Dr G一再强调RDI是马拉松而不是百米赛跑,我也不断地提醒自己和飞飞妈,不能急!现在我重新确定了未来几个月的需要做的是继续加强第一阶段的活动,目标和检验的标准是“飞飞是否能体会到一起玩才是好玩的”以及“飞飞是否能形成有效的事件记忆”。这两个标准都可以通过观察飞飞对相片的直接反应得到评价,我期待有一天,飞飞看这生活照的时候兴奋地说起“我和表哥在打乒乓球欸!”“我和表妹在……”“我和…在…”
这些发现也给一个自闭症起因理论提供了新的证据,这个理论叫作“自闭症脑神经连接不足论”(theory of underconnectivity of Autism): 它假设自闭症的起因是因为大脑神经末稍之间的连接不够充分造成的。因为缺乏足够的连接,自闭症患者的大脑的各个部分一定要比常人更善于独立地工作,这也就使得有些自闭症患者在拼写及其他涉及到细节的工作上很优秀,但在理解更复杂的问题上困难重重。
I believe i can fly,I believe i can touch the sky!作者: panhj 时间: 2006-2-28 18:23 标题: Re:关于RDI理解实践的读书笔记 学习、研究、讨论是非常有乐趣的事情,我总是可以从讨论中获益不少,日前jz1207提出FloorTime和RDI的联系与区别,引起了我对FloorTime的兴趣,于是开始去看一些FloorTime的资料,发现FloorTime也很值得去深入研究!
You try the activity but change your facial expression so that you look bored, perhaps. If your child still is laughing, there's probably an element of entertainment
One way to check is to replicate the thing that made the child laugh but keep you face void of emotion and see if the child continues to enjoy it
if you play the same game and the child enjoys it even though you are simply going through the motions, it's probably entertainment, not emotion sharing
When working on emotion sharing, you want to set up a pleasurable activity; often something without objects. Because you're working on sharing emotions during pleasurable activities, you can use productive uncertainty to highlight that the enjoyment is what's happening between you, not getting something for eye contact