Using other protocols with higher doses (pulling more than the body can excrete)[/ALIGN]
and / or infrequent doses (not based half life) is likely to result in pulling mercury from various areas of the body and releasing it into the brain. A very scary thought.
What chelators are used?
The chelators used in Dr Cutler's protocol are ALA, DMSA and sometimes DMPS.
ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid - an antioxidant)[ul][li]Removes mercury & arsenic from the brain
[/li][li]Does not remove lead
[/li][li]Available over the counter
[/li][li]Must be given every
3 hours (may stretch to
4 hours overnight)
[/li][li]Not to be usedby anyone with mercury exposure in the past 3 months
(including people who have received a flu shot, people who have beenexposed to a broken CFL bulb or have amalgam fillings.)
DMSA (Meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid)[ul][li]Removes Lead and mercury from organs other than the brain
[/li][li]Does not cross the blood brain barrier.
[/li][li]Available over the counter
[/li][li]Must be given every
4 hours (can give every 3 hrs with ALA for ease)
[/li][li]Known to cause more yeast issues than ALA alone
[/li][li]Used with ALA, speeds the excretion of metals
DMPS (2,3-Dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid)[ul][li]Removes mercury & arsenic, not as good for Lead and not from the brain
[/li][li]Does not cross the blood brain barrier
[/li][li]Available only with a prescription
[/li][li]Must be given every
8 hours (or give with every other ALA dose)
[/li][li]Used with ALA, speeds the excretion of metals
What is a "Round?"
The chelator(s) you select are administered for 72 hours around the clock;
to their half life. The 72 hour period is called a "round." Following a round, you take
at least an equal amount of time off and then repeat.
For example, people typically follow a 3 day on / 4 day off schedule, starting on Friday and continuing through Monday morning. The balance of the week there is no chelation. If your child is in school, you should determine the specific hours which will maximize the time you can chelate.
Rounds can be longer than 3 days, but you should take an equal amount of time off round as you spent on... so a 5 day round requires a 5 day break. Longer rounds tend to be harder on the adrenals, so watch for signs of
adrenal fatigue.
It's been estimated that a child with ASD needs between 100 and 300 rounds to recover.
GETTING STARTED...Deciding what chelator to begin with:
Often people do several rounds with DMSA initially, to lower the total body burden, and then add ALA. At least one round this way is recommended.
In our case, we did 2 rounds with DMPS and then added ALA, using them both together for 32 rounds. Then we switched to DMSA to remove more lead. Most of our rounds lately have been ALA only.
Determining the dose:
Begin with 1/8 mg/lb or less. For future, gradual increases, consult the RFA group files. Do not change the dose in the middle of a round. Max dosage is 1/2 mg/lb.
With Caroline, we began with 1/12th mg/lb which was 3mg. Even after 42 rounds, she is still only at 5mg.
Purchasing the Chelator:
ALA can be bought at any health food store. Do not use R-ALA, only ALA. The main issue is finding capsules small enough to divide into the dose you need. At a traditional store 100-200 mg capsules will be the smallest you'll find.
Kirkman Labs sells 25 and 50 mg capsules.
The 25 mg also comes flavored if you prefer. Caroline does not mind the unflavored.
Pure encapsulations sells 100 mg which is ideal if you are dividing it at home. See our
DMSA is best purchased from Vitamin Research Products
It's available in 25mg or 100mg
DMPS is available only with a prescription which you can get from a physician.
Dividing the Chelator:
If your dose doesn't match the capsule size you have, you'll have to divide them into proper dosages. But don't despair, it's not as daunting as it may seem!
I've read several methods for how people divide them, but I think the way I do it is the easiest (obviously). You're free to be creative.
I use two pill boxes and put the chelator into compartments. See photos at right
Caroline's dose is 5 mg, and I use a 50 mg capsule (because I want to give her as little filler as possible at night time).
To Administer the dose, I use a miniature oral syringe, see #3 at right for details.
Insuring you don't miss a dose:
The regular timer on your phone is good for a backup alarm, but it's annoying to have to keep setting it. I like the App
Simply Pill Alert because you can set it for an interval (such as every 3 hours) and when it beeps, you
"simply" click "I will take my pill now." it resets to alert you in another 3 hours. You can also set any interval, so if you need to do 2 hr 45 min all day to move up the bedtime doses, you can.
Making a schedule plan out your schedule is important for two reasons:1. You want to time the nighttime dose so you won't need to wake up more than once.2. If you stretch the nighttime dose of ALA to 4 hours, your following day's times will need to be adjusted to get the night doses back on track.
For example, here is our typical schedule with ALA every 3 hours (3hr 45min at night)
Day 1
8:30 am / 11:30 am / 2:30 pm / 5:30 pm /. 8:30 pm / 11:30 pm // 3:15 am
Day 2
7:00 am / 9:45 am / 12:30 pm / 3:15 pm / 6:00 pm / 8:45 pm / 11:30 pm // 3:15am
Day 3
7:00 am / 9:45 am / 12:30 pm / 3:15 pm / 6:00 pm / 8:45 pm / 11:30 pm // ....
Notice on days 2 & 3, the daytime doses are shortened to 2h 45 min to ensure that the nighttime doses don't get too late, causing multiple night awakenings.
Required Supplements:
Dr. Cutler strongly suggests you take certain supplements when chelating. They are:
Some additional recommended supplements are Vitamin A & D, B vitamins (especially mb-12 and methyl folate), Molybdenum & Milk Thistle.
Because eliminating metals can flare yeast, many children also need an antifungal. There are many natural antifungals to choose from and
this page can help you select the right one for your child.
A fear of yeast should not stop you from chelating because metals suppress the immune system, causing fungal overgrowth in the first place. Yeast also binds to metals. Therefore, chelation is the one thing that can permanently end the battle with yeast. Parents often report that near round 50, yeast becomes significantly easier to control.
How do I get started?
If you're serious about starting AC chelation, I recommend joining the
Recovering Kids Facebook Group. There you can find help for many nuances and details specific to certain situations not covered here.
An example is the use of Adrenal
Cortex Extract (ACE). Children with low adrenal function will need to supplement it. I wrote about it here. The group has a file devoted to it.
.You can also buy Andy's book Amalgam Illness at
Heavy Metal Testing:
I'm inclined to say it's not critical. It's also not a requirement for the protocol. If you have a child with autism and a poor detox system (which goes hand-in-hand) and that child has been exposed to mercury, what are the chances he or she could benefit from chelation? Very likely -- and oftentimes one round will show results.
There are only two tests that will help you determine if you should chelate.1.
Urinary Porphyrin Test - Checks for abnormal levels of porphyrins in theurine, where different porphyrin levels correlate with body burden ofmercury, lead, or other toxic metals. Performed by a
French Lab. We did this test.
Hair test - The recovering kids group can help you order and analyze. The problem is that the analysis is tricky and involves "counting rules," making it slightly more of an art than a science. There are many children who benefit from chelation who technically didn't meet the counting rules. We have a hair test and I never truly figured out if Caroline did or didn't meet them because it just did not matter since we were seeing good results from our rounds.
Note: Never a good idea to do a challenge test (administering large doses of chelator and testing urine for metals being excreted). It's dangerous and proves nothing. Who wouldn't excrete large amounts of metals after given high doses of
chelator? Doctors who do that test have gotten a bad name for a good reason.
作者: xiaolangsy
时间: 2013-4-18 07:41
标题: re:[FACE=宋体]如果对做Porphyr...
andrew cutler 的chelation protocol的网址:
作者: xiaolangsy
时间: 2013-4-20 06:54
标题: re:[FACE=宋体]今天看到的很有意思的关...
RDI compared to DIR or Sonrise
Please visit for comparisons of ABA, Sonrise and DIR. Every so often I am asked the difference between Relationship Development Intervention and Floortime ( DIR).My experience is mostly of ABA and RDI, but last year I was fortunate enough to spend some time at an RDI conference with a good friend who is also training to be an RDI certified consultant, and at that time she was coming from a DIR treatment background.She shed some light on this very question. I hope this information is useful to anyone wanting to know some of the comparisons between the two therapies.I want to start by saying, after reading Dr Greenspans book and reading about DIR, that if RDI did not exist then my second choice would be Floortime or Sonrise. All three are developmental models for children on the spectrum. Another good program is from Dr MacDonald called communicating partners and is a nice compliment to a developmental program. All of these programs understand that you need to look at the childs development in order to address behaviors and thus helping the child overcome their obstacles.DIR ( Floortime) is a developmental program that has the foundational base of stages of development that the child goes through. They are[ol][li]shared attention/regulation[/li][li]engagement[/li][li]two way communication[/li][li]problem solving[/li][li]abstract concepts[/li][li]building bridges between abstract concepts.[/li][/ol]
Taken from Dr Greenspans book- you are going to put all of your effort and energy into "motivating" him to respond. You aren't just wanting it to happen--you are going to do a lot of creative interacting in order to tap into his motivation. He won't ever have to respond, but you want to focus so intently on his interests and behaviors that you find the motivational keys These basic principles are where DIR and RDI ( Relationship Development Intervention part.RDI’s foundational base is much more individual to the family and child on the spectrum. RDI is broken into Parent stages and Child Stages. Parent stages include education, readiness, apprenticeship and Guided Participation. Child stages begin at stage 1 and go up past stage 20, A Child in stage one is somewhere at the cognitive social understanding for dynamic thinking of a 3-9 month old. Each child stage builds upon the other to mimic typical development. The crucial difference with the two therapies is RDI is not child led. RDI places the parent in the original role as the guide for their child on the spectrum. This is how we parent a typical child, through a process called Guided Participation. All societies use this process and this is documented in the study of customs in many books, for example one is titled “Apprenticeship in Thinking” by Barbara Rogoff. RDI works from the belief that a child on the spectrum is no different then a typical child….other then their brain stopped developing typically at a crucial point. You may hear people say, My child was fine until so and so….etc. RDI takes each child’s point where they stopped developing typically, and seeks to restore their original developmental path. In essence, a developmental *Do Over*. Because of this, and because of the model of typical development, parents are taken through the developmental stages within the program and educated on how they, through their role as guide, can faciliate putting their child back on their own developmental track. What this means….and I have seen it not only with many children, but with my own, is that once this happens, they go through all the developmental stages and gaps are no longer an issue. I have found because of this, there is no need for additional therapies that try to generalize. A child who is back on their developmental track acts and is cognitively able to perform brain functions for their stage. Each child stage has Foundations, Elaborations, Discoveries, and Milestones. RDI and developmental research has shown, that within each stage that a child goes through Dynanic Intelligence is being fostered. When I reviewed the 6 base stages of the Floortime model that listed at the beginning, I certainly agree that everything listed is something that every child needs. However, with RDI, because there is so much more detail in the developmental stages, Co regulation, Non Verbal communication, and problem solving are part of each and every facet of the RDI program. No other program breaks down typical development and defines the opportunity to afford our children a DO Over. While I believe that DIR and Sonrise programs are adequate, they are not comprehensive enough to lead a child back onto typical development as RDI does. Because of this, there will always be a sort of *catch up * process with DIR or Sonrise, when a child exhibits behaviors, etc because of lingering gaps. The goal of RDI is to place a child back on their developmental track within two to four years, in which at that point, their Autism is no longer an obstacle. For example, with my oldest. He went through a behaviorial program for 4 years. He graduated from that program but had many behaviors and was very rigid. Because my younger son was so severe, and was not benefitting at all from behaviorial therapy, I had to search for alternative ways to help him. When I saw that RDI was benefitting my younger son, I started with my older son (he was 8 at the time) My older son, remember, having 4-5 years of therapy already, tested in stage 1 of RDI. That is a 3-9 month old level. I was heartbroken! Fastforward, This is our Third year of RDI, and he is in stage 7. What this means is he no longer qualifies as *ASD* since he exhibits no Autistic tendancies. His Autism has been remediated (no longer an obstacle). His development has returned to its typical path, and I basically can now watch him grow as a fine young man with minimal intervention (occasionally checking in with his stages to make sure he is on track) because he is back on his developmental track. He does not need reward systems, or compensations. He has learned the social intruistic motivation that a typical child his age understands, The difference between DIR and RDI is with RDI you can help your child master their development. RDI takes the same process that we, as individuals, follow with our typical children. It would seem silly to think we should walk around and let our typical two year old lead us and hope that we can motivate them to learn from us. Of course we don’t do this with our children, we guide them to teach them about our world. They are our Apprentices and we are their guides. This process is lost when a child has Autism because we are not getting that feedback that we would typically receive. We start having to compensate and prompt and do all the work in the interactions. Our language and communication become instrumental. RDI teaches how to reclaim Dynamic Intelligence that is so intuitive to us….but breaks down because of that lack of feedback and tantruming, etc. Autism has stopped the developmental process…RDI gets to the root of actually where development stopped, and restarts the process.Through our guidance, children learn that we, their parents, as their guides, hold the key to understandiing the dynamic world that we live in and that they can borrow our perspective for their motivation…exactly how a typical baby learns perspective taking, coregulation and the many channels of communication.As Dr Gutstein has always remarked, he simply has taken the research on typical development, and applied it to Autism. It works for children without Autism…..recreating the process works for children With Autism! I hope this has been helpful in understanding some of the differences. Please feel free to contact me with further questions and comments. Kathy Darrow
作者: xiaolangsy
时间: 2013-5-12 14:04
标题: re:神奇的骆驼奶偶然看到了生骆驼奶的...
Camel's milk is the closest milk to human mother's milk. Our bodies not only tolorate it well, our bodies thrive on it.[/ALIGN][/li][li][ALIGN=justify]
Camel's milk has triple the amount of vitamin C found in cows milk.[/ALIGN][/li][li][ALIGN=justify]
Camel's milk has TEN TIMES the amount of antibacterial and antiviral properties found in cow's milk.[/ALIGN][/li][li][ALIGN=justify]
Camel's milk contains an insulin like protein that survives the digestive tract and may benefit people with certain forms of diabetes.[/ALIGN][/li][/ol]
作者: xiaolangsy
时间: 2013-6-22 01:06
标题: re:已经有一个多月没记录了,小宝就快3岁了,...
已经有一个多月没记录了,小宝就快3岁了,语言还是很落后,有限的短语,偶尔零星冒出的我要...句子也没再出现。我很担心他会不会永远这个样子,永远不能象正常孩子一样说话。前几个星期它不但没有进步语言和目光对视还退步了。我反思了很久是什么原因造成的,决定给他停掉了骆驼奶。换了一个牌子的鱼油。看到omega3和omega6的比例要适当,应该是4:1的比例,我们之前给他吃的只有omega3,换成了Nordic PropPFA的鱼油,吃了2个多星期了吧,语言又处于缓慢进步的状态,目光对视也好一些了。骆驼奶开始时的作用很好,后来也许起了反作用,小宝对奶还是不耐受的,看来leaky gut还是个问题。最近外公外婆来了,每天和她说的话多了,对他的进步也是有很大帮助的。外婆说让小宝去帮她把纸拿过来,小宝会照做。告诉他纸在垫子下面他也能找出来,这在以前是做不到的。小宝昨天用项链围了一圈,里面放上lego的小窗户,还有一朵小花,一只小猫和一只小狗,还有一个玩具小人和一个高尔夫球,他拿起小狗说汪汪汪,用小狗装了一下球说踢球,拿起小人跳着走到车上又走回来说回家。很好的pretend play,我看了还觉得很可爱的样子。之前和他玩几个小人围在积木旁,我说lunch time他就把小人的投放低说yum yum yum,我说nap time,他就把小人放倒让他们睡觉了,去朋友家玩过蹦床,他第一次敢进去和小朋友一起跳了,玩得很开心,不过爸爸也在里面陪着他他才敢玩。回来第二天我把一个小人放在积木上说jump jump jump,他也拿了一个在旁边也说jump jump jump,还笑了,看来是想起了前一天玩蹦床的事了。
作者: xiaolangsy
时间: 2013-6-22 01:23
标题: re:小宝会骗人了,昨天吃完饭他想下去玩了,说...
小宝会骗人了,昨天吃完饭他想下去玩了,说拉尿拉尿,这个词是他自己发明的,估计是把拉粑粑和尿尿混在一起组了个词,但是也还是有意义的,我忙把他高登上的扣子解开准备带他去厕所,结果他一溜烟跑去玩了,脸上还带着得意地笑,我气急败坏的给他说你忘了狼来了的故事啦,骗人的孩子被狼吃,快去peepee,洗手,他不情愿地被我抓去了。小宝晚上听故事要自己选书了,good night moon是他曾经的最爱,读了几十遍之后会背了,不再要求读了,但是每天要先拿它放在旁边才肯看其他的书,昨天再要给他读,他看也不想再看了。前几星期的新宠是curious george chocolate factory,读了许多遍了,这个语言复杂,他是背不下来的,估计还是处于对食物的热爱,但凡看见书里有人吃东西,一定要看了又看不肯翻到别的页去,我家的这个吃货可怎么办呀。妈妈说每已经有一个多月没记录了,小宝就快3岁了,语言还是很落后,有限的短语,偶尔零星冒出的我要...句子也没再出现。我很担心他会不会永远这个样子,永远不能象正常孩子一样说话。前几个星期它不但没有进步语言和目光对视还退步了。我反思了很久是什么原因造成的,决定给他停掉了骆驼奶。换了一个牌子的鱼油。看到omega3和omega6的比例要适当,应该是4:1的比例,我们之前给他吃的只有omega3,换成了Nordic PropPFA的鱼油,吃了2个多星期了吧,语言又处于缓慢进步的状态,目光对视也好一些了。骆驼奶开始时的作用很好,后来也许起了反作用,小宝对奶还是不耐受的,看来leaky gut还是个问题。最近外公外婆来了,每天和她说的话多了,对他的进步也是有很大帮助的。外婆说让小宝去帮她把纸拿过来,小宝会照做。告诉他纸在垫子下面他也能找出来,这在以前是做不到的。小宝昨天用项链围了一圈,里面放上lego的小窗户,还有一朵小花,一只小猫和一只小狗,还有一个玩具小人和一个高尔夫球,他拿起小狗说汪汪汪,用小狗装了一下球说踢球,拿起小人跳着走到车上又走回来说回家。很好的pretend play,我看了还觉得很可爱的样子。之前和他玩几个小人围在积木旁,我说lunch time他就把小人的投放低说yum yum yum,我说nap time,他就把小人放倒让他们睡觉了,去朋友家玩过蹦床,他第一次敢进去和小朋友一起跳了,玩得很开心,不过爸爸也在里面陪着他他才敢玩。回来第二天我把一个小人放在积木上说jump jump jump,他也拿了一个在旁边也说jump jump jump,还笑了,看来是想起了前一天玩蹦床的事了。妈妈说没次中午去幼儿园借他,别的小朋友都上厕所或躺床上准备睡觉了,就他还在慢悠悠地吃饭。别的小朋友回自己洗手然后抽纸巾擦手,他也不会。在幼儿园里不理别人,每次自己呆呆地蹲在沙堆里弄得满身土。唉,我的傻儿子啊,我怎么才能帮助你呀。
作者: xiaolangsy
时间: 2013-6-22 01:35
标题: re:最近在联系RDIconsultant,准...
作者: xiaolangsy
时间: 2013-8-1 06:11
标题: re:小宝最近又有进步。昨天我们带他去骑小车。...
小宝最近又有进步。昨天我们带他去骑小车。爸爸拉着小宝,妈妈作指令,妈妈说clap your hands, put up your hands, touch your nose, head, ears, shoulder, face, knees, legs, feet 每一项小宝都笑着看着妈妈,跟着妈妈准确的做对了。小宝最近听指令有进步。只要是他注意的时候发的清楚的指令他都能跟着做对。小宝昨天跟妈妈玩跑步和停下的游戏。能很好的听指令跟上妈妈的步伐。和妈妈的互动很好玩的特别开心。
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