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发表于 2006-4-5 10:17:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
Question and Answer session with Dr. Buttar

Q: Should a person do chlorella with DMPS?  A: Chlorella is a natural substance from aquatic sources and sequesters mercury from the environment. Cilantro also does this.  So, it is questionable if these items are giving your child more mercury in the first place.  Just use DMPS because topical DMPS is being sucked up by the nerves and goes straight into the brain and by-passes the liver.  DMPS completely by-passes the gut.  Topical DMPS is absorbed through the skin.  You don’t need anything else.

Q: Where would high levels of uranium come from and how would you get rid of it?  A:  Sources of uranium are multiple.  Uranium could come from water, air, nuclear sites and yes, DMPS chelates it well.

Q:  What do you think about hyperbaric chamber therapy (HBOT – Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) used in conjunction with DMPS?  A: I’ve had children with every type of therapy and biomedical treatment imaginable, including stem cell replacement, in my office as my patients.  What these patients are reporting is that they get better on biomedical interventions, then level off and don’t improve anymore.  But, with DMPS, they keep the gains because the whole problem is mercury toxicity in the first place.  You don’t want to re-build the brain until you have stopped the degeneration of brain cells from poison.  You don’t want to put a roof on your house while there is a fire inside.  You put the roof back on the house after the fire is out!  After you get rid of the poison that is damaging their brains (mercury),  the kids go right back to where they left off developmentally and you can start to put the pieces back together and real healing can occur after that.  But, you have to get the poison out first because it is what’s causing the problem in the first place.  There is some research going on with hyperbarics (HBOT) and they may allow metals to be moved out maybe, but we don’t know.

Q:  Minerals? What when and how much do you give when you are chelating?  A:  We didn’t get good results when we were doing DMPS everyday with Abi.  It may have been because mineral depletion was too severe.  We also didn’t move as many metals out.  So we dosed DMPS every other day at the same time.  Say, 3:30pm everyday.  You do the minerals exactly 24 hours later, like at 3:30pm and you double the amount.  All minerals are good.  There isn’t one that is better than another.  Manganese, Selenium, Zinc are all good.  The thyroid and other metabolic problems come back after getting rid of the Hg.  One of my patients actually had his thyroid come back after a complete non-functioning thyroid for years.  Hormones level off either up or down to their proper status after proper chelation.  I’ve had husbands thank me for giving them their wives back.  Hg causes a reaction in so many metabolic processes that you even get rid of the detoxification function itself.  You don’t need to prepare a person before hand with minerals, but you can if you want.  I never did.  If any mineral is low, we up the dose to 3 or 5 times what that amount should be.

Q:  Yeast?  How is this caused?  A:  Yeast is not caused by DMPS or even DMSA for that matter.   The yeast is caused because they are immunosuppressed.  Mercury is an immunosuppressant.  The white blood cells are too low in autism because they are immunosuppressed.  The only people immunosuppressed are Transplant patients, cancer patients, AIDS and those with autoimmune disorders.

Q:  Do you suggest doing Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) along with DMPS?  A:  You don’t need ALA with DMPS.  If a person wants it that is fine but they don’t need it.

Q: How about special diets to cure autism in conjunction with the TD-DMPS?  A: I never used a special diet on my son.  Only 25% of the kids need a special diet.

Q: Is DMSA a slow chelator then?  A: DMPS is 10 times faster at chelating than DMSA.  That extra sulfhydryl group makes it synergistically a much faster chelator.

Q: Is lead bad and toxic?  A: Metals become more toxic the more you have.  They work synergistically when contained together.   DMPS will chelate lead and some cadmium even.

Q: How do you administer TD-DMPS?  A: A child takes it, rubs it in, you put it in their hand not yours.  It is almost like they know they need it.  At least it was that way with my son, Abi.  Don’t use a glove because it is latex and may have powder coating – both chemicals you don’t want to risk using.  You rub the child’s arms together if they can’t do it but THEY TAKE THEIR OWN MEDICINE.  DMPS does smell, but you will learn to deal with it.  Put it on the back of the legs, thighs are good, forearm, biceps are all good.  The stomach is not good because you need a vascular spot (place showing veins.)

Q:  I’ve heard that autistic kids have larger head sizes than normal and decreased blood flow to the brain.  Does head size return to normal and blood flow after TD-DMPS?  A:  You need to pull the metals out.  The body is trying to get rid of metals by flushing areas out with blood and possibly restricting blood to other areas as well.  Head size and everything else may heal.

Q: Are there preservatives, like thimerosol, in epidurals and anesthesia as well as vaccinations?  A:  Yes, all shots, anesthesia, epidurals, Rhogam and vaccinations, even the ones that don’t list thimerosol, still have mercury because they are not required to list it during manufacturing.  An infant may receive more than 60 times the amount of mercury that is considered safe from one doctor visit with several shots (video clip presented.)

Q: Is there anything that would keep a person from using DMPS in a patient, a contraindication?  A: Only if a person had an anaphylactic reaction to it which is extremely rare

Q: Do you use TD-DMPS with amalgams or do you remove them first?  A:  Get the mercury out of the body because removing amalgams can be very expensive.  Just chelate the mercury and don’t remove the amalgams.  If you do remove the amalgams, it is a good thing to get an IV-DMPS within 12 hours because the mercury floating around the body is so high, but you can chelate with the amalgams still in there.  They will not disintegrate or fall apart.

Q: Do you treat yeast before doing TD-DMPS?  A: No, we prescribe anti-fungals during treatment to maintain the yeast gone and use probiotics, etc. for yeast.  Yeast creates an additional stress to the body but mercury is the underlying issue for immune dysfunction and thus, yeast.

Q: Do you chelate your son still?  A:  Maybe one month a year I chelate him since those with autism have an underlying detoxification pathway and that is why they are autistic in the first place.

Q: Medications like Risperdol, Zoloft, do you use those with DMPS?  A:  Some meds you need to wean off slowly, some you need to keep on, but most meds, you should just take off cold turkey.  Anti-Seizure meds induce seizures!  It says so in the PDR (physicians desk reference) under side effects.  It really could be mercury toxicity that is causing the seizures in the first place.  You need to take out all the stuff that the body was not meant to have, maybe add a few natural supplements, but the body heals itself after you get the mercury out.

Q: What if Hg is through the roof on initial testing?  A:  Still treat with TD-DMPS, but likely this child will be less severe ASD because this shows they are excreting.  TD-DMPS will help the child excrete faster.

Q: Is 3 months of treatment on TD-DMPS enough even though the child is mostly recovered?  A:  No, 3 months is not enough for anyone.  Even if a child did DMSA for a year or more before starting DMPS, DMSA is a slow chelator.  You must be consistent for at least 6-12 months on DMPS to remove all the mercury in a partially chelated child.  You don’t want your child to remain even 10% autistic.

Q: Do you use Methyl B12 on your patients?  A: Yes, we now use it in conjunction with TD-DMPS, but did not on the original study.

Q: Are the kids on TD-DMPS for life then?  A:  Maybe they need it one month out of 12 (in a pulse mode) for the rest of their life, I don’t know.  They are non-detoxers and need extra help to counteract the things in the environment.

Q:  Do you treat cadmium removal with TD-DMPS?  A: No, get TD-EDTA for cadmium.  Use TD-DMPS first to get Hg out, then TD-EDTA for cadmium or a suppository of EDTA.  EDTA is an easier pull of cadmium than DMPS.  Go for the Hg first because it causes the most damage in our bodies, by far.  Then get rid of cadmium.  Always treat Hg first, even if it is lower, much lower than the other metals present.

Q: Do you chelate normal siblings of autistic kids?  A: Yes, you can especially if they have weird physical symptoms or ADD.  It is much more crucial to chelate in a developing brain, than a developed brain.

Q: Do you prefer IV-DMPS?  A:  I prefer TD-DMPS because it is slower, safer and a continuous flow.  You could do an IV drip once every other week in addition to the lotion, but it is not crucial.


发表于 2006-4-13 00:24:26 | 只看该作者


隔天方案对有些孩子不合适,汞激发后重新分配对有些孩子来说,简直就是灾难,我认识的孩子中就有用隔天方案后大倒退的,刚开始还是Andy方案(DMPS 8小时/次,1/8-1/2mg / lb)安全些.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-11 11:13:15 | 只看该作者

re:感谢楼主,lily_d和 zhtj212...

感谢楼主,lily_d和 zhtj212!

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-10 22:32:17 | 只看该作者

re:据说Dr. Buttar2002年底收治...

据说Dr. Buttar2002年底收治31例自闭症患者,有22个已经康复。果真如此,那我们的孩子就有希望了。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-7 20:19:30 | 只看该作者


這篇報告是Dr. Buttar (TD-DMPS tm發明人)寫的有關TD-DMPS的介紹,一位台湾家长翻译并发表,我从别的网站下载下来,供大家参考。

DMPS (2-3-dimercaptopropane-1-sulfonate) Information:

By Rashid A. Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM

DMPS o r 2-3-dimercaptopropane-1-sulfonate 是一個鄰位雙琉化合物,它是BAL的水溶性類似物,首先由L.N. Owen合成。這個化合物最先在中國發展,稍後被引入蘇聯用於治療重金屬傷害的工人。後來又被引進到德國,並被證實可以用於治療汞及鉛的急性和慢性中毒。DMPS在歐洲已經被廣泛使用了至少50年。



CH2---CH--- CH2---SO3Na

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如果從臨床角度和口服DMSA比較,TD-DMPS tm明顯優於DMSA。這個優勢可能是因為先前討論的腸胃道吸收的問題造成。DMSA用相同於TD-DMPS tm製劑方式也可以製成經皮膚吸收的的劑型,但是吸收比率沒有辦法達到如TD-DMPS tm的效果。經皮膚吸收的TD-DMPS tm可以消除上述的口服及靜脈注射給藥的問題和缺點並且在臨床使用已經超過兩年。2000年四月,TD-DMPS tm首先用於成人當作汞的螯合劑以試驗其效果。2001年9月TD-DMPS tm首次被用於孩童。

DMPS的毒性稍高於DMSA,但仍10倍低於BAL。DMPS引起全身皮膚多型性紅斑 ( Stevens-Johnson 症候群 )的發生率較高。Stevens-Johnson 症候群是罕見但有危險性的併發症。跟DMSA或BAL相較,DMPS在身體內的分布也略有不同。DMPS主要由腎臟排出,因此可以有效移出腎臟中的一些有毒重金屬。

剛開始時沮喪、憂鬱可能在排汞過程中出現,並可能伴隨其他症狀的惡化,但這些症狀在繼續治療後會慢慢消失。有經驗的臨床醫師在做一個有效的排毒治療時都會預期有這些反應,這些現象通稱為Hertzimer氏反應。汞離子的移動是造成這些症狀暫時惡化的原因,大部分患者的症狀會在治療30天內消失。身體內的汞離子量越多,Hertzimer氏反應越大,時間越長。但是大部分患者多可以觀察到行為的改善,因此都可以繼續接受治療。更重要的是接受TD-DMPS tm治療的患者有約一半以前曾接受DMSA治療。


根據報告DMPS無法穿過血管腦部障礙 (blood brain barrier)進入腦部,但是可以減少全身的汞離子總負荷。當身體汞離子總負荷被有效地降低後,根據離子由高濃度地區擴散到低濃度地區的原理,腦部的汞離子自然會慢慢離開腦部而改善認知功能,因此TD-DMPS tm治療的病患認知功能都有一致性的改善。


靜脈注射DMPS半衰期約2小時,超過95%會在12小時內排出。口服DMPS大部分會由糞便排出,約45分鐘會達到最高血中濃度,半衰期約45分鐘。(譯者注:此處資料似乎與我以前查到的資料有出入) TD-DMPS的半衰期並沒有建立,但曾在數位病患跟靜脈注射DMPS比較過,半衰期是靜脈注射DMPS的3到4倍;因此TD-DMPS tm的半衰期應該約6到8小時。計畫進一步使用同位素以更精確評估TD-DMPS tm的半衰期。


在無法自己排出汞的病患,如自閉症孩童或老年癡呆症的成人,使用螯合治療時,在排出汞以前,會先看到增加鍗、砷、鎳、及錫的排出。當那些重金屬開始減少時,汞的排出才會開始增加。記著!這些試驗只是告訴我們排出的那些重金屬的量。並不是告訴我們身體內的真正重金屬濃度和總量。在定性方面那些試驗是準確的,但在定量方面(真正總量)那些檢查並不準確。更重要的是我們要瞭解;在尿液試驗時,不同的重金屬會出現在不同的時間,因此在排毒治療過程中病患的症狀會改變。因為這些自閉症孩童是屬於對汞“無法排出者”(non-excretors), 因此我們會先觀察到在尿液中鍗、砷、鎳、及錫的排出增加,等到它們開始下降,尿中的汞才會出現。目前我們只觀察到這種一致的現象,還沒有辦法解釋為什麼。

跟其他螯合劑一樣,給DMPS前要先檢驗評估患者體內的礦物質的狀況,如有不足要先補充。觀察鎂離子的狀況最重要,因為治療中很多負面反應都是因為鎂離子不足造成。(雖然DMPS不會把鎂離子螯合出去)。硒是另一個TD-DMPS tm治療中須密切監測的重要礦物質。

使用劑量如下:隔天給予TD-DMPS tm 1.5mg/每公斤體重,最多不超過50滴 (=50mg)。每天的劑量可以分成2次給,但經常是一次給予全部劑量。當然,治療劑量及給藥次數應留給其主治醫師根據其治療計畫決定,但是重要的是同一天內的劑量給予應該越接近越好。這個原則主要是不要讓DMPS去跟隔天補充的礦物質競爭結合,而減低了螯合汞離子的效果。由於TD-DMPS tm並不是一個普遍接受的藥物,食品藥物管理局也僅核准使用於混合藥物內,為了安全的理由建議必須詳細的說明及簽署病患同意書。

鉻、銅、鋅必須在給予TD-DMPS tm 12小時後才能補充。否則DMPS會跟銅、鋅及其他好的礦物質結合,而不跟汞結合。所有的礦物質都應該在給予TD-DMPS至少24小時後再補充。(譯者注:Kirkman SNT不應和TD-DMPS同時給予,因為SNT含礦物質)


給TD-DMPS 10天後要檢查肝功能及血球,因為DMPS會造成肝酵素上升及血紅素下降。如果出現皮膚疹,就換擦藥的地方。這種皮膚疹不是過敏反應,因為它很快會消失而且不會復發。約有5%的小孩會出現皮膚疹。如果小孩感冒就暫停TD-DMPS治療,等感冒好了再從新開始TD-DMPS治療。約有5%的患童會出現輕微而短暫的白血球下降,可能是因為汞移動引起。可以暫停治療72小時,再從較低劑量開始,然後慢慢增加劑量。兩週後再做血球檢查。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-7 14:47:48 | 只看该作者


问: 矿物质呢? 在排毒时要服用什么,服用多少,什么时候服用?

答: 我们当时给Abi每天使用DMPS排毒时,效果并不好.这也许是因为身体里的矿物质缺失太严重了.我们也没有让他排出许多重金属.所以我们用了每隔一天在同一时间使用DMPS的方案排毒.比方说,每天下午3:30涂抹DMPS,24小时后服用矿物质,就是第二天下午3:30加倍服用矿物质.矿物质没有好坏之分.锰,硒,锌都很好.在排出汞之后,甲状腺和其它新陈代谢的功能都会有所恢复.我的一个病人在排毒后,多年不运作的甲状腺恢复了.荷尔蒙分泌也会因排毒而上升或降低而回到正常的状态.有一些丈夫因为妻子惊喜的转变而对我感激不尽.汞破坏体内的新陈代谢,甚至让你失去身体本身的排毒功能.你不用在排毒前事先提高体内矿物质的含量,当然你觉得需要,你可以这样做.我就没有让我的孩子先服用.如果哪一种矿物质低的话,可以按照正常量的3到5倍服用.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-4-7 04:01:01 | 只看该作者



还想说明一点,Dr. Buttar首创了TD-DMPS,他认为TD-DMPS可以排出各种体内重金属,但许多医生认为TD-DMPS对排汞效果不错,但排铅的话,DMSA 和 EDTA的效果比较好. Dr. McCandless 比较喜欢用TD-DMSA.

Dr.Buttar 对答的原文翻译如下:

问: 用DMPS排毒时需要配合使用小球藻吗?

答: 小球藻是水中的生物,会从环境中吸收汞,香菜素也是这样.所以,服用这些东西本身是否会给孩子的身体带来更多的汞,这应该引起思考.就使用DMPS.TD-DMPS从神经末梢吸收,直接进入大脑,不需经过肝脏.它完全不经过肠道.DMPS油是通过皮肤吸收的.你不需其他任何东西.






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