; Brown, Wendy

Pages 301-317

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  7.  Comparison of Behavioural & Natural Play Interventions for Young Children with Autism 行为干预和自然游戏干预对自闭症儿童的比较

Bernard-opitz, Vera; Ing, Siow; Kong, Tan Yew

Pages 319-333

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  8.  Letters to the Editors 致编辑的一封信

Loddo, Silvio; Stokes, Mark; Newton, Naomi

Pages 335-339

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  9.  Book Review 书籍综述

Rajendran, Gnanathusharan

Pages 341-343

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Volume 8, Issue 2, 2004

   1.  Editorial 社论

Van Berckelaer-onnes, Ina

Pages 123-124

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  2.  Autism & Learning Disability 自闭症和学习障碍

O’brien, Gregory; Pearson, Joanne

Pages 125-140

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  3.  Chromosomal Anomalies in Individuals with Autism: A Strategy towards the Identification of Genes Involved in Autism 自闭症案例的染色体异常:一个倾向于用基因鉴定自闭症的策略

Castermans, Dries; Wilquet, Valérie; Steyaert, Jean; Van De Ven, Wim; Fryns, Jean-pierre; Devriendt, Koen

Pages 141-161

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4.        Autism in Angelman Syndrome: An Exploration of Comorbidity 、


Trillingsgaard, Anegen; Østergaard, John R.

Pages 163-174

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  5.  Using the Social Communication Questionnaire to Identify ‘Autistic Spectrum’ Disorders Associated with Other Genetic Conditions: Findings from a Study of Individuals with Cohen Syndrome 使用社会交流调查表来确定“自闭症症候群”疾病是否与其他基因状况有关:与科恩综合征相关个案的研究发现

Howlin, Patricia; Karpf, Janne

Pages 175-182

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  6.  Catatonia & Autistic Spectrum Disorders 紧张症与自闭症

Hare, Dougal Julian; Malone, Caroline

Pages 183-195

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  7.  Making Sense in a Fragmentary World: Communication in People with Autism & Learning Disability 感受支离破碎的世界:自闭症和学习障碍的人之间的交流

Noens, Ilse; Van Berckelaer-onnes, Ina

Pages 197-218

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  8.  Book Reviews书籍综述

Pages 219-224

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Volume 8, Issue 1, 2004

   1.  Editorial 社论

Jordan, Rita; Howlin, Patricia

Pages 5-6

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  2.  Autistic Disorder in Nineteenth-century London: Three Case Reports 19实际伦敦自闭症:三个案例报告

Waltz, Mitzi; Shattock, Paul

Pages 7-20

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  3.  The Broad Autism Phenotype: Findings from an Epidemiological Survey 广谱的自闭症表型:流行病学调查发现

Micali, N.; Chakrabarti, S.; Fombonne, E.

Pages 21-37

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  4.  Autistic Spectrum Disorder: A Child Population Profile 自闭症:儿童人口特征

Keen, Daphne; Ward, Stephanie

Pages 39-48

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  5.  Associated Medical Disorders & Disabilities in Children with Autistic Disorder: A Population-based Study 自闭症儿童相关的医学失调和障碍:基于人口的研究

Kielinen, Marko; Rantala, Heikki; Timonen, Eija; Linna, Sirkka-liisa; Moilanen, Irma

Pages 49-60

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  6.  Children on the Borderl&s of Autism: Differential Characteristics in Social, Imaginative, Communicative & Repetitive Behaviour Domains 处在自闭症边缘的儿童:社会、想象力、交流和重复行为等不同范畴的区别特征

Barrett, Suzanne; Prior, Margot; Manjiviona, Janine

Pages 61-87

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  7.  Measuring Developmental Progress of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder on School Entry Using Parent Report 使用父母报告来测量入学自闭症儿童的发展进程

Charman, Tony; Howlin, Patricia; Berry, Bryony; Prince, Emily

Pages 89-100

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  8.  Psychoeducational Treatment of Children with Autism & Reactive Attachment Disorder自闭症和反应性童年依恋障碍儿童的心理学治疗

Mukaddes, Nahit Motavalli; Kaynak, F. Nimet; Kinali, Gülsevim; Besikci, Hümeyra; Issever, Halim

Pages 101-109

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  9.  Letters to the Editors致编辑的一封信

Ijichi, Shinji; Ijichi, Naomi; Bowman, Eimer Philbin

Pages 111-113

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  10.  Book Reviews书籍综述

Bauminger, Nirit; Sofronoff, Kate; Slonims, Vicky

Pages 114-120

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