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楼主: 皮皮妈
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发表于 2003-1-21 20:28:28 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
I have spoken with Dr. Shaw about more of a discount. There are greater shipping costs for us to China. So, this does limit us a bit on how much more of a discount we can give for some tests. I mentioned to your cousin that it might save people some money if we ship the components of the kits to one location then you collect all the samples and send them back together in one shipment (one box). For example, if you get 50 people to send urine for the organic acid and peptide. I can send you 50 collection cups and gel packs instead of the 50 separate individual kits. Then, you can organize to send the 50 urine samples in one box. We can give a better discount if done this way. It will be less expensive for shipping for the patients and less expensive for GPL in shipping so we then can extend a greater discount.

I have asked Dr. Shaw about this and he informed me that the lowest we can perform both urine tests (if sent in this way) is $200 for OAT and Peptide tests together. This is a 33% discount. If they also want the food allergy panel we can perform this for $150 which is a 25% discount.

His email is williamsha@aol.com. If you want to correspond with him directly but it may take him a bit longer to get back with you as he is very busy and doesn't get to answer his emails frequently.

Thank you



    这是方老师让我为大家与实验室谈的价格折扣, 其中多亏我的表哥, 一个虔诚的基督徒的帮助, 有机酸与肽的价格33%的折扣, 过敏为25%, 我想这已经是一个很高的折扣了, 希望有要做的家长联系其他人一起做. 另外, 家长还要尽量能读懂英文, 会写, 收集尿样和血样都有很多事项要注意. 为了孩子, 加油吧.

 楼主| 发表于 2003-1-22 12:43:41 | 显示全部楼层


大家好, 我个人认为必要的生物治疗是很有效的, 所用的药物都是营养品, 没甚麽毒副作用. 越来越多的孩子正受益于这种治疗. 关于大家联合起来测试的意思, 我向美国实验室的意思只是关注他们寄来试管容器时可以一起寄过来, 因为单独寄要每个$40,我想可以大家在网上征集一下, 看有多少人要做, 让他们把这些容器寄到一个地方, 然后在国内分发给大家. 至于样本寄回去, 如果大家一起寄, 则是省了家长的钱, 因为单独寄要300元 . 可以一个城市的家长一起寄, 太多了也不方便.

    至于查重金属,GPL也可以查, 只是我没有问他们折扣的问题, 大家还是去Doctor's  Data Inc 去查吧, 到当地医院开个处方传真过去就行了,

We do require that the doctor ordering the test be licensed to order medical

testing. If the doctor is licensed there is no problems. We can send test

kits directly to your office and you can give them to the patient.

You can also give the patient a prescription that they can fax to us. The

test information would have to be in English so that we know what test kit

to send out.

Thank you,


    这是为大家争取重金属测试折扣的回复, 他们没有说明是否会给这口, 我会再问的.请家长登陆他们的网站去看看.


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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-24 17:19:03 | 显示全部楼层


实验室已经寄出50份采集样品的容器, 大概这一两天就可以到青岛, 到时再和方老师商量如何分发吧.请耐心等两天.


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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-25 23:29:20 | 显示全部楼层


采集样品的容器已经到达了青岛, 可是由于容器的数量有限, 以及样品采集, 邮寄的局限性, 这次容器只能提供给以琳和青岛的家长了. 方老师和我们这些做过测试的家长都很想帮助大家, 也会一直努力帮助大家做成这件事情, 但是由于样品邮寄, 付款等诸多的因素, 还请各位家长就近联系本市的家长, 由一位家长全面负责这件事情, 与我们联系, 我们通知实验室直接将容器寄给家长所在城市, 并给大家一个合理的折扣.

    由于样品采集过程和实验报告都需要大家能读懂, 所以要做测试的家长要在当地找到能为自己翻译的人, 我想更多的家长如果对生物疗法感兴趣, 自己应想办法读懂报告, 以后要做的事情还很多.

不知这样能否解答大家的问题, 总之无论是实验室还是以琳, 都无法针对个人, 如果这样就无法拿到折扣了, 所以要做的家长首先是联系当地的家长, 大家一起做.

    另外, 经济条件较好又急于快做的家长, 可直接与实验室联系, 只是拿不到折扣了, 不过会方便很多.


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 楼主| 发表于 2003-2-27 17:04:28 | 显示全部楼层


恒心,你好, 谢谢你这麽热心的促成这件事, 由于我做的是单项的有机酸测试, 所以他们给的折扣都是根据我做的和大部分家长做的, 每一项测试的折扣率也不同,如果你们有人可以跟他们谈一谈会更好.实在不行, 我也可以代大家问一下.


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